$1k to 15k amc call. I risked what I could afford to lose, glad I sold this morning .cheers 🥂🥂


    Posted by BeewithSting


    1. VeteranTrailerTrash on

      Don’t worry he’ll probably be back after a night cap.

    2. Famous-Change1565 on

      Good stuff man, ignore the cultist. This is what you’re supposed to do, invest when there’s a clear signal the stocks gonna go up, and get out when you’re crushing it.

    3. Wonderful_Row_1576 on

      I had sold my contracts on a stop loss missed out on 7k, Congrats and fuck you.

    4. rhscarborough on

      Mhhhh so does this mean you bought then dumped it this morning at the high ?

    5. What’s the chance we can get in on options on market open tomorrow? 😅😅

    6. Actually-Yo-Momma on

      Congrats! Everyone’s situation is different so all I’ll say is remember to secure profits my dudes. Don’t be that guy who loses 100% because you couldn’t incrementally secure profits 

    7. Nervous-Trader on

      So awesome. I have major fomo! Man I’ve been approved for options on Charles Schwab for a hot minute but I don’t even know where to start my research to learn how to do this. None of the videos or websites I’ve looked to have helped me learn this language

    8. Not enough risk imao should put in 10k and gotten 150. Risk it for the biscuit coward ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    9. Flaming-Driptray on

      I did the same thing, I gave it one day to moon and then sold at close for a small loss. Tesla and Apple covered my loss for the day, so all is well in the end.

    10. Goldfishduck on

      This is what I like to see. Not the ckers with 500k buying shares. This is a real human right here. Good job!

    11. I know nothing about this stuff. I’m just a casual lurker. But this is dope. This seems reasonable. Not “I dropped my life savings into xyz and lost it all”.

    12. Grace_Lannister on

      Had a few calls, sold two and doubled my initial investment. Going to let the rest ride and see what happens.

    13. Bada_Bing_NJ on

      🫡 Well done! the next few squeeze plays coming up you could catch 🔥 Six figures!

    14. Achillez2213 on

      When you sell a call, do you sell for the bid price or the ask price? I may try for AMC soon but don’t want to be unprepared

    15. Choice_Cost_2017 on

      I’m interested in trading but have no clue what I’m doing. Anybody up for giving a few pointers to get started?

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