
Is Crypto Mining still WORTH IT in 2021 ??

Is mining Bitcoin and Ethereum still worth it? What about mining other cryptocurrencies? Let’s review crypto mining profitability in 2021 and if you should mine cryptocurrency in 2021! Sub to VoskCoin! –

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Crypto mining is more profitable than ever, but is mining still worth it in 2021 ?? The answer may surprise you.. There’s a dark side to cryptocurrency mining and mining Bitcoin is more difficult than ever before, and it’s the same with mining Ethereum. ETH miners using GPU mining rigs are competing against Ethereum ASIC miners which are more efficient and easier to buy in our current crypto mining market due to the graphics card shortage and scalping taking place etc. CPU mining Monero XMR and Veruscoin VRSC has been not that interesting, mainly because Monero XMR CPU mining is really congested and the XMR price has been relatively lackluster. No one even talks about FPGA mining anymore, FPGA mining is the most frustrating and risky way to mine cryptocurrencies it’s the exact opposite of crypto mining with graphics cards using gaming pc’s and gpu mining rigs. Ironically even Linus Tech Tips created a video on if you like free money you should be mining on NiceHash — especially Ethereum, even though he constantly flames and blames Ethereum miners for a GPU shortage.. so yeah let’s review crypto mining in 2021 and if it is still worth it to mine!

Review general crypto mining profitability here –
EIP-3368: Increase block rewards to 3 ETH, with 2 Year Decay to 1 ETH : ethereum

Mine Crypto Before It’s Too Late! – YouTube

Red Panda Mining on Twitter: “We have been heard. EIP-3368 has been proposed. Reward to 3 ETH but drops 0.25 every quarter till 1 ETH over 2 years. I am going to rescind from the show of force to @etherchain_org April 1st and so should all of you (unless you were already on ethermine)” / Twitter

EIP-3368: Increase block rewards to 3 ETH, with 2 Year Decay to 1 ETH Scheduled

EIPs/ at f4c510a3d657e77b42fd8afe11f7731ff03532e9 · ethereum/EIPs

Bitsbetrippin on Twitter: “Added some detail, clarity to the current topic with the EIP-3368 and additional options if any issues arise post EIP-1559/Crypto climate @crypt0snews @VoskCoin @SonOfATech @IMineBlocks_com @RedPandaMining @TimBeiko @hudsonjameson @VitalikButerin / Twitter

EIP-3368 | A more critical look at GPU Proof of Work Security | by Michael Carter | Mar, 2021 | Medium

Philippe Castonguay on Twitter: “EIP-3382: Hardcoded Block Gas Limit Hardcoding the block gas limit because it’s a critical parameter that should require network consensus and not be dictated by miners. / Twitter

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