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How’s it going everyone it’s Sam today I get to speak with Brian Harrington this is someone that’s been in the crypto space for a long time specifically looking at Bitcoin way back in 2015 he’s really devoted a lot of his capital and a lot of his time to bitcoin so we’re

Going to ask him about Bitcoin I’m going to split this into a couple different videos if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn on the Bell notification underneath the video so you can see future videos just like this one I’ll also leave a link to Brian in case you want to go

Follow him he definitely should have more subscrib there’s also a link down there to Marx in case you want to trade cryptocurrency you don’t need a VPN on Marx so anyone’s welcome to go try it out of course always read their terms and conditions there’s also a link down there to HG

Algo in case you want to have some help with your trading or your dollar cost averaging we have bullish momentum and bearish momentum indicators and we also have dollar cost average indicators too which tell you when it might be a good time to dollar cost average into the

Market so definitely check this out underneath the video as well how’s it going everyone it’s Sam I have with me Brian Harrington Brian thanks so much for coming on today what’s up guys good to see you good to see you too okay so I’m gonna get right into it I saw you

Posted a video today 01 Bitcoin is better than 0.18 ethereum can you explain what that video is about I didn’t get a chance to watch it yet yeah so 01 Bitcoin is about 500 bucks when you do 01 Bitcoin what’s that price in or what’s the price of that much

Ethereum it’s 0.8 and for me I’m just taking those numbers because it’s an easy number to like wrap your head around like you have 500 bucks you’re sitting here on YouTube You’re researching cryptocurrency and you’re just which is better like that’s just the Bitcoin and ethereum are right there

At the top of coin market cap which one is better and something that I realized like but honestly like I’ve been thankful to talk to you like over the years just about YouTube and how cryptocurrency information like spreads on YouTube in general and I realized like I’ve been watching videos on this

Stuff for a long time time like I’ve been watching videos about Bitcoin and about cryptocurrency on YouTube for 10 years and so kind of what I’ve tried to do over this past little bit is make the video that like I had wanted to see when

I first searched it and so the video is about just if you have 500 bucks what should you be thinking about what questions should you be asking yourself to make the decision between Bitcoin and ethereum yeah so what was your conclusion why did you pick Bitcoin over ethereum at this point

Yeah so and I specifically say this in the video like I’m trying to give things a really fair shake and I specifically said this in the video that this is not like typical altcoin bashing like it’s not typical altcoin bashing truly it’s taken me like years to come up with what

I think in the video and it’s this if you have a specific thesis for why you’re picking ethereum over Bitcoin or if you have a specific like investment reason then terrific terrific but if you don’t like if you don’t if you don’t have any opinions about the

Competing l1s or how like um ethereum l2s detract from the value of the E token itself if you if you don’t have opinions about that or if you don’t understand what I was just saying right there Then 01 Bitcoin like is the choice because the narrative around Bitcoin and

The product Market fit of Bitcoin is more of a slam dunk and that’s true like that’s true understanding ethereum is harder than understanding Bitcoin and so that’s what I’m telling people is like if you have a reason and you’ve watch enough videos then terrific then that

Video is not for you but if you don’t and you need advice on what questions to ask then the video tells you what questions to ask or if you don’t feel like asking them it explains why bitcoin’s better sure okay cool I’ll have to check it out the longer version

After this but I agree with you it’s really hard to understand how layer tw’s impact ethereum’s price um there’s just a lot going on there now kind of moving away from ethereum just back to bitcoin I’ve made some videos in the past like how much Bitcoin is enough how

Much Bitcoin you need how much you need to retire we’re gonna go through some of those but like if someone were to ask you how much Bitcoin is enough I’m just buying now do I have enough what would you say to them yeah so I would say

Like so the video like 0. 21 is kind of this like goal that I have in my head of like 0 21 Bitcoin because again it’s like right around that like 10,000 is dollars like I like that it’s a number that people can hold in their head of

Like that’s a great you know emergeny find it’s a great amount of money everyone’s situation is different for sure but it’s a great thing that like makes you feel good and you can hold it and you can kind of Envision a vacation around it you can kind of Envision an

Emergency fund around it but it’s not necessarily like kind of a lifechanging amount for a lot of people and what I try to relay is that 0.21 is a life-changing amount of Bitcoin like if you’re already here on YouTube watching cryptocurrency videos watching Bitcoin videos what you truly need to understand

Is0 21 Bitcoin like is a significant amount of Bitcoin in the grand scheme of things so if you’re there you should feel good and then when you dial down of like if you have just been like dark averaging just kind of getting going and you’re sitting at like 0.05

And you just feel like this is nothing like this is nothing I just watch like all these people on YouTube all the time and like I watch the people on CNBC and all this stuff and this just feels like nothing like I’m never gonna get like

One full Bitcoin you can even from that position kind of just reexamine everything and you can ask yourself the deeper questions of like what is money like why is this interesting why is it not going away and 0.005 is a step like on that Journey like you it does take kind of getting

Some amount under your belt to incentivize the further research and incentivize the further um you know looking into it but then I also inside these discussions of like do I have enough I do I like I am the guy that completely just like swipes the question

To the side and I’m like but is it replacing doll in your life and I just jump straight there and I’m just like dude look Bitcoin is better money than dollars and that is a very very interesting thing that the world is still coming to grips with and so you

Having 0.05 Bitcoin the bigger thing you need to ask yourself is is this a stock like is this a stock in my life that just is what it is and I’m flipping it for more dollars or am I like semi interested in this broader thing that’s happening of money having like a

Technology upgrade in the world sure I think maybe sometimes you start a conversation with someone that’s maybe newer to crypto and they say well should I buy $100 of Bitcoin is that enough to even start should I even pay attention to it and then someone like you might

Say oh well it’s a better version of the dollar or better than the dollar then I sometimes people roll back and they’re like okay well maybe I don’t understand that enough like why is it better than the dollar if if we roll back to there why is Bitcoin better than the dollar

Why should I put anything in the Bitcoin yeah yeah um so simply put like it’s not controlled by a small group of people like the dollar is controlled by a small group of people the price like the lending rate price of and we this is weird like a money having a price right

Like money is supposed to be the thing that prices other things money has a price and there’s a small group of centralized People based on politics that choose the price of dollars and for us working our entire life and investing in assets that are priced in dollars and affected by Dollar lending

Rates that’s frustrating like that’s super frustrating that our parents and our grandparents and US grew up working for this thing this like thing that supposedly holds value but it doesn’t hold value it leaks value and it leaks value Bitcoin because of its fixed is a brand new way of thinking about

Money and so that is going to cause like it’s going to cause lots of differences in the world that we’re still finding out like we’re still finding out it’s definitely a BET right like I’m very much in the camp of it’s better for the world but we can

Definitely agree on the world would operate differently than it does today yeah


  1. Great video. Hey Sam, whatā€™s your best opinion on hot wallet back ups? Does doing the recommended wallet backup jeopardize itsā€™ security? If you have your key phrase written down, whatā€™s the risk of Not doing the hot wallet backup?

  2. Investors have just turned back the clock on the Fedā€™s tightening campaign and cast aside the Fed fears that ruled them for 15 months. It just gets very daunting to me when Iā€™m sitting there looking at charts and trying to determine if iā€™m right or wrong! Iā€™ve been trying to grow my portfolio of $300K for sometime now, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions..

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  4. I Will tell you something… Btc last Time make from the bottom to top x18~ and eth x50~ then dont tell me something like now btc Will do more x then eth šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  5. .13, but diversified in ETH, SOL, CRO along with stock portfolio. Don't put all your eggs in 1 basket. I guess time will tell if that's a good strategy or not

  6. I think it's definitely fair if you want exposure to crypto and don't really want to think too hard about it… just buy BTC.

    If you dig in to the project and understand why you're buying something, BTC is probably an easier play still

  7. Great video, I really appreciate the dedication in each video you post. Despite the dip in crypto, I still thank you for the level-headed financial advice. I started crypto investment with $4,345 and since following you for few weeks now, I've gotten $18,539 in my portfolio. Thanks so much Maria Anderson

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