Nvidia has the best reputation of any U.S. company. Apple is number 9 – CNBC


    Posted by batyrshah


    1. Gombrongler on

      Thanks for the list of stocks your handlers are pumping Ashton Jackson! Fresh from the AI womb i bet

    2. Because every granny gets their GPU from Nvidia while needing help from the grandson to install their apps on an iphone.

    3. lol wut??? Outside of PC gamers and tech enthusiasts (which significantly overlap), and stock trading degenerates (still overlapping), you have the other 75% of the population that barely knows what Nvidia is and certainly has never bought a nvidia product, much less think it’s a top brand.

      On Reddit sure, nvidia might be one of the top brands, given the massive slant towards male, tech-smart, younger people.

    4. Reasonable-Bet6602 on

      Apple is the only company that fight for your privacy. Sure they have some anti consumer policy like going against rights to repair. BUT THEY WILL not release your info not for profit like The Zuck or even when the government demands it.

    5. Sober_Alcoholic_ on

      Probably because of apples planned obsolescence and constantly changing chargers, earphones and the like. Fuckers.

    6. I_Do_Gr8_Trolls on

      Lmao. Everyone in the enthusiast hardware and pc gaming space hates Nvidia because of how overpriced the 40 series was. The whole 4080 12gb debacle and utterly garbage 4060ti…

      Meanwhile: everyone and their mother is working on creating their own asic and custom hardware to avoid paying nvidias 75% gross margin

    7. tl;dr for anyone here:

      Stock was dumped recently and puts cashed out. Now they need to restart the cycle and buy calls so the bag holders can post their loss porn on r/wallstreetbets.


    8. First, most if not every MSM will shamelessly lick the taint of any company just for a chance at first access to any major announcement that will drive viewership and clicks so them declaring NVDA the most reputable company is just an unsolicited reach around to curry favors.

      Second, if NVDA who juices their earnings to hit sales targets by pre-declaring anticipated sales that are based on magic? is the most reputable company in America then we are truely boned. They got a earnings boost from the fraud that was crypto mining and look to continue the snake oil party by alligning with the pseudo-science that is the java script chat bots or data aggrigators that we pretend are AI when every one requires external input to function and none of which are self-directing like an AI would be as a minimum threshold.

      Even with game companies likely intentionally under-optimizing their games to justify continuous sales of more and more powerful CPUs and GPUs there are upper technological thresholds to how much processing capability can be loaded into current chip manufacturing techniques without things getting larger rather than more compact.

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