Elon Musk laid off the Tesla Supercharger team; now he’s rehiring them


    Posted by Weak_Commercial_7124


    1. jjpenguins66 on

      Musk thinks if he makes enough decisions he will eventually make a good one. Still waiting…

    2. PuzzleheadedWeb9876 on


    3. Any of them have anything approaching dignity?

      At a minimum I’d demand a massive raise + benefits + severance package.

    4. Elon’s business decisions have beens a bit off lately, he should switch to coke for a better mental

    5. Joe Rogan made him hit the boof one time and altered the course of human history.

    6. gnocchicotti on

      “Sign here to invalidate your severance agreement and begin a new employment agreement”

      I wonder how many times this playbook will work before employees figure it out

    7. Striking_Economy5049 on

      Didn’t he fire everyone at Xitter and then had to rehire a bunch of people back because he realized he couldn’t run the site without them?

      The world’s dumbest billionaire strikes again!

    8. and all the youtubers who said how smart it was for him to fire them will do a 180 and say how smart it was to fire them and rehire them.

    9. Giving major Gavin Belson vibes, when Gavin fires the Nucleus team, rehires them for a new project and doesn’t even recognize them lmfao

    10. Maybe if Elon stoped free basing Ketamine, he might be able to make rational decisions.

    11. roomtomove07 on

      Excellent management skills. I don’t understand how this turd is still profitable.

    12. rookiebets80 on

      I’d be asking for a 100% salary increase if Elon was knocking on my door.

    13. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    14. BitOfDifference on

      He makes me want to short tesla more and more each day, but i aint that stupid. Fucking with employee’s this way is dumb and i hope none come back for less than double their previous salary and triple the options.

    15. so he got pissed and fired everyone and then jerked off and found out you cant build multibillion company solo? bedt CEO of the year who knows more then anyone about everything on earth. fuck i ment universe![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    16. KurticusRex on

      He fired the entire team because of a grudge against the former VP (female) who years ago challenged one of his many stupid ideas and she had the unconscionable audacity to think about the company/customer first, not placating a man-child.

      He was so pissed at her that he fired the entire team in a fit of narcissistic rage only to realize that, oh yeah, the good work building out the Supercharger network (with absolutely zero credit due to Elon because if he oversaw that project he would’ve messed it up) was you know, kind of a big deal to Tesla owners.

      He’s a vindictive POS. But he’s a genius with great ideas (and no capacity to actually be an effective CEO), so let’s just keep worshipping him until he drives Tesla out of business by alienating more customers. F that guy. But I want Tesla to survive and thrive.

      Edit: spelling

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