Every penny I have (except $6 for food tomorrow) into this play. Stock was up 30% afterhours when I bought this like 10 minutes ago but still has room to run in my opinion. My DD is that people (like me) only found out about this stock rising after work yesterday when market closed so it should go up tomorrow. Would have bought options but market was closed.


    Posted by Clubpoke101


    1. **VM attempted to say something likely TOS-breaking, violent, or offensive.**

    2. He can taste the crispy golden crunch of the juicy delectable trendies rolling across the pallete as they mingle with the salty tears of utter remorse, rocking gently to the soothing buttery voice of his wife’s new boyfriend.

    3. Mikeinthehills on

      Well you should read into the years worth of dd at this point if you’re just hearing about this.

    4. Makaveli_xiii on

      I bought $3000 more at $30 today and felt like a regard. Happy to see there’s much bigger regards out here

    5. May the Stonk Gods bless this man, he is at the front lines hodling . Hands are rough as diamonds. Ride like the wind gamestonk man!

    6. Defender_547 on

      Well today is definitely a day for big gain, but don’t be greedy. Take gains when you can.

    7. MisterMoogle03 on

      OP, many people are shooting you negativity for possibly buying the top. It’s okay. When this happened in Jan 2021, they said the same thing when it reached 40 actually. Then it went to 90 for another halt. Within a week it hit 400.

      Do what you feel is best. If what you feel is best is wrong, then you’re a regard like the rest of us.

      Lesson learned.

      If you’re right, congrats. Enjoy a drink and a vacation

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