Oil, gas and mining

Baby Knockout Stock Market Miracles / Navy Veterans Trading Strategy

Baby Knockout Trader and Navy Veteran, Mark Jarrett, has a trading philosophy that has paid dividends for him. He turned $200 into thousands. Happy Holidays and enjoy his story! Become a PRIVATE STUDENT and get the Baby Knockouts early with The Scoop Team: Email Headline should say: THE SCOOP TEAM, we will get the details to you. Email to: Micfra_loans@yahoo.com, Thanks and Happy Trading and enjoy The Baby Knockout Newsletter.

HOUSE VOTE SET TO BAN RUSSIAN URANIUM: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-12-06/russian-uranium-import-ban-teed-up-for-us-house-floor-vote

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LUXURT TRAVEL ON A BUDGET: https://holmesluxurytravel.net/

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GOLD & SILVER PENNY STOCKS: https://www.amazon.com/Gold-Silver-Penny-Stocks-Reward-ebook/dp/B0BSLM4YFW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2QQ384XMOR7VZ&keywords=gold+and+silver+penny+stocks&qid=1675991596&sprefix=gold+%26+Silver+penny+stocks%2Caps%2C1432&sr=8-1

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LITHIUM PENNY STOCKS – LOW RISK – HIGH REWARD INVESTING: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B5KVD91D/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1657265172&sr=8-3

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COVERED CALL, GENERATE MONTHLY INCOME WITHOUT DANGER: https://www.amazon.com/Covered-Call-Generate-Monthly-Without-ebook/dp/B0B1Y2N43G/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3P3COCY99D5VY&keywords=frazier+publishing+covered+calls&qid=1655488465&sprefix=frazier+publishing+covered+calls%2Caps%2C217&sr=8-1

USA – BABY KNOCKOUT LITHIUM BOOK – “Invest in Lithium baby Knockouts Now,” USA https://www.amazon.com/Invest-Lithium-Baby-Knockouts-Now-ebook/dp/B09R3XHNV6/ref=sr_1_10?crid=38BCD2WJSLWPF&keywords=lithium+stocks&qid=1643434381&sprefix=lithium+stocks%2Caps%2C145&sr=8-10

Canada – BABY KNOCKOUT LITHIUM BOOK – “Invest in Lithium Baby Knockouts Now,” CANADA https://www.amazon.ca/Invest-Lithium-Baby-Knockouts-Now-ebook/dp/B09R3XHNV6/ref=sr_1_11?crid=26EI7FRS4IW6T&keywords=lithium+stocks&qid=1643434569&sprefix=lithium+socks%2Caps%2C154&sr=8-11

THE SCOOP STORE https://teespring.com/stores/the-scoop-store-2

URANIUN SPOT MARKET IS NOW URANIUM SPROTT MARKET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN4fezfAKto&

MAKE MONEY ONLINE WITH CANNABIS STOCKS… https://www.amazon.com/Make-Money-Online-Cannabis-Stocks/dp/1719514259/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1596142208&sr=8-2

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3 URANIUM SLEEPERS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UG9PBga46x0&t=6s

BABY KNOCKOUTS FISSION AND TILT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zj6eE1jsF

HOW TO INVEST IN URANIUM NOW, COVID – 19 Lockdown Drives Prices Higher… https://www.amazon.com/How-Invest-Uranium-Now-COVID-19-ebook/dp/B08CGQX958/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=INVEST+IN+URANIUM+NOW&qid=1596142865&s=audible&sr=1-1

SILVER BASICS FOR NEW INVESTORS… https://www.amazon.com/Silver-Basics-Investors-Lawrence-Stripling-ebook/dp/B08DW83QGL/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=silver+basics+for+new+investors+lawrence+stripling&qid=1596143327&s=audible&sr=1-1

MARIJUANA TODAY, VANADIUM & URANIUM TOMORROW, Companies to Get in Early, Hold and Grow Rich… https://www.amazon.com/Marijuana-Today-Vanadium-Uranium-Tomorrow-ebook/dp/B07LDGKQGJ/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1596143498&sr=1-1-catcorr

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Boots on the ground putting it down it’s Mickey D with the scoop I want to thank you for joining me it’s a pleasure it’s an honor to be on your electronic device ladies and gentlemen we’re continuing the baby knockout Miracles uh and we have investors on baby knockout investors that have been

Investing for years and uh they’re telling us their stories and today we’re going to be joined by a young man that was actually homeless uh the last time we caught up with him and now he’s been doing his Investments and he’s back on his feet and his health is good and we’re going

To be talking to him just in a minute but first you know the scoop is for your education Your Entertainment your information only I’m not a stock broker not a money manager not a financial adviser author researcher I put in black and white I have these books ladies and

Gentlemen all that you can go to amazon.com and get audiobook paperback ebooks there’s a lot lot of little books out there that time of the year when you get gifts for your friends and all um the markets themselves you know stocks go up and stocks go down so uh we’ll see we’re

We’re deep into the uranium squeeze upo right now and we’ll just uh see how that goes those prices are going up just hold on to your wigs and tupay because it’s going to be a really really exciting uh time for us 2024 is going to be

Wonderful uh for all of us ladies and gentlemen without further Ado let me introduce you here to our special guest today and he’s got some tips for us and he’s got some things uh to tell us when it comes to this trading thing ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen I’m

Joined by Mark Garrett Mark it’s good to see you bu nice to see you again nice to see welcome back to the scoop Mark is on his way to Washington as you guys know he lives in Texas this is his second visit with us uh we appreciate him we

Didn’t know last time he was here he was on the streets we had no idea kind of sort of had a vehicle but you know around yeah and uh his story ladies and gentlemen is remarkable Mark has been a baby knockout Trader for several years uh and he had

Just got into trading when he started trading baby Knockouts and how’d that come about Mark you were you say you were listening one night watching a TV or something what well I I had only been investing for maybe a week or so and uh was on YouTube looking up some Tesla

Stuff and uh one of your videos popped up and and it was the video where you were describing high blockchain and saying back that truck up so I backed up what I could and uh they’ve been following you ever since so it’s the rest is history you know ladies and

Gentlemen as you can see let’s stand up for him stand up for him he got the baby knockout gear on you know number number one supporter out there mom and dad you know I know I’m just saying Mark has been a subscriber he’s been around for a

Long time and uh we appreciate him on the school um tell me okay when you when you first started were were you kind of skeptical you saw this guy on YouTube talking about a Bitcoin and nobody had been talking too much about Bitcoin or anything it was in the crapper and and

We were talking about how how’ you well I didn’t know anything about anything at the time so and uh but you know you’re you’re in my age group and we’re both veterans you know and uh you’re your your humbleness and all that came came across through the screen and did and

I’m like well I’m going to nibble in there so uh I only had a few hundred bucks but I I dropped it in there and and did very well with Hive and Riot and then uh you know profits from there uh got me into the uh uranium and then you

Know of course uranium prophets have taken me into the lift and it’s just one trade after another you know profits from one buying the others you know and I’ve been and that’s the way it’s been for for the whole time four and a half five years now so so so

You would say you getting in buying low and pretty much selling high oh well yeah with with you Mickey D buying getting in lows easy and and and then you know high is beyond the moon so what what going to do so after we do our

Research and Mark has all the books and everything so after we do our research and he gets the newsletter also after we do our research and the stock kind of the the barrier of Entry is kind of low would you say with baby Knockouts oh it’s not it’s not like Amazon or Tesla

Something where you got you know hey you know 25 cents or less I mean and and some of you know even the ones that are a couple bucks it you know the way I look at it is like like a 12 cent stock goes up to $12 well that’s

Wonderful but when a 2 cent or a $2 stock goes up to 200 you know you had a little bit of both yeah you get two in one huh it’s been good it’s been good yeah I uh I when I was in high school right I had a

Um some guys I used to you know used to I was in uh journalism and a couple other you know things that they don’t have nowadays like they have uh uh different class shop classes and stuff you know used to work on cars and all that stuff they have have it anymore but

Uh guys used to talk about computers and these computers were going to be coming out there was a company called Microsoft and your parents were buying it for a quarter and was my first thing I’m saying why would somebody buy a stock for a quarter you know when they could

Easily buy it for $5 in 3 years well there’s a reason there’s a reason there’s a reason sure you there’s a reason so the the baby Knockouts is great and what would you say your we’re talking about stock market mirle what would you say your your best baby knockout trade has has

Been or or or roundabout or how do you go about it well I’ve always I’ve always uh said Hive was the best trade but that that was the one that just was the Catalyst got you roll but you know uh uh Surge and Patriot you know those those have

Been some excellent trades um all my uranium uh stocks have just gone crazy you know and then we and we’re just in the beginning parts of the squeeze up so you got it you know if should have got in three years ago when this start start talking about

It we yeah yeah uh should have would have could have you know let’s not sound like the Raiders now in Las Vegas the Raiders you yeah Cowboys I don’t know I don’t watch TV anymore so yeah I tell you we did uh we did hit it with Hive we

All got in there under under a dollar so it was really a really a great uh great time but we’ve got some new trades now and only those members that get the newsletter are privy to those new trades are you pretty excited about some of the

New stuff we have going even I mean some of the stuff you just gave me last week is already up 30 and 40% so I mean it’s I didn’t mean that what what can you do yeah I can’t stop them you know how you know how to the stock you

Know you know early on though we used to pick stocks and we we’d have like we try and give like a four month or six Monon leeway you know we’ let you know you know watch this stock because this is going to happen nobody ever knows when

What’s going to happen with these stocks but we’ve got areas now that are just so obvious you know when you look at the uh the the stocks that are needed for and the minerals that are needed for like the clean energy you know you know and

And all this stuff it it’s kind of you know the uranium and the lithium and when we get those good companies you know with with the good CEOs and you know good management you know because there’s not a lot of guys that can do this stuff you know with with these

Companies has that helped you a lot when I when I give a tip out there and say well this guy well you know when when you do your videos it it’s very clear that that you know how to do your research and that and that you uh care

About what you do and and if it wasn’t for that that vibe that I got through your videos I I probably wouldn’t have stuck around but but it’s it’s very obvious that that you do your due diligence and you do go out there and and and do your homework for us you know

And and uh you know I’m getting Tong but it’s just it’s just ESS and when you I mean Mark you were you gone from homeless man to now you got your own car your own pad you’re traveling the country and you’re trading that you’re trading using your

Phone yeah to you know your I saw your your your portfolio we took talked about some things this guy ladies and gentlemen he’s come a long way and he’s a humble humble young he’s come a long way he’s a veteran and just just ailments alone what your back from his

Back to his talk to us well you know the uh well as a disabled bed I I’ve got I’ve got 5008 disc I’ve got degenerative disc disease fibromyalgia carpal tunnel all kinds of elements and stuff you know and and uh you know you you try and do uh what’s right

Uh based on on what your doctors are telling you you know but at the same time new things are out in the market that the that the governments are are not uh into I guess or not wanting to help us with so I found my own way and

And I and it’s changed my life you know I can say two things get rid of your parasites and increase your minerals and your life will be changed there you go that’s that’s helped him you and and you know so the homelessness was a short term and it was a humbling

Experience and uh kept my mind straight with with my investments and and didn’t blow my money and uh you know used profits from one trading one trade to buy the next trade to buy the next trade and here I am almost 5 years later and I just purchased a piece of

Property uh getting ready to uh met a couple of nice people that have become my best friends and we’re we’re going to be moving together and on this property and doing kind of a homestead thing I’m building a home for my mom and my aunt and all this is from baby Knockouts what

Yeah uh there’s people out there that say why you can’t stock market’s no good you can’t make any money in the stock market you mean to tell me you buying land buying app building house doing these things with baby knockout Money Baby knockout money absolutely I saw the

Proof I saw the proof it’s there so uh ladies and gentlemen uh that’s a remarkable Story I mean I like to hear these testimonials because especially see I it’s going to get marked to dress up as Santa and it had too tight of stuff though but the Hat theyit brought

The Hat things didn’t fit right but I’ll tell you one thing uh Mar it’s it’s such it’s such a a breath of fresh air man to hear and I tell you all the time you you got you got my back you know people will say different things when they come in

Those videos I was telling you before uh you know it may say this amount of subscribers or what have you on there but when you got to get rid of people you remember about three years ago I I said there’s only one chance with the scoop because I don’t have time to to

Answer all these crazy questions and all this no question is a crazy question when it comes to the stocks but when you start making comments about this and the anatomy and this and stuff that’s not stock related I don’t have nobody has time for that you know some clown is

Going to get on here and oh with this beard did you touch it you you know stupid stuff touch it you know they’re going to say stupid stuff man so I’m I’m going to have to you know I’ve been getting rid of and deleting those people right so I I get

50 in and then I got to get rid of a hundred so well you know it’s it’s all it’s all about the vibration that you live you know and and you want to keep people that are on your own level of vibration and and the rest have got to

Stay where they are until they until they come around you know what I mean exactly that’s the way the world works yeah it’s it’s it’s tough it can be rough sometimes ladies and gentlemen but uh I’m just so thankful and I’m happy for you I’m happy for your family and

Your mom is getting better oh yes you’re doing very well hair’s coming back in thicker than I think it was before she got the cancer so God bless her man his mom like my mom has been going through some challenges and now they’re doing better and uh that’s great your mom’s

Got chemotherapy she’s doing better she had cancer and uh he’s a happy camper and as long as he keeps trading baby Knockouts long as he keeps getting that newsletter we he’s going to be a happy camper because we got a big 2024 ahead what are you going to do in 2024 okay so

2023 you bought property and you’re building and getting that together what do you see 2024 getting for you 2024 is is uh continuation it most definitely most definitely continuation I’m I’m hoping I’m hoping in in between March and April I’ll be able to to pull some uranium profits to uh start building the

House cuz that’s that’s great that’s the way it goes yeah you know and if we take a dip back uh especially if the stocks go down with the uranium price going up cuz you know who knows you could be 80 80 it could be $90 here to you know $88

Today $90 tomorrow $95 next week you know we’ve been calling for A5 to $10 24hour Spike up and then that other Miracle yes that’s what I’m looking forward to most definitely go ahead yeah I was going to say you just take profits then yes yes but I yeah we’ll take profits then for

Sure but I just wanted to say every you know every time every time a a stock goes down you know five or seven or 8% I buy every time every time no matter what and if it goes up 10 15 20% Then I’m I’m taking a little profits off the top and

And sometimes that happens in the same week you know and but that’s that’s how I roll I I buy it on every dip yeah and it’s worked for him past is not indictive future performance Mark has used that strategy to make a lot of money in this market cuz we don’t chase

Them we replace them yes so there’s no reason for you to with the with the trades we have there’s no reason to chase like the Bitcoin trade now right no you own there’s no reason to take some profits and then they going to come back to you same thing with with uh you

Know we’re down right now with lithium a little bit but when lithium comes back you know Now’s the Time when they’re down Now’s the Time to be cherry picking looking you know looking for what you know uranium uranium’s up you’re going to be able to get those profits oh yes

You know most definitely yeah I was talking to uh another uh a Trader here just uh the other day caught him over at the stadium there and uh he’s looking forward to paying his house off nice this year yeah he’s got to pay his house off this year with some Bitcoin profits

Right but uh you know he’s got some uranium you know now now with these with these new bit uh Bitcoin stocks that you you put in the newsletter if if any of them do anything like Hive did I’m just going to pay cash for the house you know right straight up I won’t

Even build it I’ll just come in and have somebody else build it for me cuz it’s like that I don’t think you hear him it’s like that it’s like that now for y’all CS it’s like that when you Cay baby wait wait show them the shirt again this when you baby knockout

That’s the way we get down we pay cash for our houses yes and our cars and our things you know P performance not I’m not stock working not m not aanal advisor so you know what you do works it works and it’s wored for the last uh you know since the

Dos uh you know you you tend to just ride that that area right now and we’re going to have a big big I believe golden silver year coming up uh huge I believe uh we’re looking at some big big things coming up Mark I I you know we ride this

Uranium out we’re going to ride this thing out oh these things are going to go up and down up and down but we’re just going to be got to have that strong stomach on them big dips but you know what when you get the mindset to just

Every time there’s a dip by by then then there’s no there’s no worries there’s no worries you just you know the companies are strong and they do what they do now that’s not me talking that’s coming from a true champion right here this coming from a baby knockout

Veteran not only a military Navy veteran but a baby knockout veteran thank you that has done it man and I am so proud of you man you knocked them out man thank you knock thek boy thank you you knocked the you did it proud of you man

You helped me you helped me do it is what it is you helped me do it I am so I’m so glad and I’m I’m thankful I’m glad you know your family mom you’re in the right Bo because I tell people all the time you got to in order to be a

Halfway de Trader out there you know and you’re a great one but you have to be in the right frame of mind you know you can’t the emotions you got to let the emotions go uh you got to be almost like a mercenary type you know when it’s you

And your phone you and your computer you and your electronic device you know you know you’re supposed to sell this stock you’re up some ungodly amount you know you’re supposed to take some profits do that yes we don’t we don’t you know set some stops do what you have to do mental

Stops I’m going to get out of here at this this particular I’m not going to you know that’s that’s what uh I noticed that you have a good grasp on when you take profits and when you you pick up additional shares oh absolutely you know I I started this whole journey with just

You know four or five different stocks you know and now my portfolio is over 70 different stocks and wow and and they all paid for each other most for the most part they all paid for each other and they’re all in you’re Diversified and all so if this Market takes a dump

You’re still going to be making money over here yes that like we had cannabis remember we made a lot of money with cannabis but it took a dump on us and we got out you know people got out yeah but we we had made some money but that

Didn’t stop you from making uranium money that’s right you know that didn’t stop Patriot from going to the sky you know or that didn’t stop some of these others lithium and and other uh Bitcoin stocks from going up right so when you diversify like that but I’ll tell you

One thing there was a little in my heart there was a little little emotion when during High when when people were texting me and and they were putting messages up there that they put you know on hive they put they they backed the truck up they some of those they put $200

$300,000 on on one stock wow and I tell them that’s not what I would do you know if you have that amount of money and it’s all relative but diversify oh yes do a little diversifying you know yeah and uh that that would you know wake

Them wake them up I well I learned that the first uh diversification is good you know I noticed at this time uh like I said I’ve been in this for about five years so I’ve experienced a uh Administration change you know and and I noticed that with with whenever whenever uh the

Administration changes it’s going to affect different sectors of the market so you have to have that that that good divers diversification to to handle that to handle those decisions that these other people are making you know and you never see it coming until it’s it’s hitting you but when you

Diversify it it it definitely keeps you keeps you afloat for sure you guys have to understand too like I was telling Mark before that I can talk to a CEO or we can text one another or I can see him at a conference or him or her you know

And they can tell me one thing and then I go back and you know in the newsletter I’ll I’ll put something in there but it doesn’t necessarily have to be true or it could be true that day and then the next day it’s it’s totally different

Right you know so you that’s the key with the diversifying oh you hear oh this is going to happen I’m going to put all my money boom no way that’s not something we do and and diversification when when you have money in these different areas it keeps you it it keeps

You going you know it keeps the account going you sell sell a little here right you’ve been able to amass thousands in just a short period of time because of diversifying right you know and and of course getting them at under 25 cents or even

Under a dollar on some of them when when guys when I say that you know because a lot of people listen to these different shows It’s Different Different Strokes for different folks so you know what it’s all relative to to someone a 100,000 could be a lot to someone 20,000

Could be a lot someone 5,000 could be a lot or a million could be a lot so it’s wherever you are that’s good for you you yeah that’s well I didn’t I didn’t you’re good girl you’re all right I mean I started out with just with just a couple few

Hundred dollars you know and and uh I mean I I had I had about $4,200 in the very beginning and I put it all in Tesla uh at about 150 pre- Double Split so um and then and then like within a week is when I saw your

First video and and the very first video was back the truck up on hi well so the so I I was scared and nervous and first time seeing it didn’t know what to expect or do any of that so I put in a couple hundred bucks and then it just

Took off and and then you know like you say don’t chase them we replace them so I didn’t want to chase what was going on with Hive and then uh but the profets that came from hive just and Riot uh just blew it up I mean it made Tesla look

Like pennies and and and then uh uranium came in into play and then lithium came into play and it’s just it’s just snowball effects we ain’t going to say nothing about the next trade because we just put it in the newsletter you have to get the newsletter the next trade get

The newsletter people but we expect that to do very very well because some of the dinosaurs out there are starting what what do you call them dinosaurs or Giants or whatever they’re following us right now to where we’re going I’m talking about the the billionaires and the multi-millionaires are coming after us

Yeah they late they’re little late to the show that’s the way we like it you know that’s the way we like it so so it’s all good I tell you um it’s it’s such a wonderful uh time he’s got such a great spirit about him uh I I enjoy you

Uh he’s he’s when it comes to the the Kofi by by me cough no one can beat Mark he’s got some Challengers here lately but uh he’s been on top of it and uh we we appreciate you man and anytime you come out to uh this area of the country

Look me up and uh definitely we want to uh talk to you most definitely most definitely and I have I have one word of advice you know when when you start making profits don’t hesitate to share the wealth with the people around you because greed kills greed greed is greed

Will kill everything so so you know generosity and and and sharing is what makes the world go around so and when it comes to the the law of reciprocity this is a this is a killer right here he knows it he puts it out there and comes right back to him it

Does every time every time that’s what we try and do here there there’s when I say the trade that I don’t want people to miss out on these trades I I really don’t uh you know there are people there are people out there I I don’t have anything against any newsletter writers

Or anything but there are people out there I learned from from people like Doug Casey people like the Lake James dyes these were these were giants you know in in the business Wayne brandlin you know and today’s modern uh Rick rule you know doing things these people are

They charged maybe $29 for the information and you know they charged $4.99 and stuff like that it back in the day that you know adjusted for inflation now you’re still only looking at you know $99 or something you know uh you’re not looking at some people make this

Stuff this is their you know I’ve had people contact me and say why are you putting that in that’s my top you know stock or something well I don’t get all these newsletters so I’m I’m pretty I’m independent right I don’t have them calling me and saying get on the flight

We want to show you our project in buo Aris or we want to show you our project in you know Northern Nevada or somewhere you know so I don’t have a bias one way or the other so I can when I meet the CEO at the conference or if I meet him

Somewhere and I say you know hey dude that I can say that was a lousy project or something and I can write what I want to write you know I think I’m you’re clouded a little bit when you know they’ve sent you a check and they’ve sent you a flight and you

Got Airlines to go you know airline tickets and all that don’t you think what am I going to say I’m going to come on and tell all my subscribers that this is a great the greatest company in company in the because then next year they going to send me and my family to

Right you know this is the way businesses handled ladies and gentlemen but I don’t do it like that and I don’t have anything against anyone that does that’s the way politics is and I try and stay out of you know so I’ll meet you at a conference or something and and that’s

That’s the way it is you know absolutely that’s the way I do that’s the way I get down that’s the way we get down and and Mark has has warned me several times you know keep your integrity keep what you’re doing do what you’re doing because I’ve had people come at me like

Junkyard dogs and start shave so what he’s teaching works there you go so you know it’s all it’s all good but uh we’re going to go break some bread y’all we going to have a good meal here and do our thing all right once again thank you thank you

Make apprciate you man thank you very very much you guys have a wonderful wonderful holiday season you want to say Merry Christmas to them happy holidays and all that good stff Merry Christmas to everybody Merry Christmas to my mom David Glen love you all all right take

Care David Glenn your mom especially mom yes take care mom take care


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