
Setting Up an Environment 👩🏾‍💻💻 – How To Create Your Own ERC20 Cryptocurrency Token in 2020


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[Free ERC20 Token Example]
Free examples of:
– ERC20 token contract
– Crowd sale contract
– Token burn event contract (inspired by
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How to create your own cryptocurrency token? -Smart contract development with Ethereum & Solidity

This crash course will teach you how to create and deploy your own smart contract in only 13 short lessons.

We will cover:
1. Intro
2. Required packages
3. Setup
4. Data types
5. Operators
6. Functions
7. Visibility
8. ERC20 Token Standard Interface (Yay!)
9.1. Implementing Your Own ERC20 Token (Hurray!)
9.2. Compiling & Deploying Your Own ERC20 Token (testnet) 🚀
10. ERC20 Token – Logging and Events
11. Inheritance and Polymorphism
12. Exceptions
13. Security Concerns
14.Deploying Your Own Token on The Ethereum Mainnet Network

[Lesson 1 – Intro]
Lesson 3 – Setting up the development environment
Software packages to install with installation links:
node.js – Node.js is a JavaScript runtime.
npm (Node Package Manager) – package manager for JavaScript.
truffle – development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for Ethereum.
geth – command line interface for running a full Ethereum node. More concretely, it allows to mine blocks, generate Ether, deploy and interact with smart contracts, transfer funds, inspect block history, create accounts, and do anything else that is possible on Ethereum node. Allows to create own private network allowing to fully test your application before deploying it to the live network.
ethereumjs-testrpc – Node.js based Ethereum client for testing and development of smart contracts. It is only an emulator of an Ethereum node, not a real node like Geth. Thus blocks mining and other operations are almost instantaneous. Notably, it uses in-memory mechanism, not space on the disk, meaning that all the changes you do to the blockchain are gone once the node is stopped.
Mac installation instructions
Install Homebrew by copying command /usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL into terminal prompt.
Install Node.js by typing brew install node.
Install Geth by first typing brew tap ethereum/ethereum. Then brew install ethereum.
Install testrpc by typing npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc.
Install truffle by typing npm install -g truffle.
Windows installation instructions
Install Node.js by going to Node.js latest installer and downloading the latest version.
Install Geth by going to Geth installer and downloading the latest version.
Install testrpc by typing npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc.
Install truffle by typing npm install -g truffle.
Linux installation instructions
Install curl if you haven’t got it already by typing sudo apt install curl
Install Node.js by first typing curl -sL | sudo -E bash – which will fetch source files for the apt package. Then type sudo apt update to download the package lists from the repositories and updates them to get information on the newest versions of packages and their dependencies. Then type sudo apt-get install -y nodejs to get Node.js installed. For latest instructions you can always go to official Node.js insllation isntructions.
Install Geth by first typing sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum to add Ethereum to apt source list. Then sudo apt update and finally sudo apt install ethereum.
Install testrpc by typing sudo npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc.
Install truffle by typing sudo npm install -g truffle.

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