Ultimate Solana Airdrop Guide 2024

    2024 could be shaping up to be the defi summer for Salon with so much happening in crypto look it’s pretty easy to get burned out trying to be everywhere all the time I know it’s like drinking from a fire hose it’s crazy that’s why today I’m going to try to save you some time and a bit of Sanity I hope by giving you some of the absolute hottest places to be farming airdrops on salana right now some of these will be kind of obvious others maybe a little less known so we’ll be getting into some of those here for you so if you want to save some time and want to know well exactly what the hot Farms could be right now to grab on salana then listen up get ready to take some notes now we’ll be putting links in the description by the way and I’d like to point out real quick too that no one’s been paid to be featured here for their potential maybe airdrops and aird drops are fickle guys you might put money in and get absolutely nothing or what you get is worth basically nothing plus airdrop farming can be risky when you’re putting real capital on the line in defi you have the risk of losing all of your money never forget that if you want to see a full risk statement and full portfolio disclosures because I do for example own Jupiter which is the first coin we’re talking about here in a moment then you can find that in the description on YouTube or the pinned comment on X okay let’s get it so Jupiter look it’s too late for anyone new to grab the first distribution of Jupiter tokens that’s already happened but it’s never too late to get some Jupe and participate in Solana’s biggest airdrop ecosystem because if you’re already holding Jupe and it’s sitting on an exchange or just sitting in your wallet not doing anything then you’re losing out because there are not one not two but three reasons why you should consider staking those tokens on Jupiter instead of just letting them sit there that’s because those who stake their Jupe tokens well you are going to be earning rewards stuff like when Zeus shifi have already come out for Jupiter airdrop participants in just the last 5 months Jupiter has proven itself to be an important part of airdrops on Solana now this commitment is done through uh Jupiter’s Launchpad system where those of you who have staked your Jupe tokens can vote on what projects you’d like to support by the exchange for a future Launchpad so you allocate your governance power and other resources to those new projects and with the second round of voting being completed last month we know that some great places to begin farming on Solana have come up so to recap salana staking you get Jupe tokens because of incentives you get airdrops from the protocols that are launching the launch pads you get a distribution of fees and of course you’ll probably be eligible for the next round of Jupiter airdrop tokens that that are going to come in probably January or February next year so lots of reasons to be bullish on Jupiter and their airdrop ecosystem let’s talk about recent Launchpad winner sanctum sanctum is a liquid staking protocol it has more than 30 tokens supported by the platform and it has already announced that it will be launching of course a token soon that was part of why it was on the Launchpad now as a protocol it’s going to underwrite billions of dollars of staked salana on the salana blockchain sanctum wants to give people something meaningful to do with their tokens launching the first season of their Wonderland incentives program recently basically it means that users who hold liquid staked salana tokens on sanctum can earn a guaranteed reward for it this is displayed through different pets that are associated with their liquid staking counterparts so if you own the required amount of the token to begin leveling up your pets then you do that sanctum has also issued Ed a series of community quests out probably going to be something to do with their air drop likely anyway granting additional bonuses to sanctum pets for limited time frames now sanctum is a you know pretty good airdrop to be farming and you probably do it like for even under 20 bucks of just salana put it in there and see what happens you never know next up Jupiter launch pad upro so taking second place on Jupiter in the last season of voting is deepin Project upro upro is an AI data sniffing app that turns your phone into an AI node giving you a personalized AI web advisor signing up is pretty easy there’s options to download the upro app on Android and on Apple devices by using upro you’ll begin earning upt tokens the more time you spend on upro the more rewards that you’ll earn with more than half a million users already in almost 200 countries upro has of course become pretty hyped and also earned a bit of the trust of the salana community def Ely people are excited about the potential for that air drop and maybe it’s a bit diluted at that point keep in mind but still so you can just download the app turn your phone into upro node and begin earning upt every hour based on your connection pretty simple opero will be giving away half of all of its upt tokens exclusively to upro users which that’s interesting making the project a guaranteed way to earn some free tokens on salana what they end up being worth we shall see and something that’s potentially even better about upro is that it requires no startup cost you can just begin farming upt tokens today for free via the app so you don’t have to have a bunch of salana like was sanum and put it in there now for those who want to participate in the upro Dow you can make your stake in the project for two and a half Soul tokens okay so keep that in mind next we have Zeta markets these are Perpetual markets so AKA a decentralized exchange allowing for leverage trading they’ve been around since the dawn of speculation anyway salana has no shortage of Perpetual dexes but what it does have a shortage of is remaining deriv atives exchanges without a token enters into markets the most anticipated of these currently is Zeta introducing the Zeta point system last year this competition is quickly reaching its end so not that much time left to try to get yourself position on this one but still it is available with a little time remaining for the snapshot and launch of zeta’s Z token though maybe there’s never been a better time to try to hop on The Zeta train complete a few trades and hope to get a decent airdrop Zeta has also added a new Community Battle campaign making every Z Point earned a chance to receive additional tokens during the airdrop campaign Stak jup or pith tokens own one of these four salana NS or complete five Bridge transactions on dbridge using salana to participate and any user who pledges allegiance to their favorite project will earn a bonus airdrop talking about bonuses did you know that the wealth Mastery newsletter subscribers have earned almost $20,000 just just from airdrops on Solana in the past year yeah it’s been pretty crazy earning allocations from stuff like Jupiter pith drift shyi Zeus Camino Finance to name but a few so if you are waiting for a reason to go and sign up for the wealth Mastery newsletter there it is there’s no better time than the present to get signed up to our free newsletter you’re going to get all kinds of alpha on altcoins defi nfts technical analysis charts all that stuff delivered straight to your inbox all week long we here staying up to date on the news my team researchers and I try and help keep you ahead of the curve you can sign up using the link in the description below or in the pinc comx where you’ll be learning about all the latest happening in the market and you can join 125,000 plus weekly readers okay now a second ago we mentioned dbridge which is a a bridge to move assets from all around different chains right and it’s a great place to farm an air drop on Solana to as it’s a good tool it’s going to save you money and time the more you use it to get assets from base to salana back and forth but they’re also doing an airdrop thebridge is the fastest cheapest way to swap tokens between Solana and most layer twos so you want to grab some Arrow drone well no problem just swap your soul grab some Arrow it can be done in a matter of a couple minutes no need to go through the long process of bridging your eth over to base and then swapping it for Arrow somewhere else it makes the process much much easier dbridge opens up a new and fast option for you with the introduction of dbridge points yeah that’s points one I know whenever you pay fees on Cross chain transactions you will instantly be granted points and Zeta markets isn’t the only salana project to recognize dbridge as an important part of the salana ecosystem recently Solana’s nft subscription Marketplace drip housee issued free nfts to boost users dbridge scores so again lots of salonic connections if you haven’t already started using it using dge is simple and just a few times could qualify you for potentially a big airdrop on the salana ecosystem next we’re going to talk about something a bit different it’s actually The Saga 2 phone so not an app or anything like that remember all the craziness that went down with the first generation of saga phones they hit the market at a retail price of around $500 but people quickly realized that the Bonk tokens that were preloaded into these phones were worth well sign iFly more than the phone itself driving the price of saga one phones over $2,000 with some people paying up to $5,000 just to get their hands on one of these damn phones which is crazy man well the surprises aren’t over yet for us Solana and its newest Flagship product with pre-orders right now for Saga 2 reaching a 100,000 units in just a few weeks now the tokens that we can expect to receive for owning a Saga 2 phone still a mystery however given Solana’s track record you can see why people are hyped and excited about it there’s a big chance that something special is in store for those who have the $500 to place a pre-order for the phone nothing’s guaranteed of course but there you go and uh next we have magic Eden so going Beyond operating a salon’s largest nft Marketplace magic Eden Taps into a bunch of different networks these days to provide one of the best nft aggregators in the crypto game allowing users to purchase most layer 2 nfts and even now Bitcoin r pretty cool despite branching out to a larger audience and tapping into new networks magic Eden’s heart remains with salana it’s where it started remember using magic Eden back in the day man back in 2022 it’s good times with magic Eden rewards campaign users earn diamonds that can qualify them for rewards on Magic Eden not just on salana but also across several different networks all you have to do buy an nft list an nft collect nfts on Magic Eden which you know whether you want to do that or not nft is kind of Their Own game but still if you’re doing nfts anyway maybe this is a place to do it you can trade items from the top 100 collections or list nfts of favorable conditions to sell and you’ll earn bonus diamonds in the process now magic Eden has put a lot of thought into its Rewards program and it has designed it to keep users happy for the next five years fingers crossed that’s how it works out right so if you’re collecting or trading nfts perhaps you might want to consider doing that over on Magic Eden to get positioned for their airdrop with all these great options for farming air drops on salana of course it’s no wonder that so many new users are continuing to flock over to the network and probably will continue to do that in the future anyway I hope that you found today’s video helpful and I’ll see you in the next one

    Here are the Top 7 Airdrops on Solana to do right now.
    πŸ‘‰ Jupiter https://vote.jup.ag/
    β–Ίβ–Ί Sanctum https://sanc.tm/w?ref=2QQBEQ
    πŸ‘‰ Uprock https://link.uprock.com/i/cb005c23
    β–Ίβ–Ί DeBridge https://app.debridge.finance/r/13829
    πŸ‘‰ Zeta Markets https://dex.zeta.markets/trade/SOL-PERP
    β–Ίβ–Ί Saga 2 Phone https://two.solanamobile.com/
    πŸ‘‰ Magic Eden https://magiceden.io/

    πŸ”₯ GET MY FREE NEWSLETTER πŸ‘‰ https://cryptolark.co/WEALTH_MASTERY

    πŸ’Ž BITGET πŸ‘‰ $30,000 IN BONUSES β–Ίβ–Ί https://cryptolark.co/BITGET30K

    πŸ’Έ BYBIT $30,030 BONUS & FEE DISCOUNT πŸ‘‰ https://cryptolark.co/BYBIT

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    00:00 Intro
    01:24 Jupiter
    03:07 Sanctum
    04:17 Launchpad #2
    05:43 Zeta Markets
    07:43 DeBridge
    09:10 Saga 2 Phone
    10:12 Magic Eden

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    Everything expressed here is my opinion and not official investment advice – please do your own research before risking your own money. Lark Davis (The Crypto Lark and affiliated brand Wealth Mastery) is not providing you individually tailored investment advice. Nor is Lark Davis registered to provide investment advice, is not a financial adviser, and is not a broker-dealer. The material provided is for educational purposes only. Lark Davis is not responsible for any gains or losses that result from your cryptocurrency investments. Investing in cryptocurrency involves a high degree of risk and should be considered only by persons who can afford to sustain a loss of their entire investment. Investors should consult their financial adviser before investing in cryptocurrency.


    1. I lost over $80k when everything started to tank. Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up. I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said. I'm still responsible. It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong. It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I found one source to recover my money, at least $10k profits weekly. Thanks Julie Braun

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