Oil, gas and mining

Smart Grid and Renewable Energy: The University of Calabria Leads The Way

#Renewable wind and solar power are variable #energy sources. We need to change our electricity consumption and create a flexible and resilient electricity grid. The European Ebalance-plus Project is putting this to the test in four cities.
The University of Calabria in southern Italy aims to unlock energy flexibility by using a mobile app connected to smart -grid technologies, energy storage and local renewable energy production.

By involving the end-users and deploying smart grid solutions, the University of Calabria is paving the way for a #sustainable energy future.

Website: https://www.ebalanceplus.eu/
University of Calabria Website: https://www.unical.it/

Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/communities/ebalanceplus/?page=1&size=20

The #ebalanceplus project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 864283.

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