Boeing expects a 2024 cash burn, slow recovery of airplane deliveries amid crisis, CFO says – CNBC

    Posted by batyrshah


    1. delphiwhodoneit13 on

      Brain made my eyes see ‘Boeing expects a 2024 CRASH burn’. 🔥 ✈️
      I’m going to believe my brain on this one.

    2. recovery of airplane deliveries…

      Based on what? Blind hope?

      All the planes that were built by cutting corners are currently in the air. The crisis is far from over. There’s zero reason to think there won’t be multiple more “plane falls apart for seemingly no reason” incidents in the coming months. There’s no reason to think a Boeing won’t be involved in a crash in the next year or so.

      Airbus just got a huge order from a Saudi airline that was initially expected to go to Boeing. Zero reason to think that trend won’t continue, too.

      Boeings commercial aviation division is in serious trouble. Doesn’t seem like they fully appreciate just how much trouble they’re in.

    3. TLDR – Boeing is currently in the “find out” stage of cutting corners.

    4. Ha ha, it’s not funny, but when I read this title in my feed the words “Boeing Crash Burn” are all that I saw at first… I’m so going to hell.

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