+800k/2000% on Dell weeklies, I was betting it would move with a NVDA beat. Closed near the top today.

    +1.6m on NVDA earnings gamble, still holding.

    Options on related stocks with smaller cap can often generate better returns than the company reporting earnings itself. Wish I had swapped those position sizes around tbh.


    Where are the Dell gain porn at?
    byu/Fausterion18 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Fausterion18


    1. Faust at it again.

      I’ve read some of your posts before and it’s inspiring.

      How’d you learn? Lots of paper trading? Books? Analyzing various data to figure things out?

    2. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)

    3. I shorted dell and made like 30% back when it was at 115 or so and it went closer to 100, what the hell happened since then.

    4. Ambitious_CryptoNewb on

      Fuck am I poor. Also, love the name of that account 😂 well done 👏

    5. It is great return, but post some of the losses time to time as well. All the youngsters are literally gambling due to seeing these posts where some users gain 200k to 2m in one or two trades. It is not always wins and showcase those losses time to time to provide a balanced approach.

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