Retail FOMO Returns to Bitcoin and Crypto

    welcome back to crypto Zoros I’m George we’re all George so today we got a little bit of excitement retail fomo comes back due to what one individual person that no one thought would be coming back today but we did see some excitement with Bitcoin with crypto with meme coins and with some stocks so let’s talk about all these things and more and what more can we expect possibly tomorrow all right let’s do it welcome welcome welcome guys Bitcoin is holding strong in fact not only wrong we got a really good indication I think could be a good signal of what’s to come so I just noticed not too long ago do you guys see this this Wick right here this scam Wick okay with actually tremendous amount of volume right here you could see that was actually a tremendous amount and why this is relevant because last time we had this happen with this much volume we saw Bitcoin dropped from basically our current level 63,000 all the way down to about 60,000 and went down to 6,100 okay and it looked like whatever whale out there tried to do it again try to drop Bitcoin from 63,000 down to 61 you could you could see that that volume is massive and we had that scam Wick but it was eaten up right away and we still stood strong at 63,000 I think that’s a really good indication that’s like a good signal of maybe the momentum swing backwards now okay and we’re still sitting right where we are at 63,000 which is absolutely fantastic and of course a lot of alts did go up today and this is all led by this a pair of stocks okay actually just one really and then and then the other one followed but uh GameStop went up 70 something sent today and so did AMC and it’s all to the this guy right here roaring Kitty the guy who kind of started it all Keith Gil uh I guess he disappeared for three years and he came back and his jolted like the the Wall Street bets guy and now everyone is getting involved once again in fact the short sellers we love to see short sellers Get Wrecked short sellers certainly did almost 1 billion in liquidation today with the short sellers of GameStop that’s not even cover covering AMC so I don’t know maybe that’s another like half billion or something but that’s kind of what started it all today again kind of like a big Fu to basically the hedge funds I don’t know Wall Street the government everything right everything that’s wrong in the world this is kind of like a big Fu to them and even in aftermarket you could see GameStop went up 74% today aftermarket went up 71% and AMC went up 78% today and up 24% in the aftermarket so tomorrow is going to be very interesting because we saw what happened before when you get a whole bunch of retail investors that just keep buying and buying and buying and buying and as short sellers they don’t know what to do they just keep getting liquidated and it could cause again some hedge funds to go under and this of course relates to crypto too and I’ll get to that in a little bit um in terms of all the meme coins that went crazy today absolutely crazy but yeah that’s what kind of started it right and you can see AMC doubled its market cap from 800 million to 1.6 billion billion that’s crazy it’s crazy what a day or just what one person can do right really this is just a prime example of what one person’s movement have turned into and what a bunch of retail investors going up against hedge funds what they can accomplish and the power of the people can still fight back that’s basically what it’s proving right kind of like with Bitcoin it’s it’s exactly the same bitcoin’s of course a little bit slower but over the last 10 plus years it’s been gaining more and more and more strength right again kind of like gme and AMC Bitcoin is basically big Fu to the banks the big banks in the Federal Reserve and central banks around the world because Satoshi knew that none of them really knew uh how to protect the people right uh they’re good at protecting Banks but not the people and the banks do a lot of shenanigans all the time and so does central banks too and governments that’s why Bitcoin was created kind of a big Fu and is slowly gaining more and more and more and more strength as time goes on right so we do see Bitcoin coming up a little bit today like I said I just showed you guys that scam Wick down seems to have at least the buyer kind of just put a hole to it let’s see what can happen tomorrow or even tonight right can Bitcoin gain more strength and find a footing here and go upwards well all the signs are indicating yes it’s just a matter of when here’s a here’s a look of well the M1 money supply and you could see how it’s starting to tick up a little bit okay okay which is actually not a good thing for inflation but it’s a great thing for Investments like Bitcoin so when you have money starting to swirl around out of nowhere being printed out of thin air and being distributed out well that usually means good things are going to happen to hard assets like Bitcoin okay and you got more Banks disclosing they hold Bitcoin Bank of Montreal says they hold Bitcoin ETFs right in their recent filing UBS the largest Swiss bank also disclosed they have Bitcoin ETF it seems like every single day we’re getting more and more confirmation from some of the largest banks on Earth and financial institutions they all hold some Bitcoin ETFs which in turn causes the funds to buy more and hold more Bitcoin right right so overall we are definitely moving in the right direction and again just like the movement against Wall Street Bitcoin is a movement against Fiat if you think about it a much bigger task to overthrow Fiat to overthrow those that are in charge of Fiat that are just deluding its value away through inflation right it’s a bigger much harder Mission but that’s what Bitcoin was created to do to fight against so Bitcoin you guys know still fundamentally sound reserves still dropping slowly but surely over time there will be less of it going forward the scarcity Factor will come into play Supply shock we’re starting to see that already right so fundamentally Bitcoin is as strong as ever and even from a technical standpoint we’re seeing some good things here’s the breakout here’s a bullish flag breakout on the 4H hour chart that’s pretty positive also we just had we just recover and had a 24% drop and if that is the low of this current dip that means we are getting ready to go higher right so that was uh what a couple weeks ago this weekend we dropped to 60 but we now recover back to 63 are we building and getting ready for the next leg up kind of looks like it so we’ll see we’ll see and lastly just want to show you guys this Bitcoin once it starts moving up right where’s the next leg up who knows we got to break through 73,000 first 75 80 90 100,000 this morning I covered how there was a prediction made that within 9 months by January 2024 Bitcoin could be around 150 to $350,000 in 9 months love to see that happen although I think that may be a very a very bullish prediction but it could happen look at what happened to the memes today right if money starts flowing in which it has started already but more will flow in once it starts it’s never going to stop and Bitcoin will only get stronger from here and out all right so that’s Bitcoin obviously though a lot of you guys are wondering well if gme and AMC pumped up so much what about the memes and I was looking at this morning and I was shocked to see them right because the gains were crazy so the gme meme uh I think this morning was around around 50s and I said hey take some profits you know what it went up higher and now it’s it went down Consolidated it’s around 62 million it went up like 1,00% now it’s now it’s down to like 400% but I mean it went up like crazy crazy those that held on made a ton of money and there’s also a few others that are kind of associated roor and kitty the person that’s kind of behind it all there’s a new meme that also came out today this is up 1,200% at $23 million that’s kind of crazy and then someone else of course started AMC and AMC is starting to go up and this is all on Soul by the way and this one’s around $9 million this is the cheapest of the three so if tomorrow GameStop and AMC continues to go up I think all three will probably go up but AMC does look like it’s the kind of like the the bargain of the three out there but it’s not just these three others like Pepe today and Flaky Doge everyone basically had a good day because you know when retail fomos they fomo into memes I mean that quite simply that’s it I saw I saw a lot of these memes just Skyrocket today with a huge green Candlestick then came down a little bit but overall most of them are in the green and pepe today broke 4.5 billion in market cap now it’s distancing itself away from whiff even Pepe seems to be gaining a lot of strength and people are speculating what if Pepe follow in the same footsteps as do that’s what it looks like if it follows the same footsteps as do back in 2021 basically it’s going from where it is now 4 point something billion to hundred billion okay that’s what Doge did a lot of you guys remember that but Doge hit basically a100 billion in peak of 2021 and that was when I think Elon went to SNL I remember and Doge went to 70 cents right that’s how crazy memes can get just look at where Pepe is not saying Pepa for sure will fall the steps of Doge but if it does there’s still plenty of gains left right and this is what Doge did before this is what Doge did before and could be going more and then lastly I saw this could be pure rumorville could be pure nonsense but breaking X working on implementing Dogecoin I think we’ve all heard that rumor for a while now over many years years will Elon Implement Dogecoin into X is it going come out with the payment system if so will utilize crypto will there be a homegrown wallet that’s built in you know a lot of unanswered questions but if it does integrate Doge it’s going to be huge absolutely huge all right that’s it let’s do some Q&A and overall today 1.64% not bad all right let’s see if I miss anything scrolling up let see crypto pricey okay I’m not going to repeat all the jokes but I also agree some things seems sus about ton yeah I don’t I can’t pinpoint it it could be false but ton movement seems very unnatural but someone’s dumping a lot of money in there for sure um Camille says we won’t see 60k under 60k 65k is next could be right now we’re kind of stuck at that 63 mark this morning we broke above a little bit 633 that’s when the memes were really taking off now we’re a little bit below but we did we did have someone try to sell off hard over here and look at at it someone’s trying right now someone’s trying really hard you can see the volume of cells right now someone or some entity is trying very hard to knock down Bitcoin but it seems like Bitcoin Bulls are back and holding strong it it it reminds me a lot like this like you see all the the red red volume over here trying to drop it uh but you know Bitcoin just couldn’t sustain but right now it seems like someone’s trying just not really working but anyways we will see and tomorrow if we see Wall Street go crazy again we can see more movement Pepe is the goat cocka blow Minds uh thoughts on APU Keys S I can’t pronounce that and I really don’t know anything about this it looks like another deformed frog um it’s 263 million so all time the charts actually look pretty decent just kind of climbs up a up AA uh I’ve seen this before I don’t know anything about it but I will say from a sh perspective that looks pretty steady it’s eth though I wonder is this base or eth this is eth uh we’ll stay away from it even like with everything that happened today it’s all Soul memes I think base memes may get weaker again now that soul is back in full force but we’ll see uh tornado T tube says not seeing a value in tongue can’t use in US crashes both my Linux Ma I do use I do use telegram itself is fine but I I know some there’s bots on there but like the whole point of tongue coin see seems like they’re using all their marketing dollars to try to bring daps to Telegram and I don’t know if it’s really necessary I don’t know there’s just weird there’s like a weird integration between Telegram and ton chain and ton daps yeah there I don’t know there’s just there’s something going on uh Carlos says Jordan we need Your Meme coin man I just it’s uh it’s tough it’s tough for me to ever come out with one well tomorrow’s data crashed the market well tomorrow we will have PPI inflation data which is telling but CPI on Wednesday is going to be more telling so we’ll have to see what happens with with uh with bul data I think tomorrow’s will be telling if inflation goes up surprisingly if inflation goes up it may help Bitcoin we have seen that before right because more and more people that are sick of inflation and don’t want to see their buying power decrease they they come to bitcoin so we may see that dude my friend bought Pepe on day one and still holds craziest things happen in crypto he must be like a billionaire then if he bought Pepe day one uh will ICP ever bounce back I I can’t tell you I can’t tell you Mike is saying did you see the Tweet Andrew from Andrew Tay he’s crazy I don’t know did he I I think he said he sold some Bitcoin to go all in on gme or something like that you know who knows if that’s real or not and whether it does anything uh there might be hope for xrp check out the interview with uphold CEO I’ll link it yeah I don’t think there’s any I don’t think that changes anything what’s uh let’s see what’s the Futures market for tomorrow right now kind of unchanged I guess people are just waiting to see see what happens with PPI data most likely it’s going to show inflation’s going upwards I mean what else can it show it’s going to show it going upwards uh what are your favorite your favorite AI picks considering Sam Alman right here launches new AI model well this doesn’t really change anything when it comes to crypto I mean he’s he’s backing that one one project um I totally forgot what it was um but it involves you know scanning your your iris and I’m not a fan of that um I totally I’m drawing a blank here on which one he’s supporting in crypto but I’m still waiting for Asi to launch to see how it is but there are I’m getting get I’m getting pitched by yeah World coin that’s what is I’m getting pitched by so many new AI projects that’s coming out I can’t tell you if they’re going to succeed a lot of them are copying the same models as others but there are definitely a lot coming out I think I’m still waiting for Asi to come out the merger between fetch ocean and Singularity don’t know when that’s going to be Robert Rice says they remove coffein from basket good for CPI I cover that this morning seems like you know a lot of people think there’s going to be some kind of manipulation going on or Shenanigans like I like to say um and seems like the first step is to just remove stuff from the CPI reading just remove coffee coffee is is you know uh it’s too inflated so we got to remove it from uh what we track this just seems kind of silly all of a sudden they remove that uh Jupiter you know I was using Jupiter today fo mold into a little a little bit of memes but Jupiter is just awesome it’s it’s like the best decks ever I mean it just it just it’s just really fast easy to use anything on salana basically from radium or Orca it could pull and there’s a reason why it’s worth so much and plus people enjoy the free air drop there will be more coming in the future I really think Jupiter is a real winner um uh bads bads is asking Mexi is getting shut down well only if you’re in the US I was told by my rep in the US they will well Mexi go Implement kyc in June sometime in June I don’t know if it’s beginning or end of June and people in the US cannot do kyc kind of like K coin K coin requires manatory kyc but if you’re in the US you can’t do it it’s the same thing with going it’s going to be the same Mexi as much as everyone loves Mexi and I do too I used to use them all the time but if you’re in US you got to find something better right that’s why I partner with big Unix they’re really good alternative right now but yeah it’s going to be harder and harder for US citizens to use foreign exchanges that’s just the reality is it legal to use them with vpns though it doesn’t matter kyc is different kyc is know your customer meaning even if you’re from you put you select VPN from another country they still want you to submit your passport or your ID kyc is different than just using VPN so keep that in mind and yes it is very annoying uh Gibson Vision yes B Unix it’s my new partner been using them myself for a couple weeks now seems like it’s pretty good uh AK says base mames are down is a good hold I mean yeah base beams started going down um some of them are still holding well but I kind of predicted this and myself I kind of fomo in I should have listened to myself Bas memes started going up when salana started having some issues with slowness and and transactions and stuff right but Soul leads memes everyone loves Soul everyone loves to create memes and buy memes on soul um and now that it seems like it’s back you know I think Bas memes may get weak again everyone loves to use Soul over eth I mean that’s just that’s just reality uh I it took me a long time before I wanted to get into base mes because I simply didn’t have a lot to eat and I didn’t want to bridge it over and then worry about that I don’t know it could be a dual environment but memes on Soul are definitely getting stronger memes on base not to say they can’t continue to be strong or have new ones but um we’re starting to see a lot of them sell off and that sucks do I fish I have done so before uh Benny blue ey how long do you think eth uh can stay inflationary before its toast eth has always been deflationary but it became deflationary when they introduced you know burning right and now now there’s a periods of inflation some periods of deflation it really depends um yeah so very I mean actually not not a a whole lot of coins out there are actually deflationary with a set Supply because proof of stake they need to make an inflationary on purpose so that they can reward the stakers so most proof of work proof of stake chains do have built-in inflation now to offset the inflation you can uh what there’s you know staking mechanisms right and liquidity pools and so forth but also just having people come in buying that also makes it somewhat deflationary what do you think about bom you know bom is I’m not you know I’m not I’m just neutral on them sometimes I use them to to leverage trade but um yeah they’re already one of the big ones you know they hit a billion now they’re holding at 740 million which is still pretty good but I don’t you know whether I like book a meme better or let’s say Bon better or you know uh Brett or whatever I mean I have no preference on any of those if you made money great artist asking for the RP video I don’t know I may put the video in retirement again um still waiting for eth to capitulate what what do you say about Mara you know here’s my honest opinion okay if you’re going to be buying a Bitcoin related stock just go with micro strategy Mara Hut Galaxy digital none of them outperform micr strategy if you want to buy a Bitcoin related stock not Financial advice but just look at the performance over the last four years what has moved the most micro strategy they even outperform coinbase they even outperform Bitcoin within the last four years micro strategy is a stock you want to go with if you’re looking for a Bitcoin related stock is it a good AK is asking is it a good idea to sell half of Pepe and take profits right now I mean short term it could definitely come back down it’s up 15% can it go down short term yes but longterm the way it’s moving right now it’s like the third largest meme in fact it just broke its all-time high today it broke its all-time high now it’s a little bit below um it’s the third biggest meme so can it go higher sure oh I I didn’t even notice this there’s a similar coins tab now so it’s comparing to bookem Bong flaky FY actually has been doing really well baby Dogecoin I don’t see anyone talking about them uh do you still feel like a is a solid project for this run yeah but there will be others that do better that’s for sure Mana FS1 racing with app Apple Vision Pro apple is discontinuing A Vision Pro they don’t know what to do with it no one wants to buy it and no dab maker is making anything for it and I kind of knew that you know Vision Pro is a toy it’s not there’s not going to be major adoption especially at a $4,000 price point I bought it and I thought it was cool but was it $4,000 cool no so I returned it and uh I was one of the first ones to return at the store it’s like oh why are you returning I’m like what I’m going to pay $4,000 to browse the web using my eyes and you can’t even fast forward or go backwards on YouTube or on any other streaming that you may be watching um because there’s no mouse clicker there’s no curse at all you have to use your eyes to like fast forward and it’s just a nightmare with you know some things uh L I swapped a third of my Ada for sheep at the end of last year now my sheep is worth more than Ada Ada has been really slow I mean there’s no doubt about it it has been really slow so it’s still Clinging On Top 10 but she Avalanche some of these guys may be flipping soon can you talk about aerody Drome you know I’m I’m I’m uh not so bullish on a Aerodrome anymore and here’s the reason it was my mistake I mean aerod drum did very well because the biggest decks for base uh and it did really well when the meme explosions did happen but now I’m finding that most base memes are on Unis swap you could just go directly on Unis swap rather than an aerody Drome um but that doesn’t mean aerody Drome won’t do well it’s still the biggest it can definitely continue forward and go to a billion plus but you can find most of them on Unis swap because Unis swap supports eth and uh and that’s kind of disappointing for aerod Drome I think you grow IO says I’ve been holding three e since 2021 I’m so lost as to keep holding it uh swapping into something or swapping to something else I’m just so worried about swapping then e pumps like C it could it always happens it’s like Clockwork right like as soon as you trade it eth eth uh spot ETS gets approved and it starts pumping who knows it could happen but yeah it it’s been tough there’s a lot there are a lot of coins that definitely moved a lot more than uh than eth uh Del May hey George off topic I saw your review on the g87 M2 did you drive the manual I didn’t get to drive the manual but I have a feeling it’s going to be really really good I love the M2 the new M2 um I love the the look as a wide stance it’s not small um I think I personally think the M2 looks way better than the M3 or M4 I hate the M3 M4 look it’s more aggressive so it’s lighter smaller but it still has a really good presence because it’s really wide and it drill really well with the Dual clutch I’m sure with the six-speed it’ll drive just as good uh I think it’s a fantastic car for that price range is there another giveaway for master of andf I’m still hoping to get one maybe you have to stick around for a little bit right now nfts are not hot but when they do get hot those nft is going to be worth a fortune I don’t know about Fortune but um but yeah I will last month big a says last month I bought awesome AR Vantage love it ever consider it I hope you bought a use one because Austin Martins lose like half the value in like two years so I really hope for your sake that the advantage is a used like two three year old one but Austin Martin advantages look everything DB 11 or 12 whatever it is I don’t really keep up with the new Austin Martins they all look fantastic they all look like a million bucks except when you trade them in and they lose all their value uh JR says I don’t think the nfts are ever coming back like 2021 I agree with you you know why because of memes and I’ve always wondered that too you know nfts were very hyped up in 2021 I feel like by the early guys they just kept buying more and more nfts to cause the you know the the base price to go up for I mean the floor price like now everyone’s just everyone just want tokens man no one really wants to buy nfts so even though I think nfts will rise up in price but not probably not to their highs of 2021 because of memes and we will get more and more memes that’ll be hitting the 1 billion plus market cap um price point we’re going to see a lot more lot more more of that in this cycle Rudy’s asking roaring Kitty coins there’s one I already covered it it’s up roaring kitties up to 24 million gme still kind of holding man and I’m I’m really shocked but tomorrow I hate to say I could go up more because if gme pumps some more tomorrow more people to go follow into this Kitty AMC which is at at 8 you know all these I think can blow up tomorrow depending on if the short squeeze continues to happen with uh gme and AMC right we’ll see that roaring Kitty guy man he has so much power now uh if you think about how’s your basketball court doing we need a live shoot around I’ve been shooting around you know I don’t know when the best time to be shooting around in there maybe uh a Sunday walk video or I’ll do a Sunday shoot around or something instead see we got we we have sell one right now that’s really trying to drop Bitcoin you can look at all the red candles right here the volume candles big ones out of nowhere trying to drop Bitcoin right now right really calm and someone really trying hard to drop Bitcoin bitcoin’s holding it’s holding it’s not doing like one of these back down to 60 I don’t know what it is I said this in my Sunday walk video there’s there’s someone that keeps on selling huge and tries to bring Bitcoin down I don’t know if it’s intentional or because they have to sell but that’s what we experienced the last few weeks hopefully this week we buck that Trend and stop it Panda loves piano I appreciate that I hope to get to 1 million Subs by the end of this cycle for sure all right guys so overall we got one guy that caus a revolution and he is back cause these two to Skyrocket retail fomo seems to be back we’ll see day two but can it be stopped by the inflation data tomorrow who knows uh but stay strong my friends if you like gme AMC then you’ll love Bitcoin because Bitcoin is the same thing Bitcoin is a big F you to Fed share po to central banks to Banks all around the world so I’ll see you guys tomorrow 8:30 a.m. Central Standard Time all right have a good one and since this was requested I’m going to play the most educational video ever created about xrp here you [Music] go what do you think about Ripple well I mean I think it’s too centralized but I definitely want to meet Chris Larson [Laughter] [Music]

    Today, let’s discuss how ‘Roaring Kitty’ caused a lot of excitement for Gamestop, Bitcoin and meme coins such as Dogecoin and Pepe.

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    0:00 Intro
    0:55 Market Overview
    2:18 Gamestop / AMC
    4:57 Bitcoin
    6:45 Holding ETFs
    8:02 Charts
    9:40 Memes
    10:20 GME / AMC
    11:25 Pepe / Floki / Doge
    13:15 X & Dogecoin?
    14:00 Q&A

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    1. wasnt snl that did it. It was his first twitter post about dodge that made it sky rtocket. Shibainu sky rocketed when Elon went on SNL. it was weird

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