This Will Make You Millions In Crypto!!

    what’s up guys in this video I want to talk about price predictions being realistic taking profits you know how you should go about it for those who are not in my Discord I am making a Exit Plan course for Discord but a quick little rundown of the overview of what I’ll explain the courses a lot of this has to come down to having realistic price predictions you can’t be a moon boy you can’t be falling for the headlines you got to go by a time frame too like for me I’m going to look at where Bitcoin dominance is the fear and greed index the timing of the market the economy stuff like that um I get asked all the time hey John you know uh you haven’t taken profits yet on you know this crypto it’s up this much why is that and I always say well because now is not the time we still have not even entered old coin season so these gains are essentially to me icing on the cake extra gains a lot of people had this misconception that every time a crypto runs up that means the price prediction goes up with it to like a 10x 20x and that is where many of these back holders come in if you want to hold your crypto right now until you know 2030 Beyond and be a back holder and just long-ter investor maybe you’re young maybe you don’t need the money right now maybe you want to just less stress and hold it for many years by all means you do what you feels best no one’s going to front you and say you’re stupid you do what’s best for you that’s why I always say you know the journey for me could be different for you the goal for me could be different for you maybe you want to be financially free now like I do maybe you want to be financially free down the road maybe you want to set your kids up down the road maybe you want to you know add a retirement income to a job that maybe you like doing right now whatever the goal may be you have to be realistic you got to have a plan you got to have your own plan and you got to be consistent proactive and pre paired I know it’s a lot but this is what it entails right everybody can buy a crypto everybody can sell a crypto it’s the ones who have the plan of attack who actually make success in this market I I’ll ask you this what do you prefer making a guaranteed 10x or a 30% chance you can make a 100x and that 30% chance could be like maybe at 90x right now and maybe it goes up and another 10x or it goes all the way down to like zero I would say the majority of people would say they would want that guaranteed 10x right now I’m seeing a lot of different numbers out there bitcoin’s going to 200k plus AR blocks going to way above a 100 um Casper’s going to $10 uh lcx is going to like $40 I’ve seing outrageous price predictions outrageous numbers and these are cryptos that I’m holding or that bullish on but just because I’m holding a crypto doesn’t mean I had this belief that the community shares you got to understand people are out there for themselves it’s a fish eat fish market if person a is telling you a certain crypto is going to the Moon he could be telling you that to get you to believe it and then be dumping on you the entire time you really don’t know who to trust even me other influencers your friends like people are going to sell different times people are going to maybe say one thing and do another you really don’t know who’s telling you the truth like that’s the Surefire truth that I have to share with you is that people are just Alpha themselves it’s a selfish Market it doesn’t mean a scammy market it just means now you as the retail investor you already have a lot going against you right you have the whales smart money the SEC manipulation capital gains tax everybody out there wants to see you go to school get a safe job work 50 years and rely on the government okay the whole reason why we’re in crypto is to be financially free have uh self- sovereignty of our funds our financial wealth and be able to do what what we want when we want so now when it comes to taking profits you got to ask yourself you know you got to find this fine line of greed and contentment okay a lot of people last cycle they didn’t take profits on bitcoin because because they were waiting for it to hit 100K because everybody kept saying 100K and it went to 69k I will say this be wary of whole numbers like uh Cas hitting you know a dollar or two dollars exactly or ar block hitting a 100 ethereum hitting 10,000 Bitcoin hitting 200,000 xrp hitting $10 it never happens ever ever last cycle Dogecoin everyone keeps saying going to a dollar hit 73 cents Bitcoin going to 100K hit 69k cardano it was gonna hit $ five hit $310 yeah salana it’s GNA hit $500 hit 260 ethereum it’s GNA hit 5K it hit $ 4800 like $54 yeah how many airplanes you be going to see and by the way I’m laughing because I was watching that movie cast away yesterday with Tom Hanks that guy’s a phenomenal actor one of my favorite and that’s what happened in the movie the airplane goes down but uh that being said a lot of whales and smart money they know what you’re saying they know what I’m saying they know what your peers are saying so if everybody in their family is waiting for a 10,000 ethereum a 200k Bitcoin a 100x on Caspa guess what they’re going to do with their millions of dollars done dump before you what is that going to do to the price you guessed it so this is what I mean you got to find this fine line when I take profits could be totally different from when you take profits maybe I make 100x because my first entry was earlier than yours it doesn’t mean now you have to wait for the 100x because depending on when you enter your crypto could be the difference from making a 100x a 50x a 20x a 10x or hell even 5x okay this is all relative to you your entries your income your goals the time of the market the time of the phase in the market this is why I haven’t taken profits yet now I know some people think a big crash is coming don’t care it could happen it could not happen this is what ta people always do on YouTube it can go up it can go down it can go sideways thank you we all know that this is how the market Works no one knows what’s going to Happ happen no one knows where these price targets are going to go that’s why I was saying in my live stream before like when people ask me hey John what’s your price prediction on on X Y and Z I go listen don’t make my price predictions your soulle conviction or lack thereof for getting into or staying away from an asset they’re just educated guesses like a hypothesis in science it could be right it could be wrong it’s like ta okay it’s like me they’ll be giving you an educated guess the biggest mistake I could see happening right now is people going off price predictions of YouTubers or what they’re seeing out there in the news and saying okay they said this he said that she said that I’m GNA wait for that and then they’re gonna be the back holders for next cycle they’re gonna be like hey I remember the time when this happened when everyone said this I wish I did this listen I didn’t take profits last cycle I was a in but I was watching the market like a hawk I saw the emotional side of that bull cycle I saw what was being said what was happening and what ultimately took place I saw what happened in the bare Market everyone kept saying the reverse right bitcoin’s going to $22,000 going way below 10 ethereum’s going to $500 Casper’s going back to a penny again none of those happens people always uh overestimate the potential they always overestimate the pain of the bare Market the depths of how brutal it’s going to be people have no idea what what they’re talking about okay you can take what I say or anyone says and say why the hell should I listen to him and you’re not wrong listen what I do could be totally different than what you do or what you should do rather again that’s why I was telling my Discord because they’re like hey John are you g to share your sell and I’m like yeah but at the same time it doesn’t always make sense to you know show you guys what I’m selling because if I bought what just say art block which I did at seven cents and I decide to sell what just say I start selling at $10 someone that bought at $2 may not want to take a 5x right away they might want to wait longer so you can’t just blindly follow me either a lot of people don’t understand this and don’t know what it entails but I will say this profit is profit right i’ rather you guys take profits and miss out on some more gains than take no profit and come back next cycle because you were too greedy so a lot of this is going to be a waiting game it’s going to be a patient game it’s going to be a battle of emotions it’s going to be a test of your strength your willpower your fear of losing profits versus your greed of trying to make more profits that’s why we have a fear and greed index it’s not just the emotional state of the market it’s also the emotional state of you the investor when it comes to time to making decisions on whether you want take profit now or wait and potentially see your portfolio go down like the airplane so yeah just uh just make sure whatever it is if you guys got to write it down how many exchanges should I use to um offload for profits I would say two is good you don’t want to have just one just in case that exchange goes down or something happens with your bank in that exchange you want to have at least two that way you can Safeguard yourself uh I’m going to use primarily coinbase and uphold but again yes right now we’re seeing a rally could we see a crash sure could we see some 100 XTR take place yes we still can but the biggest trap biggest mistake is thinking right now every crypto has to 100x or to believe what you’re seeing out there on YouTube or Twitter or whatever because trust me I see these numbers I see all the price predictions and all I keep seeing in the back of my head is man we’re going to have so many back holders next cycle so listen I’m not here to cause a dud on the excitement I’m just here to be real with you and tell you how it is you can say go at this guy who cares what he thinks you can disagree that’s totally fine at the end of the day I am just bringing awareness to you information and my personal opinion of what I think is going to take place and by the way if you want to reach out to me talk to me see crypto on buy and sell and trade and next be a part of private live streams and conference calls I’m doing one tonight in a few hours I do private live streams and Conference goals every single week twice a week be part of uh a support group of like-mind investors who also want to change their life which over 25 have already done before the Bitcoin Haven then I invite you to join patreon and Discord I’ll leave a link in the pin comments down below it would be awesome to see there but anyways now I want to hear from you do you have a profit taken plan in place already and if so what does your plan currently look like drop your comment down below and let me know if you enjoy this video please leave a like really helps so much that being said I hope you have a great day and I’ll see you in the next one


    1. I went on and added ABT to my portfolio, after a long look , I sold it at 1.75 but bought back in yesterday just to have some skin in the game,,I'm up with PNG , LCX so you have made me a lot of extra cash this year!! Thanks πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

    2. Thanks jon.
      You are one of the best youtuber on here.
      I will be watching you closely.
      Will join your discord soon but hsve no money to invest at the moment.

    3. You work for 40yrs to have $1M in your retirement, meanwhile some people are putting just $10K in a meme coin from just few months ago and now they are multimillionaires.❀

    4. This guy is right i invested 7800 in etherum classic in 2021 it went up to 7200 in march 2022 one day i was waiting for it to hit 7800 so i can take everything out i eventually cashed out 2700 at a 5100 dollars lost sometimes you gotta just cash out it can tank and tank bad

    5. Are any of these on your radar? I think people are sleeping on a couple of these:


      I haven’t heard much about these but I ran a query and these are all at major discounts and ran up close to AERO on the recent BTC price increase.

    6. Hit 247k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months.Started with 11k in last year 2023.

    7. So funny to hear you mention Bitvavo, it’s an exchange I use here in Belgium (it’s from the Netherlands). I indeed noticed arcblock getting listed here.

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