So we are wondering if there is anything we have not yet prepared for that we need to, before my grandmother passes. She has Alzeihmer's, home on hospice and has medicaid.

    Her financial info: no will, no power of attorney, no estates, no assets, no savings, she receives SSI and a small pension payment (less than $50 a month) which are used up monthly for her living expenses, 1 life insurance policy which has a payout of about $4,000.

    We have saved around $6,000 to pay for her funeral costs (cremation with viewing), hopefully that will be enough? Should we save more?

    What do we need to be aware of? Or prepare for? After she passes, what do we need to do?

    We've never had to prepare someone's funeral arrangements before so we are fairly clueless. And greiving. Advice would be appreciated.

    How to best prepare for grandmother’s death?
    byu/rocanne inpersonalfinance

    Posted by rocanne


    1. You can contact some places ahead of time to price and possibly even partially pay for services if you need a better grasp on what costs may be. Also be prepared to possibly pay the govt back for the final month of money she receives. Idk if it’s based on the state or not but when my grandpa passed the govt made his kids repay his final month back because it was paid a month ahead of time and he didn’t live enough through the month for it to count or something.

    2. MostAnonEver on

      Might be worth for her to have a will and keep it safe just in case. Sometime down the run you might find out she has assests from soso and itll be annoying to try and claim without will or anything. And if truly has nothing down the line, something could also be tied to her that wouldve entitled her to something but is now given to you without a lotta hassle. And its honestly not like a will is gonna cost you all that much tbh.

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