Mystery Seller Tries to CRASH Bitcoin | Memes Bounce Back

    welcome back to crypto Zur us I’m George we’re all George so this morning let’s talk about two phenomenon that’s going on in the world of crypto and world of non crypto one is you have this one mysterious seller trying to crash Bitcoin but was he successful let’s talk about this and also let’s talk about memes memes bounce back meme season is here meme coins are also bouncing back hard so let’s talk about all these things and more today let’s do it welcome welcome welcome the US market has just opened let’s just start with this is this going to have any bearing on bitcoin and markets today well uh it’s not good let’s just say it’s not good so PPI number which is wholesale price uh it it came in hot real hot it’s supposed to be 3% rise in April but it rose. 5% which is above more than expected so in the US right now we are facing with this this damning problem inflation is going up but economic activity is going down so what is pal going to do and tomorrow we have another inflation reading CC uh CPI reading so we’ll see what that says but seems like they’re trying to fudge the numbers they’re they’re removing categories now like coffee out of the blue no no idea why but uh so far it’s not affecting the US market it does look like everything’s green still people are just not just discounting this and it could be because and even Bitcoin is climbing upwards and I got a lot to say about that soon uh but it could be because you know what no one really cares because today is gme day uh now the market open I mean trading halted already immediately upon open because it was already up 132% in the premarket and AMC followed with 121% in the pre-market both have the you know see see this is the thing you have these you have these circuit breakers in the market even on the upside I get okay if you want to stop something from crashing to zero you should have circuit breakers on the downside but there should be no circuit breaker on the upside all right those that choose to short and they get wrecked well no one should care okay shorting is a nasty business you shouldn’t do it and those hedge funds that are losing billions upon billions upon billions of dollars right now now well who cares let them lose it all right that way there’s no more short sellers uh I never got the short breaker I mean the circuit breaker thing on the way up on the way down I get it but on the way up there should be no circuit breaker I mean who wants to stop the gains right like let the gains continue what’s wrong with it uh so yeah I think today everyone’s going to be focusing on these two and not not just that all the all the other companies that that were heavily shorted and had a rally in 2021 they’re all doing good too for example Blackberry is up about 20% I don’t know if you guys remember Blackberry cost is up 46% these were two that were heavily shorted back in 2021 and rally with a gme movement so we will see so today I think in Wall Street is all about memes right meme stocks but of course we have a lot of coins that are following and they are going absolutely Bonkers as well so looking pretty good so far right but going back to crypto what is fed share pal going to do is he go pump our bags and drive Bitcoin up to $80,000 in the near future well it could happen it could happen Bitcoin is poised to go higher right now it does look like it wants to Edge Higher and Higher and Higher and Claw back but we are being held by this one mysterious seller out of the blue no idea who it is and I’ve been I’ve been saying this I’m like I can’t figure out who it is but now it’s so prevalent you could even see in the charts right but fedpa is going to have a speech today among other like fed presidents um and governors and board members I don’t know what he’s going to stay he’s really stuck between a rock and hard place with inflation we just had inflation reading saying that inflation’s going upwards more than expected yet economic activity like GB GDP is showing that activity is going downwards right so you are you supposed to cut rates are you supposed to raise rates are you supposed to do nothing and this is on top of a presidential election year that’s coming up there’s so many factors that play right but if pow comes out and continues to be dovish and says hey you know what it’s okay that we had some bad inflation reading we’re still going to cut well the Market’s going rally right um I don’t know if he’s going to say it like that he’s going to like try to hide it among many words but if people are still reading in between lines and that’s essentially what’s he’s saying then the Market’s going to Rally it’s going to continue to Rally hard today uh and throughout the remainder this year right but like I said there is one person this mysterious seller that’s trying to stop Bitcoin I posted this last night and it’s so obvious those of you guys that actually watch the charts and you look at these massive down scam Wicks right in the volume look at it and it happened this morning again so last night it was so prevalent look at all these all these massive down Wicks and then let me turn on the volume you could see one person in particular was trying to drive Bitcoin downwards okay finally successful over here and then you can see they did it again uh even though Bitcoin rallied right back up right and I’m like who is doing that who would want to do this I mean I’m glad I’m not the only one who paid attention a lot of people also tweeted this basically there’s someone that’s trying to manipulate the market but I don’t know does it have something to do with this it is identified as a coinbase seller so whoever has been doing it has been doing it on coinbase and then all of a sudden coinbase has a systemwide outage coincidence or there’s something something more to it right like I find it hard to believe that everyone all these people are or just one seller is selling on coinbase and all of a sudden coinbase has a systemwide outage in fact if you look at at their status the the mobile and website both have degraded performance and there are reports that some people can’t withdraw right now but there’s something going on with coinbase right maybe an Insider where they hacked um or it was just a a whale that’s selling so much coinbase decided just you know their systems crashed or something like that but there’s some some relationship with coinbase we just don’t know what it is yet okay um but it’s good to see Bitcoin having a little bit of movement today despite bad inflation numbers I mean if you think about it bad inflation numbers should actually drive more people to bitcoin right like if you want to opt out of inflation you want to opt out of the fed’s shenanigans with monetary policy that will basically rob you of your wealth well then you opt out and opt into Bitcoin it’s really that simp simple so with bad inflation numbers it should drive more people to bitcoin right and there are some that are accumulating besides this one person that’s trying to sell on coinbase you have a couple whales that bought 50 million worth of bitcoin at bottom I wish I could just buy DCA 50 million at the bottom like there are so many whales out there with insane insane wealth and they’re picking up behind the scenes and I show you guys all these charts all the time and and these analytic platforms catch them too I mean all these guys are just buying and holding buying and holding and holding some more and buying some more uh even ETFs yesterday we had a net net posit inflow 66 million that’s fantastic no outflow no outflow from grayscale even better so even in institutions even though they slowed down their buying but they’re still buying they’re still buying ETFs and I’ve been reporting more and more Banks more and more Banks coming out saying that they hold Bitcoin spot ETF right so this is what you’re supposed to do guys when when when it’s a little bit scary when bitcoin’s down what you’re supposed to do you you DCA like all the these big boys um now looking at the charts well we’re in a pretty similar pattern as before right before Bitcoin really started Skyrocket up to 60,000 when we were still in the 30s and 40s which was the beginning of this year it’s hard to imagine that back in February we actually fell back to the 30s I don’t remember that I don’t know if you guys remember that okay do you remember we fell down to 38k in February that was only 3 months ago and you know people are somehow complaining at 60,000 but you know what we had the same kind of pattern we had some sideways Movement we had a little dip and then we started going up and then we went up to 50,000 before we shot up to 60 and $70,000 looks kind of similar right but we have seen this before if you zoom out a little bit you realize yeah we always have this we have this happen all all the time especially after breaking all-time high happened in 2017 happened in 2021 every single time you could see it after you break all-time high you have a little downwards movement or sideways movement and then afterwards boom Bitcoin continues to go higher that’s how it always is so it’s no different this time around we did break I’ll take that back we did break all-time high very early this time around we broke it 2 months before having event which has never ever ever happened before so if we have a more extended downward movement or sideways movement this time around it’s okay it’s because we already surpassed alltime High take a second to think about it we already surpassed alltime High two months early so if we do end up going sideways for a little bit longer it’s quite okay it’s perfectly normal right all right now outside of Bitcoin because of everything that’s going on I wonder if gme and it it’s still halted like it it still doesn’t uh it’s yeah they’re still halted there see this is this is why it’s it’s better to being crypto you don’t have to worry about it but uh because of the meme season or meme stock craze right you got the ones on salana that are blowing up as well salana onchain volume broke 1.8 1.7 billion in the last 24 hours meme coins accounted for majority of trading volume there’s no question probably 90 90% of that is meme coins and you have a lot of good ones and and and salana flips ethereum and 24-hour onchain trading volume no no question uh gme hit as high as 100 and I’m talking about the gme meme coin hit as high as 132 million in trading volume and in market cap what just happened there uh it is at6 million that’s pretty good I would say last night when I was covering it uh it was at 50 something 55 so it literally doubled overnight I knew it would like after seeing gme and what their aftermarket trading was like I knew today would be good and who knows if GameStop stock keeps going up GameStop mem coin will probably continue to go up but still I I advise everyone to take profits on a way up because you know you just don’t know maybe this crashes down or maybe it just keeps on going to a billion right but it’s not just them AMC has I showed you guys this has more than double last night when I was showing you guys was like I think it was like no maybe it was doubled it was like 12 million or something like that now it’s at 20 22 million and it was a little bit higher uh and you know what someone like uh you know Pepe Pepe is well that’s a one month performance but uh today someone like Pepe is up 15% and if you sort CMC today I’m just going to refresh this you sorted 24-hour gainers it’s all memes Pepe leading away at 15% you got flaky up 10% book a meme up 5% Doge up 3% unfortunately everything else is in the red but memes are leading the way right now so it’s good to have some excitement back it really is it’s good to have some excitement back um but we’ll see how far this this meme CR uh continues right and this is all due to one guy he didn’t even say he was going to buy anything he just started posting on his ex account posting all these silly videos roaring Kitty and just kind of spur this movement again uh it’s kind of funny I thought like maybe he declared he was going to buy or something like that he didn’t do anything he just posted some memes and that was it all right let’s do some Q&A I see a lot of people asking about who’s still buying flaky it is one meme that I’ve never had interest in but it is going up I think it’s probably because it’s on coinbase anything on coinbase is going up you know the funny thing is Pepe is doing so well right now despite the fact it’s not on coinbase I can’t imagine if coinbase actually lists Pepe then what it will do but Pepe now has more volume than whiff it has taken all the the momentum away so is actually quite amazing Amazon web services CEO Adam uh slipski steps down yeah I guess they’re not doing very well hopefully I’m not mute today um all right 100% guarantee that sellan coinbase will suck again four years later yeah I don’t I don’t know what that means um is aah a meme now no even though snack is a meme on on cardano but it hasn’t been doing very well do you think Chu is a rug pull what happened I have no idea I have no idea why it went down so much but it seems to be holding again it basically lost all majority of the gains but it was still holding around 78 Million last time I checked um you could swap Pepe and coinbase wallet that’s a good point I totally forgot coinbase wallet which is a self- custody wallet so if you’re a coinbase user you should definitely use coinbase wallet but I forgot they have a built-in swap also I wonder who they use but um but you still can’t buy it on the exchange itself but you can swap for it yeah a lot of people excited about Pepe I mean Pepe is way stronger than I I even imagine it looked like whiff was going to dominate and be the third biggest meme but now all the momentum went to Pepe I don’t know if it’s because it’s on Robin Hood I think Pepe is only on Robin Hood of Europe I don’t even think it’s Robin Hood of us some something’s driving huge amount of volume to Pepe if Pepe was on coinbase itself it probably be like 10 billion already but the way it’s moving right now is very similar to Doge’s movement back in the day even though we’re very early we’re only in 2024 okay Doge didn’t really move until 2021 the final year but if Pepe continues his trajectory you know and it follows Doge it could be a 100 billion top out 100 billion by the end of 2025 and it’s not just going to be Pepe it’s going to be whiff it’s going to be it’s going to be everything everything all the memes are going to blow up and all these new ones too like book a meme and and uh and whatever else okay they reopen now it’s not halting anymore plus 61% and m c is still halted they need to just get rid of circuit breakers for the upside it was anticipated that the shorts were going to lose uh $1.2 billion upon opening and now was at $48 pre-market okay so shorts were going to lose 1.2 billion at 48.75 and GameStop is already at okay now 4950 and it it just got halted again um yeah so there will be a lot of there will be a lot of hedge funds that aren’t going to be I I forgot how you check like who’s shorting something uh um Vanguard Black Rock holds enormous Vanguard holds 27% of AMC that’s crazy what about GM RC Ventures hold 28% and Vanguard holds 19% and black rock holds 16% but I forgot how you check the the shorts to Longs um no yeah I forgot you check anyways the BDC coinbase seller is either an idiot who will regret his life choices Insider who knows what PPI CPI numbers are and we are screwed well we got PPI numbers so that wasn’t it in fact I think the US market is still rallying right now yeah so that wasn’t it there there’s someone else that’s trying to bring down Bitcoin but today overall for Uh Kevin yes the memes are sky rockety you know how like there’s a saying Go away and May and may could be boring well it’s good to see that some memes are actually doing well so now we got some excitement once again but uh other ones are not doing well today but like flaky you know I don’t know who’s buying flaky like it’s such an old meme but me uh flaki is still up 9% today which is quite amazing uh Pepe is up 9% I don’t know it’s just those two that are really doing really well I mean she and Doge barely in the green okay whiff is not doing well uh uh Bitcoin is a little struggling a little bit but man flaky and pepe I I don’t know what’s going on with these two but they are doing really well RC bench is Ryan Cohen oh interesting uh let’s see show enough appreciate that sir Bon asks how well will flux do this bull well flux made a transition to go towards AI so I think that will definitely help them uh can they be as big as render someday hopefully uh I’ve spoken to Dan um a couple times he seems like is a really good guy really really really Bo business focused guy knows what he’s doing so I think they could do well well when is Doge going to a dollar well doge is on his way it is still in green today 21 billion it topped out at 70 cents before like close to 100 billion uh so that it has to go above a 100 billion to reach $1 can it do it this cycle I don’t know that’s a lot especially when there are so many memes that the money is going into unlike 2021 really the money just went into Doge and sheep and nothing really else anything else this time around there’s so many that people could put their money into it could still happen but I would say it’s harder mine poison gaming says GM didn’t pop because he posted it’s been moving for months already you weren’t paying attention no you weren’t paying attention do you notice how it was nonm movement until this yeah before it popped and then it started going down so no it has a everything to do with why he posted it started going up two days ago when he came back okay so mind poison you’re wrong but those that held on to it from the beginning because I was asked about JM months ago when it was hot and then came back down those people that held you know what congratulations you made a lot but there are others out there that there are opportunities right a lot of opportunities out there but yeah this this mysterious coinbase seller don’t know who it is uh very suspicious haven’t really seen this and then and then all of a sudden coinbase crashes like I it’s too there’s something going on there I I don’t know what maybe he sold so much coinbase system can’t handle it do you think big red would put in a new all-time high for t 24 I like this think so I know that Fran and Chris they’re still working hard at it but I Avalanche is stagnant just like Joe Stringer asked Avalanche is stagnant right now gaming that’s because they’re mostly in games and games are not that hot uh games I still think can be a big narrative this cycle but right now it’s just maybe it’s too early maybe in 2025 but Avalanche is heavy into games and games are just not doing that well right now crypto Casper even gme token on cardano pumping I think everyone’s just trying to fomo into everything okay um so we’ll see gme is 100 million AMC is about 20 something million this is relatively new this just came out this hasn’t been out for a while but still 21 million uh and then I looked at this I’m just G to show you this this one right here Blackberry which I shared in my Discord last night I’m purely speculative and I said you know what if Blackberry starts pumping up in terms of its stock the meme could do well this went up as high as 6 million almost but now it’s down to 2.58 but yesterday um you know I I posted by patreon uh in Discord when it was around a million so it’s still up over 100% but who knows some of these are highly speculative but the good thing is it seems like there’s they’re not going to rug because the the all these even with AMC and gme they burned their liquidity so seems like they’re not going to rug but you know what who knows who knows when they’re going to go down right so like I said the further they go up the more you should take profits now gme is above 82% and it’s halted again and AMC is up 100% halted again man AMC and gme they better take you know they better take advantage of what’s Happening Here Right their market cap is exploding they should issue some shares or something and take advantage because this might not last forever for Bing says Margin Call for them tonight after close we’ll see they are set to lose those hedge buns with their shorts are set to lose billions upon billions upon billions uh Roshan what’s your say on Mark Cuban saying anti- crypto STS could cost Biden presidency I don’t think that’s going to cost his presidency I think everything else will cost his presidency not because of his anti- crypto stands um Andrew Tate said he’s buying all GameStop I did see that unfortunately you had to sell some Bitcoin yesterday Buy Gamestop hopefully all the down spikes is not from Andrew Tate um but I don’t think it’s on coinbase whoever will sell on coinbase I don’t know um a ton of Sals maybe to get liquidity to buy memes I have no idea it’s still a mystery who this person is I’m sure coinbase knows US market still green yep AMC completes 250 million stock sale during meme rally that is smart that is smart imagine you know out of the blue you you’re just gifted 250 million AMC definitely needs it very little people go watch movies these days but I will say AMC theaters are getting nicer and nicer so they’re they’re uh they’re trying to take advantage uh what’s your prediction on Kitty and do you believe roaring Kitty will post again he probably will but Kitty the meme Kitty I saw just FL out you know people rather buy gme um or AMC memes rather than a kitty but it it could come back but I saw how it it I was kind of figuring it wasn’t going to move from yesterday and I was kind of right with that assumption it really didn’t move since yesterday it was like 25 million when I saw it I take that back it did go up a little bit 32 million it was about 25 5 million when I saw it last night but you could see it’s basically going sideways right now but it’s still went up crazily though it’s CRA you can’t discount that still went up crazily um J do you like the new Land Cruiser no I do not it’s very cheap cheap looking and cheaply built nothing like the old ones um do you think we’ll hit $ for eight of this cycle $6 yeah there’s a chance I’ll just say there’s a chance it topped out around three something before so a double from there I I’d say there’s a chance I don’t know if it’s a good chance but there’s a chance Kronos in the moon sand it I still don’t know anything good that’s going on Kronos um yeah what what’s a good project on Kronos I still don’t know show enough quy West that’s a old meme man that’s an old meme yeah it’s old meme like I said I remember people talking about it um you know good for it at least it’s holding around 13 million but it was a lot higher than that clever name I’ll say that clever name but lost all its momentum L is locked that’s good uh only 97% has lasted for 100 years so I’m guessing they held 3% or 2.75% nmct said whoever is said selling M go away lied I made 250 million or no 250 million 250% AMC gme okay I mean congrats but that was 100% luck right that was a you got to admit that was 100% luck because Rory Kitty and this whole movement no one would have predicted that those would have gone up this much uh in May but congrats that you made a a ton of money says the memes on Kronos aren’t funny at all yeah I don’t disagree although I don’t even know any memes on Kronos what’s a popular coin that you think is trash um Litecoin there’s other ones but I’ll I’ll reserve my judgments on them because I don’t want to get hate spell and Abracadabra No No in fact there’s rumors that Abracadabra was what caused Luna to deeg um yeah it’s just not it’s not good it’s it’s just basically like a a it’s just basically like a staking rewards kind of thing it’s almost like a Ponzi kind of thing and it’s just not a good one are they ever going to let these Run is it just keeps halting and halting and halting okay at least they didn’t halt AMC again but it’s up 95% so um these circuit breakers they’re we should all vote for circuit breakers to be removed on the upside on the downside sure upside remove them for uh sir Bon have you heard of orange yes uh I’m actually early invested in Orange will it do well I like to think so I don’t know I don’t have a magic eightball but um they are working on their wallet which will soon be released and they’re focused on bitcoin Bitcoin BRC runes ordinals it’s like a onone wallet for Bitcoin and it sounds pretty promising so I hope they do well [Music] um so here’s a comment all those who are buying memes will regret it when Bitcoin price goes to a million here’s the thing about memes okay you could take your profit from memes and buy Bitcoin with it so it doesn’t have to be one or the other but I do agree with you Bitcoin will go to a million eventually and Bitcoin is the best crypto there is for sure but that doesn’t mean you can’t make money in others and utilize that to gain on bitcoin and buy more Bitcoin right so there’s that um so going to a th000 I agree with that uh do you think SPF checks the price of BDC daily from a cell uh Kelly I doubt he has internet access 247 I don’t even know how that works I’m sure maybe he does maybe there’s a computer I don’t know um Tyson or Paul when that fight meme I I got to go with Tyson um but you know what the whole thing is a money grab so it’s probably going to be not as exciting as people thinks I don’t think Tyson I mean I saw the face the the face off yesterday and Tyson was kind of like laughing at it so I I don’t know like I think the whole thing is just a big money grab fight and I don’t think they’re going to take it too seriously I hope they do and I hope Tyson wins my magic eightball works one year out of four cycle well yes and that’s the year everyone’s right uh unfortunately whoever that coinbase seller is is getting his way too much right here look at this cell volume right here all from one person right I don’t know who the hell that was but man they are desperate desperate to get Bitcoin down maybe to buy more I don’t know but man there was definitely someone that was trying very very very hard and even this morning too right here you see it uh don’t know who that is but someone’s trying very very hard to bring Bitcoin down uh Paul already won everyone’s talking about it he’s making the bag that’s true I mean it was it’s actually unbelievable that he even convince Tyson to do it um but yeah he probably going to make like 50 50 to 100 million with this with this Netflix probably paid out of their I’m not going to say but Netflix paid a lot you know Netflix has the money they probably paid like 200 million for this fight they’re going to gain a shitload of subscribers and Tyson and Paul are going to get paid paid handsomely for this fight I think it’s Dave poroy maybe the banks the same way they keep gold pric surpressed I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Dave poro because yesterday I saw something from him saying that he really wants to fomo into gme and he has been holding Bitcoin and buying Bitcoin so I don’t know I think a lot of these people are actually selling they may be selling right now because they want to get into gme craze but I think it’s a mistake you never want to sell Bitcoin you could sell others but don’t sell Bitcoin to do so um maybe it’s them I don’t know okay finally circuit breaker is off or maybe it’s on I I don’t know I don’t even know if this is accurate anymore I don’t know if this is even reporting I’m assuming so 100 million 20 [Music] million is Pepe still in the green Pepe and Flaky are still in the green amazingly still something going on with those two Paul is speaking live now to some bankers oh yeah Bankers group in Amsterdam yeah I’m not going to play that I enough of pal I know what he’s going to say all right guys so to conclude we do still have a mystery seller trying to bring Bitcoin down someone on coinbase don’t know who it is and why but looks like they’re successful right now yesterday they were trying hard very very hard at night but you know what selling Bitcoin is always a mistake and this person will regret it but in the meantime we do have memes we have memes meme stocks meme coins meme season seems to be here and let’s see where it can continue all right smash it a like subscribe to the channel I will see you guys tonight and uh usual time 8:30 a.m. Central Standard Time all right have a good one guys take care bye-bye

    Today, let’s discuss how a mysterious Coinbase seller is trying to crash Bitcoin. Memecoin season is back due to Gamestop and AMC.

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    0:00 Intro
    0:35 Market Overview
    0:45 Economic Data
    2:00 Memestocks
    4:40 Bitcoin Seller
    7:05 Coinbase Seller
    8:35 Whale Accumulation
    9:15 ETF Flow
    10:05 Bitcoin Charts
    12:00 Memes
    12:30 Solana Memecoins
    15:25 Q&A

    🔴Full Disclaimer: This video and its contents are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an offer to sell or trade, a solicitation to buy, or recommendation for any security, cryptocurrency, or related product, nor does it constitute an offer to provide investment advice or other related services by CryptosRUs. CryptosRus may have a financial investment with the cryptocurrencies discussed in this video. In preparing this video, no individual financial or investment needs of the viewer have been taken into account nor is any financial or investment advice being offered. Any views expressed in this video were prepared based upon the information available at the time such views were written. Changed or additional information could cause such views to change.


    1. what you mean? Ive made good money shorting 😂 Markets go up and down, so rather than be a bear or a bull, be a changeling and maximize your gains 🤷🏽‍♂️😎🌊🏄🏾‍♂️🚶🏾‍♂️

    2. Do you think these US ETF’s have enough on the side to basically farm the price for a long time? Retail has to pay fees, but institutions don’t. Or they can factor in their own fees. Feel like the sideways is getting tighter. Then up a little farm again. ❤


    4. i dont think cardano will have a crazy meme coin. that community is all about developing projects with real use case. in a way I could appreciate that if you have a long term outlook in crypto.

    5. Brother, I am bankrupt. The rest of my money is given to you as I am. I hope you are in a good mood. This is my wallet🤧😭
      renew enforce kick denial digital replace silver fetch fantasy plastic acoustic later

    6. The reality is that BTC can be manipulate, much less than gold or stock market but still, the sad news is than the more financial tool we had to the system, will increase that possibility.

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