They wrote an article on the WSB guy who bought GMED instead of GME



    1. truetalentwasted on

      Reminds me of when I did hand jobs behind Burger King thinking it was a Wendy’s.

    2. What kind of meds are GMEDs?

      Can it cure autism or keen ability to lose money? 🤔

      Asking for a friend

    3. they need to write one on the guy who accidentally sold calls instead of buying calls

    4. I remember telling a friend to get into energy fuels back in the uranium bull market. He said he bought equal amounts of “both versions of the stock” and one had crashed to 10 cents. I asked what the hell did he mean by “versions” of the stock, there is only one ticker and it was trading at 7 dollars.

      I still have no idea what he bought. Does Schwab list CFDs/Turbos and the other scam derivatives when you look for a ticker?

    5. AnyPortInAHurricane on

      I bet fat fingers by WSB klowns win more often than their correct trades.

    6. RiskDry6267 on

      Better he lose $150 on GMED than get fucked by Vlad turning off the buy button lmao

    7. zeratul-on-crack on

      when Covid started, a lot of fuckers bought ZOM instead of ZOOM… and ZOM rallied for a bit hahaha

    8. Zestyclose-Gur6360 on

      lol I remember people buying Tweeter Home Entertainment (TWTRQ) right before the Twitter IPO. 

    9. ShadowSlayer1441 on

      Everyone is shitting on WSB, which fair, always valid. But apparently there are 3.5 billion USD of mistaken trades per day! Utter madness, the true regards are apparently the exchanges for not coming up with a better system.

    10. HerrJemine123 on

      When RDDT IPOd there was a pennystock with the ticker RDDTF that absolutely rocketed too, check the 6 months graph 😄

    11. koochywalla on

      Wow they wrote an article that he lost 17 cents in a couple of seconds.

      I wish someone wrote about me every time I accidentally submitted something wrong and immediately went back and fixed it.

    12. Qanonjailbait on

      What an idiot. Lose money like normal people by putting it in Polestar 😒

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