“We’re Heading Into the ‘Banana Zone’ In 2 WEEKS! Crypto Prices Will QUADRUPLE!” – Raoul Pal

    this is the banana zone why it’s called the banana zone is because the chart a looks like a banana and B everything goes bananas and that comes after the Haring after this consolidation it does this will it be identical well is 300 Grand the price Target whatever I don’t know but it will go bananas I do an enormous amount of work there’s literally thousands of pages of research from Julian B and myself on this so this is not just some flippant comments we see liquidity Rising forwards there’s there’s sources of liquidity everywhere but the cowbell is coming listen out for it it’s already started so the banana zone is all cowbell and markets going parabolic real Vision founder and chief executive officer Raul pal is looking forward to what he refers to as the banana Zone the phase of every crypto bull market where prices go completely crazy and parabolic according to Pal this much awaited phase might be only weeks away when it finally begins pal predicts crypto asset prices will run up so massively and suddenly that it will be almost impossible to keep up with everything happening pal is predicting that the overall crypto market cap will at least quadruple before the cycle ends in 2025 going from the current $2.2 trillion to1 to 15 trillion after we hit the banana Zone in a recent thread shared on social media platform X pal provides unique insights into the banana Zone Changing glob liquidity conditions and the cryptocurrency market according to Pal’s tweets the business cycle the time it takes the economy to go through the four phases of expansion Peak contraction and trough is driven by the global liquidity cycle which has been exhibiting clear cyclicality since Global debt reset in 2008 pal notes that central banks all reset their interest payments to zero in the wake of the great financial crisis starting a new cycle of interest payments every 3 to 4 years this perfect macro cycle coincides perfectly with the US election cycle which is always an excuse for more cowbell and the 4-year Bitcoin having cycle this all forms part of the everything code pal explained in one tweet where the business cycle near perfectly repeats as liquidity Rises to debase the currency to service the debt rollovers without it yields lose all anchor in a debt spiral the effect of that debasement is to lower the denominator fiat currency and that makes asset prices optically rise in value the real Vision CEO shares his full thesis and predictions for Bitcoin and crypto in a recent video on his Ral pal the journeyman Channel as we bring you clips from the video please take a little time to like this video subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more videos like this thanks and enjoy the video it’s time for a quick message from our sponsors go mining is the world’s first digital art Bitcoin miner this special project offers a new way way of earning Bitcoin by buying nfts to acquire a share of hash rate power already dedicated to Bitcoin mining 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global liquidity this is the GMI Global liquidity this was on that tweet thread now it’s a very colorful chart you probably can’t read it if you’re color blind you’re totally but what it says is the yellow periods of summer in summer what we find is liquidity increases is global liquidity not us liquidity Global liquidity so in summer liquidity starts increasing obviously 2020 because of the pandemic it went bananas but 2016 2012 these were good periods for liquidity and guess what crypto technology they all Rose then you get into fall fall is often when the real fireworks happen liquidity keeps pumping and then eventually tops out into winter that’s when you get the corrections the crypto down Cycles so we’ve got the best two parts of the cycle to come obviously the best entry was at the bottom of winter that’s when I was buying um salana ethereum um all back then and then I’ve obviously switched around so I’m pretty much 100% salana right now outside of small meme stuff and other bits and pieces because salana the salana Bitcoin cross chart salana eth cross chart looks so compelling that I’m like if my job here is to make as much money as possible I’m just going to own the thing that I think is going to go up the most so that was the view I had you will have a different way but please don’t get stuck into a narrative you’re still stuck in some token from three Cycles ago because somebody’s telling you that it’s it’s going to definitely be the next big thing it’s not big thing after three Cycles two cycles it’s not going to be the big thing so just try and make money I’m trying to allow you not this up don’t this up as the key Mantra when you’ve got a liquidity cycle ahead of you like this please take advantage of it so yellow tends to be in the summer tends to be decent but you get there’s been two cycles where fall was bananas total bananas and then you had the last fall in 2021 which was less so it’s because the liquidity came earlier in 2020 so we don’t know how it’s going to play out but this is how it should play out here’s a chart from exponential age Asset Management which is my fund of hedge funds so it’s an asset management firm that invests in the world’s best hedge funds to capture this trend of going from $2 A5 billion dollar where the market cap is now to 10 trillion where 10 to 15 trillion where it is this cycle and then to 100 trillion where I think it goes by let’s say 2032 2034 something like that this is going to be the biggest largest fastest accumulation of wealth in all human history and that’s why I keep saying don’t this up that’s why I have a long-term time Horizon that’s why don’t trade around this just let it do its job so here’s when we talk about doing its job so we look at the the the bottom the highest return section and the lowest return section so out of the three years crypto spring macra spring summer and fall crypto is the best performing asset in the world in the next year in Fall it’s the worst performing asset okay so that’s what you get but when you look at the accumulative returns NASDAQ since 2011 has done 769 that’s amazing amazing 177% a year Well Bitcoin done 20 million at 139% annualized ethereum 34% at 146% annualized and salana which is a shorter history 8,300 at 203% annualize pal is highly confident in his thesis because it’s an established cycle that has not failed in three Cycles the macroeconomic cycle has been up for even longer longer and if there is anything one can count on it is central banks printing more money to further debase the dollar and other Fiat currencies in his thread on Twitter pal adds the transition to macro summer is relatively forecastable due to the repeating cycle again this is the everything code it ushers in liquidity growth which has the tendency to create the banana Zone the odds of this changing significantly are low due to the current debt rollover the election and Global issues such as China while pal does not give 100% certainty that this cycle will play out like previous Cycles he believes the chances are pretty high in addition black Rock’s ibit and other spot Bitcoin ETFs could further intensify the banana Zone turning this into an entirely ballistic bubble cycle the penultimate tweet on the thread reads but the everything code is the best framework to understand this all and I think it comes with decently High probabilities but expect surprises along on the way sharp Corrections and long sideways markets let’s get back to the video this is the banana zone why it’s called the banana Zone it’s because the chart a looks like a banana and B everything goes bananas and that comes after the harving after this consolidation it does this will it be identical will is 300 Grand the price Target what I don’t know but it will go bananas unless something dramatic changes I do an enormous amount of work there’s literally thousands of pages of research from Julian B and myself on this so this is not just some flippant comments we see liquidity Rising going forwards there’s there’s sources of liquidity everywhere from the FED cutting rate from the treasury draining the the general account to the FED cutting QT to um to potentially um the treasury offering some liquidy Provisions to China so they can manage the debt deflation they starved of dollars something with Japan who also needs dollars because this this um you know their currency’s been collapsing there is a lot of opportunities the Europeans are going to cut rates the UK are going to cut rates there’s a lot of opportunity for liquidity the FED May let’s say spin up a special purpose vehicle to get rid of commercial real estate from the banks who knows but the cowbell is coming listen out for it it’s already started so the banana zone is all cowbell and markets going parabolic so hopefully that gives you some understanding of what I think lies ahead will it be perfect no does it chop around here for another month or two could do does it finish if I look at the previous um Cycles they two of them U ended in the third week of May the consolidation and then went and the other one was July 2020 but 2020 was weird because we had the pandemic in the middle kind of scree cycle so I don’t know it’s close they all like they’re making perfect wedge patterns all of that everything else seems good what’s also great about macro spring uh sorry yeah macro summer and fall is that you can basically take any asset it’s going to go up so all Commodities those of you who love Commodities Copper’s done well it’ll go up gold will go up oil eventually will do um doesn’t feel great right now oil stocks will mining stocks will uh all cyclical plays Will Tech stock semiconductor they all do phenomenally well crypto so you can be the which is a nice way to be in markets nobody wants to try and overthink stuff and pretty much anything you buy will go up but some things will go up more than others that’s that’s how I look at the world everything’s everything correlated everything the everything code cycle of the four-year debt refi cycle means that everything gets correlated a few assets lead crypto and Tech others follow the business cycle the business Cycle’s bottoming so they all bottom but they’re all correlated everything’s correlated so for me I like to keep everything really moronically simple if everything’s correlated then there is no such thing as diversification it is really important to me I’m going I set up this whole thing for real Vision to guide people through this massive transition this transition into a new system where the old system is broken we’re forced to speculate the system is rigged against us asset prices keep going up wages don’t go up everybody’s polarized everybody hates each other you throw in Immigration glob global trade you throw in aging populations you throw in AI robotics right this is not easy for anybody everybody just feels like it’s out of their control and I get it but you’ve been given the gift crypto is the gift and all you have to do is not this up the foundation is set for the cryptocurrency industry to continue to expand and evolve for decades to come and that includes significant price gains and every four years we get the fund transition from macro and crypto spring to summer and fall with prices blowing through the roof each of these Cycles will be marked by significant upticks in the global money supply as central banks strive to rescue their respective economies from potential collapse it takes no genius to piece it all together explosive money supply growth various technological platforms emerging and developing together at an equally explosive pace and at the center of it all the cryptocurrency industry what are your thoughts on rul Pal’s outlook for crypto tech stocks and macro in 2024 and Beyond please drop your comments as well as your predictions for your favorite crypto Assets in the comments section below also ensure you like this video subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more videos like this thanks for watching e

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    Credit: Raoul Pal The Journey Man
    Live Drinks With Raoul: “The Banana Zone” – When crypto goes Bananas!

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    1. Nope we have already seen the high for this year. By October November the market will crash and bankrupt almost everyone. How do I know this look who has been selling billions in stock in the last few months. The market is pumped during this time so the people in the know cash out at market high. The suckers buy more stock thinking the market is going higher. The government is fudging all the data just like in 2008-2009. Then the fed cuts the rates and the suckers buy. Just when you think the world is going to skip a disaster, BOOM, banks crash, housing implodes, war will be knowing on the door and some fool in the democrat party will drop a nuke.

    2. All the cycles until now were during heavy money printing and had heavy liquidity during those halvings. They had QE. This is the first halving to be under QT. Can it be different? Possibly.

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