
“Ethereum was just another s*it coin” #eth #ethereum

Ethereum was just another ‘shit coin’ in its early days! 🤔

In the interview, Kirill delves into the journey of their project, starting from a simple Android app and gaining momentum during the 2018 Bitcoin pump. At the emergence of Ethereum, they dismissed it, but the story took a turn.

Explore how they stumbled upon Tab Trader, evolving into a pioneer offering mobile app monitoring and trading.

Find out more ➡️

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Being like an Outsource team we had this project like a pat project or like a venture studio type of project and we just started with a simple Android app and then we developed uh in like 2017 18 an iOS version and then a took off a

Little bit more with a 2018 Bitcoin pump and um we found a tap Trader during those those years and back in the day if you remember it was uh only Bitcoin and we were looking at E when ethereum poed up we were like this is a shitcoin this

Is a literal shitcoin was only ethereum then other icos all other tokens started popping up on mainly on bitrex it was no binance back then and um it was very big and we were one of the only uis that offered monitoring and trading on exchanges on your mobile App

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