
Cryptocurrency 101 – EXOUSIA INVESTING TV

Today we will be delving into, “Cryptocurrency 101”

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Ever wondered what cryptocurrency is well you’re not alone cryptocurrency quite simply is a digital or virtual form of currency but it’s not just any digital cash it’s secured by cryptography which makes it near impossible to counterfeit or double spend now here’s where it gets interesting unlike traditional currencies which are issued by central

Banks cryptocurrency is decentralized this means no government or institution has control over it instead it operates on an Innovative technology called blockchain a distributed Ledger enforced by a network of computers known as nodes you’ve probably heard of Bitcoin the first blockchainbased cryptocurrency and the most widely recognized today and then there’s

Ethereum another popular crypto known for its smart contract functionality but remember these are just two examples in a sea of over 5,000 different cryptocurrencies out there so in essence cryptocurrency is a digital secure and DC centralized form of money but how does cryptocurrency work you might ask well let’s break it down cryptocurrency

Operates on a technology called blockchain now imagine blockchain as a digital Ledger but unlike your typical Ledger this one is distributed across a network of computers worldwide every transaction made with cryptocurrency is recorded on this public Ledger this means that everyone on the network can see these transactions making them

Transparent and hard to tamper with but before transaction can make its way onto the blockchain it first needs to be verified this is where our Network nodes come in these nodes are computers that uphold and enforce the rules of the cryptocurrency network they confirm the details of the transaction such as the

Validity of the digital signatures and the availability of the necessary funds this process is secured through cryptography a method of protecting information through complex codes now let’s talk about mining miners no not the ones with pickaxes but they do share some similarities just like miners dig for gold cryptocurrency miners solve

Complex mathematical problems this process is known as proof of work here’s how it works when a transaction is made it’s grouped with others into a block this block contains a difficult math problem miners across the network race to solve this problem and the first one

To do so gets to add the block of transactions to the blockchain in turn they’re rewarded with a small amount of that cryptocurrency this process both validates transactions and generates new cryptocurrency maintaining a constant flow so transactions are not just a simple exchange of digital assets they’re part of a complex process

Involving nodes to verify them miners to add them to the blockchain and cryptography to keep everything secure therefore transactions are secured and recorded in a public Ledger the blockchain through a process managed by miners it’s a fascinating world of digital transactions where every participant plays a crucial role in

Maintaining the integrity and security of the entire network now you might be wondering what’s the use of cryptocurrency and why is it valuable cryptocurrency in its simplest form is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security it serves as a medium of exchange allowing individuals

To make transactions across the globe GL without the need for a central Authority like a bank moreover cryptocurrency has found its place as a store of value think of it as a digital gold if you will its limited Supply much like gold contributes to its value additionally cryptocurrency’s portability and

Divisibility make it a convenient unit of account you can carry a fortune in your digital wallet and divide it down to the eighth decimal place lastly one of the most significant advantages of cryp cryptocurrency is its resistance to censorship no government or institution can freeze your crypto assets so

Cryptocurrency has a myriad of uses and its value stems from a variety of features to sum it all up let’s revisit the main points we’ve covered about cryptocurrency at its core cryptocurrency is a digital secure and decentralized form of money it has no physical representation but its impact is incredibly tangible this Innovative

Financial medium operates through a process of verification and recording in a blockchain this intricate system is managed by miners who ensure the integrity and security of every transaction yet cryptocurrency is not just a tech Marvel it also carries significant economic implications it serves as a medium of exchange a store

Of value and a unit of account what gives it value well a number of features contribute to this including its limited Supply which mimics the scarcity principle of traditional precious metals its portability divisibility and resistance to censorship also contribute to its worth making it an attractive alternative to Conventional forms of

Money cryptocurrency a revolutionary form of money that holds the potential to change the financial landscape as we know it

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