I like these days I like these days a lot especially when we can take a step back and realize just how right we were oh it’s great as it washes over us and I’m gonna take a a tip from Frankie and just say we got a lot of things to cover so let’s just jump right in so today is one of those days where a little bit of a red day and uh it’s kind of surprising after we talk about the things we’re going to reveal yeah Bitcoin I think it went below 60,000 for a second now now over seven days 3.8% everything’s down across the board wow the market cap is below 2.4 trillion that’s been uh taking quite some time and we just see that red Day red Day red day whatever this is a prime example of why we shouldn’t really pay attention to the numbers go up the numbers go down it’s all about the long term we’re taking a look at that it really comes down to the whole Prospect of what we’re talking about today JP Morgan and it give you a little bit of of a background just how big JP Morgan is JP Morgan Chase is the largest bank in the world as of 2024 now things could change things can go a little bit sideways or whatever else but it is Far and Away the largest bank market cap is 500 it’s half a trillion dollars essentially Bank of America 2888 billion uh Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 249 billion China Wells Fargo 28 billion and then and a couple other banks that trail off so pretty big bank and this just came out about I don’t know 30 minutes ago an hour ago looks like America’s largest bank world’s largest bank JB Morgan Chase discloses the spot Bitcoin ETF Holdings the new SEC folling this is actually was predicted actually by Michael sailor he said there was like three reasons of what would actually cause Bitcoin to really go parabolic and one of those was having the Revelation as far as the IRS filings of just who is actually holding Bitcoin not why they’re doing it but just actually the ones that are holding and we can see right now that that is what is happening now I don’t know exactly how much they are holding if they’re holding a dollar or 10 billion dollars I’m not for sure because it’s a little bit unclear about what what this article talked about but alls I know is that JP Morgan Chase and this is probably not a little bit that they actually are holding Bitcoin it’s a funny thing because as we look at the at the timeline of the history of JP Morgan and its CEO Jamie Diamond we can just chronologic take a look at what’s happened over the years going all the way back almost 10 years ago which is a funny thing because you know 10 years ago it was amazing that it was even on the radar and and and you will start to think about the people that you have heard in your long journey in crypto Nal assets of how many people told you that this was trash and that it was going to zero and that it was a big Ponzi scheme and it was a tul of mania bubble and all the other nonsenses out there so let’s just take a trip down memory lane in 2015 Jamie Diamond said virtual currency will be stopped in September 2017 JP JP Morgan CEO Jamie Diamond said Bitcoin is a fraud that will eventually blow up then in 2018 he said you know what I regret calling you I believe in the technology behind it which is the same thing a lot of nation states will say it’s kind of funny China will say the exact same thing like we don’t believe in Bitcoin but we believe in blockchain and that’s a big difference but uh inevitably they all kind of come around and then of course in 20120 Jamie Diamond says Bitcoin is not my cup of tea even JP Morgan’s warmed to it then in 2021 they said hey maybe some investors could make uh 1% of the portfolio and then of course they were actually actively managing Bitcoin funds or moving into it as time went on so again this just one of those stories where we were right and it’s it’s good to just kind of sit back and just kind of take that all in because it’s a SLO it’s a it’s a SLO to invest into things when you know you believe in it we believe in it but then we’ve got the traditional fin as some people might call him the smart money I don’t call him smart money call him the big money as they can come and say to us you guys are morons you guys are idiots and you’re going to lose everything but here they are on the background so watch what they do not what they say and I love this post by Crypt T where this pretty much sums it up of JP Morgan CEO Jamie Diamond sitting there going I wonder what we got it as the price anyhow let me know what you think about that in the comment section I love these days and it doesn’t stop there well as Faro now this is actually an older story I think this broke this morning uh looks like uh WS Fargo America’s third largest bank I think it’s the fourth largest bank in the world also owns spot Bitcoin TFS and it’s not just them so here’s what we have according to the filing Well Fargo holds position in Grace skills spot Bitcoin ETF pro shares Bitcoin strategy features ETF and shares in Bitcoin Depot marking a notal entry of course and that wasn’t just them well as Fargo on top of that earlier this week investment firm giant I’m gonna butcher this name uh sahana nailed it International Group revealed in an SEC find that it holds 1.8 billion in spot Bitcoin and other Bitcoin ETFs joining a wave of massive financial institutions disclosing their exposure to bitcoin again it just kind of just keeps steamrolling and as we move into the later part q no we’re already in Q2 2024 but Q3 Q4 getting into 2025 I can see these catalysts and these narratives actually filing filling out where we could actually see a nice little Bull Run moving into potentially next year but I like to see that that is fantastic also good news for blocki uh people who got screwed over blockfi partners with coinbase for fund distribution shuts down the web platform and here’s what we have so if you’re part of blockfi I never got into blockfi I never got into FTX but I did get into Voyager and celsus and got screwed over there so I know what you’re going through H this was a post that said that the collaboration with coinbase this is block buying coinbase will enable eligible blockfi interest accounts retail loans and private clients to withdraw their funds I think this actually already happened because here it says the lender informed clients on Thursday May 9th today is Friday May 10th that as the deadline to withdraw digital assets from the current estate distribution has passed They will receive instructions on setting up a coinbase account to facilitate withdrawals so apparently this has already come through and already happened so again you will this is a a tweet what it’s essentially saying is if you miss that opportunity to withdraw funds you will receive further information via email and I cannot stress this enough you are going to get scam emails if you’re in blockfi even you’re not in blockfi I guarantee some scammers have your information so make sure that you don’t trust the emails that you receive that you verify try to reach out even to me on on X and just to see where things I mean the fraud that is going to come out is going to be massive so just to be aware that the emails you’re going to get I’d say probably half of them are going to be BS and the one that you really need is going to be tough to find so good luck to you I’ll try to update as much as we possibly can we’ll go from there and also more good news uh price predictions I don’t like price predictions as you guys know I think they’re worthless but it allows us to dream a little bit but there was something that that Jack dorsy said former CEO of Twitter now head of block uh he says Bitcoin will be worth at least a million by 2030 I don’t care if it is or not I I I will have plenty of Bitcoin by that time I already have I mean I have a I have a reasonable amount right now I don’t care if it hits a million I don’t care if it it’sit 10 million I don’t care if it it’s 500,000 it’s going to be the best performing asset I’m pretty sure I will have in my entire portfolio that includes real estate but it’s what he said down here which made me stop and think so dorsy now the head of the financial services firm block so it’s not just like Jack dorsy is excuse me uh was just here for Twitter and you know just did Little Bits here and then of course Elon Musk bought him out but I mean he know was a little bit about financial services block is massive and he noted that bitcoin’s price isn’t actually the most interesting aspect of Bitcoin this is something I never really thought about and now I’m going to really make sure that I talk about this more and more he says the most amazing thing about Bitcoin apart from the founding story is anyone anyone who works on it or gets paid in it or buys it for themselves everyone who puts any effort into make it better is making the entire ecosystem better which makes the price go up so I know like some people say well Rob we don’t like these runes we don’t like like these nfts that are being built on top of uh Bitcoin we don’t like layer 2’s like stacks and core but you don’t understand and and now it totally makes sense as people start to build and use Bitcoin more and more you shouldn’t I mean some of the Bitcoin Maxes I guess I understand what they hate it ordinals and whatnot but we really should really Embrace and go oh you’re trying to make it better you know in some way shape or form I know it rises the cost up for transactions because of ordinals and ruins and things like that but on another note Michael sailor is using that same thing for digital IDs so I think we’ll all flourish in that sector and uh I’m going to try to bring a little bit more light to that and I think that the next big wave of the next narrative that we could see on top of real world assets and web 3 gaming and defy and or see to dpin I think is going to be layer twos and building on bitcoin so let me know what you think about that in the comment section I never thought of it that way it’s a good one got to give it up to jack on that one and then also let’s talk about just a couple of alt coins first render pumps 11% after Apple mentioned oxy I must have missed this whole story this was uh 13 well say it’s 13 hours ago but it was really a couple days ago so render token jumped 11% actually it was like on I think it was May 8 render token jumped 11% after Apple briefly mentioned octane a 3D design software powered by the render Network in its Keystone presentation showing off its M4 chip on its latest iPad and I guess there was a commercial or some kind of snippet of information that was put out as far as video wise and it says you can literally see the render logo in the video so that is essentially a partnership between Apple and render and this was this is a May 7th post everything started to hear about it this on May 8th and look at the price I want I wanted to include this just to remind people that as good as things are and the narrative as good as they are people will still take profits and you have to understand the psychology of investors not everybody is gonna Diamond hands forever and be like oh that’s a cool story let me take some let me take some profits it’s just how it is I mean just that’s just how it is so May 7th 10 bucks and then of course it dropped for some reason which is weird and because I think the story was released on May 7th then on May 8th this is 3:00 in the morning we BL this up now 9:00 and a crater down here until 300 p.m. this is mountain time so that would be 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time when you know Financial Services actually you know concludes the price was $949 so whenever this this announcement had it must have happened over here and then people caught wind of it and what did they do they sold and then the more people heard about it they sold again and they wrote it back up here and what happens people sell but but you will notice it is a nice trajectory of where it’s going even though looks like render is doing very hot for what it is so just something to keep in mind I think that’s a a great play especially congratulations to render holders I am one of those of course that’s why I talk about it because I’m biased but congratulations for holding on to a project that looks like you do fantastic work and then lastly friend of mine uh Jesus Martinez now has two channels one Jesus Martinez for gaming other one is classy Gam or I think it’s classy crypto which deals with defi uh he put out this information I didn’t know this he says the mem coins won in q1 they they won this they won this battle and Asus is a big big gamer big web three believer had on the show a couple times great guy I did not know it was this it was this big look at this look at this you know I I used to laugh at meme coins too I mean I mean I got into Bonk and I got into hot dog Costco hot dog not too long ago I did fine but look at this meme coins real world assets AI defi dpin every was talking about these and people would laugh at mem coins but it is where it is where it is the question is why did it do so well and of course people will say every time I bring up m coins say yeah but that’s just last quarter that’s just a flash in the pan I don’t think so I don’t think so I’m gonna tell you why it’s because all these different assets that are coming out real world assets AI dpin defi layer one everything that’s here even Layer Two I just talked about you have to understand of who gets in first you know who gets in First Investors VCS seed rounds preed private rounds they get in there before you do because we’re all retail right and then when retail gets in guess what happens I mean there may be lockup periods and things like that but as time goes on they tend to want to make some gains with meme coins a lot of not all of them you’ll take a look at them the circulating Supply and the total Supply is released on day one there is no pre not pre-mine there’s no pre- rounds there’s no pre-seed there’s no seed rounds no pivate rounds it’s all right there have fun and I think that is a Level Playing Field and I can get behind that so uh congratulations to mecoin Holders I a big believer in Bon I and talking about this since 2023 I think it’s the next Dogecoin and there’s a way to stake it it’s by smart contracts and not like you know individual people I did a video on it I Linked In the description you can check it out but remember everything’s risky so have at it that’s it for today just want to do something down and quick on Friday just to get everybody uh up to speed but that’s it for this session you like today’s video give it a thumbs up consider subscribing everything we talk about is time sensitive

    Q&A –

    J.P. Morgan the largest bank in the world revealed to have bought the Bitcoin ETF. Wells Fargo also revealed to have bought and RENDER working with APPLE???


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    1. If people would do their research they'd actually see that JPMorgan only bought around $760,000 worth. They're total AUM is over 3 trillion. The percentage they bought is like .00003% of AUM. By all means just stick to the headline, they bought 13 bitcoin worth in ETFs.

    2. Most banks/investment houses announce purchases but never sales. The hope is that they will be less volatile than individuals. To take over a major currency, tha countries central bank would need to accumulate enough to hold a majority of coins, so that they could still manipulate things like interest rates and liquidity. Somebody would have to feel somewhat in control…assets relying solely upon the collective “feelings” of 8 billion people is……worthy of further consideration.

    3. Digital silver in a digital age, litecoin is a digital precious metal, not a security. Litecoin is the oldest coin on the market after bitcoin, since its inception in 2011. Scarcity of litecoin is the key feature of its technology. Everyone tends to flock to digital silver and digital gold, litecoin and bitcoin, when things aren't going well. Litecoin is a decentralized digital commodity, just like bitcoin, but not even close so heavily concentrated in a few hands like bitcoin is. Both have Proof-of-Work consensus, and both have limited supply of coins. Only that litecoin is lighter, swifter, and hugely undervalued against bitcoin. Litecoin (LTC) being a digital commodity provides a decent inflation hedge as well because there will be mined only a limited number of 84 million litecoins in total.

    4. What exchanges can I margin trade in the US besides Kraken and Coinbase? These two require a lot of money and verification. I am only starting very small. Are there any particular DEXs that I should look into that are reliable and not shady?

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