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How’s it going everyone it’s Sam today I get to speak with Tyler Hill recently he made a video talking about how much salana you need and we had him on the channel before everyone absolutely loved him and loved the video talking about how high he thought salana could go so

We’re going to have him back on the channel if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn on the Bell notification underneath the video to see future videos just like this I’m going to have more guests on during the bull market I’ll also leave a link to Tyler’s YouTube channel

Underneath the video so go subscribe to him give him some love there’s also a link down there to Marx in case you want to trade cryptocurrency on Leverage you can try it out you don’t need to kyc which means you don’t need to put in a lot of personal information you can set

It up in just a few seconds if you’re not welcome on other exchanges you’re welcome here definitely check that out underneath the video and there’s a link down there to HG Alo to where you can get bullish momentum and bearish momentum signals that can be really

Helpful for this kind of Market it can help you trade and then also you can turn on the DCA feature which tells you when a good time to dollar cost average into the market might be this has been awesome so far it’s actually been super helpful so definitely check this out

Underneath the video as well how’s it going everyone it’s Sam today we have Tyler Hill on the Channel with us Tyler thanks for coming on yeah no thank you for having me on the channel again man I know I was here not too long ago so

Happy to you know happy to be back and kind of get some updates going yeah definitely and I had to have you on because last time we had you on uh you gave your salana price targets or predictions and people love that video like it continues to get views today

People are I think going over to your channel for that so I wanted to do an update video because recently I saw that you had a video talking about how people need to get to 15 salana can you explain why people need to get to 15 salana or

Why that’s the magic number yeah yeah yeah so this is gonna this is gonna take a second I’m gonna kind of give you my little thesis here but so it kind of stems from the whole idea of kind of what everyone’s perception of a goal is

At the end of the day right I don’t want to say that 15 is a magic number for necessarily everyone but I do believe it’s the magic number for the vast majority now the way that I kind of concluded that was I kind of just made some polls you know on Twitter on

YouTube patreon Discord things like that and just said like hey if in a best case scenario based off your financial situation where you are right now if you had a crypto that you were holding that you a fan of what would be the number where you would feel some sort of

Satisfaction like where would you generally be happy at right that was just kind of the idea it was more of a thought experiment more than anything and overwhelmingly the number was about $10,000 they were like if we can have a five figure holding in my favorite

Crypto like I would feel happy and to some people that may be you know Out Of Reach right realistically and some people that might be nothing but for the majority people that was just you know the the number that they were the most excited about that they would feel

Satisfied at now I think you and I both know generally when you hit those types of goals the next goal becomes past that so is that going to be the one that everyone will forever be satisfied at no but it’s at least a start for the thought experiment so the reason we got

To 15 was basically just saying okay well if my goal is to see a salana you know position that’s worth say $110,000 right what based off of my price prediction of where I think salana conservatively can go throughout this next run what amount of salana would it

Take and that number ended up coming out to roughly about 15 because my personal conservative price prediction is around 600 to $675 now the question then becomes obviously well okay so we know what we want to see we want to know the amount of course but how do we get to

$675 and so that’s kind of what the the the video was about so what I’m going to do is I’m going to go ahead and actually share my screens really quickly and kind of go through my entire thesis of how I got to that number now it really started

Off more from a fundamental based perspective and let me double check you can see my screen right yep so it came down from a fundamental perspective I’m not one of those people that genuinely believes that you can base your thesis of where crypto’s pricing go purely off of technical analysis right especially

In a world like crypto that is so volatile child that is rather small in Grand schem of things you can’t base it purely off of ta because too many environmental factors can cause things that you weren’t expecting right you think back to an FTX like situation back

In November it it felt or 2022 it felt as if right or realistically any if you look at any of these mass movements that have happened within crypto the overall energy around the market felt different than what happened right so I remember when FTX happened the crash happened Etc

We all kind of felt like the market was somewhat bottoming out to some degree but then FTX just kind of pulls a rug into the fall continues right and if I was purely basing my theories or my thesis purely off of Just technical analysis I wouldn’t have seen any of

That coming so because of that what I’ve always said is when I base my thesis or I don’t even know the plural for thesis but whenever I make a thesis and base kind of what I think’s going to happen off of that I include fundamental and Technical perspectives so the first one

Being a fundamental perspective and I think the easiest thing you can do is just look at something like the total value lost is just kind of a representation of what is actually happening on chain okay you know obviously we’ve seen development on chain obvious VI L we have seen the

Overall you know growth of the ecosystem mem coins doing well Etc but this is a good representation of the trust in the ecosystem which in general is what allows prices to climb over the long term because selling pressure is rather diminished when people trust an ecosystem and looking at something like

Salonis tvl currently we actually saw a milestone that we hit just yesterday in which salana hit2 billion tvl meaning that there was2 billion dollar worth of crypto that is now staked or locked amongst the salana ecosystem and considering the fact that our pre you know the previous alltime high for tvl

Is right around $10 billion back in 2021 it tells me that even through all the craziness in which realistically considering salana is almost half or about 40% recovered from its all-time high already it’s only about 20% recovered in tvl what that tells me is that the by the time we see this

Ecosystem really thriving like it once was I genuinely believe Sal’s price is going to be significantly higher than it was at the time in which it was at Peak thriving point if that makes sense now from a technical perspective so that’s kind of the fundamental side of things

Now from a technical perspective what I am seeing is that salana is interacting pretty on point with how it always has it always has I talked on my channel probably about salana two to three times a week for the last two to three years straight right and so because of that

I’ve been able to watch it rather closely day and and day out to see how it interacts with certain things and salana has a strong tendency to consistently interact with Fibonacci levels I know in the last time I came on the channel I explained what Fibonacci were but these are basically just key

Points of liquidity or just psychologically really at the end of it’s just all psychological points in which you can expect there to be a liquidity either bearish or bullish right and what we’ve noticed with salana is that salana has a strong tendency to interact with three key levels on his

Fibonacci key level number one is a range between the 0.618 and the 0.786 this is the general little range where this is the decision-making zone right when salana approaches the 618 to 786 Fibonacci range it’s either going to get rejected very hard off of it or it’s

Going to get sent through it so this is kind of the decision- making zone and it’s not IM imediate but it is kind of either a big wall or a big door and generally speaking where we are with crypto right now it does seem as if even

If it’s not right now right even if salana does for some reason get rejected which I don’t see a $20 salana happening anytime soon but let’s just say it does get rejected I do believe that throughout this bull market we’re GNA see ourselves surpass the 786 Zone and I

Think we’re going to do it pretty convincingly now once that happens generally for salana and this is what I’ve based the second half of my thesis off of is salana has about 80 to 90% um percent chance roughly just of course there are exceptions but generally of

Seeing an extension to its 1. 1272 Fibonacci level that’s just what salana does you can go through example after example after example of how salonus pric has interacted once it’s clear to macro High and the 1.27 to Fibonacci level is the level in which you will see

Its price go to almost every single time step number one is of course clearing the 786 zone right here step number two is of course clearing that macro high and establishing or failing to establish a double top right we don’t want to see the double top establishment we clear

That step number three is the 1.27 two Fibonacci extension which in this example for salana is of course $678 so of course if you multiply $678 which is the range in which I do believe we will reach based off of its Fibonacci based off of its chart history and based

Off of the way it has always interacted with these levels considering if you multiply against 678 time 15 that puts you at $10,100 which does conclude my thesis of why you need 15 salana so I know that was a little bit long- winded but that was the overall thought

Experiment we did um over on the channel there that’s awesome and that’s an interesting level that or an interesting amount that you picked I just was on a call with someone and we were talking about Bitcoin and they said really a key level is 0.21 Bitcoin and there was more

Of a reason for it than just the dollar value it’s uh having to do with how much Bitcoin there is out there how many people want to buy it um in terms of millionaires but it’s interesting the numbers work out to be the same 0. 21 Bitcoin is about 11,000

And he said that that was a good level too because it’s not lifechanging money in the sense that you’re going to retire on it but that is a significant emergency fund that’s enough to pay for a really nice vacation and that kind of thing it’s like a big nest egg that can

Help you like that it’s kind of an arbitrary number but it can kind of get you focused on the next goal and then after you hit that goal of course you’re going to try to get to 0.25 or Point yeah 0.25 Bitcoin or maybe 20 salana and

Then you just keep on moving from there but uh I I like how you break that down now the question is though how do you get there let’s say someone’s starting with one salana or two salana right now like let’s say they have a couple thousand dollars sitting around should

They just buy all at once or should they dollar cost average should they trade their way up there to try to get more salana what what’s the best option yeah so I will kind of I think it’d be best that I start with what not to do um and

This is all my opinion of course I’m not a financial advisor all that good stuff right but at the end of the day I definitely don’t think that this is the market to be trying to trade your way up to 15 salana right I don’t think that

It’s Buy salana Low sell salana High to buy it low again to sell it high to buy it low to sell it high and to accumulate over time and the reason I to say that is because the likelihood of you prematurely selling in a bull market is

Very high it’s very high for example if you would have sold salano when it hit $80 because it was fully extended on a 4X off of $20 yeah you might have done well but realistically now salana is at $100 and what likely would have happened

Is that you’d have sold it at 80 you’d have got paranoid that it wasn’t falling it would have climbed 12 you’d have freaked out and bought it at 120 and now you’re at 100 and now that position’s down from where you re bought in at and

So overall in my opinion I think trying to trade the way up is probably not the best idea um so that kind of leaves the two options option number one is dcang option number two is just lumpsum just buy in buy 15 now and just wait personally speaking I genuinely just I

Think it’s all situational but I do believe that the general best practice here would be to just dollar cost average your way up now add something that I’ve preached over and over and over again over on my channel and I mean on top of that I mean you already know

Something that you and I have both talked about at this point we have done a lot of work to put out something like HG algo and I’m not going into a pluging session right here but the whole point of why we even released HG algo which is

Our indicator was quite simply that it provides DCA features it provides some of the best times to be buying into something like salana so that you can get the best entries to slowly stack your way up and accumulate your way up and the reason that I personally just

Believe that in this market in the market we’re in currently that the best thing to do is to quite simply just DC a is that this is going to be one of probably the most volatile markets that we’ve maybe seen before I think you have to realize that with all of the

Institutional investment with all of these big whales coming in I’m a tinf foil hat guy myself right and with all of these people coming in I think that the strings that they’re going to be pulling are going to be much more extreme I think as we see something like

Bitcoin Supply kind of get shocked I think as we start to see the demand substantially overwhelming the supply that a lot of these Wells and a lot of these quote unquote Market Movers or manipulators whatever you want to call it I think they’re going to get into a

Position in which they want to hoard as much crypto as they possibly can they want to take it from as many people as possible because they see what’s happening right and so because of that I think volatility is going to strike in the sense that there’s going to be huge

Movements up and huge movements down rather fast I think volatility is going to be higher than we’ve ever seen it before I think liquidations are going to be higher than we’ve ever seen it before because the likelihood is that Leverage is going to enter in the market again

And that’s a perfect formula for them to of course move these prices to liquidate people and so in my opinion because of the volatility that I’m expecting come um I think again one trading is not a good idea especially if you can get liquidated um and I mean in a grand

Schem of things you want a 3X 4X 5x leverage trade do do as you please right I I think that’s great if you have a strategy but those 100x trades and things like that I just think it’s a ridiculous risk to take in a macro environment in which the likelihood is

Cryptos are going to go up right and so with that in mind as I mentioned before because of that volatility that’s going to come with emotions emotions Drive stupid decisions and stupid decisions cost you money right and so for me dollar cost averaging is easily the way

That you avoid void that and since it’s such a shot in my opinion that we see this Market continue upwards just slowly entering in is the best approach in my opinion so yeah and I think I I think we like to simplify things on the channel

Here too but I know that I’m taking a bit of a dual approach like I have my main crypto bag I’ve had people say like oh I’m gonna wait I’m gonna sell right now and I’m gonna wait until Bitcoin hits 38,000 I’m not taking that risk because then I’m possibly missing out on

A 3X so I’m not touching that long-term crypto bag for now but using a bit of Leverage not trying to sell and then buy back in lower or something but looking at technical analysis okay we’re at a very key resistance we broke out maybe we retest it and then bounce right back

Up then like lower leverage like you say not 100x but 5x or something like that I’m willing to take calculated bets on but that is a good way of going about it I think for most people like the psychology is the biggest thing that will get people in this next bull market

To lose money or not make money it’s not actually selling or buying at the wrong times but like getting to greedy or getting too scared that kind of thing yeah salana is consolidating a little bit right now it’s down almost to 100 um ethereum spiking up to almost 3,000 I

Remember just a little while ago I think salana was 20% higher ethereum was 25% lower do you think now is like a good time to be switching from eth into salana or vice versa to try to take advantage of the pump or the dip what do

You think I personally am kind of a man of diversification to some degree and I think what will come to what will kind of shine through this is the fact that I’m kind of very traditional in the way that I approach it in my opinion the way

That I’m seeing this Market playing out right now is that the natural cycles are playing out as they should right it’s everything within everything is cycle based I mean I would say almost every aspect of life is cyclical and I think that’s even more applicable to something

Like crypto and so what we’re seeing right now is the salana narrative slow down we’re seeing the salana memec coin narrative slow down we’re seeing it kind of establish its new position within this Market as a generally good ecosystem that can house some of these

Projects but at the end of the day the hype around salana and the newness of a salana pump is slowing down and so of course because of that because we are all somewhat at heart degenerate gamblers we’re going to look for the next thing that’s exciting and of course

I’m sure a lot of people are seeing some of these ERC that that that narrative really starting to pop off again you’re starting to see some of these you know just eth based meme coins or eth based cryptos and things of that nature starting to catch momentum when you mix

In the fact that there are talks in general maybe speakings of a possible um ethereum ETF one especially seeing the amount of inflows we’ve seen into the market because of the Bitcoin ETF even the general idea that some sort of similar inflows to some degree could happen for ethereum is causing at least

Some people enough to want to see ethereum succeed and I am one of those people I want to see ethereum succeed and so because again we’re in a situation in which we’re seeing hype D in one place we’re going to see that the crypto Market’s fickle right we’re GNA

See those people leave one ecosystem looking for the next big opportunity and obviously they know ethereum we see that way happening right now with a lot of the companies on chain and so of course it’s normal to see that transition of liquidity now so with that in mind

Obviously my opinion is that switching or selling salana for ethereum it’s probably not a good idea selling ethereum for salana also probably not a good idea and the reason being is that if you do that that seems to me and just my personal expectation or personal opinion is that you’re chasing something

And I think in the world of crypto chasing is always bad it’s always bad you will almost always lose because chasing will almost always induce um emotion that is usually just not good and so to me it’s like it can be as simple as if you’ve been dollar cost

Averaging $100 a week in a salana you can start dollar cting averaging $50 in a salana not 50 into ethereum I think that’s great I think that’s perfectly fine and if you want to implement your strategy going forward that’s a great thing but taking a bag that you built up

Now to switch it over to the next best opportunity could easily cause a big mess up in your opinion right because or in your situation because say for example you start selling some salana for ethereum or vice versa then the one you sold goes up and the one you didn’t

And the one you bought goes down what are you going to do likelihood is here you’re going to flip it back you’re going to try to get your bag back and then you might just happen to buy that ethereum bag back as ethereum starts going down now salana starts going up

And then you’re going to be the guy on Discord and Reddit screaming that the market goes against you right I just don’t think it’s a good idea personally but I do think being aware of narratives and using future strategies using future dollar cost average future purchases

Whatever to get in front of the next narrative is a great idea and ethereum does seem as if it’s Destiny to make its run at some given point do I think it’s going to be bigger than of these altcoins no but I think it’s a much more

Sure bet than some of these altcoins for sure great we have very similar thoughts on that what’s a realistic price prediction for salana I think you said maybe 600 uh but by end of year and then what’s like a bullish price prediction I think that by the end of

The year it I don’t want to go out and say that this is a prediction right because I think whenever you say prediction you’re saying that you think it’s going to happen I would just say that it’s a it’s a strong possibility I’d say that there’s a very strong

Possibility that salana surpasses its previous all-time high this year and that’s my conservative opinion I think where salana is at now is stronger than it was at any given point 2021 I personally have seen from just more backend things whether it’s from the ventur perspective or whether it’s

Just from an influencer perspective I’ve seen so much development so many things that are preparing to happen towards the end of this year so many companies ready to launch by mid year to end of the year post the having generally the having does bring a Slowdown right so generally

The Bitcoin having does actually slow the market down a little bit and after that cool down summertime is always kind of boring in general I think that Q3 Q4 could be pretty exciting and I think at that given point we could see salano really make that run and until Q3 it

Could slow down it might not do much until then so I think conservatively I do believe we could see a salana surpass his alltime high maybe put in a 300 to $400 salana by the end of the year maybe that’s a that’s even feeling a little

Bit you know crazy to some degree um I think 2025 should be the year in which we do see a lot of things happen as well obviously we will see the new president in office um in January and who or new president same president who knows I

Don’t care what happens I just want to make some money right um there’s going to be that obviously next year should come with um a decrease of interest rates which generally in these periods in which interest rates are decreasing you see risk on assets doing better and I think salana is now establishing

Itself as a vet of the of the crypto world and I think that establishes it as one of the best choices for a risk on asset and so I think at that given point anywhere from $600 to $1,000 salana sometime next year I think that’s within the realm of possibilities and if you

Want me to get real crazy go watch the other video where I talked about a $2,000 salana one day I got some funny messages about that one but that’s my opinion so I think next year 600 to a th000 is possible this year alltime high

To $400 is very possible as well but who knows of course yeah crypto is a great place to be it’s one of the only places where you can buy something when people are freaked out and then get 100x within a couple years and not something that’s crap like something that’s big in the

Industry well Tyler thank you so much for joining us again your links are down below so go follow Tyler go watch some of his videos um we’ll have to have you on here again soon absolutely


  1. To the newbies watching, listen to Tyler. Especially about chasing gains. I had to learn the hard way last cycle. Just buy and hold for at least a year. Every big payday I got last cycle was from coins I bought earlier and just held. But it could have been so much better if I hadn't tried to trade and chase gains.

  2. BTSE offers an impressive range of tokens, allowing me to diversify my portfolio and find investments that suit my strategy. Plus, their tutorials are comprehensive and clear, giving me more confidence as I explore new trading options.

  3. Financial mkts depend on global stability.For 40 years Putin has wanted to invade Ukraine and Europe & couldnt.Trump comes along & within a couple of years he was emboldened to go in.For 60 years Hamas never penetrated the Israel dome.Within a couple of years of Trump & him leaving gov docs in unlocked bathroom,Hamas have the codes to go in & information to kompromat its leaders. I believe Trump has been kompromat by Russia to do its wil against the USA also. People sons in the UK would end up being conscripted/ killed. Take your money out of the markets before Nov 2025 just in case he is elected. He also said he would elevate fiat $US at the expense of Bitcoin and that btc was a scam. You were played.Vote Blue again guys and save America.

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