“PREPARE FOR A BLOODBATH!” US Regulators Have Declared War Against Crypto – Lawrence Lepard

    I can foresee a time in the future where quote unquote the dollar is failing they’re printing a lot of money there’s yield curve control inflation is running 15 or 20% a year Bitcoin is at 150,000 going to 300 gold is at 3,000 going to 5,000 and somebody down there in DC is going to say you know what these sound money guys they’re killing this dollar they’re they’re killing and this is damaging this is a matter of fraking National Security we got to save the dollar you know we’ve got a solution to that we need to tax gold capital gains at 90% tax Bitcoin capital gains at 90% And by the way and we’re going to grab all the Bitcoin Lawrence leopard is a popular sound money Advocate investment manager and Gold stock fund manager over the past few years leopard has been on a journey of recovery going from a staunch gold bug to a Bitcoin maximalist while he believes there are lots of similarities between both assets he acknowledges that Bitcoin is the best hedge against Fiat debasement Reckless monetary policies by Central Banks and the inevitable collapse of the Global Financial system leopard recently sat for a highly insightful discussion with YouTuber Robert Breedlove during which they discussed amongst other things executive order 6102 executive order 6102 was signed by US President Franklin Roosevelt on April 5th 1933 forbidding the hoarding of gold coin gold bullion and gold certificates within the Continental United States the reason for the order was that investors were hoarding gold due to the depressing economic situation at the time stalling economic growth and worsening the depression the order also required all persons to deliver on or before May 1st 1933 all but a small amount of gold coin bullion and certificates in their possession to the Federal Reserve in exchange for $20.67 per troy ounce during his discussion with breed love Robert examines some concerning parallels between the economic situation in the 1930s and the current state of the US economy cautioning that the US government May soon be motivated to proclaim a similar order this time with Bitcoin as we bring you clips from the interview please take a little time to like this video subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more videos like this you can also join the conversation by dropping your thoughts comments observations in the comment section below everything you do helps with the YouTube algorithm and immensely contributes to the Channel’s growth thanks and enjoy the video so let’s go back to why Roosevelt did what he did okay uh we were in the depression it was 1933 bunch of banks had just failed we’d had enormous deflation I mean enormous like like there’s never been an event like it um housing prices had collapsed 80 80% 90% um all these Bank there was there was just not enough money in the system even though they were trying to print money and push it out unemployment was 30% um and they knew that you know and and by the way they were on the gold standard you know um a dollar could be exchanged for a $20 gold coin you go into a bank and back and forth um and they knew that they needed to get out of this deflationary environment and they knew that they were going to need to inflate and they knew that to do so they had to push up the price of gold M and so what Roosevelt did was he he and he realized and and this is frankly it’s criminal behavior and my grandfather hated him for it um he said you know turn in your gold or $110,000 fine in jail um by the way there was a lot of non-compliance even back then it was a much more compliant country that believed in the government but still a lot of people said you know Screw you I’m not doing that but many people did and of course soon after he turned it in he revalued it um from the 2067 to $35 and uh so it was a 70% devaluation of the dollar in gold terms and then went back on the gold standard but made it illegal for uh Americans to own it um and so it was really a way of reinf lating the currency and getting out of the deflationary event that had occurred and by the way that event occurred because of Federal Reserve violating their Charter and Federal Reserve was formed in 1913 3 years later World War II broke out they immediately violated their Charter and printed money to help finance the war and then they kept going and they held interest rates artificially low which is what created the bubble in 29 and you know bernacki who’s a scholar of the depression said well the mistake there was we didn’t print enough money after the bubble burst no the mistake was they held interest rates artificially low to create the bubble to begin with right and and by the way that greatly damaged my grandfather and and his wife who had a business and they had expanded it in 27 and taken on debt to expand it and they were getting the wrong signals you know the signal was hey the economy’s on fire you got to grow your business right and of course the economy wasn’t on fire the economy was infl hyper inflating you know right based on fake signals um so so that they did it to get out of a deflationary trap and then they figured letting the letting citizens own this is too dangerous you know we want to have control of this gold not let citizens have control of gold so you know you now can’t Own It by the way um in the in that decade the gold stocks gold mining stocks went up 10x um because it was the only way for US citizens to participate in gold right right right um okay let’s go let’s roll it Forward because here we are and um you know this is this is a controversial topic okay because and I’ve had people you know um very high places in the Bitcoin World others say to me you know let’s not push the hyperinflation narrative and the reason to not push the hyperinflation it’s scary um and we don’t want to terrify people and we want to be positive about Bitcoin and positive about where it goes way back went on Twitter a couple years ago I would always post the hyperinflation chart of the day you know not being a doomster let’s just be realistic one of the possible outcomes of the monetary trap trap we’re in is that we have hyperinflation you you just can’t deny that in a best case scenario we will have high inflation and transition to sound money and that’s what I’m rooting for okay because I don’t hyperinflation hurts a lot of people I don’t want to see that happen but to pretend like it can’t happen I think that’s naive too you’re sticking you’re sticking your head on the ground of course according to recent estimates from the US Congressional budget office CBO the US federal budget deficit will grow to $1.8 trillion in 2025 and continue to grow steadily until it hits about $2.6 trillion in 2034 the bipartisan agency also estimates that the deficits as a percentage of GDP will grow to about 6.1% in 2025 levels only exceeded during and shortly after World War II the 2007 to 2009 financial crisis and the Corona virus pandemic since the Great Depression this is why in an earlier report the CBO stated that the US is on an unsustainable fiscal path the situation the CBO captures is worrisome and concerning yet experts believe the situation would be worse than the agency anticipates Lawrence captures it beautifully in his pinned post on Twitter the post accompanied by a chart of the US GDP represented by the blue line and the nation’s debt in the red line reads the Blue Line generates income to pay interest on the red line see the problem it’s just math he adds the hashtags wymer Republic and forth turning to show the severity of what’s coming let’s get back to the video let’s move to the government we know they lie to us we know they protect themselves we know they do whatever they can to keep their scheme going yes I can foresee and this is why I think it’s so important for everybody to self- custody and to not be in the ETFs yeah I can foresee a time in the future where quote unquote the dollar is failing they’re printing a lot of money there’s yield curve control inflation’s running 15 or 20% a year Bitcoin is at 150,000 going to 300 gold is at 3,000 going to 5,000 and somebody down there in DC is going to say you know what these sound money guys they’re killing this dollar they’re they’re killing and this is damaging this is a matter of fraking National Security we got to save the dollar and just like they sold war bonds to finance World War II it’ll become a crusade you know sound money people are evil we have this great Keynesian system going on and they’re effing it up mhm so you know we’ve got a solution to that we need to tax gold capital gains at 90% % tax Bitcoin capital gains at 90% And maybe make them turn in the gold of course no one owns gold anymore so and and it would be you know all the all the armed people that are buying at Costco they’re not turning in their gold I can assure you of that it’s over their dead body but you know and they might say by the way and we’re going to grab all the Bitcoin and and you know there’s some who think very conspiratorially it’s possible that they let these ETFs go through with the idea that we would much rather have this in a system that we can control and pull call in than have everybody be a hodler with their own self- custody solution because if they do decide to do a 6102 on bitcoin it’s pretty easy you know they call up Fidelity they call up Black Rock they call up all the major they say guys it’s all over give them cash send the Bitcoin to us yeah you know it’s illegal to own Bitcoin in the United States yeah you know what are the odds of that potential outcome they’re not zero right I mean you know I don’t know if they’re 50% I I don’t know how to handicap that I’d probably say maybe today my best guess is that’d be a 30% shot yeah I hope that we shove these problems out far enough and there are enough bitcoiners and enough support for sound money and enough knowledge that their system just dies without them having that last grasp at our throats right do you know what I mean that’s what I hope that we move to our standard without them trying to do that but you know that might be a naive wish on my part you know they might try to do that and so as you well know but the audience should hear you know this is why there is a risk you know and this is why we hardcore Maxi bitcoiners say not your keys not your coins yeah and you know so if you have your coins you know on an ETF at you know who’s custody at coinbase they could come to you and say you know sorry guys here’s you know we’ll give you cash we recognize they’re worth 200 Grand a piece fine we’re not going to steal them from you we’re going to give you today’s Cash cash value right but you’re going to give those coins back to the government right and guys like me you know if they go that route and they decide they’re going to basically steal the fruits of my 66 years of Labor my response is going to be you know mo on La Bay mother you know come come and get it you know I I’m on a boat to Italy yeah you know I’ve got my 12 words and you know unless Italy goes along and if Italy decides not to go along fine I’m on a boat to El Salvador you know but I’m going to live some place where my property rights are respected Amen to that you know and and I think I think all hardcore bitcoiners feel the same way yeah you know and and I’m and I’m no longer a US citizen I hope that we transition in the right direction you know um it doesn’t happen so quickly that it forces them into that yeah bitcoiners become more rich and and Powerful I think I said this you know in another podcast post Madera I you know I could see sailor being president someday yeah and I actually think that’d be a really good thing that would be a huge one I mean you know I I think I mean I would trust any bitcoiner in high office over the people we have there today anyone it doesn’t matter even the guys I don’t like in other news veteran trader Peter Brandt believes the US Securities and commission and other agencies are about to unleash another round of witch hunting activities on the cryptocurrency industry in a post shared a few days ago on Twitter Brandt predicts a severe Crackdown by us Regulatory Agencies on specific sectors of the cryptocurrency industry especially staking activities the post reads if the crypto Community is upset over the SEC treatment of xrp eth and all as Securities wait until the OCC SEC and treasury do a Full Assault attack over staking it’s going to be a blood bath in a follow-up tweet Brandt notes that staking is flat out illegal and the Crackdown will be a complete bloodbath Shark Tank star Mark Cuban has also expressed concerns about the SEC and Gary gendler’s witch hunting activities against the cryptocurrency according to Cuban the former principal owner of the Dallas Mavericks gensler’s actions could set cryptocurrency investors against Joe Biden’s Administration impacting his re-election prospects the post reads if Joe Biden loses there is a good chance you will be able to thank Gary Gensler and the SEC crypto is a Mainstay with younger and independent voters Gensler has not protected a single investor against fraud all he has done is make it nearly impossible for legitimate crypto companies to operate killing who knows how many businesses and ruining who knows how many entrepreneurs this is also a warning to Congress crypto voters will be heard in this election you could solve this problem for Biden by passing legislation that defines registration that is specific to the crypto industry just as other Industries have registration that is defined for them Cuban also suggested assigning the role of regulating the cryptocurrency industry to the cftc what are your thoughts on leopard’s interview and Branson Cuban’s tweets all discussing the inappropriate and uninformed outlook on cryptocurrencies and digital assets by us regulators and some politicians please drop your comments and observations in the comment section subscribe to the channel and give this video a thumbs up thanks for watching for

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    Credit: Robert Breedlove
    Fix the Money, Fix the World with Lawrence Lepard (WiM469)

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    1. You may recall that when Iran recently attacked Israel gold went up and bitcoin went down – which one is a real store of value when problems develop. Bitcoin is based on the greater fool theory. It can be replaced by better technology – that is what happens in the tech world. Bitcoin of course is going to $300K, or maybe 250K, or possibly 750K, or most likely $1million or else someone will cut off their member and eat it. I'm just glad when these guys talk like this they give out written guarantees backed by Solana or maybe better yet Dogecoin, to the moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon, hodl.

    2. Our American Mafiosos Government πŸ€”πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ€‘πŸ‘ΉπŸ€‘ making sure US πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² the real American people are enslaved in one way or another… America the land of the slaves and Slavery Minimum Wage placing shackles and chains without the physical chains β›“οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ€‘πŸ‘Ή

    3. Our best brightest will renounce citizenship is if they take the crackdown too far. In my opinion they are about to 180 and open the floodgates. Men lie, women lie but charts don’t lie.

    4. The governments very long history of mishandling money lead us to our predicament within the country, so they come up with different ways to take money from citizens who do, so they can mishandle that as well. Solid example of β€œkicking the can down the road”

    5. Realistic assessment as history always repeats itself. The Roosevelt theft of gold has a precedent for US president to β€œ act in the best interest of the the national security .”

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