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    I think starting with human nature and the human mind and what it is that people really connect to wanting to be recognized wanting to feel like the future can be better than the present having a lot of fear and anxiety 1/4 of the country is afraid that their current financial situation can land them in homelessness I mean that’s the customers we serve all right guys bang bang I’ve got Noah here with me no I thought a great place to start this conversation is most people have heard of acorns but they probably don’t quite yet understand uh the product that you all have built who you’re serving uh and then also a lot of the trends and the world has changed so much in the last five years in terms of both the economy and Society so maybe you could just start with you know somebody who didn’t come from the finance world or the tech World why did you start this and maybe walk us through kind of the evolution of the product yeah it’s nice to be here by the way thanks for having me on on on the show yeah one one of the things like you know it’s it’s a funny the phrase fintech kind of annoys me because it it implies a type of company a type of thinking that is not the way we approach the problems that we’re confronted by I think one thing that people don’t tend to know about acorns I think they think we’re very young and that that we serve you know students young young people 18 to 25 or whatever actually acorns fundamentally is for everyday people and our customers run the gamut from 98 years old to birth because we’re also helping parents you know set their kids up and and we really serve that everyday person and family and it’s not geographically specific or anything like that it’s really the American middle class so the the that’s the core that’s the core of it in fact people like our customer base there’s a there’s a large percentage of our customer base that’s over 60 and it’s something I’m I’m super proud of because it means acorns is resonating across Generations which which you know which which was part of our part of our goal and from the perspective of fintech versus what we really are we think of ourselves as a consumer brand and a consumer company that’s not to say Obviously we we we are in the category of Finn and we’re in the we’re a tech company because we build technology of course but first and foremost it’s about the consumer we serve how they think what they feel we just put out a survey called The Money Matters report that we put out every year to understand consumer psychology consumer emotions what’s on their minds what are their anxieties their fears their hopes that’s really how we start and I would say I don’t want to callop the conversation because you know obviously let’s keep it super interactive but like the um the way we think about building the acorns brand in in the 21st century zooming out like what what are what is it that resonates with people today and connects with people emotionally while there’s a deer walking across my property right now that’s that’s funny um and zooming out we have this kind of 21st century brand framework called heart and desire and and that means you know conscientiousness purpose these kinds of things today should always be but today they’re hugely important particularly for young Generations is it a conscientious company that’s doing the right thing and then desire is born out of kind of the the the the ma mainstream movement of design becoming more Central to products obviously design has been Central to products in subcategories like fashion and things like that but with with Steve Jobs and apple this became more Center Stage generally so desire is are you building a are you building a product that’s designed in a magnetic way that that connects with people emotionally and that kind of thing and at least when I think about I think those are the two polls of of of brands for the 21st century and I I would say Tesla is probably the comp the the product and brand that has nailed it right in the center the best it’s got a clear purpose creating a sustainable future and it’s got great design it’s inarguable inarguable that the cars are designed incredibly well the software the the you know the um the car itself all the things that go into it and I think they sit right at the center of that so that’s that’s how we that’s how we think and approach problems the consumer in the category when you think of this kind of design component do you do anything different in terms of coming up with the design either sequentially you know kind of in the product building process or there’s certain things that you’ve learned over time uh as inputs to this design that you think is such a big differentiator for you all yeah starting with human nature you know it’s it’s not necessarily about the process or the product development framework it’s starting with what do people feel what are they feeling right now what are their anxieties fears hopes all you know that and then and then how how do we create experiences in the product that confront those problems we focus a lot the acorn’s brand is all about hope you know based on the idea of tiny acorns growing into mighty Oaks that that that is the story arc essentially of Hope and so giving people a sense that there’s a better future ahead if they take these actions today and stick with them we have a screen in the product called the potential screen we purposely did not call it compounding or you know or or some sort of uh some sort of financial uh jargon we we called it potential because this is all about what your potential can be and how your future can change over the next 40 years if you do these things so that’s that I I think starting with human nature and the human mind and what it is that people really connect to um wanting to be recognized wanting to feel like the future can be better than the present you know having a lot of fear and anxiety I in this report I was mentioning before that we just put out I mean it was crazy to see that one4 of the country is afraid that their current financial situation can land them in homelessness I mean that’s the customers we serve so if you think about that fear that anxiety you have to start at that point when building products and experiences otherwise you’re just going to completely miss you know kind of ships in the night um experience so when people hear that number kind of one4 of folks uh are worried about their financial position potentially ending up in homelessness I think there’s a lot of people who would say oh come on there’s a you know there’s these young people they don’t really understand kind of what the financial world they’re maybe is fear being driven by social media or or problems in their local communities Etc how do you think through you know give the customers what they want versus the proverbial if you would asked people you know what do you want they would have said Faster Horses instead of a car and kind of you know trying to use data and analytics and and you know the brain power that you all have been able to accumulate there in terms of you know high quality employees Etc like is there a balance when building the product of trying to figure out you know what the customers are demanding and then also what you all think maybe uh they would want but don’t yet know yeah I mean I always start with Instinct first I don’t I you know it’s interesting thing in this category you often hear people talk about things like financial goals budgets planning people don’t really have financial goals that’s probably a I don’t know how that will be received as a statement but but but actually when you do research when you when you ask people what their financial goals are and this is an interesting Nuance to it to to to not appear stupid people will say they that they have financial goals but the majority of people do not really have financial goals they may say I i’ like to not retire poor or or or some sort of broad strr thing or I’d like to take a trip with my family XYZ but the concept of financial goal you know so so so people people don’t really know what they want and I’m I’m much I’m very much in the camp of helping people figure out what they need and that’s I think that’s a big difference between what I see with a lot of people in the technology World um and I think people who who try to create things that are leading people down a particular path and in our world we we say that we’re trying to put the responsible tools of wealth making in everyone’s hands if we’re just responding to what people want we’re going to offer trading we’re going to offer crypto trading we’re going to offer credit card you know we’re going to offer all these things but if we help if we if we focus on Guiding people to what they need and frankly guiding people down a path of how wealthy people really make money then we’re going to put different products into the market and those are the types of products that we focus on putting into the market as an example all of our portfolios are Diversified portfolios right um You can you can add some stocks to it you can add a little bit of exposure to bitcoin but it’s but it’s created in a way where we’re still going to make sure that you’re you’re maintaining diversification and that’s really fundamental to our to our product and product experience and I think that gets to to Leading rather than following you know and and by the way that’s not to say that we don’t listen because we listen very intense intently but we’re not building building our company based on what focus groups tell us to do when you think of design obviously that’s a big part of this but also you mentioned brand and brand and design sometimes are very closely uh kind of overlapped uh other times they can be very different things and so talk about the brand and how much of that comes from the product and the design versus maybe there’s other things the way you’ve designed you know the company or uh some of the actions you all have taken that really drive that brand yeah I think of a of brand as an amalgam of all the things the culture the product the marketing the service it all comes together into what it what you would say is a brand and a brand is how people feel about you fundamentally right so all those things are going to be inputs into how people ultimately end up feeling about us and I think if you do a good job of creating a brand with a very clear ethos that stands for an idea then you you have to recognize that every single thing you say every single thing you do the way you treat your people the the the way that your culture is versus the way that your product is the values that you have inside of your company and how those map to the values of your product all of those things have to be synergistic in order to have a a singular brand and that gets into like how you structure the company organizationally as well and we have just actually we have at acorns we have brought all of our creative groups advertising creative uh brand design brand design product design education content all of these groups into one organization rolling up into the executive creative director that reports directly to me and that’s because of a recognition that brand is all you know all of these things when you start to think about um kind of that end user right there is uh I got to get started you know in the journey and maybe I have no Investments I need to start to get some Investments uh there is the buying of assets the holding of assets getting educated on those assets um but then there’s also the participation uh I think I’ve heard you refer to it as like kind of the participation in capitalism there’s shareholder voting and all of this stuff you’re you’re unique in that you built acorns and and had a lot of success there you also built a shareholder uh voting platform called say and maybe you could talk a little bit about you know the buying and holding of assets and and even potentially the selling kind of the financial actions versus you know the exercise of voice in financial markets today yeah yeah um we we built say as two in a response to two things I mean first it was born out of irritation and I think a lot of good companies or ideas are born out of irritation and frustration for how things for how things exist and the reality for us early on was we were bringing new investors into investing everyday people who had not participated in the system that way and we we we wanted to be able to um introduce them to the idea that they can vote their share and this is not like a well-known thing particularly for people who are new to it but it is an empowering thing you know investing is very empowering um and so is being able to vote your shares and those two things sort of go hand inand like the idea that you are an investor it means that you’re participating in the system to be able to create wealth that you might not have otherwise been able to create and it also means that you get to exercise your vote and your and your and your voice and we felt like those two things go really hand inand that so that was part of it and the other part was we’re a very design oriented company as I was talking about before with the desire point and with the existing company that was sending our proxy Communications we just couldn’t get an email that that worked that that looked like an acorn’s email so that was a real point of frustration so it was like very tactical that way we wanted to sell send well-designed emails and then it was conceptual and that we wanted to give our customers and give investors on the whole the chance to who had not understood and did not understand that this is a part of investing give them a chance to exercise their their rights as shareholders and participate in capitalism and I think the more you participate the more knowledgeable you are the more you understand the stuff you know there’s this there’s a kind of back and forth Dynamic there the better an investor you will be the better you’ll be at at using your voice the better an investor you’ll be and it sort of feeds on itself that way now what’s interesting about this is the kind of fintech you know consumer facing Market um people love some of the brands because of um they’re giving them access and pioneering a lot of different you know kind of products and features uh and then some are hated because they’ve taken actions that may be you know kind of opposed to the users at certain times whether they needed to or not just the the perception of that um and here you’re talking about you know even creating a second company or a product to be able to serve the the user Etc how do you think about you know the relationship between maybe like doing the right thing or in Integrity with profit and you know obviously I think most people uh when asked well obviously you know we do things with Integrity but I mean in terms of you know giving up profit in order to do the right thing and and thinking through being a business but also serving your users and so what is the relationship there and how have you guys handled that over the years today’s episode is brought to you by propy imagine a world where you could buy and sell your home wallet to wallet with prop Keys you can Minit your home address and upgrade it to a real world asset this not only protects your home’s title from fraud but when you are ready to move you can sell it through an nft auction as well as through the traditional way there’s optionality here propy Keys is part of the propy ecosystem their mission is to make home ownership more efficient affordable and userfriendly propy keys is a fun entry point to placing title on the blockchain now anyone can start their onchain journey by missing home addresses via propy keys and staking them for profit until they are ready to sell their home visit propy key to learn more again that’s propy to learn more yeah I do not think most people uh focus on Integrity in their businesses and I think that applies broadly to this category category as well I mean Integrity is not obviously a buzzword it’s like is that is that part of the fabric of how you make decisions all the way through to is that your business model is your business model predicated on um on a on a on a relationship that comes back to doing the right thing for the customer and in financial services particularly if you’re talking about this is just my view obviously but particularly if you’re talking about everyday consumers the question is what are the behaviors that people should be engaging in what are the behaviors that are healthy for people that create a better life for themselves how do you make sure that the the people who are not necessarily informed about all this stuff which frankly nobody is about all this stuff how do you make sure people are informed before they’re making decisions and generally speaking um what what so what are the challenges in in culture today in in money uh obviously borrowing can be a hugely problematic thing you know sometimes we we all need to borrow money to to to accomplish things but it can be problematic particularly if the customer doesn’t understand the rate at which they’re borrowing and the kind of instrument and this happens a lot to a lot of us probably all of us at one one point or another um trading you know we can we I’m I’m a big believer in the idea that everybody has you know desires to take some risks to to play some bets all that kind of stuff but the question is how much of your of your money are you trading with and do you know how much is a good level to be trading with um and I think it’s challenging if if that’s if the core business model is predicated on earning money from these types of behaviors including spending I mean spending is a massive culprit I don’t need to tell you in terms of challenges in in in in consumer consumer relation to money so when you think about that from the perspective of Integrity in a business if the primary business model has an inverse relationship to the health of the consumer whatever happens in the end the business is going to be trying to drive the the core business model to an to to an outcome that drives drives Revenue as as high as possible particularly for Venture funded um Venture back companies because you have to grow grow grow so then the question is if if if your incentive is to drive growth in this area that is misaligned to what’s right for the consumer how do you build a company with integrity and I’m not saying there aren’t various ways to various business models in the category but we chose subscription pricing for a couple reasons but one because it’s very simple and from the perspective of of our goal which is to get people to save and invest as much as they can it’s not it’s not connected to the behaviors that we think get people into trouble now you could you could debate me and say well we have a tier that’s $9 a month that’s kind of expens expensive that might be that you know that and we and we can have that debate but it’s $9 a month we try to be clear about it we try to give you a lot of value in exchange for it and ultimately our goal is again get you to save and invest as much as possible so I think from the perspective of building a company rooted in Integrity if you’re going to throw out the word integrity Integrity has to be applied to every single thing you do down to your business model and whether it’s whether it incentivizes the people in your company to do the right thing um in the process of building the business and then of course and again I I don’t mean to take up too much air you know oxygen with this but then then bring that to how you communicate does how you communicate truly align to what it is you’re doing and what is right for the customer are you being honest in your in in your communication or are you saying things that seem interesting or magnetic like they’re going to capture people’s attention but it’s misleading fundamentally and I think you have to bring all those things together and be super super and bring Integrity into every decision um you know that you make in the business and create a a culture that Embraces integrity and understands that Integrity is the thing that’s respected so what’s interesting about this is um you spent a lot of time on like how to build a company how to build a culture how to build a team what there given when you started acorns it wasn’t your first company what have you done differently or like what are the maybe the takeaways for like when I start my next company if I ever do that here are the like non-negotiables or the things that I’ve learned are you know essential to building something that’s successful yeah I’m and I’m not sure this is the first point but it’s the first point that comes to my mind and that’s when you establish the values of your company do those values align to your values like truly because if they’re not authentically connected to the person building the company and frankly the person OB the people that you choose to lead in the company if there’s misalignment there um you’re going to immediately start having fractures in in the culture because the culture is a man the feeling of the culture is a manifestation of the values you set in place and how authentically you’re upholding those values so I would start with you know and I I’ll tell you I’ll tell you our values and so first is lead with heart second make bold decisions third always build trust four never stop growing and five find a way and I really if I don’t you know what I’m saying like if don’t embody those things and I’m talking to the company and I’m making decisions about our product and our brand and this that and the other like people aren’t going to believe it and you’re not going to feel like a singular culture so I think I think that’s part of it you know and I also think um you have to take your values to a an almost religious level and by that I mean you have to decide that you’re going to fire people who are not upholding your values you know that’s like the the most you that’s taking your values to to to real actualization and that’s something I’ve had to you know because that’s something I’ve had to get better at but I think now we’ve gotten religious about that and I think that’s really fundamental to to say like are you going to take it all the way to the line got it and then what about like on the product side right in terms of serving these customers what surprised you the most um as you’ve kind of built for what I’ll call like the everyday American right and and really kind of the sitting at the intersection of giving them access in participation in financial markets I’m you know I would I would say because because like what surprised me in a positive way is that we have introduced people to a complicated topic and a complicated industry and it’s easy to imagine that during downtimes and really kind of difficult market conditions that people would run and people have actually done the opposite people have stayed customers have stayed and that has surprised me in a very encouraging way you know when I think about the you know the surround sound anxiety that that confronts people every day from the news you know from their friends from social media from all these different sources like it’s really easy to come to the conclusion that you should give up and that you know it’s a really bloody time and especially as we’re going through the pandemic with all these spikes and dips and you know all this turmoil so I I I I I think that’s that’s a really positive surprising um realization and and an outcome and you know people have asked us that a lot along the way like what’s going to happen when there’s difficult times especially because you’re talking about people who a might not have a lot of money and B might not be used to confronting these kinds of anxieties and this kind of panic and um you know I think that’s probably the result of a bunch of things but um but I like that people are that that our customers are focused on timing the market not timing the market along those lines there’s what I’ll call you know kind of um good investment practices or behavior but there’s also a large variety of assets they could buy uh when I think of acorns uh whether correctly or not I don’t think about people like yoloing into uh you know your longtail of crypto assets but what are some of the trends you know where are people investing their money uh is it more uh kind of you know digitally native type opportunities uh than say uh you know just the S&P or or what do you all see the actual consumers doing yeah I I would you know we spent a lot of time talking about how we get into crypto because for in in in our world the question ultimately is um how do we make this boring but not too boring because because we we we want people to passively invest we want people to be Diversified but we also want to meet people where they are and provide opportunities that people are interested in allow people to invest in their passions so ultimately the way we approached the the the Bitcoin question or the crypto question was we said let’s start with an education campaign and that that’s called bits of Bitcoin and that means like you should think about this as the sprinkles on top you know so that was how we launched our fora into Bitcoin and the way the product works around that is you can get exposure of one to 5% if you’re in conservative you’ll get 1% and if you’re all the way you know up to aggressive you can get 5% EXP Ure and that’s a consumer Choice what we’ve seen which is really I think is really cool is that those customers that are choosing the portfolios that that have some customization but are still well Diversified you know that connect to their passions they’re actually stickier and you probably assume that but we’ve seen that play out in the data and I think that’s great because if if I can get you 2% exposure to bitcoin um in a in a portfolio that’s 98% Diversified and you’re going to stick with Investing For A much longer time because you’re supporting something you’re passionate about but also you’re doing the right thing like that’s a fantastic outcome so that’s you know that’s that’s how we’re thinking about it that’s how we’re building out the the the portfolio let’s call it portfolio selection process we want to make sure you’re well Diversified we want to make sure you can participate in some of your passions and in the end we want to make sure you’re growing your money over time and benefiting from compounding as much as possible that’s you know that’s really the the the way we approach it and then a lot of times you can learn not only by who you’re building the product for but maybe like the customers you know if you could you would turn them away um and I think a lot about like you learn about what you are doing by understanding intimately what you’re not doing who you’re not building for ETC it’s like who falls in that like anti- customer bucket yeah today’s episode is brought to you by consensus 2024 by coindesk on May 29th through the 30 1 I’ll be heading to Austin Texas to speak at consensus the world’s most established Global event for all things crypto blockchain and web 3 I’ll be sharing my thoughts on what the next Bull Run will look like how it will differ from previous run-ups and the broad macro investment thesis for Bitcoin and crypto more broadly that’s not all consensus has tailored programming for Bitcoin Maxis and multi-chain Mavericks alike covering everything from post having strategies to Mining and more plus get ready for the epic showdown Bitcoin versus ethereum at karate combat that’s just a taste of what’s to come at crypto’s only Big Tent Event join me in Austin alongside 15,000 other investors Founders Brands and more to take in all that blockchain has to offer get your pass today by clicking the link in the description and using Code pomp to save 20% again click on the link in the description and use code pomp if you want to save 20% and I’ll see all of you at consensus 2024 yeah I by the way I love this question and this area you know to talk about the um the the the customer that we’re not building for is the active C the Super Active customer the customer that we are building for is the customer that wants to fundamentally offload the the management of their money and feels that you know that acorns is a company that will handle it ethically that will put them in the right products and that will help them that said there is a degree of active like we are inviting customers as I was saying to participate and and and and custom build their portfolios while still maintaining diversification but I think you have to be extremely clear about who your customer is and who your customer is not and then one of the things I love about acorns back to the Integrity question is you can tell us much about acorns from what we do offer in the product as you can from what we don’t offer and there’s a lot of products we do not you know we just do not offer and I think this comes back to the customer that we’re serving where they’re at what’s important to them what we believe is going to be most helpful for them and how to guide them to the best outcome you know financially and sometimes look sometimes it’s customers get frustrated with us because because they might say you’re too paternalistic you don’t offer enough Freedom like why can’t I do whatever I want etc etc etc and you can do whatever you want you can do whatever you want with lots of products but here we’re going to help you do what you should do and I guess like part of building this company is um it does sit at the intersection of finance and Tech it does sit at the intersection of kind of brand uh and product um and kind of design but also in a weird way [Music] um education is kind of sewn through this whole thing and it’s a weird position because you don’t want to tell people what to buy necessarily uh in terms of like buy this stock don’t buy this stock but they’re going to hear that from somewhere right you know like like if they’re Twitter they’re going to hear somebody telling them about some stock or whatever how um how do you think about education and like maybe information more generally uh as a way to give them you know the the the framework or the foundation but stay away from you suggesting individual stocks maybe yeah I mean we have two we have two approaches to education and the product and this gets back to the whole conversation around Integrity starting from a fundamental belief that knowledge is power and we should inform our customers as much as possible so they make the best decisions that they can that said we also create products that make decisions for people in different ways so the the the way that that we approach education in the product we have a section called the learn Hub by the way we’ve been doing this since the beginning basically and in the learn Hub you can find out every you know you can go through every area of financial services and learn learn learn learn obviously there’s a focus on investing and um and learning as much as possible about everything from portfolio construction to the way markets move and then our second strategy which I think is probably more consequential is educating at the moment of decision-making and that just means that throughout the product we we do um educational interventions let’s say at Key moments of decisionmaking and you know that might be if you’re on the performance screen really we really want you to take a long-term view but of course we’re not going to restrict what you can see so we have a one-day view if you’re spending a lot of time on the one- day view we probably want to intervene and and remind the customer to take a long-term view because you know you might be getting caught up in in kind of Market panics or what’s happening today and that’s not a good way to invest you know and that goes all the way through to the deposit screen or the withdrawal screen if you’re withdrawing money we want to make sure you understand the impacts of that so educating at the moment of decision- making is kind of our core product strategy and that’s based off of a of a fundamental educational Insight basically which is that Active Learning is the most effective way to learn and we have the chance to bridge products and education together in one place and so we’re going to you know we’re going to do that as much as we can and I think if you if if I were to say like the way that most companies approach education and financial services and I can’t say all but I don’t I don’t know many exceptions to this it’s a marketing strategy you know I’m GNA I’m going to serve you up content because I want you to do something in my product versus I’m going to going to serve you up content because I want you to be a really smart person with your money and as a result of that action I think you’re going to be more loyal to us because we put your interest first and then maybe my last question for you is um Finance is this very uh interesting Market where if you can establish trust you can do a lot of things uh with this relationship with a customer um you you know credit cards and other Financial Services then mortgages and you know kind of you just go lineup all these things that are involved in the lifetime of somebody who is you know 22 years old leaving school all the way up to they buy their first home they get married they have children you know and kind of uh continue to make more and more money and then they’ve got their retirement Etc what is the aspiration or the ambition of the company like do you want to touch all of these things do you have kind of a good understanding of maybe a smaller box where you’re like we just want to maniacally focus on this like how do you think about maybe the future of what you’re building yeah there’s kind of two things in there so so our third value is always build trust and say what you mean mean what you say do what you say you’re going to do you know I I think trust is the number one most important attribute I mean in any relationship and we’re in a relationship with our with our customers so are we saying what we mean do we mean what we say are we doing what we say we’re going to do and you know that has to be through and through in all in all of our decisions and so trust is is at the core the most important the most important thing from the perspective of where we’re going and obviously being a able to take people to take our customers down a path we have to earn their trust they have to respect us and our decisions where we’re going is really simple it’s where we’ve been what we’ve been working toward since very very early on it’s called Financial a financial Wellness system and just to give context you know to where we are today and where we’ve been when you sign up for acorns the the basic sign up process is that you start with an investing product um we we obviously allow you to invest your spare change or you could do $5 a day or whatever kind of recurring deposit that you want to make and then you know you’ve signed up in a few minutes and you’re an investor and then we introduce you sequentially to our product acorns later which is a retirement account or acorns early which is a kids account etc etc we emergency savings we introduce you to these subsequent products Financial Wellness system is a is a is a totally different experience that signs the customer up from the beginning for every product as a system in other words I’m up for acorns and I’m getting a system of products that that that we believe you need to effective that the everyday person needs to effectively manage their money and then as you add money we allocate the money across the products for you so it’s really you know it’s really the idea of a money manager for for everyday people and when I think of the biggest opportunity in financial services outside of the family system which I think is a which is you know which is a priority for us I think a money manager for everyday people is the biggest opportunity because fundamentally most most people don’t know the products they need like the vast majority of people don’t know how to think about what what amount of money should go where and then in the experience that people have with financial services generally most people have so much anxiety and so much um uncertainty that you know they sort of fall out fall off or drop out at at one point or another so I think bringing all these things together into one cohesive experience is is a very exciting prospect and the way we’re thinking about it is that that that will live at our premium you know premium tier and we’ll be the first to offer a really compelling money manager for everyday people I love it where can we send people to find you on the internet or find out more about the company uh I’m not really on the I don’t do a lot of I don’t I don’t really do much social media so like so obviously you can you know you can go to check out all the stuff about where what we’re doing where you know products we offer and we’re in all the app stores so just search acorns and I would say also we have a kids product called go Henry by acorns G hen r y by acorns um it was a a deal an acquisition we made of a wonderful company out of the UK called go Henry which which creates products for kids to help kids with financial literacy and it’s it’s in the United States now um and so you can start you can start basically engaging with us as a six-year-old you know and starting start start learning about um how to think about money and and and and getting that education you’re not getting in school I love it go Henry all right Noah thank you so much I appreciate it we’ll definitely do it again in the future thanks man good to see you

    Noah Kerner is the CEO & Chairman of Acorns, the financial app helping everyday citizens invest with spare change. In this conversation, we talk about building a brand, design & product decisions, why they are serving such a unique customer, surprises, and what Acorns looks like in the future.

    In this podcast, we dive into the revolutionary concept of PropyKeys, an application that allows anyone to mint home addresses all over the world on blockchain. is a part of the Propy ecosystem, that has a grand mission to make homeownership more affordable and user friendly. Join us as we discuss the Propy’s latest collaborations, including Coinbase, and its new fun project PropyKeys.
    X (Twitter): @PropyKeys
    Website: Mint an address at

    Join me at Consensus 2024 May 29-31 in Austin, Texas. This year marks the tenth annual Consensus, making it the largest and longest-running event dedicated to all sides of crypto, blockchain and Web3. Use code POMP to get 20% off your pass at

    Pomp writes a daily letter to over 265,000+ investors about business, technology, and finance. He breaks down complex topics into easy-to-understand language while sharing opinions on various aspects of each industry. You can subscribe at

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