Kendu Inu is the next shib

    Posted by Historical_Drink_486


    1. HamsterDunce on

      If you had any doubts… we saw multiple 20+ ETH buys yesterday during our little correction. The big boys are officially watching us and waiting for their opportunity to get in.

    2. fuccckoffffff1com2u on

      Our army is forming so quickly and is so strong , nothing can stop us ! 🪖
      ” We don’t gamble , We work “

    3. Reasonable-Glass5381 on

      When shytoshi plays his hand it is gonna be crazy! Buckle up $KENDU fam!

    4. SlashRModFail on

      LMAO. The cope in this thread. There’s a lot of “next shib”, this is not the first one to eventually fail, and won’t be the last one either.

    5. HumblestofBears on

      I wish they would just be honest about what the goal is: we want to pump and build a fortune shilling a token that is basically a gamble and then exit rich while other cult-members hold the bag.

    6. Buy Kendu, get your helmet on, get to work shilling. Tried and tested formula.

    7. 99redball0ons on

      Wow, just a few days ago there were 3-4 redditors posting about Kendu, and now it seems like a there’s whole bunch of us in here! Awesome community vibe.

      Should have got into meme coins much earlier.

    8. ManBearPigRoar on

      Whenever I see posts like this, it makes me want to learn how to short.

    9. how easy is it to buy? doesn’t even show up when searching in trust wallet. pass.

    10. Gullible_Touch2735 on

      The conviction of the community is always high here. I’ve never seen anything like it.

    11. Restlesswargodian on

      The first comments on here are new accounts with only posts about kendu someone’s trying very hard .
      I’ll help
      OMG this is an easy 1000x best coin I’ve ever seen so much better than shib buy it or be a loser forever x

    12. If you’re already in profit, it’s wise to sell because I know memecoins will eventually die after whales dump them. Anyway, if you take profits, you can allocate some funds to the ongoing Peaq token sale on Coinlist. Peaq network is a long-term project, and I’m also bullish on DePIN.

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