Easy “Passive” Income Mining?

    it’s bright just got on scene took the Gatorade over here got miners down on the farm M down M down and if our mining rigs are down we’re not earning passive income I thought it was supposed to be so easy so I logged in remotely right and so what’s up you know I’m Vos this is the Vos coin immersion mining shed liquid cooled over there we do hard drive Mining and over there we do air cooled mining among other things out here on the farm I’ve been worried about this arrangement I don’t know exactly what happened but I think I know so let me backtrack right so I earn passive income mining cryptocurrency uh I also work on the vasin YouTube channel we create other content all that stuff uh so I’ve been working really hard to expand the vasorin mining Farm you know we’ve been building the farm we’ve added all these immersion tanks you know there six Ms in here three in there six over there uh so forth a lot of them and been trying to get things cleaned up and fixed up one thing I noticed is that this tank is supposed to have a power draw of about 70 amps and we’re at 44 so that’s not even close uh to where I want to be where we are supposed to be uh then there’s also this issue so in here there’s three cadam miners three k3s uh this is this isn’t completely offline so why hey but why though I clicked that green button and it went from less than an amp draw to now three amps I hear the systems working again so that means that this tripped why would that trip right cuz cuz this one while I still need to diagnose an issue with what’s going on with the miners in this Bix bit immersion setup this is still online and operational over there we’ve got the fog hashing units which I really like and then also the dcx units uh which have been good long term as well I I love these power meters I put in they’re just Dr power meters sometimes we cut up a meterbox face place to do a quick easy Mount I need to clean all this Gunk off this to make it look a little nicer but at a glance I can figure out what’s going on it’s not as easy to read but it’s why I also like these alter mining pdus cuz I see 19 amps right 19 amps uh 17 amps 20 amps and basically Bally what that means is I I know roughly how much power that my Miner should be uh pulling just walk the spider web here uh I know how much juice these things are you know roughly supposed to be pulling so if I see the about that number then then we’re good to go this is my network app and in particular we’re looking for these k3s I see two of them one’s in a different location I need to redo my naming so that they’re right next to each other basically these have come back online they were completely offline uh prior to clicking that red button which is basically untrip uh the device we also see that we’ve now gone up to 8 amps uh so that’s good really that should be pulling around 40 plus amps between the system and the miners what I’m really worried about is as as it gets hotter here in Virginia the hotter things are the less efficient they are uh the immersion cooling systems have to run harder as well which is increased power draw the minor get hot they draw more power and uh I’m I’m really close to maxing out that circuit and I’m thinking that I maxed out the circuit and tripped or it couldn’t keep up with the cooling uh that that system is just not able to cool three miners basically it can really just pull really it can really just may be cool to so I adjusted the settings on two of my l7s that went down over the last night I had a lot of miners go down I think I have a weird ISP issue internet service provider issue almost all of my ant miners went down all of my k7s yes all 12 of them both two of my l7s my ks3 also a jazz Miner went down but not both of them uh and a couple other miners uh my air minor X5 Monero Miner did not go down uh some of the other Miners did not go down my Bitcoin Miners did not go down but most of them are on brains and brains normally doesn’t uh suffer that same issue there so I’ve adjusted the configuration you see that I at about 45 5 amps and I did a software restart but I’m just going to do a full reboot on the minor uh so I just clicked that and I’m just doing it you know quick and dirty on my phone we did lose about an amp once I did that probably a good sign that it’s rebooting so now we can see that we’re up to 45 amps I’m also going to do a hard restart on the second L7 that’s in there this not working properly hey you want to buy a mining rig do you want a pretty good price on it and pretty fast Shi then you may be looking for Asic Marketplace click our Link in the video description below to not only support our Channel but support yourself with the coupon code we’ve got right next to it so let’s do some quick math while we wait for those to come back and see if that’s the be that’s going to be the quick and easy uh solution to our issue right so this is a 50 amp circuit this was a setup that can kind of run three miners but was really designed just to run two but the the tub is huge I mean look at this footage like we have we have two miners in there and it looked like we we could move our whole family in we had a third one and there’s still a lot of space in there so you know naturally I want more density out here I put a third device in my brain is like yeah let’s definitely make sure we keep all three Cadena miners these ka3 miners in there together right these everything we’re dealing with in here are Asic miners they’re they’re purpose-built machines uh their custom computers all they do is mine cryptocurrency and so naturally I like to keep them together right I want my cad miners over here maybe my Dogecoin miners over there I got a bunch of Bitcoin miners all around and we’ve caught up on a bit of the maintenance that we needed to do right like I recently put the exhaust fan in put the little air filter over there and uh it’s helping to keep you know all of this area cool because while all of these have external radiators basically the big fans outside they still produce heat they they radiate heat right so we got the big bit we got the little bit uh yes they both still do have a very small pinhole leak but the pressure is holding good in the system so I’m just going to let it eat for now uh we got the little little baby little baby fog hasing dry cooler then we got his big brother Mr b60 and we got the dcx dry cooler for eight Miners and then we have L it’s literally half of that uh the little one we don’t have proper uh that that system never pressurized properly uh but it’s still been good enough it’s still been running uh so it’s in that same category we’re just going to let it eat uh longterm with the mining Farm one of the things I’m going to do is some of these systems will eventually be condensed into like you know six uh minor tubs and hopefully eventually 24 and so on uh immersion mining tubs a key thing is yeah like I’m out here have fun build a mining Farm we do get some unique opportunities uh to review things uh like uh this imersion equipment like I love testing right I wanted to test this one test that one and then see which which one would I actually really want to build a full mining farm with it’s kind of like I have a mining playground out here and I’m going to make some content uh directly comparing these things uh so you know give you guys my two cents on what’s working well and what’s not and and uh you whatever else so uh both of these restarts have completed now and so you can see we’re back up to nearly 71 amps uh so that’s good that’s expected uh that’s where we want to be uh so both of those uh L7 Dogecoin miners have come back online after clicking the green button and doing nothing else for pulling 39 amps out of the 2 to3 minor tub which is close to our Target power draw I also walked by the dry cooler and you saw that was spinning and everything so that’s good uh that’s what we want and then one thing I can do real quick at a glance is I can log into my app and I log in here it’s basically my mining pool account and you can see I see all three of my miners but there’s something really really really really alarming is that these two are pretty close to their target hash rate but the 166 model is significantly lower and normally we’re pulling like 41 amps or down a couple amps and I just really hope that these didn’t overheat and I lost a hash board or something 166 / 3 yeah yeah I can do math pretty easy math 55 so 166 minus 55 is 111 and we’re not far off from that okay we went up to 120 that that’s a step in the right direction but it’s still oddly low so I got everything back online but this doesn’t fix you know what’s going on the that system will never or should never trip for no reason right I need to figure out why the only thing that makes any sense is that it’s getting hotter and hotter we just had some of our hottest days of the year so far this equipment was installed from the fall into the spring now we’re entering summer here this equipment needs to be able to handle and operate at the hottest the the Dead Heat of the summer one of my backup plans is to just take one of the k3s out that has a bit of a higher power draw and put it into the six minor container next to it and then swap in one of the Bitcoin miners I have in there that I have basically underclock that only pulls about 2,000 or so Watts so by taking a minor that pulls around 3,300 Watts or so and then swapping the place of it with one that pulls about 2,200 that’s giving us a whole th000 watts of additional uh you know overhead space in the Electrical uh the electrical aspect hopefully that’s enough if somehow that’s not enough then I’ll take another cadna Miner swap it with a Bitcoin miner I have a lot more extra electrical capacity in the six minor unit because that’s a much bigger circuit actually let me just show you real quick before we round out this day in the life on the mining Farm uh video people like you know what do you do I mean this is kind of what like an average day is like it’s some kind of random mining problem uh and then obviously just trying to keep up with crypto is is quite a journey uh so this I two panels two 200 amp panels that go to the shed uh for now pulling in more power trying to uh so we got the two cell minor that’s the two two two uh that’s the two minor two to three minor unit this is not labeled correctly this is the six minor unit I have 125 amp circuit with the correct wire for 125 amps so I’m only pulling 71 amps I could be pulling 100 amps and still be totally fine over on the other one I’m pulling 41 amps plus when it gets high hot out of 50 amps I’m breaking the 80% Ru and it looks like the breakers on the actual system are catching this issue before I’m actually tripping here at the panel so a little bit of redundancy there is good but the point is the bottom line I’ve got way more space on this uh this other bigger unit I don’t really have that much more space left in the entire service on the shed uh but I’m not I’m not tripping at the panel man tripping at the minor unit so all these little things kind of add up they give you data they give you signs they point you in the right direction uh and then you just kind of got to modify that to fit whatever you’re doing I mean this may not be the most exciting video or anything uh but sometimes I think it’s good to just talk about you know what what’s like some smaller issues uh you know how do you go about that why did this happen uh I did I was worried about this I foresaw this I’m pretty sure that’s what it is like I don’t have a camera on that unit so I I didn’t see exactly what happened and when uh so I’m only speculating if we break it down what can happen right if there’s an issue with a minor and it’s just trying to pull more and more and more power and it’s basically overheating it is pulling too much juice and it’s tripping the electrical panel for that immersion tank right or it’s everything’s getting hot the system and the miners are drawing more power just you know generally not that there’s an issue they’re just drawing more power cuz they’re hotter and then and the dry cooler and the pumps are running faster uh to try and keep up with the additional heat that in turn draws more power and then the power draw is getting to a point where something is tripping and finally the third thing would be some sort of weak component like a weak breaker and you know maybe it’s just tripping way early uh we’ve actually had a weak breaker in those big spith systems that we’ve already had to replace and maybe it’s not terribly weak like it just doesn’t work at all but it may be just a bit weak and so when we get kind of closer to that ceiling it says and he he lets go trips these components are good to keep your equipment safe and everything uh but it it’s about kind of walking that line finding the balance ideally staying in in between the 80% rule uh which is where you use only 80% of your electrical circuit especially with mining Hardware because it pulls this power 24/7 365 that is a big discrepancy where people don’t understand like these things are going to eat all day every day and it just creates a of heat power is heat these wires are hot the breakers are hot the miners are hot the tubs are hot the liquid’s hot it really compound and you have to have everything be adequate enough to handle that even my little basic exhaust fan system is a bit under sized I think uh but it it seems to be getting it done getting it done enough for now uh so I may have to add another intake van and maybe even another exhaust van uh but I think it looks nice and simple up there and I reused the vent hole I made it big but oh man I would like to just leave it at that it’s always projects always stuff but speaking of that I got to get back to HQ got a bunch of stuff to work on these videos don’t make thems but hey hope you enjoyed content hope you subscribe stick around posting videos daily it’s crazy and uh 10 seconds of Tails as we ride off into the sunset [Music] ah wo [Music]

    Passive income isn’t always “passive!” As we’ve scaled the Bitcoin mining farm, it’s definitely come with some growing pains. Let’s fix the crypto mining farm and get some miners back up and earning easy passive income! Subscribe to VoskCoin – http://voskco.in/Sub

    You Can Buy Bitcoin Miners here! – https://voskco.in/am
    Fog Hashing immersion mining systems – https://voskco.in/fh
    Altair makes those sweet mining PDUs – https://voskco.in/apdu
    Use code VOSKCOIN to save some coin!

    I thought earning passive income mining crypto was supposed to be easy?! The VoskCoin Mining Farm has expanded a lot in the last year, which has led to a lot more time being spent on the maintenance and upkeep of the cryptocurrency miners and the mining farm. We do immersion mining, hard drive HDD mining, and air-cooled mining, and they all have their pros and cons. We have installed Meter Boxes all throughout the farm to help us monitor power usage more easily. This will be our first full summer mining, so we are anticipating some hurdles with high temps. But let’s spend a day on the farm and get our cryptocurrency miners back up and running!

    ⏰ Timestamps ⏰
    00:00 Miners down!
    01:00 There is something wrong!
    02:00 A lot of miners and power usage
    03:22 The hotter the less efficient
    05:15 How much power am I using?
    06:10 Trying to get more airflow in the shed
    07:14 The future of the mining farm
    08:08 Looking good again?
    09:30 Is it getting too hot?
    11:00 What kind of electricity setup do I have?
    12:40 What could be the issue of a breaker tripping?

    VoskCoin Social Media and Links – http://voskco.in/24

    VoskCoin is for entertainment purposes only and is never intended to be financial investment advice. VoskCoin owns or has owned cryptocurrency and associated hardware. VoskCoin may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. VoskCoin may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used. VoskCoin is home of the Doge Dad, VoskCoin is not your Dad, and thus VoskCoin is never liable for any decisions you make.
    #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #VoskCoin #CryptoMining #BitcoinMining #PassiveIncome #MiningFarmTour #workfromhome #ImmersionMining #dogecoin


    1. I Hit 113k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months. Started last month 2024. Financial education is indeed required for more than 70% of the society in the country as very few are literate on the subject.

    2. We can learn a lot from ancient Middle- Eastern architechtural design methods, of passive energy free cooling, in desert climates…
      Cold sinks, and Heat rises, so…
      Imagine subterranean wind tunnels and wind turbines for added power to mine with..
      So, a natural design cooling system, that also produces free electric power?!
      Tons of Ideas here in Bristol, Brother; Let's talk/ possibly collaborate.. Be well

    3. Do you know how to get the C6 to auto-start the pump when power is restored? Currently my miners restart but the pump does not, so it overheats quickly.

    4. maby the worse thing about all these different systems is when it comes down to taking a week or two on vacation..
      maby this is why you guys need kids 😆 it will take years to train a person to run all of that anyway

      sounds like you will be picking up blocks of dry ice for cooling all summer, so you dont trip the breaker 🤫

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