These Altcoins Will Rip! (Nvidia To Shock The World)

    [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we see Bitcoin giving up not an inch to the markets that want to dump it as these ETFs come to cataclysmic levels of Holdings also some of our favorite AI tokens are geing up for a massive move on a very specific date right around the corner we’re going to get into all that and more on today’s blockchain basement we are the bread and butter but all the information that’s been swimming across the internet for crypto news you’re going to screw me at least pull my hair hell yeah what you got they could start chopping off fingers they’re like give me your seed phrase but I don’t know it over 2 years he’s made like 17K on Roblox 12 never listen to me we must be married now well how much are you investing $100 4 to 600,000 the generational signals are now your spread so thin that’s how you get in on snake snake’s been my biggest winner yes welcome one Welcome All We Have bass mint all kinds of chaos happening in the chat today F Ukraine good to see you again veteran crypto what up dude nominus as always glowing jelly Mr Mark Jamie Gonzalez Bob fromy and Jeff Dickerson all talking about the exciting things happening in crypto today I have Isaac does crypto joining with me on the show today absolutely fantastic to have you here sure Hannah will come flying in here like a bat out of hell um momentarily she looked like she was quite busy this morning but it’s a beautiful day in crypto once again no we have not gone to zero yes we are still gearing up for the nastiest pump in history as the crypto markets get ready to unleash absolute chaos but I want to remind everybody before we get into all the stats all the news all the things brewing in front of us that this show is indeed powered by Ulus this is the world’s leading Cold Storage uh you can get it by clicking the link in the basement under our description use code base to get your hands on the easiest to store secure and Swap all your crypto with three Factor authentification mind you um excellent partner of the channel and I’m proud to be uh backed by this company um they stand for basically everything I do so it feels good to have something uh backing you up that is that secure and uh shout out to manok talking about the pizza party coming in two weeks I am pretty damn excited about this Owen you better make it to the the the pizza party the people need you Owen okay you got to show your face too I need a proof of life that Owen is indeed alive I’m going to be forcing this man into the Limelight he will not get a Twitter account um you you got to show proof of life it’s got to happen you got to do it you got to do it Owen where you at there you are come on let him see let him see you got to do it beautiful man the show’s gonna end if you don’t do it Show’s GNA end if you don’t show them I mean I’m didn’t yelled at are you real there it is there it is all right so now we can get everything off of our chest what up Hannah um Hannah was caught in the crossfire upstairs with a battle had an important business to take care of but I made it hello happy to be here um it sounded like Owen was using you as a shield in the firefight bro I don’t know I’m over simulated yeah I could tell there’s a battle going on around are you ready for the basement I’m like yeah yeah you looked a little uh preoccupied there glad to have you happy to be here thanks for joining us today um so yes we have gotten the proof of life out of the way now let’s get into all the things happening in crypto before we look at all the charts and all that stuff why are we going the way we are what up oh God Aaron just said hey come on come on oh you got to no they said thy meat come they said thy meat in the chat yeah come on there’s a mic right there get on over look at this he’s coming in he’s no no no this one he’s gonna be fun he’s gonna be huge it this is this is great look at him all sketchy dude you have been uh God we’re like competing uh Garden Builders at this point mean Aon very close in proximity as well uh he’s building a little bit different of a style of garden uh getting pretty tan from the process but yes um look at all the emoj in the chat see you had to do it there it isan very tan are you excited about Bitcoin Nashville Aaron yes we’re going together I assume I’m going we’re going baby and you know what we travel well together that’s why I’m very excited about that’s all I got to know you the first time yeah we were traveling we went to Airbnb they warned us against making porn at and they did yeah they warned us made sure we weren’t pornographers it was because the lady looked me up on Facebook and saw that I was a videographer and then asked and contacted me like what we were going to be doing yeah we were actually going to be interviewing Charles hoskinson she like don’t do and she goes yeah well there’s no filming at the house we had an incident in the past where someone was filming uh corn filming wonder how they found out I didn’t know we allowed to say porn porn yeah say porn um by the way I had Arby’s over the weekend you did I did I had some Arby’s that’s a weird coincidence you know what I went to get Arby’s the other the day because that damn logo keeps coming up in the chat s offed me a roast beef sandwich it’s called marketing sponsor us RB it works so apparently there is breaking news of a boat hitting Texas Bridge um this just broke thank you for the uh chat bringing this up to me I’m going to pay attention to this apparently a bar struck Pelican Island Causeway Bridge in galvon Texas um interesting to see if that formats anything but before we get into all that craziness ETFs these Bitcoin ETFs in the United States now hold $60 billion worth of bitcoin this is nearly 1 million Bitcoin that the these ETFs have been able to accumulate in this short of an amount of time this is absolutely unprecedented this is well beyond what I thought we were going to be seeing this early on into the cycle absolutely terrifying disgusting making you rich yes but all of the above um ETFs nearly holding the amount that satoshi’s wallet is sitting on absolutely crazy to think about I me and taco were talking about this and you know you talk about there’s 21 million total Bitcoin okay you establish that a million of them locked up in satoshi’s wallet but then also the question of how many Bitcoin are out there and lost I’ve seen figures showing that there really is only around 13 million Bitcoin being traded to or from or held by active and verifiable accounts a large amount of Bitcoin are rumored to be lost in the background while you have things like black rock with their ibit fbtc Arc invest with their inflows all gobbling up nearly a million of these Bitcoin this is absolutely setting up for something uh that traditional Finance is not ready for the reintroduction of a finite resource that’s sought after in a technological revolution has not been put into play and you know I’m sure that there’s a few hedge fund managers like these that are gathering their Bitcoin ETFs that see this ahead of time but the grounder population the retail they don’t see what’s coming at all um you know and I’m pretty impressed with this inflow right now it’s it’s my assertion that we’re going to be petering out somewhere around six to 7 trillion is still at mind if these inflows do increase though I’m going to have to adjust that Outlook potential so that being said we’re going to look at why you know we had a little bit more fund management Jo uh yoloing into these things Booth Bay fund management reports withholdings of $5.2 billion in Bitcoin ETFs the fund is now the largest reported holder of Black Rock Fidelity and bitwise ETFs this on top of yesterday’s news of Wisconsin um and the Pension funds the fact that these Pension funds uh some of the largest in the world are moving into these Bitcoin ETFs uh Pension funds are the elephant Bitcoin in the market cap that it is right now is the toenail to the elephant if we even get the foot of Pension funds it’s absolutely going to be disgusting as far as how high this Market would go pensions are one of the largest markets out there so we’re seeing this happen in the background compound that with the coinbase Bitcoin Reserve currently at 267,000 Bitcoin down from 418,000 Bitcoin just at the beginning of this year they’re running out of Bitcoin at record Pace this is absolutely lovely to see and and you know it’s not as I said not felt yet but the price is holding up damn good in light of even all the outflow as you see Hong Kong ETF uh you know yesterday we reported they did equate to an outflow so far you’ve had a lot of selling going on in Bitcoin and yet still this line of support remains above $60,000 a lot of people looking for a breakout to around the $70,000 Mark for that level of retracement SL resistance so um you know chopping up still still sitting within this health on a shelf there’s not really the Bitcoin price action that I have in mind for the main driving factor in what’s coming for altcoins though um this is just the Calum before the storm now we’ve covered coinbase in their Holdings we’ve also got to dive into this I covered this this morning Joe Biden and his scop that he’s won all of his debates against Trum now he’s received and accepted an invit ation from CNN for debate on June 27th of this year over to you Donald that is going to be a [ __ ] show and a half I all right here’s a question for every flip like what what yeah so if you don’t remember Hannah Biden made up an excuse to skip the last debate um he also the one time that I do remember him getting in front of trump he got slaughtered so that’s why I was so aggravated with his little video H I took him down twice I’ll take him down again this morning right um but the real question here is is this actually going to happen now this is poly market and this is a betting uh people put bets you kind of get a Vibe for what people’s opinion on if this is going to happen or not is poly Market is putting the odds at an 83% chance of yes this is a debate that’s actually going to take place and there’s also uh 17 or yeah right around 17% that think it’s not going to happen I okay I want everyone’s opinion before I give my opinion Hannah first to you okay is Joe Biden willing to face Trump in a debate he’s going to need a new blood boy he’s going to need a new dose of adrino Clone he’s going to need new meth and it’s going to need to be a new robot it’s in like a month it’s in uh well July uh let’s see here what’s it what’s the date again June 27th June 27th so it’s about it’s about a month and a half from right now is he going to be ready for a debate against the orange one in a month and a half from today no he’s not going to be ready is he gonna do it is it gonna happen yeah is it gonna actually happen I hope so you think I’m gonna say yeah because I want it to okay um all right Hannah think bden and uh Trump by Bowden and Trump yesterday’s thumbnail man that was it the yesterday’s show of election coins that was ridiculously good um all right we’ll go to the couch here Aaron are we actually going to see Joe Biden mustre the the coones on CNN you said it’s on CNN ah I mean it’s you know it’s um man I don’t know I just don’t know if this guy can debate I’m just curious the production side how long did it take him to film and edit that video of him making that little like come debate me Trump oh you know I mean it was a half a day ordeal you know he had to do first you gotta inject the uh meth or whatever and then is injected with something yeah they they they’re giving him something I have proof they’re giving him you have proof yeah okay just well it’s all through uh it’s verbal stuff that’s been told to me but uh I know some people you know some people Mr X he’s gonna he’s gonna uh raise money like take donations for his campaign for that for this and then back out oh my God uh maybe maybe Isaac is it going to happen or not and let us know in the chat is this actually going to happen I I want your guys’ opinions are we going to actually see a debate are we going to see debate I want it to happen because that’ be really funny I feel like Joe Biden would bring like 30 to 40 different note cards with things to say on it yeah um but you can’t prepare for what the orange one’s going to throw at him you know of course not he always has something new to no he’s gonna get him on his toes but you know why they want to have this debate why is that they wanted to divide this country even more yeah what they want to happen I mean hard to do but infuriate the each side maybe it’s already happened but you know they’re just they’re just stirring the pot more potentially you know I I think that uh I think this is a hard noil I think that Joe is going to uh come up with a sickness likely the bird flu Oh man imagine Biden comes out with a press announcement sorry guys I cannot join the debate I have caught bird flu Oh my God shut up we got to shut down everything you guys oh my God we got a this is an emergency [ __ ] holy [ __ ] now we have a date now we have a date June 27th June 27th pause po Market that’s what the teleprompter told me say oh yeah pause yeah he and he won’t have the teleprompter ability you know not going be there then he’s going to get destroyed then no he’s gonna get if he does go in he’s GNA get torn apart um or it’s not even him it’s so undressed up like him in a mask a mask yeah maybe I mean it’s hard to tell anymore I think that uh you know it’s probably some type of uh heavy drugs that he’s on or something that’s you know trying to get his longevity in the mix of it if you get what I’m going with that now Biden is also calling on grocery chains to lower prices on consumers uh because it is indeed just the grocery Chain’s fault for hyperinflation and printing trillions of dollars within a short amount of time and being shocked by the results uh consumers call on Joe Biden to stop issuing $1 trillion do debt every 100 days so you know it’s just more uh gaslighting blaming the uh markets themselves for having any increase the prices you know grocery stores heavily uh beholden to the originating price of the goods themselves and the transportational legistics price in between there so you got to keep that in mind there’s many things that play into how prices increase on the shelves it’s been a long road to hell for us and here we are probably going to get worse that’s why we need more crypto now speaking of getting more crypto speaking of outpacing these buffoons that have absolutely uh led us asay we’re going to be looking at the meme coin and uh altcoins of the world to find out where we’re going next with our holds um and first we’ll CH just take a a glance at coin market cap see what the biggest winners in the top 100 are here immutable x r weave now at 37 my God uh coming in at $462 SEI making a move down overall on the week but up 14% today Ando coming back Rondo wo 14% just about today nice to see B tensor tow uh some talk about this as the potential next Behemoth in the AI sector I was feeling it and uh just kind of excited about it from other people that I knew were very intelligent in the space we’re all about it at 40 bucks this thing has showed no chill went up to like 700 bucks now we’re sitting at 384 might have to get some exposure to that and the graph coming in with 12% gains I’m obviously not buying any of these big upswings but it’s nice to see uh some of our favorite projects like here’s near protocol I just built a good bag of that one um Thor chain I love that project Jupiter we’ve been talking about Jupiter it’s easy to use it makes sense that this volume this value is increasing um beam nice to see and fetch AI you see quite a few AI tokens within within this you got Singularity net bet ji you got near who’s tethering into the capabilities to align with AI as a layer one so it has an interesting approach to AI um you have the graph one of the old school AI data indexers and bit tens are one of the newbies in town and of course arewe so you have quite a few AI plays in the top gainers they could keep pumping and they and people think it’s uh people think it’s done I got something for you guys I got you haven’t said it yet I haven’t said it okay that’s why that’s why I chose the way said it this is it man so Nvidia we’re going to talk about what’s coming over the next two weeks here Nvidia is surging to the highest price since March okay and now you remember that absolute crazy crazy pump that we had in March I want you to keep this March increase in Nvidia in mind when I show you the rest of the graphs for the remainder of the show so you can get an understanding of where I’m coming from here but what we have is uh people talking about the Nvidia earnings report now this report this is the day we’re watching out for here folks due to report shortly after market close on the 22nd of May um so we’re watching this typically 6208 eastern Time or 2120 in the UK the most important stock of the world with that was the label given Nvidia throughout February as we geared up for its highly anticipated q424 earnings um and results that’s not Q4 I don’t think they meant they meant q1 but at the time the sheer number of Articles written about the stock was incredible we are a momentum stock you need this so you can catch onto this Beast I can’t believe that uh trading view or market watch whoever this was had that uh typo but here’s what’s going on is a lot of people think that Nvidia is facing headwinds and might not have a good uh earnings report for one and might not be able to be the Hot Topic it once was in February are completely underestimating the growth that we’re having um we didn’t cover a ton of it on this show but chat GPT 4 came out that’s kind of reignited all the interest in it you know what I mean like seeing people conversate in live time with AI and they’re realizing that it’s analyzing the world around them that this thing is much much more powerful than it was it’s nuts it’s nuts Tiffany Fong it sounds like her voice some people said so she like posted it which brought a lot of attention to like those tweets you know and the voice sounds so real yeah um it’s very scary like I’m like we’re doomed yeah it’s it’s kind of like the biggest thing looking at it for me was seeing uh chat GPT able to reasonably analyze its surroundings like and notice that’s a duck that’s a person talking to another person it’s able to literally like start analyzing the world around you what is this talking about uh chat GPT 4 uh zero is what it’s called it’s four zero yeah here’s a s than just four yeah well I’ll show you it’s a this is a zero lowercase um O Okay GPT 4 o and the AI this is a just an example of it this father tells chat GPT 40 to essentially tutor his son um I think it was trig or something geometry or something like that and the AI completely is able to start uh teaching this kid how to do this math problem without giving him the exact answer having those kind of social parameters of you want to lead them to water but you don’t you know want to lead you know give the water straight to them you got to get them to work for it very very interesting to see this roll um you know and you have a lot of live time uh Ju Just audio and visual recognition and uh this I don’t even know what this this is like a different language now it gets weird but this coming out you have apple kind of had a lackluster I think apple is not doing too well from that little Vision Quest thing oh The Vision Pro yeah they’re selling the first model it’s the worst one they’re ever going to make I’m sure it’s going to get better but uh it’s also $4,000 yeah it’s $4,000 it’s for the new one you can get a used one for like two grand now you know what I mean or like terrible it’s already gone down to two grand it’s pretty bad it’s pretty bad they’re losing value quick you know what I mean so we’re talking about you know this article that we’re reading from market watch uh you know they’re thinking that the hype is over people really don’t care this is just getting started yeah we’re used to it because we’ve been using the large language model so far um pretty heavily here in crypto and we know all the AI tokens that have been uh popping up um we’ve been paying attention to them but the larger community of Market investors you know at large they see Nvidia they see data chips uh you know semiconductor production that’s a juicy squeeze but they’re not looking six steps down the road at what the chip I that are being produced at Mass are going to be actually implemented for it in my opinion going to be implemented to handle the amount of data that AI needs to operate um so we have this they’re wondering if it’s going to be hot still and now I wanted to find something that will show us a good Bell weather for what this earnings report will actually look like and in that I look at tsmc Nvidia does not produce they design tsmc produces and TMC beat the first quarter Revenue and profit expectations on strong AI chip demands regardless of all the sanctions and all the macro tugging tug-of-war that’s going on right now people think that that trade or that production is just going to come to a halt are sadly mistaken he who owns the chips is the dominant power in the world Taiwan semiconductor manufacturing on Thursday beat revenue and profit expectations for the first quarter this was posted quite a while ago let me see it was about a month ago um so we’re going back it’s April 18th when this information was released we know that they came out hot on their earnings for the second quarter 24 we expect our business to be supported by strong demand for the industry uh leading three nanometer and 5 nanometer Technologies partially offset by uh continued smartphone seasonality uh CFO Wendel hang said during the firm’s earnings call on Thursday saying basically there is no stopping this train a lot of people call the AI bubble is over this uh chip production bubble is over it’s all going to crash just like the uh dot bubble we’re not there yet you’re correct but you’re a broken clock is right twice a day right you got to think about that yes it’s cooking to levels that will probably not be able to sustain themselves but it’s probably going to take a few years to do so and we are just getting started with these systems being utilized in mainstream public so you got to wait till it’s actually kind of out there you know and then every Wendy’s are every drive-thru you go through is AI and it’s implemented then you know the squeeze the juice has been squeezed essentially um I those drive-throughs you do yeah are they convenient I haven’t ran into one yet I haven’t ran into one I’ve Just Seen videos where people literally that’s all their content is them going there and like talking to and stuff but you have a way more pleasant experience ordering your food than some other places I mean you got to you got to think like some of these places you go to like we’ll say Wendy’s you know like how happy are you working at Wendy’s or McDonald’s yeah maybe I could be wrong Maybe some people are really happy working there but overall the experience is not great that’s why everyone goes to Chick-fil-A because you’re always going to have a good experience with the AI it’s a good experience every time it’s it’s undoubtable you know what I mean and it you you see the demands for higher wages in California it’s probably where you’re going to see the uh you know the biggest push for it initially is because a lot of those businesses just can’t operate I got to get reminded I have ai Tech on my radar crypto steo we’ll check out the price action on it when we get um into the actual AI coins that we’re we’re going after here but China on the concept of the types of semiconductor chips China has mastered the mass production of 5 andm semiconductor chips despite us sanctions trying to stop them from doing so they’re at 7 nanometers last year now 5 nanometers this bringing up a lot of questions on if this is just IP uh you know proprietary information stolen from China obviously you can expect that they take our blueprints they go produce it for cheaper in their factories because they pay people less they have less overhead they have less EPA restrictions over their heads they can do it faster and leaner than the United States can and they’re going to take advantage of that so not surprised by that but had to give the side note there uh now this is looking at nvidia’s Price breaking out of a bull flag render also waking up we have one week until those earnings come out are you ready for AI summer this is a post from machine Alpha I really liked um just showing kind of the overall Market structure of Nvidia right now and then you look at Nvidia uh or actually render we’re going to go to render’s Price action real quick here because I really think that render is the most closely aligned with nvidia’s price action render sad story slightly for me um you know I did buy a bag pretty damn cheap at like a $190 and then I sold took good amount of profits for um had to do like an AC system system in the the wife’s shop you know what I mean my wife’s new shop so I took profits at a render because it was a good little move now I’m sitting here gearing up and my God I want a little bit of a breather on this yes I still have other AI tokens but I need to refill this bag on render um so part of what I’m watching on this big move that’s coming on the 26th of June or what is it may um but on the weird side of AI this guy resigned he is part of the leadership at open AI what a weird mysterious I know IED um that’s all I said I don’t like it I don’t like it Sam alman’s a weird [ __ ] his profile picture kind of scares me too I can’t trust that dude in a turtleneck oh my God my God he like he should be in Step Brothers I have a I have a just a a far-reaching theory here is that back when they dislodged Sam from open AI was because he had achieved Singularity and didn’t tell the board now Sam Alman is back and we see resignations from some of their top uh developers or designers of the system this guy’s a co-leading super alignment uh lead at open AI optimizing the AGI future where Humanity flourishes that’s what your Hope was buddy right I’m sure the road to hell is paved in Good Intentions Jan but seeing him uh resigned based out of San Francisco probably a he him just going out on a limb and guessing that one maybe he knows where we’re headed with AI and it scares him what did Ilia see I know he saw something Ilia saw something I know and you know like he can’t be part of this if we’re already at Singularity level we are so hosted if we if what I’m saying is the truth oh my God you know what I mean it’s always been my opinion AI is going to look at us as a locust that’s just taking I don’t think we’re we’re not there though we’re not you don’t think so no okay good you know what I mean very good um that giv time4 o does not have emotion I mean we use have feelings we use AI all the time right I use it every day for work yeah you got Hannah I love it it’s a tool but something’s not right here something feels a little weird yeah something coin World coin weird just all weird yeah you get free French fries your eyeball he resigned right now now during all of the the chat GPT 4K announcements I know right after it he literally just went I resigned no no explanation or anything it’s like he had no time to even tweet it out he just had to go he had to get out of there in the country what did you say ISAC he’s no longer in the country yeah just he fleed to his own bunker and Sam alman’s a major prepper he’s like got bunkers and all this infrastructure getting ready for the world to end yet literally yes veteran designing Skynet for us in the background to get us there if the world’s going to end just take me yeah um just like tell us just tell us not going to just tell us all right so now let’s get into uh some tokens that I have found intrigu in uh first of all I want to go to AI Tech um because that is one yes cidus AI Tech been liking this one watching it for a bit it is in potentially that juicy spot where it’s found its floor it might be trying to prove this is Health on shelf this is the previous original all-time high it jumped up to right around 15 cents then Consolidated jacknifed up to just about 50 cents now has since Consolidated back to 18 cents just above that original all-time high pump that actually I’m glad you brought that up crypto steo I know this a good project but actually the the timing of the entry looking pretty good on that one um and other ones that I’m watching I took a risk I I I found this project that I am pretty damn excited about so I got a position this one wisdom eyes Ai and it looks like uh something this thing launched like yesterday or the day before and it is already full on most of its staking pools I think there was only like one more yeah it was the 30-day pool that remained available with the 10.5 apy this one I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s already full the 365 day lockup is already full and the reason why I like wisdom AI is a couple reasons so it’s available the price action available on uh coin gecko not coin market cap yet uh cuz like I said this thing’s brand new you got like 24 hours of Daya here here is the Twitter accounts already up to 129,000 um you know followed by some of my favorite peeps but it’s definitely made a good move based out of Switzerland when you go to the actual uh website oh let me log in here Owen let me log in pull the screen down I got to log into this thing I want to show you guys the actual dashboard for this thing because it is pretty damn cool it takes basically Aggregates a lot of sentiment on social platforms primarily um telegram it it uses to pull the data from and kind of analyze people’s sentiment in the markets um hot new uh things that they see coming out let’s see here I might not oh there we go oh no my password I got to redo the password but essentially what this thing does I’ll just go to the basic website here um so it’s available on these exchanges y y but what it does is the token itself you can actually use to get access to AI driven crypto trading insights and the actual dashboard for it is pretty damn badass um they give uh kind of an overlay of what the wins and losses are on the uh signals themselves probably going to make me do it again ah you son of a gun but basically go here once I go get my password I’ll be able to log into this thing you go in in here and you actually get a dashboard that shows you the entire uh kind of analyzation of where the markets are heading in the short term and longer term trades very very interesting and the more that this thing gets information from the more powerful it will become and I really liked just how new it is it’s releasing right at a damn good time I think the market cap somewhere around like 89 million or something like that but I think the timing is impeccable for something like this um has a billion tokens total and that is the Cap Supply so holding this one maybe I’ll be uh you know going to the moon or down to the depths of Hell holding this one but I’m huddling either way I’m interested to see where it uh ends up it actually has some pretty cool Partnerships with chain link and uh other pretty big blockchain so AI is a weird one for me AI is a weird one for you yeah man I just feel like they overpromise under deliver they got like these skeletons of a cool idea but TT just not there that’s why I like I’m not saying that one I’m just saying as a whole I want to log in cuz it’s actually it got me very excited um I dug into the insights last night and it was very specific on the time of the trade signal how high or low the actual trade signal went and then what it used to pull that data from like don’t they already have like telegram Bots that do that though they have telegram Bots to a degree but the uh it doesn’t consolidate all the data the way that I liked it you know actually don’t know I’m just playing double no no it’s a good question and really the consolidation of the data and the visual representation of it and being able to make decisions based off of it was what I actually kind of like so I might try my hand and locking some up to get you know the full access to it I haven’t done it yet but I have some tokens I could lock into it and uh whoa you all right there on all right buddy um yeah the lock tokens into it to be able to use it yeah you got to spend like I think it was like 25 00 tokens to get access to the full system how do you feel about that I think it’s reasonable and I like it because it uses uh you know the more popular the product becomes then people are having to spend that token and it has a utility to get access to the platform you know what I mean I like the Gated access people in the chat how do you feel about having to lock in no I mean there you go you spend them you know they don’t get them back you got to spend them for the access to the to the protocol oh it’s like a lifetime membership thing uh it’s a year you get a year yeah for 2500 so okay yeah and it’s currently at like 8 cents or something like that so pretty damn interesting um Owen was indeed glitching out Zachary Martin what’s up dude um so yeah that’s one of them that I’m watching obviously we’re watching render I am you know selfishly wanting a cheaper entry point on this thing probably not going to get it but if it does flirt with this $7 750 level again I will once again hammer in but something interesting on the video look at this graph look at this graph let’s go to 1 hour so we can get a bit is there a chance that all these AI tokens are pumping before the Nvidia event and then after it happens they dump oh it’s visual what you said is literally what I’m seeing here this is in Voda not uh you know I literally found this thing this morning when I started to click in my head holy [ __ ] we got a few weeks until AI coins absolutely lose their minds once again and I was thinking okay what’s the Nvidia on salana and uh you can see this is the March uh the last conference this thing released during the conference made it all the way up to like 1.2 cents has since absolutely cratered I feel like taking it but again I’m being greedy on the entry points here um this thing showing signs of life on the wick and I want to get in on this thing somewhere around the 0.4 level because I am greedy and I want to make sure that I uh buy at a low Point that’s a d gen play right there this is the D gen play cuz this is 735 $738,000 market cap this is minuscule you know what I mean um so whoa shout out to you two pump Chum the M what yeah let got one Ben Simmons VC J Foster crypto rooster thank you very much for your support to this channel my God heaviest in render and chain link I am still still heavy in chain link I did chop some up um to actually get a spot in uh I wanted to build a bag of wisdom eyes and uh I built a little bit of near out with a bit of chain link that’s been performing pretty dang good um God what else did I buy more Arrow I bought more aerody drone Finance uh we got to check aerody drone Finance while it’s on my mind here’re going to be kind of consolidating all the coins I’ve been watching because my God it’s oh my God look at that what we are up 21% but still down largely that went from happy to sad real quick well I mean you know the 18 cents is largely what the bags built from so it’s all groovy but right here that is a healthy healthy sign this is that previous all-time high just above it these coins are finding their floor they’re finding their next area they can find that support and make their next move to the upside this is healthy as [ __ ] to see a 21% day very very nice dig out of the trench right there ah that is absolutely beautiful love to see it so we got to keep going on the coins here so we looked at inia I’m going to be uh trying to snipe inidia is that how you say inida in in it’s Nidia so I guess it’s in is that how you say it invid invid that good I like that um yeah man you know I’ll probably put like 50 bucks in this thing you know what I mean nothing huge nothing um you know these are the types of plays I put a little bit in obviously take the initial out when I can or when I feel comfortable doing so for me and my portfolio we will not be look at this and that’s usually your signed to buy because anytime I say that it freaking that’s true I mean that’s perfect that’s perfect like Trump coin or whatever gosh if this thing recaptures for uh this previous alltime High we’re looking at a, 1400% increase where did you find this I was just looking you know what I mean and I put it into uh I think I put it into soul or two um I saw one red flag that it has a holder a singular holder with a lot of tokens so be aware of that but like I said I’m put in 50 bucks it’s below a million dollars we’ll see if it absolutely rips or not but I got to have it in front of this freaking uh earnings report because the markets are going to literally light on fire in a good way in my opinion now we have this going on former FTX executive Ryan salami asking for no more than 18 months in prison since when do these jackasses get to decide their own sentencing I only want to be in prison for at most 18 months what s is this no more no less you know what I mean if you give me more I will not go what sense does that make oh God there’s so many tokens that I got to look at hold on C swap I got to look at where SE swap is I think it’s around 8 cents trying to build yeah it’s around 8.7 cents this is another one that’s again not a damn bad spot look at this the initial will pump up you get the all-time high it Finds Its support right at that just above or just below 8 cents level just bouncing off of it you guys this is getting too thick Ando we got to see where ando’s at we’re looking at uh we’re looking at the bags here folks this is the moment um on the day now up up 133% but a lot of things are up today the month the year look at that damn shelf that is a healthy looking shelf right there holy God gotta make sure oh yeah that’s the stuff that’s the stuff we want to see so not sick from inflation inflationary fears and I do believe I remember looking at the tokenomics of this we were watching out for a uh a token unlock but I believe that’s quite a ways out got to look at Trump token my God is it doing it again Trump token just will not stop winning what’s it that $944 my gosh and I Wasing not buy it at what was it it was like less than a dollar yeah dude you know and remember like Drew why don’t you buy you some bullets I was like yeah I just want to shill it to the moon and not be responsible for it you know too um now I you know I mean I will expect it’ll come back down and I’ll have to take the position out of right I’ll probably take some chain link and put it in prefer it around like six bucks no six bucks is reasonable yesterday it was very cheap look at this fell down to $42 yesterday know you have it Nicole dang it look at this down to $42 what’s Nicole saying she’s got it she had it from the very beginning I was saying don’t buy it she’s been uh yeah she’s been in on this thing for a while um we had the uh one of the uh co-leaders co-founders of one of the leaders of this token on yesterday Sean and he was incredible various his Trump Impressions it was I died go back and watch it I closed my eyes for a bit during like listening to him just to imagine it was literally Trump did you get goosebumps it was Trump standing in front of me you know what I mean he um so yeah let’s see here Trump sitting in 931 extreme volatility but that’s the stuff we like here in crypto look at that my god9 I remember you said don’t bite either I [Music] remember you can’t catch them all I know you can’t catch them all Drew I’m not I’m probably I won’t run out of chain link I’ll keep at least a thousand of them but uh you know what I meanon did we fade popcat popcat we talked about it but is is it gone absolutely cat narrative I don’t know I think Aon I faded it and then it popcat holder you’re a big popcat holder really how’s it been doing like should I pull it up on the chart popcat I with the mouth open yeah yeah yeah let’s see here pop cat show D it’s up 6% at the moment this the Yep this is the screaming c i I was around for this one oh man this ship feels um Peak right at yeah May 4th it hit 72 cents down to 49 cents life comes at you quick in these meme okay so it’s was probably like March that we talked about it damn um where would that land here March March yeah right around there not bad you guys not bad that’s the type of [ __ ] we like doing getting in early um now this thing’s at $480 million I am not getting in on this thing I am if I’m going into uh uh meme coins I’m going yes and I do have still have Sando um Sando has been pretty damn fun let me see where that thing is I’ve been uh I got initials out in like 60% profit and still have a nice Moon bag not too shabby Not Dead showing higher lows it’s drying baby it’s out here you can’t get lucky if you H H the fair man that’s what it’s at idiot whiff sandwich fantastic um still holding on to this ched token hopeful you know what I mean still holding up 15% on the day let’s see here we go to the two so it’s trying to bounce kind of similarly to the other pretty damn strong projects we were just looking at look at that setting up nearly I mean if you look at this chart pattern this chart pattern right here the downswing where’s the support we bouncing that is across the altcoins right now um very interesting to see this thing bouncing off holy [ __ ] that is exciting as well um God I love AI coin or meme coins I love AI coins too meme coins they have their own special place in my heart now we talked about you know some of the regulations pushing against crypto and how people are really pushing back and almost making their voices heard through voting through crypto and these degenerate crypto picks such as trumpcoin um and there’s a reason for it you know we’re fighting on Capital Hill and we’re fighting with our wallets in the blockchain now here from Ryan suus talking about Senator Schumer pushing back the Saab 121 vote to tomorrow they now are exposed likely back channeling with the White House to convince them to reverse course on the veto threat if Sab 121 one gets repealed Senator gillibrand will be one that you had to blame for making it happen secondhand from a reliable source looks like they’re not ready to make a decision on Sab 21 because look who’s lining up with all the people that are in the background fighting for our damn right to use crypto in the United States none other than the orange one himself he does not even need to be looking at me thank you Owen for that I felt that in my loins this is what’s brewing on the underside the fight for Freedom the fight for our right in blockchain incredible to imagine we might have the orange tupe looking hair do behind this movement in a year or two that would feel real good you just can’t lose you can’t stop winning until it gets taken from him and stolen so um now MasterCard picking up five startups for programs on blockchain use case development this is news that we covered that was coming last week but it looks like they’ve chosen a couple firms get into the weeds a little bit here but I don’t want to get too far into it essentially the program will see MasterCard connecting with industry experts and fintech firms to explore different use cases for digital assets and blockchain Tech solving real world problems um it’s stating that it’s experience in constructing a Global card-based Payments Network positions it to connect the specific use cases for regulated money and Bank deposits stable coins and oh boy cbdcs I talked about this this morning I don’t think they’re going to be able to roll out cbdcs I think that they’re lying because I see States outline cbdcs so what are you going to do you g to go to war with that state to make sure that they accept your digital payment what other states have outlawed I know Florida Florida’s hard about it we’re right around the corner from Oklahoma doing so as well we’re right around the corner from Wyoming doing so as well and we have a building fever within the red states to block cbdcs because they are heavily reminded in all their constituents that they represent are heavily reminded day by day of the nefarious and tyrannical actions that their government is truly capable of that was shown not but four years ago that’s why I think it’s not going to happen I think that they shook the Hornets Nest the Hornets are out they’re looking and they’re stabbing cvdc rollouts and I think that um that that analogy gave me flashbacks to when I got hit by a swarm of wasps about a six months ago oh gosh very terrible very bad experience would not recommend but essentially I think that we see States drawing the line that they will not accept cbdcs as a form of payment from the federal government guess what if you lose the states operation with you and your new money system you are no longer the United States of America you are now bulcan ised you are now in a conflict shout out to you zero doll G another yeah and look Mari knows a lot of people view the cbdc as a mark of the beast that that way that they can just literally control you put you inside of a digital cage and I really feel like people are underestimating the power of States right now we have to remember that things are enforced on a local level at the state level most primarily sure the fed the federal government exists sure they hire all these people but when it comes to their effectiveness we go look at how they were able to respond to the massive tornadoes that have ailed the country you know what I mean you actually go there you see I follow Baron pennant he’s uh he does relief live on uh you know he goes out to the literal locations of tornadoes looking around for where the fan agents are there’s two of them with a little notepad just writing down how much traffic there is that’s how much they really have there to come and Aid you they’re not as uh you know big and scary as I think people make them out to be I think that the actual power that the United States is and has is really coming out of the state level the state level is setting up an absolute stop on cbdcs how do you get around that tell me without a war right um haven’t heard of a reasonable re uh rebuttal to that thought you know a lot of people say that they can just force the cbdc down your throat well guess what if they have a few defectors within the 50 states of the US plans out the window so uh yeah but you know why this that scares me H like sentiment after college was like cbdcs are coming there’s no escaping it prepare um crypto is going to be involved like blockchain is going to obviously blockchain technology is it’s people are Lear they’re teaching about it in schools like it’s going to be inated somehow um to the masses like they’re foreshadowing basically to to college kids but flu season it didn’t matter what the states wanted like Florida did you know Florida didn’t shut down you could still go to Miami and do whatever you wanted the states but most of them folded across the whole country most of them folded but you saw Florida put a stop to it and you know what Florida and Georgia didn’t really care but other than that yeah but now guess what they spent four years they realize that the jab is injuring people that they’re having to take it off the shelves that their life insurance policy payouts have gone absolutely parabolic there’s statistical data backing up a new decision to stand up against it and that’s that’s what I think is going to happen you think so too oh yeah like I’m a maybe I’m a hopeful romantic or a hopeful optimistic but I really think that after we’ve seen everything transpire over the last four years there’s a new found Yearning For Freedom there’s a new found they won’t allow it to happen again yeah I mean like you know it’s not like I you know I’m sure I may seem unique I’ve met many many people that have the same approach to life at this point that I do where it’s like I am literally like my kids’s ability to purchase Goods no matter what they say on social media I am willing to die on that Hill for my kids and many of the people that I know are also in that same mindset so you know what they can they can try they can f about and find out I really don’t think it’s going people can’t even afford to get locked back up in their house dude no I know people are in serious debt out there I know they got to work I know and you know they’re that’s why you know Hannah what you’re saying they’ve been trying to guarantee the new people the new you know college grads for this coming they would have to bring this country to its literal needs with an actual nasty disease to get that to actually happen the question is are they willing to do it right that’s a scary thought bird FLW it’s a scary thought um it would have to be a very tangible effective disease at this point to shut down the economy once again as Mari knows we have no fear so that being said this is kind of weird owners say their latest iOS update is resurfacing deleted nudes per The Verge kind of an interesting story to think about um so check your phones right creepy iPhone don’t take nudes don’t take nudes okay that’s and if you do don’t show your face that’s reasonable I would say that’s a reasonable take uh creepy iPhone glitch causes pictures that were deleted years ago to resurface and affecting users affected users say they are thoroughly freaked out um probably just the cloud some glitch where it just puts it back on your phone you got to Red delete them um just a a quick shout out there very interesting story I saw come about nothing on the Internet is ever gone the the internet’s forever keep that in mind they have all of your deleted pictures absolutely you know what I mean and that’s a good take just don’t take nudes and if you do don’t put your face in it oh okay okay knows best I do not know best I do I do not do that it’s just the thigh it’s just like a leg that’s in the Sun the picture of my legs yeah just roasting yeah um all right so now we got all that stuff off my chest and again uh condolences to the tornado cash developer that has been sentenced that is absolutely disgusting what they’ve done to this person so if you can show your support for him as well now we have a lot of things um that I’m looking at solidus AI Tech near is one of them I really kind of want to to hop around here though because I’ve had a couple people bring up some good projects to me I want to see where X swap is first and foremost here this another one in the same realm as C swap why I’m liking it uh you know uncontrollable swap systems being sought after you had the initial release now a little bit of consolidation I want to see where wisdom eyes is sitting right now as well um definitely guys I am pretty damn excited if you can’t tell I am excited about this project wisdom eyes let’s see here there she blows let’s see where we’re at here we’re holding we’re doing just fine this is the initial release sneeze Resurgence I slept through here we go We’re Off to the Races right there um the next buys the things that I need to get more of stacks you know Stacks has been one that I’ve been you know liking building just a little bag out of and we’re sitting here at $211 still relatively healthy on the short-term shelf here this is just a day guys um but we have again that same pattern where you’re falling down you’re hitting that sharp stop Gap and then the Resurgence I like seeing Confluence across many many different graphs even within different subset ctors like this is a Bitcoin layer 2 showing very similar price action where you have the the pump up to the alltime high a big retracement down and then you find that floor where the conviction plays are at sitting essentially right at about $2 as it looks right now I am just fine adding more to my stacks bags yes me uh Maga coin is on fire indeed another one we got to keep in mind so I got so much in my mind um what do you guys watching like is there any coins that you you guys are trying to buy here what is that what happened to your Jello play Isaac oh hello hello uh I don’t want to talk about it it dead yeah it’s pretty pretty dead still still like what three cents right now you hled it to zero though right like it you [ __ ] it’s going to hit zero it’s going to hit zero you know your fate you’re just facing it yeah I slowly but surely I’m facing my fate and it’s just it’s just a painful experience to just watch it go down and continue to go farther down um but who knows maybe he’ll pump again randomly maybe he’ll die and then I’ll have zero you know what one that just came to my mind is Ark block Ark block this one might be a good good mover let’s see if I can find it’s ticker a shout out the five M making it rain godamn uh Dey tra pyth good good pick we’ll check out pyth as well see where we’re at on the graph see if it’s a good chance here um Arc blocked this one is gaining a lot of momentum on socials and uh the actual token transactions look pretty juicy right now God damn that thing is oh my God so I can’t buy this right now I love the project I cannot buy it right now holy God this thing has been absolutely ripping now at $3.7 this is in that render realm where I’m hoping for a pullback probably going to get uh a little bit crypto Cody still hold a bit of maple but a transfer I that’s how I built my render bag is I realized you know Maple dropped from like 20 bucks to 15 you know I took some of that went into a render at a $190 kind of fixed the portfolio up good I want to bring up where Maple is though see if we have a chance here scooting back up yeah sitting here consolid it’s been consolidating at this level for quite some time not terrible honestly like you’re in a position where we break it back down same chart pattern hasn’t had the big research up this thing got out uh paced and kind of overshadowed by Ando some of the reason why I could tell that was happening and had to transfer a bit into it still holding the maple though see where it goes might be actually a reasonable time to try to DCA a little more into it to bring my overall average cost down um but good reminder on that we got ABT let’s see there was another one I was going to look at um uh what was it it was pith it pith I think Dy traded at link uh took pith away but I like pith it’s a competitor for chain link um an oracle for salana let’s see where we’re at here see if we got oh yeah there’s the monthly showing that same sign this is the type I love when this happens juy this is this is the when you get Confluence across so many different sectors of altcoins meme coins um all led by a nice and juicy Resurgence for bitcoin price we are in for some great great moves people think we’ve topped out out on AI and Nvidia you’re sadly mistaken for the time being yes a big correction will come uh ceiling for AI Oz right before we go God I know I got to work out but AI Oz let’s see here I’m holding AI Oz building a little bag of it out nice little shelf God dang okay I mean probably need to add to this bag too Nicole’s asking magga profits into what oh well I mean I just show I was going to call that out good yeah I mean so if you have magga profits like you know definitely wouldn’t fade holding uh an amount of Maga all the way up into the bull market but you know things like uh what we’re just showing here I think uh uh what was it pith has a good buy entry point right here you haven’t had that big upswing like we just saw on a lot of the other graphs um I like wisdom I like uh let’s see here render if it shows any signs of weakness if this shows any signs of weakness on the Shelf probably you know down to I’m going to have to accept something in the mid NES essentially if we do get some weakness shown and render before but give wait when do you think it’s going to sson uh May 22nd okay yeah May 22nd so we got time I thought it was May 26 no it’s uh the 22nd when the earnings report it’s your birthday Owen really oh no okay you’re gonna be partying all right happy birthday L AI bringing up arrow and Ando that’s uh yes I would yeah I love aerod Drome I think Ando is also a strong performer um but you’re going to want to take those you know I I think you’re experiencing some pretty good profits shave a bit off the top diversify a little bit and or take some profits and improve your life actively I always encourage everyone to do so everyone that’s up big cannot live inside these cryptos that we hold we all are in this to improve our live so make sure you’re taking profits actively folks okay that was a good show we got a lot off our chest um there’s a lot of coins to be watching I’m going to be doing a little bit of reorganization to some of the positions I got to increase the amount of AI tokens I’m holding before this 22nd comes but uh we’re going to go work out now appreciate every single one of you thanks Hannah Isaac Erin you know what I mean and Owen even though you barely showed yourself as a and Cassandra Cassandra where is Cassandra in the chat here oh Cassandra Oh yeah it’s Catalina it’s Catalina low I’m so sorry Catalina bro I’m on the brink of sweating over it’s hot as hell down here well now we’re going to go work out so it’s going to get better but uh we’re about to set appreciate out all of you out in the chat D traded his link with coffee mug uh for coffee mug with an app Holy God man Bob from accounting crypto steo Nicole minator Zachary Martin crypto Cody uh Z oh got you already Zachary we got shake and bake all the people the Main Stays word sister down and Rumble Nicole I will see you on what is this what is today Thursday tomorrow it’s Wednesday I will see you Thursday then good go tou some take care [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music]


    1. I missed the live too but im here for my homies channel ❀smashing of the πŸ‘ β€πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰Respect to my fam blockchain BASEMENT FAM!!!!told ya bitcoin was coming!!!!!!!πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘½πŸ«‘πŸ€²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έβ›½οΈπŸ’ͺβœ…πŸ«‘πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸ§ πŸ§ πŸ§ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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