Defense and EU Reform! Renew Europe’s Plan for Europe

    “Today we also need a real European power. And we must give ourselves all the necessary financial and military means to make it happen. Because Putin will not stop in Ukraine. Our values can’t be protected unless we are strong enough to overcome those who oppose them.” You just heard from Sandro Gozi, one of the lead candidates for Renew Europe, the liberal group in the European Parliament that promotes EU defence, Competitiveness, and pro-European reforms. Renew Europe comprises Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from across the entire continent. The way it works is that national parties from various corners of the EU join forces with other parties that share similar liberal ideologies. So, look for your country on the screen and you can see which of your national parties aligns to the Renew Europe Group. This means that if you cast a vote for: The party in the Netherlands The FDP in Germany Or the Renaissance in France you’re kinda voting for the Renew Europe’s master plan for Europe! And this is why this video is so important – as we will explain what they are all about. So, who are Renew Europe’s lead candidates, and do they have a manifesto? Well, it’s the EU, so it’s obviously complex. Renew Europe consists of two European Parties: ALDE and EDP. This means your local parties might align with either ALDE or EDP, which are both part of Renew Europe. Plus, there are national parties like France’s Renaissance, which isn’t affiliated with a European Party but still teams up with Renew Europe. Because of this structure, both ALDE and EDP have their own manifestos and lead candidates: Marie Agnes Strack-Zimmerman from Germany’s FDP and Sandro Gozi from Italy’s Democratic Party. And then there is Macron’s Renaissance party, who has its own national manifesto AND lead candidate: France’s Valerie Hayer. This arrangement results in three lead candidates for Renew Europe, which is quite unusual as typically there’s only one. But here’s the good news: despite these complexities, they’ve managed to align on European priorities, which we’ll dive into in today’s video. As with all of these videos, we are focusing on 6 areas, starting with DEFENCE. “It’s been 2 years since Russia’s illegal and brutal attack on Ukraine. An attack on Europe. On our values. It’s become clear that our security and safety isn’t just a concern, it’s the heart in our economy, our freedoms and our very way of life.” “Defence, defence, defence” – that’s Renew Europe’s rallying cry, positioned as their top priority. The liberals stand out with the most forceful language on defence among all European Political Groups. They advocate for a significant boost in EU and National Military Spending to boost defence capabilities. This includes the creation of an EU defence fund. They call for joint procurement of military assets and the establishment of a European Military Academy. They want to help Ukraine triumph over Russia at all cost and also want to deter threats from other authoritarian regimes. “So we cannot say we support Ukraine, but. There can be NO But. Because Putin only hears the but. Instead we must support Ukraine fullstop.” Renew Europe doesn’t mention an EU army, a topic previously promoted by member parties, including Macron’s. However, they aim to establish a European Defence Union by 2040, in partnership with European and NATO allies. This initiative seeks strategic autonomy, so that Europe can defend its own territory with more standardised armed forces. Next up is one of the hottest topics in Europe: MIGRATION. Liberals call for well-regulated and humane migration management. They suggest setting up EU-run facilities outside the EU to process asylum applications more efficiently. And advocate for a shared responsibility approach, which likely includes relocating approved migrants across Europe. They also aim to create agreements with third countries to prevent irregular migration. Regarding human rights, Liberals are committed to dismantling smuggling networks, enhancing reception standards, and making asylum processes more effective and humane. They aim to launch a European Action Plan for search and rescue in the Mediterranean and reform Frontex to secure EU borders while upholding human rights. The liberals call for economic legal migration pathways so that European economies can have the necessary workforce for their growth, as labour shortages are a reality. Also, good news for Romania and Bulgaria, as Renew Europe supports full Schengen accession for those that meet the criteria. And then there’s Climate Change. And to be honest, it’s not heavily detailed on the Renew Europe campaign page. While they do mention that it’s time to implement the Green Deal, specifics are completely missing. But there IS a dedicated section on farming where the liberals recognize farmer frustrations. Their lead candidate, Valerie Hayer, who comes from a farming family, likely influenced Renew Europe’s comprehensive action plan for farmers. This plan aims to significantly reduce bureaucracy, simplify regulations, enforce standards on non-EU imports, and increase financial support. As for energy, Renew Europe strongly supports strategic energy autonomy, with investments into renewable, carbon-neutral, low-carbon, waste-based, and nuclear energy. Next is the Economy, which ranks as the second highest priority for the liberals. Renew Europe recognizes that Europe is losing ground to China and the US, so they’ve made a 10-point plan to boost competitiveness. Check the description for a link to the full document. “Second priority: Competitiveness. We want a good business environment in Europe. Lets cut red tape. Let’s make trade fairer, better. Lets mobilise private investment. Not for the corporations, but for the people, for the workers. For those who want to innovate. Any hard work deserves fair reward but we can pay fairly only if we generate growth and opportunity” Renew Europe wants to empower small and medium enterprises by making it easier for them to access incentives, loans, and equity. They want to complete the Capital Markets Union, which will help SMEs obtain funding and hopefully encourage them to stay within the EU. There’s also a commitment to allocate 3% of the EU’s GDP to Research and Development by 2027. Additionally, there’s a strong push to provide better education and training programs, especially in critical skills areas. For example, the creation of "Net Zero Academies" to help Europeans drive and contribute to the green and digital transitions. Then there are social issues. Renew Europe champions a vision of a Europe where everyone can freely live their life, no matter their beliefs or who they love. They actively defend women’s reproductive rights and fight against gender-based violence. They are also pushing for the recognition of same-sex marriages and rainbow families across the continent. As you might expect, the manifestos of more left-leaning parties like the Left or the S&D, linked above, focus on a wider array of social policies. Now finally, what about EU Reform & Enlargement? Renew Europe is a strong supporter of the EU but they also recognize its flaws and are pushing for significant changes. They want treaty change, which is similar to a nation state changing its constitution. “And this is why we need treaty change. We must get rid of the VETO’s that paralyse the union. We must strengthen the European Parliament, we must give the voter the power to elect the president of the European Union, and citizens must vote directly for European Political Parties. ” These are significant reforms, demonstrating that Renew Europe is truly striving to live up to its name by wanting to reshape Europe. Notably, Renew Europe advocates for the removal of veto powers, particularly in foreign policy, to enable quicker and more effective decision-making. They are the only Political Group I’ve covered so far that explicitly includes this in their priorities or manifestos. Renew Europe also supports expanding the EU to include countries like Ukraine, but stresses the need for major reforms to handle a larger union. “Today we must reform the Union to unify Europe and we must promote a new global alliance of democracies for a new world order. Here we are. Standing strong. More united than ever before. We are the best defenders of Europe. This is why we must Renew Europe Now.” And that’s an overview of Reform Europe’s plans! Craving more detail? Dive into their priorities or the ALDE manifesto linked below for the full rundown. We are excited to bring you a series of seven videos, each dedicated to a different political group in the European Parliament. These videos are designed to equip you with the knowledge you need to vote confidently. For instance, you can start by exploring the EPP here, or delve into the S&D here. Subscribe to our channel now to stay updated as we release more EU election content! And if you’re passionate about helping us spread knowledge on the EU, think about joining our Patreon community. Until next time!

    EU Elections 2024: Is Renew Europe worthy of your vote on the 6-9th of June? We will look at their vision for defense, migration, climate change & energy, economy, social and EU Reform. Renew Europe is a political group in the EU parliament that include national parties like France’s Renaissance, the Dutch VVD and the German FDP. Valerie Hayer, Marie-Agnes Strack Zimmermann and Sandro Gozi are their lead candidates. This video is part of a series where we will feature the EPP, the S&D, The Left, Reform Europe, Greens/EFA, ECR, and I&D. Stay tuned to understand the diverse political landscape of the EU!

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    1. Their EU ideas for defense and enlargement are good, but their social ideas are weird and woke. That's the problem. Also, they don't understand that migration is a big problem and they don't offer any solutions. They are not anti immigration at all.

    2. "Nothing on worker's, unemployed and pensioner's rights. Nothing on the climate crisis. Nothing on the housing crisis. Nothing at all on how to mitigate economic inequality."

    3. Absolutely the best option. I would love them to have majority in europarlament. S&D and EPP should be right behind them.

    4. Ain’t the German group here based on economic austerity? Like the economic policy that is NOT needed for increasing defence spending and civic pride in their nation and austerity simply cuts spending in public works/infrastructure/services.

    5. I like toho opinios of renew EU, but i am from Czechia And ANO 2011 Is a piece od populist shit, that almost goes against the ideas of renew EU.

    6. As long as we dont find a Way to break the Veto Right of each Country in the EU, there will be a Corrupted Guy like Orban who will like to get paid for a "Yes".
      I dont have a clue for that. Coz for this change every Country has a Veto.
      Thats why i dont like if the EU is growing now.
      Sad for that.

    7. Europe will surely lose its quality of life edge if we don't step up our game in R&D in areas such as technology and green energy production. Renew seems to be the only party truly focused on this.

    8. Remember Europeans, this wing politicians allowed mass immigration.

      If you want to protect your country and future generations, then vote the right wing parties, always termed as far-right.

    9. In doubt between renew europe & christian democrats. For me climate change and migration rules are the most important topics. I wonder which is the strongest in both areas.

    10. Funny how Europe says it wants to be more independent and put Europe first yet when USA says it wants to start putting USA first, Europe throws a huge fit and starts calling USA isolationist.

    11. No thank you. The parties who screwed European economy for their green ideas and now want to drag us in a war with Russia won't get my vote. Renew is probably the worst group of all, no serious ideas or plans,always shifting. I even prefer the far left. At least they are against sending more money to Ukraine.

    12. About the green deal…We are about 9% of world pollution so does it make sense ? I mean it would be smarter building green/nuclear energy in the developing countries. We could take a percentage of the energy and they can use the other instead of the carbon based one

    13. This is why I'm so disgusted… the faction which I would like to see leading Europe is here only supported by populist party whose leader poses threat to our state and democracy…

    14. Thank you for this! As an under 30 woman trying to understand every party position and getting tired of hearing about the european elections only through the lenses of France's national politics (the unique way it is covered by media in France) this is really helpful

    15. I want to vote for a liberal pro-eu party that wants to tighten migration and make green deal less radical, is that rly Renew?

    16. I really support renew europe but sadly the only party from my country is totaly against their core values… I do not really understand how did they managed to get there when their domestic politic is so different than what renew europe stands for.

    17. Their heart looks in the right place, but I would really have to look into them to know if they are actually serious and capable. Plus, I would have to look especially hard into their strong stance on defense, because for as much as I support Ukraine they are not going to get back any more land on their own, and direct European intervention is highly debatable.

    18. Remember that this party is controlled by Macron who has turned the French economy into a southern European one, who was among the last to help Ukraine and who tries to prevent any treaty, infrastructure or European integration that does not privilege France.

    19. I'm actually concerned about national 'autonomy' in their electricity grids. The nature of renewables is you need to overbuild both capacity and across a vast area for 'geographic smoothing.'
      EG: Australian Professor Andrew Blakers & his team won the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering (like the Nobel Prize for engineers!) for inventing the PERC solar cell which is now in 90% of solar cells. He now models renewable plans. In the following podcast he said if individual Australian states tried to build their own renewable grids, it would cost us 5 TIMES MORE for storage. And storage is one of the more expensive parts of all this! Just connecting Australian states up so they can ‘cover’ each other when there’s too much over here and too little over there creates geographic smoothing. But countries like Italy are 20 TIMES smaller than Australia! If Australia – which is in the "Sunshine Belt" of the earth – needs to be connected up – HOW MUCH MORE do European countries that are sometimes thousands of km's north of the Sunshine Belt? (Which is between the 35th parallels.) Please EU – Federate and get the super-grid built so northern wind and supplement and complement southern solar. You've got this!

    20. I'm from Czechia and for us it is populist (pro-Russia-ish) national-conservative ANO 2011 party. It's program is kinda simmilar to Orbán's Fidesz. So even if I wanted to vote for Renew, I kind of can't do that. well shame on my country I guess …

    21. These people are dreamers when it comes to Russia. A reasonable person doesn't rail against the world's largest nuclear power if he doesn't have at least a similarly large arsenal of nukes. This simply means: Europe must ALSO increase its NUCLEAR arsenal if it wants to be able to deal Putin all on itself. And when it comes to warfare from space, Europe is also lagging behind.

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