SNAP Work Requirements: Reduce Enrollment without Increasing Employment

    Posted by Salami_Slicer

    1 Comment

    1. Repulsive_Village843 on

      I’m a political scientist . I have a masters in public admin. Welfare schemes are not my forte but I’ll give you my 2 cents.

      Traditionally, there are several theories when approaching the whole welfare system. In this particular case, the idea is that welfare, although needed, should be an extraordinary form of help. This is not inherently bad. It starts from the idea that welfare is for people in need but you shouldn’t live an entire life out of welfare. In other words, welfare is for helping you get on your feet.

      The author says this is hoop jumping does not improve the getting a job part .Which I agree wholeheartedly. It still does not propose how to bridge the gap between welfare and being able to stand on your own. Personally, I understand that it’s extremely difficult for a welfare receiver to successfully make the jump. Some people say that snap or direct money transfers should still be paid even if the recipient is employed. I don’t have enough data to analyze but I have seen the data in over comprehensive welfare nets and how some people rejected jobs because the welfare was enough to live on with frugal consumption habits.

      It’s a huge problem because A) all the political aspects of welfare and b) human nature.

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