Don’t know why visualmod isn’t letting me YOLOflair

    Posted by OG_ClapCheekz69


    1. Significant-Music417 on

      Are you a deep regard? Or just playing with a hedge fund’s cash? 😂🤣![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    2. Tight_Baseball_4407 on

      Are options the only thing that is YOLOflairable on here? Because this is the definition of it lol, good luck lad

    3. MindYoBusin3ss on

      This was me today. I was so angry about not jumping in last Friday or Yesterday that I put down an angry yolo on the same stock.

    4. Check my post if half a mil lol. How were you buying it? I broke it into 100k limit buys to try and avoid spiking the price up at once

    5. Need I notice everyone that blackberry is not your ordinary margin-eligible stock on Robinhood, so this dude is tit up on his own money.

    6. fuck you, you fucking fuck. wish you great gains and don’t trip over your massive balls.

    7. Usual_Leading5104 on

      Bb to $15
      This is at least a 10 billion marketcap company
      🚀 🚀 🚀

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