But seriously though where’s my vibetrader flair at


    Posted by Mr_Fumpy


    1. 1Enthusiast on

      Bunch of paper-handed bitches selling their shares this morning ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

    2. seamonkey420 on

      i admit i sold enough at $65 to make back my initial. now the rest is all bonus money!!

    3. Evening_Pineapple552 on

      How are people with this amount of money still using RH as their broker smh

    4. After-Farmer5057 on

      It wouldn’t let me buy yesterday when it was at $33 a share now it’s at $55/share

    5. Prior-Employment-815 on

      Who is on the losing side? They prob paying someone for all their trades to get unwound.

    6. hellojabroni777 on

      i got the same calls buddy although originally got in mid $3.40-3.75 and then average up a lil. i almost went all-in and fomo’ed but i had to slap myself to tell myself it was too risky. would be up 6 figures if yoloed. hinesight tho

    7. How do you buy contracts? I want to learn options…any idea where to start. I’m in the UK

    8. SubtleRedditIcon on

      This is awesome! Last time vibes were this high, my wife and her boyfriend were just starting to fool around behind my back. Now they are happily married, I’m addicted to zyn’s, and my bags are held.

      Wonder what the weather is like on the moon this time of year!

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