McDonald’s is getting rid of free drink refills

    Posted by lurker_bee


    1. Repulsive-Dingo-869 on

      I sold off my mcd shares. We go often but it’s completely lost its appeal and even my 4 year old son doesn’t want to go as often because there is no playground in some locations.

      McDonald’s, it seems you are losing a generation of kids.

    2. That should help keep Americans healthier. Big gulp sugar-water beverages are helping fuel the obesity crisis.

    3. Kick_that_Chicken on

      I don’t understand, drinks are already an incredibly high margin product that provides more brand goodwill with free refills than charging. I don’t often buy sodas because how expensive they are. If I know I can’t get a refill without paying more, fuck that. My soda consumption will drop to zero.

    4. Aren’t soft drinks something like a fraction of a penny cost to a company? Seems taking this away is just going to force shoppers to go elsewhere.

      I will go to McDs if in on the highway and there is nothing else but now most rest stops have multiple places to sell you food

    5. Another reason on the long list of reasons on why u should never go back

      Also I’ve always hated how they *always* say “welcome back” implying that everyone’s been there before ..

    6. DangerousAd1731 on

      First the Mcchicken goes up in price and then no refills? I miss the old days and when I say that, I’m talking like 2008 lol not 1965

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