Taking Control of Your Life through Carnivory with Brett Ender (WIM461)

    hey everybody Welcome to the what is
    money show I am thrilled to have you
    here joining me on my mission to help
    shine light on the corruption of money
    now if this is your first time listening
    to the what is money show I strongly
    recommend that you go back to episodes 1
    through 9 first which lays a lot of the
    groundwork for many of the concepts that
    we explore on the show these first n
    episodes are my series with Michael
    sailor and thousands of people have told
    me that this is the best podcast series
    they’ve ever heard hands down and that
    it was instrumental to their
    understanding of money and Bitcoin so if
    you’re looking to start uh a deep dive
    into the nature of money I don’t think
    there’s any place better that you can
    start other than episode one of this
    show now a little bit about the show and
    how it makes money the what is money
    show is 100% sponsor based so all of our
    revenues are derived from direct
    sponsorships and I strive to be very
    selective about the sponsors that I work
    with specifically only using sponsors
    that I use personally and also choosing
    sponsors that have values which are well
    aligned to the values expressed on this
    show such as Freedom education self-
    sovereignty Etc so what I’m going to do
    now is a few ad reads right at the top
    of the show and then I’ll do a few more
    ad reads in the middle and I hope you’ll
    take the time to listen to them as again
    these are hands selected sponsors and I
    think you’ll like what they have to
    offer today’s podcast is brought to you
    by in Wolf’s clothing wolf is the first
    startup accelerator dedicated
    exclusively to the Bitcoin lightning
    Network four times per year wolf brings
    teams from around the world to New York
    City to work with like-minded
    entrepreneurs pushing the boundaries of
    what’s possible with Bitcoin and
    lightning the program is designed to
    help early stage companies achieve
    product Market fit develop their brand
    secure early stage funding and grow
    businesses that help fuel the global
    adoption of Bitcoin so go to Wolf
    nc.com to learn more about the program
    or apply again that’s wolf NC
    nc.com Brett Ender welcome to the what
    is money show thanks for having me
    brother I appreciate you the studio is
    amazing house is great love South
    Florida so it couldn’t be better it’s so
    good to have you here
    um when’s the last time we saw each
    other was it at White Oak it was um we
    had you on so we’ve had you on the meat
    Mafia podcast our show twice so I think
    it was the second time which was I think
    that was December of 2022 was the last
    time I saw you in person yeah which was
    that was at White Oak that was um that
    was in Bitcoin Park oh Bitcoin park
    that’s right okay yeah I think we saw we
    were both at that the beef initiative
    conference at White Oak like September
    of that year yeah and then I saw you a
    few months later right right yeah so I
    remember cuz you were talking about the
    last time I was on your show it’s when I
    had just moved to Nashville I think I I
    just arrived literally a few days and
    had shared some of my story on your
    podcast the meet Mafia podcast and it
    was so cool because then uh a doctor
    that listens to your show reached out
    about something I had shared and she
    recommended a piece of equipment to me
    and that piece of equipment is what I
    use to meditate every morning and it
    helps me deal with my autoimmune
    condition and just one of those cool
    things about social media how you start
    to share certain things about yourself
    and you find people in the community
    that are willing to help you definitely
    yeah there’s almost like two parts to
    that like part one was you being
    vulnerable and opening to admitting the
    thing that you were struggling with and
    then the second part is like I’m always
    just continually amazed who is listening
    to the show that you might not know
    about and so that woman was like our
    mutual friend Dr Mary care she’s a board
    certified MD and functional medical
    specialist at of Dallas Texas and she
    was like Hey I I noticed that Robert was
    experiencing this with his autoimmunity
    recommend him to buy this I’ll talk to
    him and it’s like just making that
    connection you feel way better like
    that’s the power of the internet if you
    use it the right way it’s incredible and
    she’s become like a friend now like I
    text with her about things and ask her
    questions about stuff that’s going on
    she’s always been super helpful and very
    friendly so yeah it’s um and how so tell
    me then how you because we’re talking
    about this a little bit offline but you
    used to be in a more traditional work in
    environment I guess the traditional
    corporate ladder mhm but you decided to
    go on onto the entrepreneurial path and
    start the meet Mafia podcast and a few
    other things you’re working on so where
    where did the fork in the road occur for
    you and what what gave you the the balls
    to to take the path L taken yeah it’s a
    it’s a great question and again I feel
    like you have moments where you moments
    like this where you kind of appreciate
    the journey that you’ve been on I said
    to you off camera you know I’ve been a
    fan of your work for probably four years
    I listen to your podcast for the first
    time in March or April of 2020 and now
    even just us being friends and you being
    willing to interview me I think it’s a
    cool Testament to what you can build out
    in a few years when you really follow
    the mission that God has on your life
    but for me there was always this kind of
    like underlying theme of health and
    nutrition that I was passionate about
    and it really for me stemmed out of a
    time of Crisis so I went to a small
    school up in Boston called bson College
    it was an entrepreneurial school so
    where I met Harry who I co-host the meat
    Mafia podcast with and going into my
    senior year of college I started
    noticing that I didn’t feel as healthy
    as I should which was surprising to me
    because I was a high level baseball
    player so probably similar to you when
    you were younger it was just like
    calories in calories out right
    everything I’m doing is under the lens
    of I’m an athlete therefore I’m healthy
    so a lot of alcohol a lot of stress
    playing a you know a highly competitive
    sport a ton of processed food I couldn’t
    cook anything
    and the summer of 2016 I was working an
    internship at a financial services
    company in New York City and so I would
    commute from my parents house in New
    Jersey into New York City and I was
    noticing on that 2-hour commute my
    urgency to go to the bathroom was like
    getting more and more severe and I was
    21 so right as a 21-year old guy you’re
    not going to tell anyone about that and
    you’re stupid you’re young you’re you
    think you’re you’re Invincible you’re
    like I’m it’ll just correct on its own
    yeah well for me it didn’t and the
    symptoms continue to get worse worse the
    entire summer so Flash Forward this
    started in June by August I was
    literally [ __ ] blood 20 plus times a
    day jeez I had lost 30 PBS the last day
    of my internship I got rushed to the
    hospital got a colonoscopy and then
    immediately got diagnosed with
    ulcerative colitis and so for anyone
    that doesn’t know what ulcerative
    colitis is it’s a form of irritable
    bowel disease um it’s basically severe
    inflammation in your large intestine
    which is your colon Crohn’s is very
    similar that’s your small intestine but
    kind of similar there are some
    differences but there are a lot of
    similarities and the thing with these
    autoimmune diseases that have really
    exploded over the last 50 years which
    I’m sure we’ll dig into today is that
    they tell you that the diseases are
    incurable so they immediately get you on
    a cocktail of medication steroids
    biologic drugs Etc because there’s a
    fear that you will eventually go back
    into a flare up so you have to be on the
    drugs for the rest of your life um I got
    put on a ton of Penzone I got put on
    three different medications outside of
    that and the big one being Remicade the
    medical term for Remicade is infliximab
    and it’s a biologic drug it’s it’s an
    immunosuppressant and the cost of that
    drug per year is
    $150,000 I was on that drug for 5 years
    so you see what I cost the medical
    system let alone the millions of other
    people that are on Remicade which there
    are millions of people on these drugs
    right and so I just kind of accepted the
    diagnosis that my doctor had given me um
    the other interesting thing about my
    diagnosis is that my doctor told me that
    it was not diet and lifestyle related he
    told me that I had a pre uh basically a
    genetic predisposition to getting UC MH
    and so no matter what I did this outcome
    was essentially in inevitable let alone
    you and I just talking about all the
    things that I was doing in college that
    I know were the root cause of why I got
    sick yeah and then my my life really
    changed in 2019 where I was I was
    working a tech sales job in New York
    City and um I was listening to Joe
    Rogan’s podcast and I listened to a
    podcast that dran Baker had gone on
    who’s call him basically the Godfather
    of the carnivore movement actually he’s
    coming here this week too that’s guy
    that’ll be a good test to see who’s
    bigger you or Sean he might have you by
    like a little bigger than he’s a moose
    he’s a great bitcoiner too amazing guy
    by the way but um so he on this podcast
    his theory was that number one animal
    products are wrongly demonized they’re
    actually the most nutritious foods that
    you can be eating and they’re also the
    most bioavailable which means your body
    can actually absorb them it’s good for
    your gut health and the kicker for me me
    was that he was saying on this podcast
    that there were thousands of people that
    he was seeing that had incurable
    autoimmune diseases similar to IBD that
    were getting off their medication as a
    result of this diet and so for me when
    I’m 24 I don’t want to be relying on
    getting this ridiculous drug literally
    injected via blood infusion every eight
    weeks wow right at that point you know
    my Hope was I felt good but I just had
    very low hope that I was going to get
    off this drug and here’s someone that’s
    actually encouraging me and telling me
    something different than what my doctors
    are telling me and I just kind of had
    this light bulb moment where I flipped
    the switch and I said why not try and
    heal there’s really no there’s no worse
    outcome than what I’ve experienced
    before and I was living on 57th Street
    on the upper east side of the city there
    was a Whole Foods two streets away and I
    remember going to that Whole Foods
    buying ribey ground beef chicken beef
    Tallow butter bone broth good quality
    spring water and a little bit of black
    coffee so I wasn’t 100% carnivore
    because I still drank coffee MH and I
    just cooked all my meals and I did
    exactly what he told me to do and I’m
    not kidding literally within a week my
    stomach already felt way better like I
    was probably going to the bathroom four
    to five times a day I got down to 1 to
    two which for me was life-changing cuz
    when you’re in a flare up like your life
    becomes revolved around where’s the
    closest toilet like I went on a date
    with a girl when I was 21 and I think I
    went to the bathroom 4 times and she
    thought I was like doing cocaine cuz I’m
    going to the bathroom that much you know
    what I mean ter um but so immediately I
    saw saw the effects of that so this
    Burning inflammation the sensation went
    away bowel movements were way better my
    skin got better I was like popping out
    of bed with like this vim and energy and
    like tenacity for life and you know when
    you don’t have that feeling and when you
    gain that feeling back especially as a
    man it’s so lifechanging oh yeah and
    then I just went deeper and deeper down
    the rabbit hole man and just like
    started learning about regenerative
    agriculture and sourcing my food and
    connecting with local farmers and deep
    diving what went wrong with the food
    system some and you know Flash Forward a
    few years this was
    2021 I got another colonoscopy because
    when you have ulcerative colitis you
    have a increased risk of getting colon
    cancer so they kind of have to go under
    the hood and just make sure your
    inflammatory markers are really good so
    doctor goes goes in there not only did I
    have zero inflammation in my gut I had
    zero microinflammation wow so he didn’t
    tell me this but that’s the definition
    of being medically cured and he got me
    off of all the drugs and medication that
    I was on which it literally never
    happens long was that period that was
    about 2 years of very strict carnivore
    eating and tinkering and experimentation
    that incredible did you get up did you
    get give up coffee too in that period so
    I never fully gave it up but I was
    drinking like high quality organic and
    mold-free coffee yeah I don’t know if
    you’ve noticed this with some of your
    gut issues but like when I drink a
    higher quality espresso my stomach feels
    good but I know certain people like they
    just have they’re they’re so severe they
    have to just give it up I just fully
    give it up cu was having um and it was
    Paul saladino that got me to give it up
    i’ had given up so many things I’d been
    eating just beef and salt for a long
    period of time but I had I couldn’t quit
    coffee coffee was like it’s my
    everything you know it’s what got me to
    work got me out of bed the whole thing
    and so he finally was just like look
    dude you’re drinking hot Bean Juice
    every day your gut’s just not going to
    heal until you cut the coffee I wasn’t
    is actually I was drinking cold brew but
    he was saying you know this is very
    aggravating to the gut there’s no like
    you can do all the other things you’re
    just eating beef and salt you’ve
    eliminated everything but if you don’t
    cut the coffee you’re not going to get
    the results so finally I cut coffee that
    was the hardest thing ever by the way it
    was like week one I was exhausted week
    two um I was sad felt like I like lost a
    friend or something emotionally like
    upset actually and then week three you
    started to come back online like you
    have really good energy um but that and
    now I just do green tea I so I’ve never
    gone back to coffee like I I miss it in
    a way mhm I miss the taste I miss the
    ritual but I feel much better without it
    like I actually have much higher energy
    without it yes um so you then
    you stuck to the carnivore diet for two
    years but you never gave up coffee and
    you were still able to heal and I I was
    still able to heal wow and some people
    are so severe autoimmune and in your use
    case you just had to give it up I was
    for I mean I wasn’t overdoing it I was
    probably drinking like two cups a day
    and some days I would go go without it
    but I would say the Maj 90% of the days
    I was still drinking it but for me for
    whatever reason I just needed to I
    needed to just reincorporate a lot of
    these nutrients and that for me with the
    inflammation was still enough to like
    mitigate that inflammation and be able
    to get off a lot of these drugs and
    medications that I was taking yeah how
    did you deal with so the one of the most
    difficult things for me my journey is
    quite a bit different actually I
    discovered Bitcoin first and through
    Bitcoin discovered
    carnivory and I by this point I had
    already tried veganism and a lot of
    other things and I knew enough that keto
    worked for me MH but when I and I guess
    I heard it initially from saine who also
    relies on the work of people like sha
    Baker Paul saladino Etc um to talk about
    these crazy people that just eat red
    exclusively and you know the first thing
    you think when you hear that after being
    brainwashed by American um quote unquote
    science it’s like oh you’re going to
    have a heart attack in two weeks you
    can’t eat that much red meat but when I
    got that permission basically like oh no
    you can eat meat and you won’t die then
    I I started to really lean into it and
    that’s when I started to heal uh my mine
    issues weren’t as severe as yours mine
    more you know I had I had diagnosed with
    lyan planus autoimmune but that was just
    a cosmetic issue didn’t really cause me
    any issues um physiologically but I had
    like inflammation my lower right
    abdominal quadrant
    and that was causing me to have like
    skin issues joint pain irritability all
    of these things and it would be
    triggered by food M like if it would
    flare up then I would feel like [ __ ] my
    joints would hurt Etc and then when I
    would eat the right things which was
    basically no carbs it would go down and
    so I started doing all of that so it’s
    like Bitcoin carnivory then I started
    healing the gut um you took the a
    different path it sounds like you
    discovered carniv
    first started to heal yourself and then
    how where did you go from there was it
    podcast then Bitcoin or was it Bitcoin
    then podcast like how did you what was
    the the sequence that’s a good question
    I remember when you came on the show for
    the second time the moment that I always
    remember as you said beef is Bitcoin and
    Bitcoin is beef which I think is the
    Perfect Analogy and I am a little bit
    backwards to the most of the Bitcoin
    Community where it seems like most
    people follow your pattern of Bitcoin
    than carnivory where I was carnivory
    than Bitcoin I was fortunate because you
    know I have a great business partner and
    co-host and Harry he was big into the
    Bitcoin space and one of the things that
    I noticed is when I finally decided to
    make that jump when I was working my
    corporate job and just I finally had
    that moment of like I just want to help
    other people heal and just share some of
    my learnings around the food system very
    similar to you with your learnings
    around currency and what is money the
    people that gravitated towards my stuff
    the most from the first post that I ever
    made was the Bitcoin community and I was
    like that’s very interesting what does
    that say about them as people that
    they’re they’re truth Seekers that was
    what I that kept coming back in my mind
    and then getting to connect with the
    safe ad deans of the world you being in
    Austin and getting to connect with
    people like Parker Lewis and will Cole
    and a lot of these Bitcoin ogs that
    really made me have that light bulb
    moment around what I thought currency
    was and I would even liken I would say
    the the analogy is like if you’re
    selling your 401k to throw all that
    money into Bitcoin that’s almost the
    equivalent of what people would say like
    giving up process foods and vegetables
    for a carnivore diet CU it gets a very
    similar reaction yes but it’s like the
    source of truth of what you should be
    doing yes yeah for sure um Fiat food is
    a term that gets thrown around a lot but
    there does seem to be this connection
    and you know there’s a lot of different
    ways to look at it
    but so the government very heavily
    subsidizes the corn and sugar Industries
    for instance so you know a subsidy is
    you know the state is stealing
    purchasing power from people via
    Taxation and inflation and then it’s
    redirecting some of that purchasing
    power into certain favored
    Industries and so it’s no surprise that
    basically everything on the shelves has
    corn syrup in it sugar in it Etc so
    there is this connection right it’s like
    well you you have a a system that’s when
    we say Fiat basically means like by
    decree right do this because I said so
    or there will be
    consequences when you have a system
    based on that that you get these very
    weird outcomes in really any area of
    life that money touches which turns out
    to be most of them so you get a currency
    that’s being forcibly depreciated and
    all of a sudden the food starts to
    depreciated and you know I if you I’m
    sure you’ve been into the seed oil
    Rabbit Hole of course basically every
    food with a
    label mostly has seed oils in it yes
    right most foods that don’t need to have
    sugar in them in American grocery stores
    at least have sugar or high fructose
    corn syrup in them yeah and you get in
    this situation where you can’t even if
    you’re trying to eat healthy like we
    were at Whole Foods the other day and my
    girlfriend picks up dried
    cranberries and you you know just says
    dried organic dried
    cranberries first of all was like $14
    like what how is this $4 then you read
    the back of the label and it’s organic
    dried cranberries sprayed with canola
    oil you know some other like what it’s
    like what these are just dried can it
    just be dried fruit why do you have to
    put 100%
    so you get you come to this point where
    it’s like you’re nav it feels like the
    feeling for me is like you’re navigating
    a Minefield yes and you literally have
    to take the time and attention and
    effort to examine everything the
    ingredient label in everything that you
    put into your body mhm and that process
    was so excruciating and I had to learn
    through countless rounds of trial and
    error where like you start to eat really
    strict and you start to feel a little
    better I don’t know if your journey was
    like this I was like I would eat really
    strict yeah I start to feel a little
    better and then I’m like oh I’m good I
    can just eat what I feel good now that
    eat and I like feel bad again like oh
    what did I do like where did I Mis step
    and so I kept learning do repeating this
    pattern and then
    finally I started to actually really get
    serious like what everything that goes
    into my body and um it’s been
    so difficult it’s like difficult
    um but I don’t know if you don’t take
    control of your own health and if you
    don’t do these things to feel better
    because when I went to the doctors like
    sort of like
    you like hey I feel this certain way
    they run the test and for me they
    actually said Oh no you’re good you
    don’t have anything I had the the
    autoimmune condition which they could
    diagnose was just cosmetic
    and well they told me about autoimmune I
    said we don’t know where it comes from
    there’s no cure for it there’s nothing
    we can do about it so it’s like you just
    need to you just have to live with it
    now and I was like this is a ter what a
    terrible answer like how are you a
    doctor like there’s no way you don’t
    know where this comes from and um I
    don’t know I guess the
    whole if I try to look at it as like
    what did I learn from it all it’s like
    that you have to take control over
    yourself and your own life you have to
    be respons responsible for your own
    situation you can’t abdicate that
    responsibility to a doctor and expect
    them to have an answer for you mhm and
    um so anyways I it was just very brutal
    in that way were you did you go through
    this kind of looping cycle where you
    would start to feel better and then
    maybe eat some other Foods again that
    bothered you and like how what was your
    dayto day like did it take you a while
    to normalize yourself to this diet or
    when I it’s such a good question and
    the way that you likened the processed
    food industry to a mine field I think is
    actually the Perfect Analogy even this
    concept of food addiction right it’s
    like we recognize pornography addition
    addiction alcohol addiction gambling
    addiction but food addiction is
    something that we talk about a little
    bit but we don’t I think traditional
    medical Fields don’t really recognize it
    as an addiction where you take a company
    like Coca-Cola and their distribution
    strategy is literally to have like a
    Coke within Arm’s Reach of wherever you
    are when you’re out and about is so true
    right it’s like pretty much every time
    you leave your house you can find
    Coca-Cola so for me I guess a little bit
    different than you but you eventually
    came to it was there was I would almost
    equated to like just a light switch
    turning on and just saying I am eating
    these foods and I’m not going to fall
    for the [ __ ] anymore because if I
    continue to fall for this [ __ ] I
    will either be dead or I will be on
    medication for the rest of my life so
    these are foods and then anything that’s
    in a box or a package or with an
    ingredient label is no longer food it
    might taste really good but nothing is
    going to taste better than what having
    this ultimate quality of health is and
    one of the things that you You’ mention
    was like this maybe the difference in
    severity but my counter to that is like
    for someone like you right there are
    thousands and thousands of people that
    come to you for knowledge and in
    information and so for you when you were
    dealing with that autoimmune issue maybe
    you were operating at 50% of your
    potential Max for sure it’s like dude
    what is the world missing out on by
    Robert not being at 100% and equate that
    to all these other people thinking that
    88% of Americans are metabolically
    unhealthy yeah like what are like the
    contributions or the businesses or like
    the life’s missions that aren’t even
    getting turned into existence because
    you’re just in this like metabolic fog
    that’s just crippling your life dude
    100% And it’s to know what it’s like to
    live in that sort of foggy low Vitality
    Zone to where I am today like I wake up
    I feel great and I have it’s night and
    day right it’s like you’re it’s the
    difference between struggling to survive
    the day and really like thriving every
    day mhm um and man it’s so easy to take
    it for granted you know because like I
    mean this happened to you when you were
    pretty young but yeah in my 20s my early
    20s especially I was just in really good
    health yes and you just take that for
    granted right you think that’s the norm
    until all of a sudden it’s not there and
    then you’re kind of desperately trying
    to get it back yeah um but yeah it’s I I
    don’t know for
    people that you’re trying to I it’s
    weird because I would never wish to go
    through what you went through but in a
    way it seems like maybe it was kind of
    good for you cuz you had this very clear
    like if I don’t eat this diet I’m going
    to be on drugs and we dead right like
    you had a very bright line mine was much
    softer it was like they’re like oh
    you’re fine the doctors tell me I’m fine
    but I know I feel like [ __ ] MH so I I
    never had that in my mind where like if
    I don’t eat this diet I’m going to die
    or be on drugs it was just like I’m
    trying to feel good yes so every time I
    would start to feel better I would like
    I like at war with my own psychology in
    a way like I start to feel better and
    then your body just wants even just
    fruit you know there was a while I
    couldn’t eat even fruit and so I was
    like oh it’s okay I feel better you just
    eat some fruit now and then you feel
    like [ __ ] again and so it’s been um I
    don’t know learning how
    to control
    yourself did you ever do any long-term
    fasting cuz I that was a big
    breakthrough for me too when I started
    doing extended fast where I would just
    drink water I felt like I started to
    develop a very uh highlevel view of this
    whole process of myself like eating
    really good and starting to feel better
    and then eating worse again I was able
    to to like delaminate myself from my own
    desires and my own hunger and that
    helped me get a hold of myself not just
    in my eating but in really multiple
    areas of life I don’t did you ever do
    any long-term fasting that’s a good
    question I would say that when I was
    sick I wasn’t doing anything outside of
    a range of like maybe 16 to 18 hours max
    where I would have one to two meals a
    day and I actually did a I did a 90h
    hour fast about a month ago and that was
    the longest fast that I’ve ever done and
    to your point I went through these
    oscillations especially in the beginning
    of just like craving food so badly MH
    and then whenever I would feel that
    craving you know I’m in Austin Texas it
    was like 75 de when I was doing it I
    would go out in the sun and just take a
    really long walk and the feelings that I
    had around food
    cravings it’s hard to you know what I’m
    saying it’s like you experience these
    feelings on a spiritual level and the
    thoughts that I’d experienced had never
    been so crisp in my entire life even
    just about like my business or the
    trajectory of my life just from
    detaching myself from food for a period
    of time it’s like I think it’s an
    experience that everyone should
    experiment with for sure yeah I think
    it’s a great way to get a hold of
    yourself definitely
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    whatat is money we want you to join us
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    which is all happening at the inaugural
    dissident dialogues 2024 this incredible
    event will take place in Brooklyn on May
    the third and fourth you’ll be joining
    leading thinkers such as Richard Dawkins
    Steven Pinker hery Le John mwater AA
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    when have you ever been a serious
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    do think moving swiftly on we want you
    to join us for a gathering where
    everyone is part of the conversation
    conservatives progressives atheists
    theists left right and everything in
    between dissident dialogues presents a
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    a conversation with the most influential
    thinkers of our time we’ll tackle
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    come along for the ride I like rides
    dissident dialogues is a place for
    Dangerous ideas buy your tickets now at
    dissident dialog. org and be part of the
    conversation what did you so you said
    you started to go deeper you started to
    you heard Sean Baker’s podcast you
    started to heal yourself you started
    going deeper into the carnivory rabbit
    hole is that what took you into
    regenerative agriculture and then could
    you tell like let’s talk about that what
    is I don’t think many people know what
    regenerative a is so like what is that
    and what in what ways is it better not
    just for people but also for the world
    definitely no it’s a great question And
    to clarify so when I was probably my
    probably close to about the extensive
    two years that I was doing it I was just
    shopping at the outer out of the grocery
    store because I didn’t know much I never
    maybe I’d heard the term regenerative
    agriculture I didn’t know what it was I
    didn’t know the the difference between
    grain finish versus grass finished I was
    just like trusting the right
    macronutrient combinations that I
    thought that I should have been eating
    and just kind of rewiring my
    relationship with food in general and I
    think that’s like the critical first
    step I think there’s so much information
    out there in a way that it’s almost
    confusing for people we were just having
    this conversation we were both you and I
    were both saying like we actually just
    enjoy grain finished meat oh yeah and
    that’s actually a beautiful thing and
    it’s really good for you but then you
    have people that are out there that are
    saying hey if it’s not grass finish if
    it’s not regenerative don’t eat it which
    I which I don’t agree with at all which
    we’ll get into it but so I so I rewire
    my relationship with food I feel really
    good and then I start to learn a little
    bit more about regenerative agriculture
    and local ranching and so basically
    regenerative agriculture just means that
    you are basically farming and ranching
    in harmony with nature it’s kind of a
    beautiful thing that we’ve done as
    humans is we’ve basically dearmon like
    every aspect of our lives about
    fundamentally what it me means to be
    human and I think ranching is a perfect
    example of that where we think of these
    massive industrial Farms where the
    cattle are stuck in these really tight
    pens where they’re [ __ ] on top of
    each other and we’re spraying all of our
    crops with glyphosate and pesticides and
    we’re monocropping all these fields
    regenerative agriculture just means that
    we’re going to get rid of all of that
    and we’re kind of basically let God be
    the ultimate Rancher and the ultimate
    architect right so when you go out to a
    regenerative Ranch there’s no tilling
    there’s no spraying you’ll see cattle in
    one part of the pasture you’ll see pigs
    in another you’ll see chickens in
    another you’ll have rows of different
    crops and things like that and the
    cattle are basically getting
    rotationally grazed which means that
    they’re getting moved to different parts
    of the Rancher’s land and they’re
    pooping on the land which is like
    amazing natural fertilizer and by
    allowing nature to kind of take its
    course and allow these animals to almost
    have like it’s almost um I think Joel
    Salon who’s a really well-known
    regenerative Rancher he called it like
    choreography where you’re just moving
    these animals around yeah it’s really
    able to like pump these nutrients into
    the land and you see this amazing uptick
    and like these different these thousands
    of different indigenous species um you
    see the the the actual density of the
    soil is so thick like when we were out
    in will Harris’s Ranch at White Oak
    pastures if he Scoops a shovel into his
    soil it looks like chocolate cake where
    if you go to this like industrial Farm
    that’s like monocropping one single type
    of vegetable it’s like this like dull
    gray soil right versus like the
    chocolate cake of regenerative
    agriculture so that’s a huge
    misconception around meat man is that
    you know meat is terrible for the
    environment and it’s like number one
    even with industrial agriculture it’s a
    fraction of the emissions of like the
    transportation and energy energy
    Industries but to counter that through
    these regenerative practices you can
    actually improve the um number of
    species on on farmland and you can also
    improve the actual carbon that’s being
    sequestered and stored into the soil too
    so it’s actually like one of the best
    things that you can be doing for the
    environment yeah it’s like one of the
    only carbon negative activities right if
    you’re actually pulling carbon out of
    the atmosphere if it’s done correctly
    and yeah it’s really an it’s the old way
    of doing agriculture basically it
    reminds me of that quote that nature to
    be commanded must be obeyed to you know
    you’re actually aligning yourself with
    the patterns of nature rather than
    trying to
    Dominate and control nature which
    industrial a seems to be more in line
    with yeah uh we visited actually my
    girlfriend and I a couple of weeks ago
    the farm at okii in south Georgia and
    they do regenerative AAG as well and it
    was interesting to see how like exactly
    what you said the choreography right you
    have the the cows grazing here for one
    period Then the cows are moved to a
    different place to graze you know the
    New Growth there and then maybe they
    rotate the pigs in to to eat the roots
    or whatever um I think there was like a
    a a thorny Blackberry species or
    something they were trying to get rid of
    and so they let the pigs do that versus
    using herbicides or whatever the
    industrial approach would be and um yeah
    it was just a lot of yeah choreography
    is a great word for it right you had
    people that were Hands-On paying
    attention what you know what animals
    need to be wear how do you bring these
    into uh you know the word Synergy I
    guess or or what’s symbiosis would be
    maybe the the biology term where you
    know an animal’s doing one thing to
    prepare the land for maybe another
    animal to rotate in behind it and then
    the out you know the outcome of that was
    just amazing right they didn’t use any
    pesticides no
    chemicals um all the animals were breed
    actually they’re not doing any
    insemination right they’re actually
    breeding the animals it was all heirloom
    varieties of the
    plants and the food tasted amazing it’s
    good for the environment the community
    that grew up around that was just just
    great it’s just like the the way things
    used to be it’s like the good old days
    definitely what is it why are are you
    seeing regenerative a make a comeback is
    this are we rediscovering that we maybe
    screwed something up going into
    industrial lag and now you’re seeing
    people lean the other direction like how
    how do you see that unfolding yeah it’s
    another amazing connection point between
    Bitcoin and just the food system is like
    maybe there was actually a possibility
    that we had figur we had things figured
    out correctly a couple hundred years ago
    and maybe the last 50 to 100 years would
    really F things up in the wrong
    direction I mean you know 100 years ago
    regenerative agriculture wasn’t even a
    term because this is just what every it
    was just Agriculture and it’s what
    everyone was doing like back in the day
    contrasted to now now there’s four
    multinational beef Packers that control
    85% of any piece of meat that you see at
    the grocery store back in the day it was
    so localized that it was really One
    processor Per County and maybe even per
    town too depending on where you were
    maybe if you were in like Texas or
    Georgia or more of like an agrarian
    culture um and we’ve really we’ve really
    gone in the opposite direction of what
    we had had figured out about a hundred
    years ago and now I think we’re starting
    to see this Resurgence where people are
    are distrusting these large National
    nutrition boards that are telling us hey
    I should eat 8 to 11 servings of
    carbohydrates bread pasta sugar every
    single day I should avoid saturated fat
    they’re experimenting they’re learning
    from stories like yours learning from
    stories like mine they’re eating these
    foods and they’re feeling really good
    and then they’re taking it a step
    further where they’re like I actually
    want to go meet the dude or the woman
    that’s growing my food and I want to
    shake their hand and have a be on a
    firstname basis with them in a
    relationship and it’s such a pure
    transaction right where it’s like if
    Rob’s the Rancher and I’m the consumer
    I’m giving you my hard hard-earned
    dollars and you’re going through this
    energy intensive process of like raising
    cattle on grass and maybe finishing them
    on grain and giving them a very um like
    the the best purest type of death that
    it could possibly have and then
    butchering it and processing the animal
    and then giving that to me in exchange
    for my hard hard-earned money that’s
    what life is about right it’s like a
    spiritual transaction in a sense and I
    think people are like they want to be
    gone are the days of just going to a
    grocery store and not even thinking
    about where their food comes from right
    now the legality is so crazy there was
    there was something that we used to have
    called the cool act which was the
    country of origin labeling law and it
    used to force you to disclose where the
    beef was coming from so if something was
    raised slaughtered and then processed in
    Brazil you used to have to put that on
    the label now as long as the product is
    just packaged in the US it could be
    labeled as a to the USA when the animal
    was raised slaughtered killed in Brazil
    and just like packaged in plastic in the
    US and then Whole Foods right since they
    got bought by Amazon they’re labeling a
    lot of this beef as like local uh local
    pasturas beef which can mean anything
    and you’re and me I’m like oh great I’m
    in Austin Texas this cow must have been
    raised like 20 miles outside of here
    nope it’s actually like a Brazilian
    animal that was grain fed its entirety
    of it life no idea yeah unbelievable
    it’s crazy and then is so is that what’s
    wrong I guess that happens because the
    lobbyists capture the regulatory agency
    yes and then they get those laws changed
    so that there’s less transparency that’s
    exactly what it is and what is that
    what’s wrong with the food system is
    that we we’ve had this regulatory
    capture and
    now it’s so interesting like we say you
    say shake the Rancher’s hand yeah what
    is it about that is it just maintaining
    this sort of humano human connection so
    that people are more likely to not I
    don’t know pump The Animal full of drugs
    or or do anything else that would harm
    their customer when they see their
    customer face to face is that the spirit
    of shaking the Rancher’s hand yeah I
    think it’s I think it’s the spirit of
    peer-to-peer transaction I think it’s
    also what you said of actually being
    able to verify where your meat comes
    from ask questions like do you vaccinate
    do you finish your animal on grain is
    the lineage of the cow you know how long
    ago were they butchered and processed
    when you pick that up when you pick that
    meat up at the grocery store there’s
    really no way to verify right it’s like
    I I do this all the time in Texas I just
    go ask butchers questions just to see
    how on their game there are and nine out
    of 10 times they have no idea what farm
    it’s coming from they might be able to
    tell you the state but very rarely can
    they even tell you the farm versus like
    actually knowing your Rancher and being
    able to ask those questions and the
    Rancher has such a small set of
    customers compared to a grocery store
    where if I’m a Rancher and I’m selling
    beef to you I know it has to be good
    quality and I have to nourish you
    because if it’s not good quality you’re
    just not going to come back to me and
    I’m going to be out of business so it’s
    like that peer-to-peer transaction is
    just such a it’s such a pure thing that
    we really lost sight of but I think we
    can win it back yeah yeah it reminds me
    of um this idea of governance being
    local too that when your government is a
    localized Affair and you can participate
    in the political process and you
    probably you know your whoever the
    governors are whoever the politicians
    are actually see the people face to face
    they’re much more likely to engage in
    kind of a harmonious governance
    structure whereas if you have a more
    centralized government if all of the
    decisions are coming out of Washington
    DC for instance well then you’ve got 330
    million people under one giant umbrella
    definitely whether you’re not getting
    this face-to-face empathic interaction
    everyone’s just a row on the spreadsheet
    right like there’s no it becomes much
    more industrialized right it’s like
    governance and it sounds like that’s
    what we’ve done to our food in a way
    it’s we’ve
    just I guess to scale it you’ve kind of
    broken that human connection and that we
    didn’t realize how much Val like in the
    pursuit of efficiency I
    guess we’ve lost something yeah right
    and but the thing that we’ve lost is
    pretty easy to get back cuz it’s the way
    we always did it it’s just localized
    decentralized food production
    transactions yeah and so it’s just a
    matter of doing it I guess right it’s
    not like an it’s not like a mystery we
    need to solve we just need to go back to
    the old ways yes it’s like we could
    probably have a 4-Hour podcast talking
    through the history and the Nuance of
    how we got here which is extremely
    complicated no but like you said the
    answer is very simple where it’s like
    buying real foods which are animal
    products that are made by God and
    seeking out a relationship with your
    Rancher and just eating those foods and
    saying no to all the Fiat processed
    garbage that’s found in the inner AIS
    the grocery store like you said earlier
    that’s basically masterfully combining
    these subsidized products of corn wheat
    soy vegetable oil processed sugar and
    just watch what happens to your health
    and you articulated something that I’ve
    actually I’ve thought about but I’ve
    never been able to articulate it you you
    basically implied that the more energy
    that we give like the more energy that a
    Rancher gives to their process the more
    energy that we expend in terms of
    finding the right ranch or cooking our
    meals nourishing our bodies Our Family B
    family’s bodies that almost like that
    seeking of energy is what gives you
    energy versus the conservation of energy
    is actually destroying your energy and
    your metabolic Health too yeah so
    efficiency has a cost right yes
    efficiency is like the pursuit of cost
    savings but there’s a qualitative cost
    that comes with a pursuit of
    quantitative cost savings perhaps
    definitely and that is that sort of
    spiritual peer-to-peer shaking the
    Rancher’s hand thing that we’ve lost yes
    how do you deal with I’m sure you get a
    lot of you run the meat Mafia podcast
    you probably had some criticism from
    or vegetarians maybe I don’t know um how
    do you deal or I guess
    what the one argument that I hear when I
    because I talk about being a meat eater
    is people typically want to we wield the
    argument and say you know oh it’s wrong
    to eat animals animals should be free or
    whatever how do you deal with that
    criticism and how do you handle that
    argument yeah it’s another it’s another
    good question there’s really
    no counterargument to someone that’s
    just ethically convinced that killing
    animals is wrong the only thing that I
    can do is just hope that at some point
    they real they wake up to real I oh when
    I’m following this vegan diet and I’m so
    nutrient deficient I don’t feel good and
    I hope that I can they can maybe bridge
    that Gap by finding a good regenerative
    Farm I think force of nature does a
    great job of that they’re probably the
    largest regenerative D Toc meat shipping
    company so you do see a lot of vegan
    crossover the way that I justify it is
    that basically every single species
    kills other animals for food and neither
    you nor I nor The Listener wants an
    animal to die when you see these cattles
    when you see these chickens these pigs
    they’re like beautiful amazing majestic
    creatures it’s like neither of us want
    them to die but at the end of the day
    like their nourishment is what we’re
    evolutionarily designed to eat yeah and
    when you go out to a ranch you realize
    that not only is that death going to
    potentially nourish you and your family
    for an entire year plus if you’re if
    you’re buying a whole cow but the
    carcass of that animal is able to like
    make life for all these other species
    it’s like this beautiful CYCC Loop in a
    lot of different ways too and that’s
    just the way that I’ve Justified it’s
    like these are the foods that I’ve
    designed to eat death really is a part
    of life too and if you actually go out
    to a ranch you realize that when the
    farmer is doing things right these
    animals truly have an amazing life up
    until that last day yeah yeah of course
    and I mean we all everything that lives
    must die yeah right and I love this meme
    that I saw on Twitter
    where it shows like a deer and a
    hospital bed and a hospital gown
    surrounded by and it said this is how
    vegans think de or die in nature you
    know it’s if it’s done correctly as you
    said like these animals lead a full life
    they’re treated well and then they are
    killed in a very quick and painless way
    yeah right and then they are harvested
    for our consumption and it’s not yeah
    you could always make the that you’re
    right that the ethical argument if you
    just think it’s wrong to kill animals
    well then there’s nothing that anyone
    can say to that but the reality of the
    universe is that life feeds on life and
    humans have been at the top of the food
    chain for a really long time so yes you
    don’t you don’t have to participate in
    that but I think if you refuse to
    participate in that you’ll soon see in
    your own metabolic condition that
    there’s a reason we’re at the top of the
    food chain definitely um and you are and
    of course it’s different for everyone
    every ethnicity and every person has
    dietary things that work for them and
    things that don’t work for them but in
    general it seems like animal foods are
    much more nutrient-dense and nourishing
    for humans in general than just a purely
    plant-based diet and um man we’ve seen a
    lot of people like I I mean I bought it
    too right when I was having health
    conditions the digestive stuff I was
    living in La at the time yes veganism
    veganism veganism everyone’s pounding
    the drum that’ll fix your gut it’ll heal
    everything I checked it I was Googl the
    other day too I something about I forgot
    what it was but it was like I ended up
    Googling like oh what is the right diet
    for gut health and the first result on
    Google is like oh plant-based Foods
    plant-based Foods it’s all like it’s is
    that is this how did we get there is
    this like how did
    we as the animal that has been eating
    animals for millions of years M right if
    you actually go into Homo sapiens and
    the like everything that we come from
    we’ve been eating meat and animal
    products for literally millions of years
    how do we get into this Modern Age where
    we’ve all of a sudden decided that
    plants are the
    answer and how how do we awaken people
    from that that illusion that it’s not I
    don’t know I don’t know where the
    evidence comes from so like how did we
    get here and how do we fix it yeah
    there’s like there’s almost this
    conspiratorial side of our brains where
    you’re like do the Elites at the top
    fundamentally understand that animal
    products are like the mechanism where
    the lights go on and they it gives you
    that amazing metabolic Health where
    you’re more likely to be a free thinker
    and not want to be like this
    domesticated cat that just submits to
    everything that they’re saying right I
    think there’s that that’s a great
    argument to make or is it just um matter
    of flawed science I mean if we want to
    talk about the flawed science I think
    the Dwight Eisenhower story that’s it’s
    popularized on Twitter now but I think
    that’s a great story where um in 1951
    president Dwight Eisenhower had a heart
    attack and so he was out of the Oval
    Office for about a week the stock market
    took a massive dump and people were
    terrified because you saw heart disease
    and Men Skyrocket meanwhile the average
    male was smoking a pack of cigarettes a
    day I think Eisenhower was smoking like
    two packs a day and there was this
    scientist out of the University of
    Minnesota his name was Dr anel keys and
    he was convinced that that increased
    saturated fat consumption was the
    leading cause in heart disease and
    middle-aged males at the time and so he
    had there’s a great documentary that
    digs into this called fat Fiction it’s
    free on YouTube it’s an hour it’s it it
    was it’s incredible to understand all
    the information but anel Keys put
    together the seven country study the
    famous seven country study we on the
    x-axis I think it’s levels of saturated
    fat consumption and then the y axis is
    um like incidents of heart disease or
    heart attack something like that and so
    he studies these seven countries and so
    when you look at it on a graph it’s like
    a beautiful linear correlation so the
    average person is like oh my God I need
    to stop eating saturated fat otherwise
    I’m going to have heart disease or heart
    attack what people don’t know is that
    there were actually 22 countries that he
    studied and so when you plot out all the
    22 countries you see a very loose
    correlation but not anything close to
    the linear connection that was
    popularized as a part of that study and
    so an Keys had an incredibly
    bombastic um debative personality he was
    able to get himself on the board of the
    American Heart
    Association American Heart Association
    receives a $1.7 million donation from
    Proctor and Gamble the original creator
    of Cisco uh krisco the first vegetable
    oil ever and then you start to see this
    sat this demonization of saturated fat
    trickle its way down into our dietary
    guidelines and so 1980 are the first
    government recommended dietary
    guidelines that we’ve ever seen and
    that’s when we see like the
    recommendations to avoid saturated fat
    consumption and replace that with like a
    car a high carbohydrate high sugar diet
    of 8 to 11 servings of carbohydrates
    every single day God which is crazy so
    and there’s so many other stories that
    are similar in that lens and I remember
    thinking to myself like are the dietary
    guidelines really based off of these
    like flawed hypothesis and the more
    research I’ve done my answer to that is
    yes wow
    the the Crisco that’s so that is seed
    oils basically right like seed oil yeah
    so are those subsidized then like it’s
    like soybean oil canola oil are those
    subsidized crops yeah because they’re
    coming yeah they’re coming from soybeans
    and rape seeds and everything like that
    um and the fascinating thing about
    Proctor and Gamble and krisco is that
    during before the Industrial Revolution
    um I believe it was cotton seed that was
    used as like the premier lighter fluid
    and then during Industrial Revolution
    petroleum oil replaces that so these
    companies are like I need a new use case
    for cotton seed oil and so they found
    out that if you took it through this
    15-step process of bleaching it de
    deodorizing it making it like heating it
    to a certain temperature at when it’s
    solidified it kind of looked like lard
    at the time which most people were
    cooking with yeah and then they spin up
    some nice beautiful branding and the
    demonization of saturated fat and it’s
    like oh beautiful so these vegetable
    oils are heart heart healthy with which
    my caveat to that is that it has been
    shown that the more vegetable oils
    you’ll eat it can bring your LDL level
    on but like the boogeyman of LDL is so
    interesting because yeah if we look at
    all these metrics of your metabolic
    Health your waist size is actually your
    biggest determinant of how healthy you
    are so I see all these guys that are 55
    Etc that are so worried about their LDL
    and I’m like dude you’re 60 lbs
    overweight right like you’re so predis
    predisposed to heart disease all these
    other chronic diseases just cuz you’re
    solving for LDL yeah and that’s because
    mainstream medicine has impressed that
    upon them right that you have to take
    whatever you need to do diet or
    medication wise to get your LDL at a
    certain level yes but if you’re actually
    eating even carnivore diet I think what
    may take your LDL out of range to some
    extent but it’s not act doesn’t seem to
    actually matter like people that
    actually adhere to the side over long
    periods of time I mean they’re in great
    shape they
    forget multivitamins and other
    supplements animal organs are the most
    nutrient dense foods on the planet you
    can get 100 times more nutrients from
    organs than you can from muscle Meats
    but the problem with eating organs is
    that they are difficult to find in
    stores they are difficult to prepare and
    even when they are prepared well they
    often don’t taste great thankfully heart
    and soil supplements has made consuming
    organ Meats so much easier by providing
    powderized organs in capsule form organ
    Meats include every everything your body
    needs to thrive vitamins minerals
    peptides proteins and growth factors
    this is why organ Meats were the most
    prized foods for our ancestors
    fortunately for us heart and soil makes
    these treasured Foods easily accessible
    so go to heart and soil. Co today and
    use discount code breed love to get
    started on your journey to Optimal
    Health and vitality again that’s
    soil. discount code Breedlove
    over the past nine years I’ve been going
    through a pretty serious struggle with
    my personal health it started with a
    sharp pain and stiffness in my hip after
    a lifting injury which I later Learned
    was related to some pretty extensive
    inflammation in my gut then I developed
    an autoimmune issue and soon I was
    having joint pain all over skin
    irritations and all kinds of digestive
    issues I visited many doctors trying to
    figure out what was wrong but none of
    them were able to help me fix any of my
    issues I eventually started to see an
    energy healer with whom I had some
    limited success but it wasn’t until I
    started working with the biohacker
    Anthony D Clemente last year that I was
    finally able to start making real
    progress on my healing Journey Anthony
    spent a lot of time with me learning
    about my specific situation and worked
    with me to adapt a custom health plan to
    address my needs Anthony has served as a
    personal biohacker for celebrities
    billionaires and professional athletes
    all over the world besides helping
    people like me overcome health issues
    Anthony and his worldclass medical team
    also help guys that just want to
    optimize their cognitive performance
    guys that want to pack on some muscle
    and guys that just want to get shredded
    Anthony keeps a tight book of business
    and is selective about the clients he
    brings on to apply for Anthony’s
    biohacking Services text breed love to
    7221 again to apply for Anthony’s
    biohacking Services just text breed love
    847943 7221
    I saw was it you that posted the photo
    of the 82-year-old woman on the ranch
    that’s been eating the like she’s been
    eating the carnivore diet for 40 years
    and she’s 82 she looks like she’s 50
    dude so I didn’t post that I saw that
    picture that is I you know what I’ll
    tell you is that I’ve met so many wives
    of ranchers that have been out on the
    ranch for 30 40 years that have been
    eating beef Tallow riby all these animal
    products no makeup on their faces they
    look 30 years younger than what they
    really are and they’re just like
    naturally beautiful and I’m like what if
    beef beef is like the Ultimate Health
    hack or makeup product for women so true
    yeah so how do you so going on this
    journey you’ve met some resistance or
    criticism I imagine from some of you
    know the the vegan vegetarian Community
    have you turned a lot of people like
    have you been able to actually I I
    assume there’s people also tuning into
    the show that have health conditions
    like that’s probably the number one uh
    demographic I would imagine have you
    seen uh your work actually have impact
    in people’s lives where they’ve you know
    had a certain health condition
    discovered your show discovered the diet
    and then and been able to make changes
    it’s probably the best piece of feedback
    that I can get and I get this multiple
    times a week of people that will say you
    know hey started following a meat-based
    diet since I listened to your show I was
    on this type of medication I lost 20
    pounds I’m no longer on those drugs
    they’ll send me before and act after
    pictures of their skin a few months
    difference in between those pictures
    I get those messages all the time which
    just gives me more confirmation of the
    things that you and I are talking about
    or what more people really need to heal
    and um my metric for the way the tide is
    moving is based on my friend group back
    in New Jersey and New York just because
    that’s where you’re most likely to see
    that plant-based demographic or these
    Coastal Elite cities and I used to in
    2019 when I first went carnivore I would
    post pictures of my meals and so many
    people would be like dude you’re
    literally going to die like you’re going
    to get like heart disease like the crazy
    messages meanwhile the people that are
    sending it to me are like 30 lbs
    overweight which which is ironic and now
    those those same people are like hey
    Bret can you show me um a good
    regenerative Ranch in New Jersey that I
    can buy be from like so many of those
    people I remember the the commentary
    from 2019 versus now yeah which is my
    connection point of like we can turn the
    tide and we can win this thing yes this
    I think too in my mind is the bright
    side of social media mhm that because
    still seed oils today for
    like they’re everywhere they’re not
    talked about as being bad for you and
    any mainstream medical anything not on
    the news but in social media you can
    figure you can sort of figure it out
    right that people have I don’t even want
    to say proven that CED oils are bad but
    there’s a lot of anecdotal evidence
    there there are studies and things so
    the the bright side of social media in
    my mind is that people are able to
    triangulate onto these inconvenient
    truths let’s say for certain mainstream
    medical complexes or industrial a or
    whatever the large centralized power or
    institution may be social media lets
    people kind of um peer-to-peer zero in
    on what’s actually true and then those
    ideas can spread really quickly you’ve
    seen like the success of like Paul
    saladino and Sean Baker who you
    mentioned earlier they’ve just grown
    like wildfire on social media because
    what they’re saying actually works for a
    lot of people whereas pre-social media
    it would have been very difficult to get
    those ideas to spread as easily as they
    do um do you think then that
    we could we actually overturn this thing
    and move from a world that’s dominated
    at least I’m talking about the US here
    clearly dominated by industrial a could
    we see a reversion back to traditional
    or regenerative agriculture thanks to in
    part social media I think you nailed it
    on the social media piece and I think
    partially why I was so interested in
    what Shawn was talking about
    was I you know the the Western medicinal
    de you know the that model is my doctor
    is God yeah if he tells me to take this
    antibiotic this medication this food I
    do it if he doesn’t tell me it I don’t
    do it at all where it’s these guys like
    Shawn and Paul salino and even Dr Mary
    with you and me they’re almost like a
    consultant that’s giving you hope in a
    lot of ways and for me I’m going to bet
    on the person that’s hopeful and telling
    me that I can heal and the other
    beautiful thing about social media is
    that it allows you to lean into the
    power of anecdote yeah where Western
    medicine says oh Brett you had
    ulcerative cetus you healed from
    carnivore that’s just an anecdote there
    could have been all these other factors
    where someone that’s struggling with UC
    is saying okay at work for this guy yeah
    he could heal maybe I can heal too exact
    and then he experiments with it and
    obviously we’ll to see that these are
    ultimately the food groups that were
    just evolutionarily designed to eat yeah
    and so I think that what I’m encouraged
    by is that I think there’s a stronger
    connection between vegans and carnivores
    that we actually realized where even
    when you were vegan in La you were still
    trying to do the right thing you just
    didn’t have the right tools and the
    right information yeah Pingo and then as
    soon as you had the right information
    your health drastically transformed yes
    I hear people all the time that listen
    to the show that were formerly
    plant-based that were formerly
    vegetarian they watch Game Changers
    which was funed by James Cameron that
    has like the largest he has controlling
    equity and like the largest PE protein
    company in the US by the way and Arnold
    has also invested in that too and Game
    Changers is the documentary with all
    these athletes plant-based food is yes
    yeah and Arnold is on there saying oh I
    don’t need meat when these Golden Era
    bodybuilders that look the best were
    basically carnivore and low carb which
    is so wild and here he is saying that
    you don’t need meat um and he’s invested
    in all those same Brands as well right
    so I think that the thing that was so
    powerful for you and me is that you are
    there’s almost this disparity between
    how crappy you feel and how good you
    felt when you ate those animal products
    that made you realize this is the level
    of potential I can tap into I’m never
    going back yes that’s why like my
    cursing my curse was really a blessing
    because I had that disparity most people
    are at this just consistent me metabolic
    low where if you can convince them to
    experiment with this and they understand
    how good they can feel there’s no going
    back everyone that’s experimented with
    this knows that there’s no going
    back so as long as we can just spread
    the right information and have
    conversations like this I think most
    people are intuitive enough to realize
    like okay the the science says this this
    actually is science like this is the
    ultimate science that we’re supposed to
    be eating animal products and it’s good
    for the environment and it’s beneficial
    to the rancher in the overall community
    and um that’s the process that we should
    believe in so it’s it’s not going to be
    easy Maybe can’t win but I’ve seen
    enough examples of people changing their
    lives and spending thousands of dollars
    with their local Rancher and investing
    in chess freezers that were formerly
    just eating processed foods two years
    ago not thinking at all about where
    their food came from that why can’t we
    replicate this thing at scale yeah it’s
    um definitely hopeful and it seems like
    it’s going the right direction overall
    and the other thing I really enjoy
    appreciate about people like Paul and
    Sean um Dr Mar is the instead of
    speaking from a position of authority
    like a lot of mainstream medicine
    doctors tend to do MH like oh this you
    know do this you your LDL is high take
    this they they are as you said much more
    consultative right and
    so in addition to like from through
    social media I got this permission to
    engage in the carnivore dial oh I’m not
    going to die if I eat protein which
    there was something there for me it’s
    like well steak’s always been my
    favorite food and way I should have
    trusted myself yes yet I didn’t I don’t
    know like you didn’t you just didn’t
    know right you think oh that that
    doesn’t mean anything but that does mean
    something actually like if you’re how
    you know what when these people act as a
    consultant to you you learn that the
    real Arbiter of your health is how you
    feel right like you are your own doctor
    in that sense like you your interior
    experience of yourself is the actual
    metric you should be optimizing for not
    the doctor telling you to get the LDL
    right or whatever the thing may be I’m
    not trying to dispense with all of that
    no but at the end of the day it’s like
    what is health yes it’s Vitality how do
    you feel how do you show up in the world
    how much energy do you have what is your
    attitude like
    and there’s a humility that has to come
    with that right like even if you’re the
    doctor you can’t just say this is what
    you have to do it’s like well here are
    some things that might work for you here
    are some tools
    But ultimately you have to try these
    tools and see what works for you and so
    I hope that more people will
    take responsibility for themselves and
    their own health and take that seriously
    because that took me a long time to it’s
    like to to
    Really accept the reality that
    it’s it’s up to me basically it’s like
    how do I actually feel as a result of
    this it’s not no one there is no Final
    Answer out there right there’s no one
    size fits-all for this it’s like you are
    in this biological experience of being
    alive and in as you get
    older you know if you’re
    lucky it’s there’s going to be a puzzle
    right you’re going to have some issues
    probably of some kind like knock on wood
    maybe you’re lucky and you won’t have
    them for a long long time but at some
    point you’re going to have some issues
    right this is part of aging and living
    and dying and all the things and so to
    take responsibility as an active
    participant in that process rather than
    trying to again give the responsibility
    to someone else like just tell me what
    to do that’s that’s the lesson like
    that’s where the the the meaning of this
    whole thing I think comes comes out it’s
    like when I look at this health
    experience I’ve been on for nine years
    it’s like what is my lesson what is my
    lesson my lesson was self-
    responsibility right that I I’m the
    final judge of how this thing works yes
    um so H how do we
    in a world that people have been so
    conditioned to just trust the experts
    and Trust the science and all of this
    nonsense how can we motivate people to
    take charge of their own health and be
    responsible for themselves I think your
    the response that you gave before you
    asked that question pretty much nailed
    it and it seems so simple but it’s so
    powerful where it’s like number one I
    think one of the things you did really
    well is you basically looked yourself
    the mirror and you said do I actually
    feel good so if you don’t feel good then
    there is either inflammation in your
    body or there’s something that’s not
    going right that you need to correct and
    then I think just secondly if we’ve been
    these like obedient citizens where we’ve
    listened to the US dietary
    recommendations to limit our fat and eat
    processed grains and eat processed sugar
    and the statistics are that almost 90%
    of us are metabolically unhealthy what
    we’ve been taught for the last 50 years
    is literally not correct so if that’s
    what your doctor is teaching you and
    they act as if they’re the overlord of
    your health why would I continue to do
    that if I loved my gastroenterologist he
    was a great dude I really liked him if I
    listen to what he was telling me and I
    didn’t I if I didn’t literally go to him
    and say I want to get off this
    medication like give me a colonoscopy
    because I’m done I would still be on
    that drug three years later wow right so
    I think it’s that like actually honestly
    looking yourself in the mirror and
    asking yourself do I feel good or not
    mhm and being willing to experiment
    because what like what is the worst
    that’s going to happen right right I
    haven’t heard of any use cases of people
    eating more meat where they feel way
    crappier I’ve only ever in the thousands
    and thousands of people that I’ve talked
    to I’ve only ever heard of people
    getting drastically healthier and
    getting off of drugs and medication and
    like the medical merrygoround that they
    were currently on um yeah yeah it’s like
    you don’t especially if you’re not
    healthy already it’s like what do you
    have to lose in a way and and look maybe
    it doesn’t work for some people I don’t
    know but same as you anyone I know
    that’s actually tried
    this it’s gone a good direction like
    maybe they don’t end up full carnivore
    but you learn that cutting certain of
    these Foods
    out um you end up in a better place
    right you may learn that certain foods
    don’t work for you even if you just do
    like obviously the Elimination Diet
    right you cut down to kind of bare bones
    beef and salt and this add back one
    thing two things three things and give
    yourself 24 hours with each new addition
    to see what works for you and what
    doesn’t also the food allergy testing
    like all of this stuff um it just it was
    like opening up a whole new world once
    this condition set in so it’s like
    that’s that’s the silver lining for me
    yeah and I think another Silver Lining
    that you brought up as well is this like
    taking out this dogmatism of carnivore
    versus animal based versus ketovore
    versus plant-based like I see people on
    social media that are debating pure meat
    and salt versus meat with berries and
    fruit it’s like really that’s where
    we’re going to beef with each other is
    like over fruit consumption where we
    should actually be uniting around like
    this the bureaucracy of these 10
    companies that are like quietly
    controlling the entire food system it’s
    like we really need to unite against
    this thing and our bodies are so unique
    where like you said for a while it was
    just beef and salt I think we could both
    thrive on just eating beef and salt and
    now you’ve gotten your body to be more
    resilient where you’re experimenting
    with some fruit and some honey some
    carbs and you feel amazing with your
    workouts and the way you feel but it’s
    because you’re curious and you’re not
    dogmatic and you’re continuing to Tinker
    an experiment yeah and I don’t think you
    ever stop changing right like you’re
    again you’re well you’re like a city of
    microorganisms and so now that my
    microbiome has become more healthy
    thanks to the beef and salt for a long
    time I’m now able to eat these other
    foods and I’ve also been working with a
    biohacker who I can’t leave out of this
    like I don’t know if it
    was parasite bacteria whatever
    situations I had going on he’s helped me
    clear out a lot of that with different
    protocols and that seemed to be a real
    turning point like I couldn’t I had a
    lot of food intolerances but once I
    clicked on some of these protocols after
    a few months I started being able to eat
    carbs again and other things and that’s
    been a total Game Changer yeah um so
    there’s this like you have
    to Just Like You observe out of nature
    right that there’s constant darwinian
    combat going on all the time right
    animals are hunting and eating each
    other there’s one of those theaters of
    darwinian combat going on inside of you
    all the time like I don’t fully
    understand it but um things change
    things change to say the least so you in
    addition to the podcast you guys have
    recently started Noble yes which is
    supplement company uh which I’ve tried
    this stuff it’s really good thank you um
    I didn’t know
    though uh so Jake stake brought me some
    of your protein powder I didn’t even
    know it was yours at the time and I
    tried it I made a smoothie with raw milk
    frozen berries and the powder but you
    were telling me
    offline it’s not it’s powdered steak
    Yeah it’s basically powdered steak it’s
    a it’s a beef protein isolate okay which
    is really interesting so how we started
    Noble was like Harry my business partner
    and I we always wanted some type of a
    physical product we just didn’t know
    what that would look like and a lot of
    times if you listen closely enough your
    audience will tell you what they want MH
    so in the two years leading up to this
    doing meat Mafia podcast running the
    Twitter we were getting a ton of
    questions and um people asking us about
    protein powders and I was always I would
    always respond and be like hey number
    one work on a real foods diet first
    supplement second but if you are going
    to take protein powders here’s what I
    would recommend and I remember thinking
    to myself there really aren’t that many
    brands that I trust even the cleaner
    brands are still putting a lot of
    additives and fillers and things that
    person person don’t really recommend or
    would want to use why not just build our
    own supplement company that actually
    embodies all the ingredients that I’ve
    used for the last four to 5 years to
    heal and so the interesting thing about
    Noble is it’s an all-in-one protein
    powder so the protein like you mentioned
    it’s a beef protein isolate so you
    basically take the muscle tissue of the
    cow and you’re able to turn that into a
    powder so that’s coming from grass
    finish cattle in New Zealand because the
    the quality of cattle in New Zealand
    versus the US is way higher so it’s 25
    gram of beef protein isolate there’s an
    organs complex in there so there’s liver
    heart spleen pancreas bone and blood
    there’s collagen protein so you’re
    getting that really good connective
    tissue in there and then there’s a
    little bit of a grass-fed colostrum as
    well too the first milk of the mother
    cow that’s got um digestive enzymes and
    Amun globulins and a bunch of great
    stuff for your stomach and so every
    scoop of noble that you take has all
    those ingredients in it and then the
    kicker is that it actually tastes really
    good so like you throw two scoops of
    chocolate into some raw milk and ice and
    it’s like an animal-based milkshake
    basically I was instead of the ice I use
    actual frozen blueberries frozen
    strawberries frozen bananas I think
    chocolate protein and I put a little bit
    of this uh just like a mushroom powder
    that had you know Lion’s ve or whatever
    and it just tastes so damn good it
    tastes like ice cream tast ice cream
    yeah so good post workout dude and then
    a scoop and a scoop of the powder on its
    own because it’s beef protein isolate
    it’s a little bit lower calorie it’s
    only 85 calories but it’s 25 g of
    protein of like bioavailable protein
    where like you were saying offline you
    know there are some really good quality
    whey protein powders but whey is really
    like a waste product from the cheese
    making process and so they’re highly
    processing it so much that a lot of
    people are taking it because they want
    to hit their protein goals but their
    stomach is killing them they’re just
    like [ __ ] the protein powder out
    you’re not even absorbing those
    nutrients it’s about the absorbability
    yeah I reflect on that actually a lot
    because I worked at GNC in college did
    you I know that so I used to pump a lot
    of supplements like the pre-workouts the
    post-work workouts and I wonder if that
    contributed to my gut issues too cuz
    I’ve heard that a lot of these powders
    can be lower quality let’s say and they
    can AG especially when you’re taking
    like say pre-workout on an empty stomach
    in the morning probably not good for
    your gut line no right no so um but the
    idea of having just like powdered steak
    as a as a post-workout it’s pretty
    especially when it tastes like it
    doesn’t I mean it tastes like ice cream
    you put it in milk so and it’s a great
    bridge product where like because there
    are sometimes right where you know even
    as dialed in as I can be where I’m like
    damnn I just want this like delicious
    dessert I’m like dude literally just
    throw some raw milk in or some heavy
    cream with some Noble chocolate ice and
    that gives me that satiety the sweetness
    from the stevia and I just got 30 40
    grams of protein and now I’m just good
    for the rest of the night and I stayed
    on the path yeah and the supplement
    space is interesting one of the it’s
    been so fascinating learning cpg and
    meeting with these different
    manufacturers and realizing that is that
    consumer purchase guidelines uh consumer
    package Goods
    basically out of a or dude it is such an
    unregulated industry legally if one of
    the ingredients is less than 1% of the
    formulation you don’t even have to put
    it on the ingredients label so there’s
    all these clean products seemingly clean
    products that I’m telling you have
    different types of fillers and binding
    agents and things like that that they
    don’t even have to disclose on the label
    wow so like finding something that you
    trust with the founder that you trust
    with the right certifications the right
    third party testing and something that
    you just and joy is huge back to shaking
    the guy’s hand right like hopefully you
    can just meet the person and I love uh
    like Paul’s stuff that he sends me the
    heart and soil like the packaging
    everything just very well done and
    there’s a lot to be said for that I
    think in the supplement space
    of I’m nice packaging frankly like if it
    shows up and it’s really good packaging
    like they that that gives it this level
    of credibility for me that I don’t see
    in and like if it’s hard to get the top
    off the thing or I’m peeling the you
    know the little seal that’s under the
    cap and it doesn’t peel right I’m like
    someone didn’t put a lot of thought into
    this definitely they didn’t put a lot of
    thought into the packaging they probably
    didn’t put a lot of thought into the
    ingredients yes and so I really
    appreciate when someone goes the extra
    mile to like make the presentation nice
    the packaging nice Etc yeah don’t you
    feel like so much of life is it comes
    down to like there’s so much Alpha in
    these like one% improvements that no one
    else is willing to do like I remember
    even on Twitter I would like when I was
    really trying to grow and I had this
    vision of my head of what the brand
    could be I knew a lot of that at the
    time was going to come from me writing
    the best threads that I could write in
    my natural desire was like dude just
    watch like an an hour of Netflix or
    something and just chill and go to bed
    and I’d be like no if you actually want
    to achieve this Vision it comes on the
    other side of you writing these threads
    and putting out the the best content and
    then I would do the work I would write
    the thread you know it would get a
    million impressions and 10,000 followers
    and like the life that I built was on
    the other side of those little 1% tweaks
    and I even see that with Noble right
    someone sends in a customer response
    instead of me waiting a DAT to respond
    it or writing a two- sentence email I
    just sent Loom videos to everyone you
    know hey Robert thank you so much for
    purchasing customers like you are the
    like blood of our business oh you asked
    me about the ingredients here’s a list
    of like the seven ingredients that are
    in Noble let me know if you have any
    questions and like the the alpha
    customers will be like dude this is the
    best customer experience I’ve ever had
    they’ll go and purchase on subscription
    where you’ll take like a customer
    complaint and you turn them into super
    fans and that’s what heart soil is done
    so well they’re they’re based out of
    Dripping so they’re 20 minutes from from
    where I live Paul’s amazing and his team
    is unbelievable dude he like they’re all
    like you meet them all they’re all
    goodlooking in amazing shape they eat an
    animal-based diet and they just love
    what you do and you can’t stop a team
    that loves what they do yeah they’re die
    hards man they’re so such good people
    like they they sent me a card my mom
    pass they’re just like such yeah good
    people yeah
    um thanks to my friends at Swan coin for
    supporting the show Swan sponsored the
    Sailor series and I appreciate their
    support from the very beginning of the
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    love so you actually Segway nicely into
    the last thing I wanted to ask you about
    which was we mentioned a little bit
    about the bright side of social
    media but you’ve
    basically leveraged social media to more
    or less build your dream life MH and I
    guess I kind of have in a way too I
    never I didn’t mean to which is weird
    but I had this new year Year resolution
    when I was this is end of 2016 mhm and
    my New Year’s resolution was I wanted to
    be able to make a living from wherever I
    was living so basically to work remotely
    you know and at the time that wasn’t a
    very normal thing obviously postco it
    became more normal and then I don’t I
    just fell backwards into Twitter and
    Bitcoin and you know I never aspired to
    have big social media but I I didn’t
    understand at the time how much of an
    that’s an indispensable component to
    that Vision actually if you want to be
    able to earn a living from wherever you
    are living I don’t really understand how
    you can do that without leveraging
    social media these days um so what
    how I think this is becoming maybe more
    like the modern American Dream for young
    kids is like how do they how do they
    crack into this right how do I
    leave I don’t want to go up the
    traditional corporate hierarchy I want
    to break into something in this Digital
    Universe and make you know chart my own
    path leverage social media build your to
    build your dream life how do do you
    advise young men or women uh that are
    aspiring to do that like what what
    suggestions would you offer them yeah I
    remember when I wasn’t so I got
    re-baptized last year and I went through
    a phase of like five to six years where
    I kind of turn my back on Christianity
    but the one thing I will say is when I
    turn my back in my mid 20s early to mid
    20s the one thing I would pray to God
    about is I would just say can you please
    just like show me what is the ultimate
    thing that I’m supposed to be doing with
    my life like I was in a you know
    well-paying corporate sales job I
    enjoyed that more so because I was
    competent at it and I was competitive
    like I didn’t necessarily love sales I
    just love being good at something and we
    were talking about that earlier and you
    realize looking back that I feel like
    sometimes almost God is slapping you in
    the face with what you’re supposed to be
    doing where what I was Finding was that
    when I was going carnivore whenever
    anyone would ask me about the diet I
    would be so passionate about it where I
    would stop what I was doing I would
    write my friends like a two to 10 page
    like nutrition guide with like their
    grocery shopping list and meals to
    follow it’s probably similar to you like
    reading Austrian economics and all the
    other incredible books that you love to
    read you just find yourself you almost
    can’t not do those things exactly yes
    and so that would be my recommendation
    is like find those things that you can’t
    not do and then figure out what is kind
    of like your unique mechanism to share
    those gifts to the world because I think
    number one people always say oh why
    would I start a podcast it’s such a
    saturated space that’s true but when
    you’re actually passionate about a
    particular topic people gravitate
    towards your passion yes right where I
    could be listening to a show about a
    topic that I’m not that interested in
    but the host energy and Charisma makes
    me interested in that topic right and
    then the mechanism for sharing that
    information is fascinating because there
    are some people that are amazing writers
    there are some people that should be in
    front of the camera for me I just found
    that I really enjoyed consuming content
    on Twitter and I had seen so many
    threads that when I was ready to start
    creating some content and sharing my
    first thread on my healing journey I had
    subconsciously seen enough where I knew
    how to craft a decent thread for my
    first thread and then I just got that
    first win where I think I gained maybe a
    th followers and then once you you know
    once you have that that dopamine hit
    it’s it’s the best feeling and a lot of
    times you just need that first hit that
    first proof of concept that you can
    actually do something in the space yeah
    even for me gaining a thousand followers
    that was enough for me to realize what
    can you do if you really go all in on
    this and now we’ve built out three
    businesses on the other side of this
    we’ve helped thousands of people get
    healthier you know I really feel like I
    found God through in Christ through this
    whole experience um I even think that
    the girl that I’m dating now she’s with
    me because of the man I’ve become
    through this whole journey and it’s all
    built on the other side of like finding
    that unique thing that you can’t not do
    and then figuring out like what is that
    mechanism to deliver to the world and
    get your dopamine hit off of the fact
    that you’re actually creating versus
    like being concerned about followers and
    money for me I had worked a corporate
    job for so long I just wanted to create
    something right it’s like as men we just
    want to create something yes um yes and
    when you don’t feed that it feels like
    you’re dying a slow death and when you
    do get to experience that it’s amazing
    like I even think about you you know I
    listen to your first podcast in 20 the
    first time i’ ever heard you was 2020
    and I could feel your passion and your
    intentionality and I was like this guy’s
    just a radical truth Seeker that just
    wants to disseminate this information to
    the rest of the world and that’s what
    kept me coming back for your content and
    I think about all the other people that
    have similar all my friends in Austin
    that look up to you and follow your
    content it’s like that’s all built on
    the other back the back of the side of
    you just saying I’m going to share this
    to the world and I just trust that that
    God is going to take care of the rest
    but I’m still going to work really
    really hard
    yeah dude well thank you for saying that
    and it um very difficult for me because
    I’m actually naturally introverted to do
    this frankly um but you take that
    leap and listening to what people want
    like I’m you
    know as you said earlier if you listen
    closely your audience will tell you what
    they want right well my audience who I
    had again sort of developed organically
    on Twitter was telling me they wanted to
    hear me talk and write and see me write
    more so that’s what I tried to do and it
    has become this whole thing and it’s
    it’s been incredible but I I loved how
    said finding the thing that you can’t
    not do it reminds me of there’s this
    great book called the role of the
    individual in history and he talks about
    the Paradox of
    Freedom or it’s like people naturally
    desire Freedom right to have control
    over their own time to have a wide set
    of options in any situation to have
    wealth material Comfort Etc but all that
    really does is it gives you Leisure
    right and Le what is Leisure Leisure is
    like well you do whatever you want right
    you spend your time how you how you see
    fit he goes but if you really take that
    to its ultimate
    conclusion and you spend it wisely right
    you’ll find the
    thing right and in that set of options
    or in that time in that Leisure you will
    discover the thing that you have to do
    basically like you can’t live like it’s
    just your passion or whatever you want
    to call it so there’s this Paradox of
    Freedom where you get all these options
    but you’ll end up discovering the one
    thing that you can’t not do so you kind
    of become a slave to your passion in a
    way but it’s you know again it’s Paradox
    it’s like a volent it’s a consensual
    enslavement in a way um sort of like
    maybe there’s like
    uh it kind of rhymes with marriage in a
    way like you’re dating you have all
    these options like everyone’s like oh
    let me have as many options as possible
    then you meet the girl or the woman that
    you can’t you know this is the one and
    so that idea is very deep and
    interesting to me and it’s I guess for
    was like the reason I was able to
    overcome my introversion and do this is
    because I decided I was like Bitcoin is
    important that this this Mission matters
    so much it’s so big like I’m just going
    to do whatever it is like whatever the
    market is telling me that I can do to
    serve this mission I will do whatever
    that thing is it just happen to be the
    thing I was like least comfortable with
    that’s probably part of the journey too
    and um and your point on podcasting is
    like yeah sure super saturated space
    anyone with a camera and a mic can start
    podcast but the unique opportunity is
    that you as an individual right with
    your own unique set of experiences and
    interest and
    knowledge you can become a very unique
    it’s not like
    you maybe you’re not the best uh know a
    rocket science podcast right maybe
    you’re not the number one rocket
    scientist on Earth but maybe you’re also
    a guitar player and you’re into I know
    rebuilding vintage cars right so they
    like combine these three things like oh
    you’re the rocket scientist guitar
    playing you know vintage car Rebuilder
    like you could be that you could be the
    best at that on Earth so you get the the
    opportunity to discover the sets of
    things that you are that you are
    passionate about you then get to pursue
    them and learn about them with
    enthusiasm and then there’s an
    opportunity there to become your own
    unique brand yes and like I didn’t know
    any of this a few years ago right I’m
    just like just press record and start
    talking to people but I’ve I’ve learned
    that over this this journey and I
    think you know those are things I would
    hope young people would take to heart
    it’s like yeah you
    you don’t have to be bolted into the
    corporate hierarchy the traditional path
    you can go out on your own in going out
    on your own you’re probably going to
    discover a bunch of different things and
    options that that appear to you if
    you’re lucky you’ll find the one thing
    that you can’t not do or the few things
    right and then if you pursue that
    diligently and you work at it with a you
    know a heart filled with faith and a
    head that’s clear then you can really
    create something unique and valuable for
    others and when you create value in the
    lives of others that’s when you create
    value in your own life
    so um anyways bit of a diet tribe but
    that’s that’s what was coming up for me
    as you said it’s a great diet tribe I
    think what you referenced is what um
    Scott Adams refers to his talent
    stacking right where if you’re trying to
    be the most popular bitcoiner there’s
    only going to be one most popular
    bitcoiner but if you are passionate
    about Bitcoin and you’re a powerlifter
    and you love in economics and you love
    meat and you worked at this hedge fund
    you combine all these experiences it’s
    like now you have this like really wide
    pool of why people are attracted and
    want to listen to you too where it’s
    like for me my sense when you came on
    the show and even when I listened to
    your podcast was I got the sense of like
    this like Robert he actually like he
    can’t do anything besides share these
    learnings to the world I was like my
    sense was like off camera I’m like I
    know he’s reading and researching every
    single day and Hees loves it and he’s
    doing this not from an ego perspective
    but purely because he’s trying to share
    these gifts that he’s learned with the
    world and as because of those gifts like
    think about what it’s done for me where
    that gave that was the Catalyst for me
    to purchase Bitcoin which is like the
    best asset that I could possibly own to
    support future generations of my family
    and then multiply that by thousands of
    other people that you’ve been able to
    get down into this rabbit hole and
    ultimately Chang their life and their
    family’s life it’s like it’s almost um
    it almost gives me chills thinking about
    it because so powerful when you lean
    into social media the right way yeah
    like for me again all thanks to bitcoin
    like I don’t know that I I’ve always
    loved to read and all of that but to
    start to write to publish my thoughts on
    Twitter that was Bitcoin like to give to
    give me the courage to come on camera
    and do the things like that was Bitcoin
    for me so but again it it doesn’t have
    to be Bitcoin yeah it for me it was that
    mission like that thing that I had to do
    no matter what as you said right like
    the thing that I couldn’t not do MH was
    serve Bitcoin I would even tell people
    they’re like what do you do now you’re
    out of the Hedge I’m like I work for
    Bitcoin yes I work for Bitcoin like what
    does Bitcoin need I will do that and
    this has become the thing so um yeah I
    think if
    you explore that space that free space
    that you can create for yourself by
    going off the unbeaten path right and
    pioneering your own way you’ll find or
    you can find find I won’t say you will
    find you can find that mission or thing
    that you can’t not do and that leads to
    a whole another life so yeah and I think
    when you build up this metabolic
    machinery and you turn yourself into a
    man or woman of value it’s almost like a
    law of nature that I think God will drop
    that thing in front of your face that
    you’ve ultimately created but God will
    give that thing to you and something
    else that helped me a lot that I
    actually think you might have un
    potentially done with Michael sailor is
    I remember feeling so much pressure to
    record those first podcasts and like who
    am I I don’t have anything figured out
    but then I had the mindset of well what
    if I’m just the Enthusiast the the
    Curious Enthusiast that’s asking the
    guest the right questions and then
    facilitating conversation and then you
    do that enough and then people look at
    you as the expert even though you’re
    just viewing yourself as the Curious
    Enthusiast and I think that takes a lot
    of pressure off of it of like just focus
    on creating a show where you’re asking
    really good questions with people that
    you admire and you’ll build a brand just
    off of that and you’ll you will become
    an expert as a part of that process
    absolutely um another thing that really
    helped me was something I learned from
    Jordan Peterson he’s
    like if you want to overcome I would I
    would qualify I don’t know when I was
    younger I guess it felt like social
    anxiety like social settings like big
    groups this is why I tried to do public
    speaking too it’s like I need to go
    towards that fear and get better about
    it but something Peterson said was if
    you ever feel that anxiousness or social
    anxiety is like just really focus on the
    person that’s talking like put all your
    energy into listening and like it’ll go
    away cuz all literally all of your
    faculties are tapped into them you’re
    not going to have any extra bandwidth to
    be like oh how do I look or how do I
    it’s like you’re just all you’re all in
    right and that has served me really well
    I think in the like I really try to
    listen and of course it’s not it’s
    difficult right because you’re also
    trying to ask questions and you know so
    it’s it’s a it’s a balancing act but
    um I want to ask you one last question
    yeah so you have mentioned God several
    times in this
    conversation what does God mean to
    you it’s a perfect question to put a bow
    on this conversation but what I would
    say I was raised Catholic I have two
    amazing parents that are also Catholic
    went to church every single Sunday
    growing up um kind of fell into
    westernized college behavior of drinking
    and womanizing and turning my back on
    God and having anxiety and honestly just
    feeling like I was pissing my potential
    away and then one of the things you talk
    about um carnivory leading me to bitcoin
    I think carnivory actually led me to God
    in a sense and what I mean by that is
    once I built this Baseline of great
    metabolic health I felt like I was able
    to explore things or have faith in
    things that I maybe would not have had
    faith in before cuz I didn’t have enough
    confidence in myself as a man and one of
    the things that I was noticing because
    I’ve always just been like attracted
    towards like male mentorship and people
    that I can look up to that’s one of the
    things we were saying in your kitchen
    earlier is like men just need other men
    that they can look up to that show them
    the path I was finding that the men that
    I looked up to the most that I was
    interviewing on the podcast um they were
    eating the right foods and they almost
    all had faith and particularly faith in
    Christ mhm
    and so I then found a great
    non-denominational Christian Church in
    Austin and I think the amazing thing
    about a non-denominational Christian
    Church versus you know an Episcopalian
    Church or a Catholic Church is those
    churches are great but they’re very
    focused on ritual um and I think there’s
    a lot of guilt that’s put on the average
    churchgoer where what I was Finding in a
    non-denominational Christian churches it
    was purely focused on your relationship
    with Christ where God the Father father
    loved you so much that he literally sent
    like his only begotten son to be able to
    die for your sin and understanding what
    that actually meant like the sacrifice
    that Christ went through and you know
    I’ve studied a lot of other religions
    but my personal perspective is I found
    that that’s the only religion that’s
    like really rooted in love and
    relationship and I just felt really good
    when I would go to church and the church
    that I go to in Austin is is this really
    small church called Thrive it’s only 50
    or 60 people the pastor Pastor Scott has
    an unbelievable story of transformation
    and he’s just another person that’s
    rooted in the truth where he just views
    himself purely as the facilitator of
    your connection to God and is just
    trying to offer his perspective and his
    experiences and he’s been humbled so
    much by life that he doesn’t put himself
    on a pedestal at all and I think a lot
    of people that I share my faith with
    they almost have this like really
    negative visceral reaction and my
    counter to that is like that’s that’s
    what they call Church HT or like you
    know what you experienced the negative
    effect that you felt in church or
    whatever that was that wasn’t actually
    God that was a human misinterpretation
    of God right and as soon as I devoted
    myself to him and started reading more
    scripture and praying and one of the
    things that you mentioned for you is
    it’s Jesus and it’s Socrates and you you
    vet those two individuals with every
    decision you make you know I’m
    definitely not anywhere close to perfect
    but a lot of times I will ask myself you
    what would Christ do in this situation
    or what would a good Christian man do in
    this situation and um I don’t know if
    there’s anything that’s transformed my
    life more to that so it’s kind of a long
    wted answer to your question no it’s a
    great answer and this is
    something it’s been strange dude because
    I I don’t I wouldn’t even call myself a
    Christian right as I told you in
    there and this has only been over the
    past four years that this transformation
    has occurred for me I just try to
    imitate Christ and imitate Socrates
    Christ more from a moral ethical
    standpoint like asking oh how would
    Christ address the situation like he’s I
    look at him and again
    this don’t I don’t even need to get into
    the theological debates or even the
    historical debates if this whether he
    ever lived or not whether he is God or
    not like it almost doesn’t matter it’s
    just the stories that exist are a
    mythology of archetypal human
    consciousness so you could just ask
    yourself like what would this guy do
    based on the stories I’ve read about him
    that’s the only relationship I have and
    that’s useful right that’s like a useful
    technology if you want to talk about it
    in a very secular
    sense um that you can have this
    relationship with a character and a
    story if nothing else but it’s a useful
    relationship for addressing real
    situations in real life and then for
    Socrates uh I look more to emulate him
    from a rational standpoint right he
    questions everything the most famous
    phrase for Socrates is the only thing I
    know is I know nothing at all right so
    he he had this reverence for the
    limitations of
    knowledge and you know there aren’t
    there are no final answers right there
    is no totalizing knowledge knowledge is
    a tool that we use to map reality but
    the map is never the territory so if you
    start to mistake the map for the
    territory you can get into very
    dangerous territories like
    totalitarianism right where they have
    the final answer the final solution so
    this idea that Socrates just
    systematically questioning everything
    all the
    time um these so these two and now
    there’s less debate about whether or not
    Socrates ever lived right and there’s
    well well Jesus I think there’s a lot of
    evidence that he did live but there’s a
    lot of people that think it’s all a
    fairy tale but again I don’t think it
    matters because at the end of the day I
    haven’t met either one of them all I
    know is like the writings that are about
    them and those writings have been very
    useful for me in my day-to-day anal
    acted existence so if you just wanted to
    call it a technology that’s fine with me
    too you know and um so yeah we I don’t
    know I talk about these ideas on the
    show just like that and then as I was
    sharing with you it’s like you get these
    strange things where after a podcast
    someone’s like oh thank you that you
    helped me find Christ and I’m just like
    whoa I don’t feel qualified for that but
    thank you and um I don’t it’s it’s kind
    of like Bitcoin like I don’t want to
    tell anyone bit coin is the answer right
    bitcoin’s I mean obviously I’m a
    proponent of it but my real prescription
    is to just study it’s like study Bitcoin
    read about Christ read about Socrates
    read about Buddhism read about dosm read
    about Hinduism read about you know Islam
    all of these things and come to your own
    conclusion but but
    don’t I wouldn’t dispense with them like
    as if they were just adult fairy tales
    because that’s how I used to look at it
    and I’m just here to say that I was
    wrong yeah and if you if you can’t
    humble yourself enough to say that
    you’re almost like saying that you know
    more than the
    collective intelligence of humanity
    since the dawn of time because those
    stories are still with us since the dawn
    of time more or less they’re here for a
    reason yeah right like you’re not the
    one that figured it out that oh this all
    [ __ ] it’s like humble yourself a
    little bit maybe and just read them and
    see what you find there’s a lot of
    wisdom there so anyway I I didn’t mean
    to go on High tribe again but it’s
    like there’s so much stuff on social
    media people like I can’t believe you’re
    talking about God and Christianity
    you’re such a whatever like they’re
    making fun of you or especially in
    Bitcoin there’s a lot of rational
    atheism yes and it’s like I’m still
    actually kind of in that camp in a way
    but I’ve come
    to have a deep humility and reverence
    for the limitations of knowledge and if
    knowledge is limited then anything we
    can say or talk about there’s something
    Beyond that mhm and you could put the
    word God to that for me yeah it’s like
    just just a word for that which is
    words I’m not saying it’s limited to
    that but there it is that’s enough right
    to to justify it practically if if you
    will yeah you’re you’re open enough to
    realize that you’re on this journey your
    thoughts have changed a lot over the
    last couple years and regardless of
    whether you believe Christ existed or he
    didn’t just his mere presence in your
    life has been a huge additive and so for
    me when I those those rational atheists
    I’m like the hubris to just like
    definitively say that you know that God
    doesn’t exist is so wild to me just to
    be able like you okay so you know that
    this masterful Creator just doesn’t
    exist at all yeah it’s huous yeah it’s
    extreme huous and I would just prefer
    like if we have to go through life some
    way I would I would prefer
    to have this mindset that there is a
    loving Creator out there that’s given me
    these incredible things like I prefer to
    live a life of Faith just like the faith
    that we both had that we can heal that
    faith is a massive part of the healing
    journey and I would prefer to have that
    too and one of the other things you know
    when I would speak to people in the
    nutrition space or the Bitcoin space I
    would find that these people these
    bitcoiners knew far more about currency
    than I did and I wanted to learn about
    that these people in the nutrition space
    learned a lot more about food and then
    with Christians that I was talking to
    the interesting thing about that was I
    found these Christians were a lot
    happier than I was so I remember
    thinking to myself I’m like if you’re so
    smart why are you not happy with your
    life so maybe you should learn something
    yeah no it’s it’s well said and uh to
    each to their own and I’m
    just yeah talking through my journey as
    I go and I’m not trying to prescribe
    anything I really I always say above all
    Freedom right like I’m not here to tell
    you what to do I don’t think you should
    anyone should tell anyone what to do we
    should share our experiences and then
    that’s how we individually kind of zero
    in on what we that thing we talked about
    earlier right of all the things we could
    do what’s the one thing that you can’t
    not do yes I’m not here to tell you what
    you can’t not do that’s for you to
    discover um but I’ve found value in
    these stories that I previously wrote
    off so you know use that if it’s helpful
    or not yes what is it what’s the Bruce
    Lee quote of like pick what’s useful
    discard what’s not and just ship it into
    what’s uniquely your own something like
    that yeah which is the algorithm of
    evolution and Innovation itself right if
    it works keep it if it doesn’t discard
    it done simple as that yeah I think
    that’s a lot of our podcast is literally
    just keep it simple yeah exactly Brett
    man this has been a very fun
    conversation thank you for joining me
    here in Miami um is there do you have
    any final words or would you like to let
    people know where they can find you on
    the internet yeah brother um as I
    mentioned you know obviously very
    special for me you know as I followed
    you from afar from a long time and I
    think again another benefit of social
    media is like you can find people that
    you used to look up to and turn them
    into friends when you build something of
    value so I would just encourage everyone
    from that perspective but yeah tw
    Twitter is probably the best place to
    get a hold of me it’s @ meat Mafia Brett
    um our Instagram is just the meat Mafia
    shared page so that’s just @ meat Mafia
    media and then the supplement company if
    they are interested in getting some of
    that nutrient-dense pro protein powder
    is noble origins.com and that’s it man
    awesome dude thank you so much
    appreciate you brother

    Brett Ender joins me for a conversation on carnivory, Bitcoin, and taking control of your life.

    Brett Ender is the Co-Founder of Meat Mafia and Noble and is also co-host of The Meat Mafia podcast.

    // GUEST //
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MeatMafiaBrett
    Meat Mafia Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meatmafiamedia/
    Meat Mafia Podcast: @TheMeatMafia
    Substack: https://substack.com/profile/99301780

    // SPONSORS //
    In Wolf’s Clothing: https://wolfnyc.com/
    NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/whatismoney
    Dissident Dialogues 2024 (use discount code BREEDLOVE for 10% off): https://dissidentdialogues.org/
    Heart and Soil Supplements (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://heartandsoil.co/
    Anthony DiClementi’s Biohacking Secrets (Text BREEDLOVE to 847-943-7221)
    Swan Bitcoin: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/breedlove22/
    Bitcoin 2024: the World’s Largest Bitcoin Conference (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://b.tc/conference

    // OUTLINE //
    00:00:00 – “What is money?” Intro
    00:01:33 – Helping Lightning Startups with In Wolf’s Clothing
    00:02:22 – About Brett Ender and his journey
    00:11:57 – Quitting coffee
    00:13:46 – The bitcoin and carnivory pathways
    00:17:05 – Fiat based systems and taking control of your life
    00:26:33 – Run Your Business from Anywhere with NetSuite
    00:27:41 – Dissident Dialogues 2024
    00:29:12 – The carnivory rabbit hole and regenerative agriculture
    00:38:28 – What’s wrong with our food system?
    00:43:03 – The ethical argument of carnivory and the science of plant based food
    00:52:54 – Heart and Soil Supplements
    00:53:57 – Anthony’s Biohacking Secrets
    00:55:28 – The impact of Brett’s work in people’s lives
    01:02:41 – The role of authoritative and consultative perspectives of experts
    01:07:48 – The dogmatism surrounding healthy diets and the story of Noble
    01:17:46 – Swan Bitcoin: Set up instant and recurring Bitcoin buys
    01:19:23 – Bitcoin 2024: The largest Bitcoin and Fintech conference in the world
    01:20:31 – The modern American dream
    01:32:00 – Finding and pursuing the things you couldn’t not do
    01:38:38 – Drawing inspiration from historical and religious figures
    01:45:30 – Where to find Brett Ender

    // PODCAST //
    Podcast Website: https://whatismoneypodcast.com/
    Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-what-is-money-show/id1541404400
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/25LPvm8EewBGyfQQ1abIsE?
    RSS Feed: https://feeds.simplecast.com/MLdpYXYI

    Bitcoin: 3D1gfxKZKMtfWaD1bkwiR6JsDzu6e9bZQ7
    Sats via Strike: https://strike.me/breedlove22
    Sats via Tippin.me: https://tippin.me/@Breedlove22
    Dollars via Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/RBreedlove
    Dollars via Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/Robert-Breedlove-2
    The “What is Money?” Show Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=32843101

    // WRITTEN WORK //
    Medium: https://breedlove22.medium.com/
    Substack: https://breedlove22.substack.com/

    // SOCIAL //
    Breedlove Twitter: https://twitter.com/Breedlove22
    WiM? Twitter: https://twitter.com/WhatisMoneyShow
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/breedlove22/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breedlove_22/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@breedlove22
    All My Current Work: https://vida.page/breedlove22


    1. Lol I watched game changers and became a strick vegan for a year and a half. Became a Bitcoiner in the middle of that. Now I am a carnivore for about 1 year now along with fasting most days and extented fasting every other month. Bitcoin doesn't just teach you about money, it opens your eyes to truth in general.

    2. Correction: Ansel Keys was not “convinced” of a plant based/carbohydrate diet, he was bribed by the voluturous food industry to promote it knowing full well the profitability of non-food AND the deleterious effect it would have on our health! It is nothing short of evil.

    3. Became a maximalist and a began eating lots of red meat and eggs around the same time but the two were separate discoveries after watching this it totally makes send that I adopted the two at the same time

    4. Excellent info guys! Thank you! My food philosophy is now proof-of-steak. But my money is definitely only proof-of-work!😉. People yearn to learn through other peoples' lives, struggles and wisdom. Btw – religions create dogmas, workout routines have dogmas, diet routines have dogmas…and Aetheists also have dogmas. So is Atheism not also a religion? Spiritualism is simply one discovering one's self.

    5. I really do applaud this episode and the very wise comments for both especially Robert at the end digging into the question about God. My only feedback for Robert is two things. One you mention is so many words you believe evolution of humans. This is also a state driven psyop to brain wash people into believing it. Last you always mention doing the homework on Bitcoin and agree but then say things like Jesus may not have been real. Do your homework on this. Look at historical evidence, archeological evidence. The truth is there Robert and believe it keeps encountering you so you will dig in and be chosen. The choice is yours friend. With Love, God bless!

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