
Blockchain 101: What is Blockchain Technology?

Audio For Everything – DAY #8

We started a new series of video podcast where we talk about Blockchain, crypto, and NFT. Here is first video of this series explaining “what is blockchain technology.” It is part -1.

What is Web 3.0?

Even if you’re hiding under a rock, I am sure you’d have heard of:

• Blockchain
• Bitcoins
• Web 3.0
• NFTs
• DAOs, and all that jazz before right?

So many buzzwords. It’s time to break them down.
Blockchain 101: where it all begins

* What is Blockchain Technology?

The easiest way to explain it is by saying that:
Blockchain is a database that is not managed by a single company.
Instead, it’s managed by multiple people, making it a peer-to-peer database and thereby, making it decentralized.

This video is a video podcast of @hey_bernie Twitter Thread. He share his insight on Web 3.o

Follow :
Bernie – @hey_bernie
Victor – @PrideBoldLife

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