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I Changed My ENTIRE Prediction On Gold And Silver Prices Here’s Why! Bill Holtor’s Last Warning

I Changed My ENTIRE Prediction On Gold And Silver Prices Here’s Why! Bill Holtor’s Last Warning

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Yeah there’s no question the the deficit is I mean this cake is already baked just look at this past year we’re at we’re at the point now welcome viewers today Bill halter joins us to dissect the economic landscape he discusses an impending liquidity event that may prompt the FED to adjust interest rates

Examines the evolving notion of a risk-free asset and updates us on the growing gap between silver demand and production get ready for a concise and enlight conversation with Bill Holter on the crucial factors influencing our financial World well first uh I I do want to and I’ve mentioned this before the economy

Itself is it’s a two-sided economy you have the private economy and you have the the the federal side the government economy the private economy pretty much no matter where you look you are seeing weakness but you’re seeing like GDP numbers uh you’re seeing overall numbers still showing growth and that’s a

Function of a trillion trillion five two trillion dollar deficits each year I mean if you look at look at Unemployment uh government is has been hiring like mad and you’re not seeing that in the private sector so you are seeing a bifurcated economy where the expansion

On the on the government side is is masking the weakness on the private side yeah there’s no question the the deficit is I mean this cake is already baked and I say that because we’re now at 33 34 trillion dollars in debt that’s only going to go

Up and it’s you’re I do believe uh we’re gonna see some type of event that’s going to actually Force the fed’s hand into lowering rates but but if you take if you take a a view of a year from now or two years from now I don’t think inflation or not

Inflation but I don’t think interest rates are going to be a lot lower than they are right now they may be on the short end but not out five years 10 years 30 years I think there will be uh I think the yield curve is going to is going to extremely uh steepen

Especially if the fed is you know knock rates down to 2% or one and a half or 1% what’s not been taken account of well for many many years even before the 2008 2009 uh train wreck what’s not been taken into account and what’s not been

Thought about is the risk premium on US Paper uh us paper has always been considered risk-free and I think we’re we’re going into the zone now where where their foreigners are are looking at uh and especially foreign central banks I think are looking at uh us treasuries and say hey wait a minute

There actually is some risk um and I guess the the very first inkling of that was back in what 2011 when either uh Sten pors or Moody’s downgraded US debt but that’s been that’s been a thought process since World War II is that the us treasuries are the only risk-free

Paper assets on the planet and they’re not risk-free and I do think that in this uh in this zone or or you know time period at some point in time there’s going to be a mass flow into gold because gold cannot bankrupt it cannot and silver also they cannot bankrupt they cannot default

Whereas it’s it’s the math is plain to see that the US mathematically is going to default either by non-payment or having to blow the money supply up another you know twofold fivefold tenfold they’re going to destroy the currency itself so I I I do think that there’s going to

Be a uh a rethought or investors are going to rethink what is risk-free and once that comes forward you’re G to see a massive flow of capital into gold and silver just look at this past year we’re at we’re at the point now where they’re paying a

Trillion dollar per year in debt service and that number over time is only going to increase when it goes to a trillion five two trillion I mean at this point the us only took in uh and it was a record take but it was uh 4 4.7 trillion

In uh in tax dollars but one trillion of that goes out the door in debt service so they’re already over 20% of uh tax revenues are going just to pay debt service that number is only going to get bigger and bigger and that’s the math right there that I think

The average uh you know Wall Street guy can look at and go hey wait a minute this math doesn’t work well first off I think it’s pretty clear going all the way back to 2008 2009 the financial system and thus the real economy has been on life support

Ever since so will the FED really uh cut the life support to the banks in March um my thought would be okay so cut the life support then we’re right back to where we were a year ago when the banks were having problems do they cancel the that program that’s what they’re saying

They’re going to do is wind it down but I don’t really think they can it’ll have to be replaced by something else what it’ll be called or you know what it’ll look like I have no idea but you you you literally have the banking system on

Life support I mean look at the look at the run out of the banks look at the the deposit base that the banks have today versus where they were a year ago I don’t see any way they can actually stop that yeah in in reality I mean they can

They can say they stop it but they’re going to replace it with something else some other type of support one other thing you you just mentioned the fed the FED itself is insolvent they lost $13 billion doll last year and the last number that I saw two or three years ago

The FED had only 65 billion in equity so if they only added 65 billion in equity and lost 113 billion you’ve got the central bank that issues the world’s Reserve currency technically ins solvent as is the ECB as is the boj as is the Bank of England interest rates around

The world have gone up and the bond Holdings of these central banks have declined drastically and those are huge losses against very small Equity so you’re probably looking at a system right now where all the central banks in the world are technically insolvent there’s not a checkpoint with

Central banks and the reason being they can print they can print they can print more more money so they never have a problem of uh you know this month’s paycheck didn’t cover my bills they don’t have that problem because they can print now Banks themselves do have that problem um and

Obviously uh entities in the real economy have that problem if their income doesn’t match their outflow or match uh I mean just look at a piece of real estate so you buy a half million dollar piece of real estate you put 100 you put $100,000 down you borrow 400,000

You wake up one day and your your property is only worth 250,000 you’ve got you have negative net worth and oh if you happen you or your wife or whatever happen to lose your job now you have a problem servicing it you can’t print money to service your debt

So what do you have to do you’re gonna have to you’re gonna have to sell and you end up to walk away with nothing and that’s that’s the reality of where the central banks are right now if they liquidated their portfolios they would have a negative net

Worth now they’re not going to be forced to liquidate their portfolios because they can print the funds you know they can print cash they can print liquidity so that’s the difference between a central bank and corporations and or you and I as we bring the curtains down on this

Riveting exchange with Bill Holter we invite you to ride the wave of financial Evolution if today’s Revelation sparked your interest give us a thumbs up hit subscribe and spread the wisdom anticipate more captivating analyses and discussions ahead your journey in staying informed continues thanks for being part of this conversation and

Until next time stay curious and stay in the Loop


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