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    • Donuts are a welcome topic here.
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    Remember, staying informed and united is key. Let's ensure a secure and open future for Ethereum and its principles. Happy trading and discussing!

    Daily General Discussion – May 19, 2024 (UTC+0)
    byu/AutoModerator inethtrader

    Posted by AutoModerator


    1. EthTrader_Reposter on

      The following comments received nominations in yesterday’s Daily General Discussion:

      * **u/cryotosensei** (Votes: 2): Donuts are $0.011. Oh no, they will never rise again! Take a breather. Recognise this as just your thought. Sit with this anxiety. Give it space and [Link](/r/ethtrader/comments/1cum5jr/daily_general_discussion_may_18_2024_utc0/l4kmfr3/)
      * **u/Fredzoor** (Votes: 5): ⚠️ Just a thought: Please express your views **freely** on the proposal threads. I could be wrong, but my feeling is that sometimes, there are certai [Link](/r/ethtrader/comments/1cum5jr/daily_general_discussion_may_18_2024_utc0/l4kqqya/)
      * **u/Odd-Radio-8500** (Votes: 2): It’s one of the most underrated charts in crypto! 🔹Stablecoin supply is still heavily concentrated within the #Ethereum ecosystem. https://preview.r [Link](/r/ethtrader/comments/1cum5jr/daily_general_discussion_may_18_2024_utc0/l4kyq6z/)
      * **u/aminok** (Votes: 1): I recently criticized a member for selling their DONUT, because of the topic of the discussion, but any time a proposal has come up to penalize users [Link](/r/ethtrader/comments/1cum5jr/daily_general_discussion_may_18_2024_utc0/l4l4o03/)
      * **u/jack-jackson-the2nd** (Votes: 1): ETH up by 5%, Binance launching futures platform for BTC and others, Coinbase to list DOGE. [Link](/r/ethtrader/comments/1cum5jr/daily_general_discussion_may_18_2024_utc0/l4nc49h/)
      * **u/aminok** (Votes: 1): On BlackRock’s Ethereum-based BUIDL fund: >The asset manager had previously tested tokenisation by using a private JPMorgan blockchain to track asset [Link](/r/ethtrader/comments/1cum5jr/daily_general_discussion_may_18_2024_utc0/l4n03au/)

      *Once a comment receives three nominations, its text is automatically submitted as its own post on /r/EthTrader.*

    2. New daily for Ethereum discussion and all that is related to Eth in pursuit of some sweet donuts 🍩🍩😋

    3. Friendly-Airline2426 on

      SEC approves the first eth ETFs and we have the best bull run summer ever.

    4. 4th⬆️🤚🏼

      ARB is really looking good, bronuts 😎

      wen donut too?

      ‘morning ☕️🍩


    5. Honey_-_Badger on

      If ETFs gets approved then how big of a candle are we getting? It will surely be something majestic.

    6. likelysomeone3 on

      ETH going up slow and steady! And I’m fine with that.

      Hope everyone is having a great weekend

    7. jack-jackson-the2nd on

      BTC maintains a strong dominance at 54.29%.

      Meanwhile, ETH holds a significant position with 15.42% dominance.

      Despite a decrease in trading volume to about $50B, the market sentiment is shifting towards optimism

    8. ASingleGuitarString on

      ETH is at $3,130. It’s edging towards the resistance.

      A Sunday night pump is what I’m looking for.

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