
#Crypto Tips to Stay Safe with #bitcoin on the Rise #shorts

Bitcoin once again is on the move and it’s vital for you to make sure you’re remaining safe under all market conditions so quick tip be sure to take the time you need to properly set up your wallet and write down your passphrases and keys and be sure you

Keep them in a safe place next beware of anyone posing as an official from a trading platform or exchange most of the time these folks do not reach out to you directly also anyone who solicits to trade for you in a manner that does not allow you to custody your funds is also

A red flag another trick scammers like to try is inform you that there’s a sizable amount of funds in an account that belongs to you but you must pay a fee to facilitate the withdrawal most recable exchanges Institute withdrawal fees on the back end what typically

Happens in this situation is you pay the withdrawal fee but then something goes wrong and you’ll need to send more money in order to fix the problem but guess what the problems don’t stop until the money Runs Out

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