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How’s it going everyone it’s Sam today we have with us on the channel Connor Kenny I’m going to leave links to him underneath the video you should go subscribe to him but today we’re going over where we are in the market cycle what we do with $1,000 right now how

High we think the market can go when to take profits and all that we’re going to have a really good conversation so hit subscribe turn on the Bell notification underneath the video there is a link down there to Marx in case you want to start trading cryptocurrency you can use

That link underneath the video there’s no kyc you can set up just a few seconds all deal indicators are on screen and they have this MP Shield I don’t talk about this very much but it does help protect you from liquidations and price manipulation so definitely check this

Out underneath the video and check out the indicator as well where you can get information on when a good time to dollar cost average into the market is as you can see here on this chart we had a dollar cost average signal pump up right here or popup right here and then

We went way up and then we came back down it said DCA again and then we went even even higher up so definitely check this link out underneath the video as well in case you want help with dollar cost averaging or bullish and bearish momentum for trading I was it going

Everyone it’s Sam we have Connor Kenny on the channel Connor thanks so much for coming on what’s up guys how you doing okay so the market is turning around a little bit over the last couple weeks since the ETFs were approved now we’re going through a little bit of

Consolidation what do you think about the market right now we’re in a we’re in a stage in the market where it’s extremely hard to tell what’s going to happen next right everyone wants to call exactly where we’re going it’s been my opinion over the last probably a month that we’re due

A real nice correction I think we haven’t had a proper correction yet so right now we’re trading between like 50 and what is it 52,000 we hit a very strong resistance at 52,000 we’ve actually come down on the weekly to quickly retest uh the 50,000 and now we’re basically figuring out are we

Going to lose the 50,000 or are we going to push back up to that uh 50 to now if we do start to lose first of all 50,000 and then next of all we actually have 46.8 if we lose those regions I think it’s very likely that we do start the

Correction that I’ve been expecting for a while the last correction was around 21% I don’t personally believe that was enough to make this parabolic uptrend healthy although I do think that the market can stay irrational longer than we can stay liquid right so who knows what’s really going to happen next it’s

My gut feeling we’re going to have a nice little pullback and the market will then think that everything’s over everyone will think that that’s the end of the ball run it happened it already happened it was behind us and there’ll be a nice little buying opportunity

There for the people who have the Bulls that’s kind of my opinion now but also I’m of the understanding that we could just go absolutely parabolic at any minute yeah it’s difficult because it seems like every little bit of selling pressure in it not even a little bit

Like hundreds of millions of dollars being sold by certain entities is just being swallowed up by the ETFs so it’s kind of hard to understand like let me see if I can share my screen here if we’re just at that part in the cycle where we are just

Um we are just in dis disbelief like are we just going from depression to disbelief we don’t really know if it will continue up and then a lot of people are getting left behind and then we just go back up like we just keep on

Going up it’s hard to tell right now do you have an opinion on that like is there a chance that everyone’s just faked out and then we just continue to move up the point of most pain is just up or the point of Max pain is just up

From here well it’s a hard one so if you look at this keep the cheat sheet open here I’ll I’ll I’ll talk about this because I do actually love this and I think I think people like to Discount how accurate this can be right because it might not be it might not follow

Exactly the trajectory if you put it uh onto your chart might not be the same thing but you can see here on the right where it goes to disbelief saying this is a sucker rally right right on the right that then leads in to what happens

On the left right so it’s just a it’s like a it’s like a cycle that happens now if you see where it’s still in disbelief there is a nice little pullback there and that is pullback that every single time we have seen just before the Haring now when I talk on my

Channel I made a video about this where I spoke about these pullbacks before the harving and everyone went look Connor you’re an idiot last time was only because of covid and that’s the only reason why we pullback and my simple response to that is this time is different although every time is

Different but every time is exactly the same like it’s history repeats itself or history Rhymes doesn’t repeat itself and yes the last pullback was because of covid and the last pullback was because of XYZ and the one before that was because of X but in history we’ve always

Had a pullback the 21% may have been the pull B I don’t know for sure right that’s I was buying on that day I’ve been buying I’ve been buying small amounts here and there to protect myself s if we go down if we don’t go down

Right not protect to make sure I have exposure to the upside I’m very exposed to the market but I still have dry powder in case we get this pullback so it is it is my belief that we’re exactly there I think we are in a disbelief here

We’re in the disbelief rally the rally here then we have a pullback and then we go into hope then optimism belief thrill Euphoria and complacency I believe that that’s exactly what’s going to happen it may not line up perfectly but yeah that’s where I think we are yeah

Interesting yeah the question is was that 20% pullback the the pullback in disbelief or not I think it’s difficult because a lot of the time too we see a little bit of a pullback after the having if I remember right and then you know we’re going into summer usually

It’s a little bit dull like crypto usually doesn’t do great in the summer so there’s a question about that too but um is there anything else that you’re like seeing in the market that either people are missing maybe there’s some high risk r or um big potential like is

There something that people should be seeing that you don’t think they are um I before we move on just on the on the still the subject of a potential pullback if not a a rally right uh the way I position my portfolio we’ve talked about this in depth before but I also

Invest into Bitcoin Miners and Bitcoin miners I find a a leverage play on bitcoin right we saw we saw uh uh clean spark go down 10% % just the other day when Bitcoin went down half a percent so it’s like you know that’s a 20x leverage

On what happened to bitcoin so it’s a huge leverage and and my point of bringing that up is I think it’s very important to if you are someone who is watching the charts every like us we’re watching the charts every day so we all have that nagging feeling of oh should I

Take profits now should I Reby now you know whenever we have those opportunities and the way I actually combat that is I have baskets that I trade so my Bitcoin miners I trade them I openly trade them on my Discord my private one I openly trade my PRI my

Miners because that’s my bag where I’m like okay cool when they go parabolic which they did they went absolutely insane recently and you know I think last time we had a chat like this I told you I was going heavily into cleanspark and that is is top three or four biggest

Dollar value trade I’ve ever done like huge like I’m so like that was like awesome and it and it was just clean dollar cost average throughout the bare Market super easy didn’t watch the charts didn’t care where they were just every month I was dollar cost averaging

But now that we’re in this stage where we have this euphoric move I’ve taken profits I put stop losses into all of them so I banked the profits for sure we’re now down 10 to 15% on all of them so now as I’m seeing the opportunity I’m

Very slowly getting back into the months I took about 70% out of my trade and then now I’m very slowly putting it back in if it doesn’t go if we don’t get lower I keep the cash I buy Bitcoin with it or I buy another investment if we

Continue to go down slowly buying more and that and that scratches the itch for me so I’m not looking at my crypto portfolio going oh I need to sell now in case we drop I don’t care because that crypto portfolio is longterm so that’s why I say give yourself two baskets if

You are someone who wants to trade yeah and that’s something I do too a little bit is leverage trading but that’s even a smaller part of my portfolio compared to your miners cuz you made a great trade on those miners uh getting what 5X like maybe adex on some of it uh yeah

Yeah big I think uh yeah about about four or 5x but on a way more substantial amount of money than I would ever normally be trading do you know what I mean because I just it was like a good year of dollar cost averaging yeah and

Like a good year of pain I think it’s a great Les it’s a great lesson for myself like there was seven eight months out of like you know four months ago the entire eight months every time I put money into the miners I literally just felt like I

Was taking a big water of hash and throwing it into the fire because it just went down every time it went down I was like am I doing the right thing here and then I’ll just recheck my idea my thesis behind Bitcoin miners why I believe in them yes every time they go

Down it’s a blessing bu more and it turned out to be perfect right yeah I felt like I was a genius because I was buying Google on Amazon and they were rebounding pretty well and you were yeah putting money into Miners and you Who’s laughing now but uh is there anything

You’re seeing then obviously you think that we might see a um any kind of big risks or big opportunities out there that like just the average viewer might not be aware of right now for sure so I’ve seen uh something that both me and you are doing at the moment in my last

Ball run I was paying attention to miners so I’m gonna give sorry not miners launch pads I’ll give you three things that I think are going to do super well one miners why am I saying miners get the miners out my head launch pads that’ll be the number one right I

Made a significant amount of money using launch pads in the last Bull Run simply finding the ones that were doing the biggest uh multipliers getting the tokens staking them investing into pretty much everything and going through the vesting periods and selling that’s how I made a bunch of money in the last

Poll run right also the tokens attached to the launch pads did incredibly well right a good thing to remember with those is those tokens go down significantly in a bare Market they will not hold up so you need to be aware that you need to stake these tokens for x

Amount of time depending on the Launchpad and if you can get them out still in the Bull Run it’s probably a good time to be taking the profits if the Prof if you have the profits there or if your break even because they will go down they’re only valuable in a ball

Market but launch pads and the different ones there’s many so that’s definitely a little niche to look at number two today I actually made a video about this but uh Nvidia smashed earnings again it’s very obvious that the AI narrative is going to be huge but I do think that

There is actually a huge play here and uh we’ll probably see a number of coins do a cardano like move that are attached to AI right um you want to know what I’m looking at or the things I talk about today you can check my most recent video

Literally posted today of Sam post it today um and then the last one would be uh what was my last one oh brc2 tokens which is a it’s a tiny Niche right now and even me I just was like oh I can’t be bother there’s just too much to look

At I can’t be asked but I recently paid a little bit more attention to vc20 tokens inscriptions on bitcoin they are pretty hard to understand once you get your head around how the mechanism works it’s actually quite simple so there’s like a barrier to entry there of the

Knowledge but I believe that it kind of fit fits Both Worlds you kind of got the dgen trader and the Bitcoin Maxis the very Maxis don’t care about it but there’s there’s a person in between like me I’m I would say I’m in between I love Bitcoin biggest position in my portfolio

Can I get like dgen coins on bitcoin that sounds interesting so I think that is also going to be a big space and the projects that are creating the ecosystems for this are probably going to be the ones that uh well not the ones that pump the most but the ones that

Have uh the most chance of surviving right because we have all the we have all the D gen coins and it’s like that’s like shooting fishing uh shooting like you know whatever this whatever the uh fish in a barrel yeah fishing a barrel is a bit too easy I want like the hard

Saying you know what I mean it’s like you might get Super Lucky and find the one that does 100x whatever but more likely you’re going to get burned whereas with the ecosystem plays uh those are the ones that the ones that are really doing something are fewer and

Far between yeah it’s interesting too I know a lot of people think that like everyone that’s into Bitcoin hates all those and some do like the Maxis um but I was just talking to someone the other day that’s been in Bitcoin for nine years and they think everything is good

For Bitcoin any kind of inscriptions brc2 tokens um they even bought a layer two for Bitcoin re recently even though they like literally bought a lot of cryptocur a lot of Bitcoin over the last nine years like just putting all their money into Bitcoin essentially they still think it’s good so yeah there

Might be some potential there too if something really valuable comes out that even the more Bitcoin maximalists that won’t buy ethereum or cardano or something they might use that which is kind of an interesting to think about because I don’t think we really had brc2

Tokens last cycle at all did we stacks I mean yeah the idea might have been there but this is a new narrative for the balling and it and I think it’s very important to not discount the new narratives that you may not necessarily care about like in the last I think it

Was the first pump I was against meme coins you know in the first rally right before we had the pullback in May I was against meme coins I was like I’m not an idiot I’m not going for meme coins and I realized the error of my ways like just

Saying no to a to a to a niche just because I think I’m better than that is the most stupid thing as an investor and I think the best thing you can do is look at yourself and realize you’re making a stupid decision just because of some random bias you had like yeah

They’re dog coin yeah they’re stupid but old mate over here just made a million dollars from it and I’m going I’m better than meme coins do you know I mean it’s nonsense and and that was was the you know the alpha The Narrative at the time

Yeah all depends on the goals right are you trying to change the world via Bitcoin adoption or are you trying to make as much money as possible and realize the risk you’re taking maybe that’s a difference in us uh we’re we’re a couple Cycles in now so we’re okay

Playing that game instead of trying to be above it or something but exactly yeah if you had $ thousand dollars right now let’s say you’re someone new in the market because there are people now coming into the market if you had a thousand dollar to invest today how

Would you go about deploying it and what would you buy uh this is always a tough one because I always like to base it around whether or not this is ,000 they could just throw in the bin and get on with their day and hurts their feelings or

It’s their only th000 let’s say it let’s say they have a net worth of $20,000 they have $1 thousand dollar to put in the market maybe they own a car they have some in a savings account some in a retirement account um they maybe make uh another $100 every pay period

That they can put into crypto but they have ,000 doll today to put into the market now yeah well let me just get out my portfolio and see because I would I would my my portfolio is highest highest uh uh amount is Bitcoin and ethereum and uh those are the ones that

I would want to say like when I’m giving anyone uh not Financial advice in the real world who’s asking me about crypto these are people who don’t want to pay attention to the charts I always refer to bitcoin and ethereum as as close as

We can get to an S&P 500 if you want exposure to the crypto Market with upside but the least amount of risk tons of risk deal but the least amount you go for Bitcoin and ethereum don’t even care what the price is just buy it once a

Week just shut up and buy whatever the amount of money you can give up one like once per week just buy it then buy yourself some S&P 500 forget about it do that for the next five years come back and see if you’re a millionaire like

That’s the idea right if you want to be a little bit more risky I would probably take five to 10 coins and just put in a 100 bucks on each one and then $10 a month like you said because that’s the numbers right a thousand at the start

And then now that’s going to that’s going to that’s going to uh diversify the risk which also will cap the upside so the lower the lower the amount of coins you pick bigger upside but you might pick the wrong one and then it doesn’t go anywhere so the the most

Important thing is an amount that you start with and then being able to continually add to that while we’re in the ball run before we get to Peak Euphoria and then selling it right that’s what you want to be doing but some coins that I would be looking at

Right now of course we have the bigger caps salana polka dot we got vchain very forgotten about and those are actually yeah in my in my main portfolio and xrp I have that as a as a kind of a play just in case I don’t believe it’s going

To parabolic levels but I think it’s going to be going up right so those are like the bigger caps from the old season from the old ball Market that have made it through now next up I have been focusing a lot on uh projects that I believe they’re in and around a billion

Dollars now billions two billion maybe some three now but these are the ones that can catch in my opinion the cardano wave I don’t know if any of them will but I want to be uh exposed to these because cardano hit I think off my head

80 billion in the bull market right so if you’re grabbing A1 billion market cap now there is actually a not zero chance it does an a ex so you still got an obsid like you know $11,000 in that you got 80 grand which which is like insane right and it’s possible that that

Happens so the ones that I have in my own portfolio um are Casper sui so sui SEI say and sui both came out at pretty much the same time don’t know why they decided to literally only change one letter but someone I’m sure is more intelligent than me and knows the reason

Then we have inj and uh I don’t know the market cap of ICP but I do have it yeah that’s about five or six there a little bit bigger but I do also have exposure to ICP in that little category so those are the ones that are a little bit more

Risky uh a little bit more risky but still not that risky yeah and then I have vaner which is it was a gaming project and then it moved into an L1 uh that’s about a hundred million market cap so that has room to do huge moves um

And then we have the smaller caps we have meme coins uh and then we have like you know the little things that I’m playing with here and there uh I don’t want to go in too depth with the Crazy Ones in case they go to zero you know

What I mean if you guys want to know come on to my channel but what we’ve gone over there are the ones that I would be telling anyone these are the least likely to go to actual zero but they can give you huge upside nice it’s interesting I saw someone mention this

The other day um when they were looking at the performance of different cryptos the s’s salana sui say all we’re doing extremely well and then all X’s we doing horribly like xrp xtp like all the it’s just weird because that’s pretty consistent like xrp people love it but

It hasn’t moved in a very long time since like the case yeah so you mentioned something interesting there you brought up some old cryptos like old layer ones from last cycle or the cycle before a lot of the time what we see is like new liquidity coming into the new

Cryptos maybe it’s because of narratives maybe it’s because they have like a lot of advertising uh budget I’m not sure but last cycle we had Luna salana we had those sucking up so much of the liquidity do you think it’s smart to go into a cycle investing in some of those

Old layer ones that are maybe a little bit slower worse technology maybe uh just in general like it gets more complicated when they upgrade the chain because they have all these different Integrations and stuff that they have to make sure work well what do you think about investing in those versus just

Like putting it into a new layer one the new ones yeah so it’s interesting because like we there’s the meme in crypto that I’m here for the tech right so yes the tech can be crap cardano’s pretty crap let’s be honest like what are you doing how are you this slow at

Doing stuff like come on like we’re in another ball market now what are you playing at yeah like like what’s going on here why is this not a chain that works like what what are we doing what’s happening sorry to any cardano lovers but I gets

Yeah but it’s not it’s not fast enough yet it’s not done yet it’s not it’s you know it’s not gone to Market enough yet but I still think that cardano will do well in the ball market so I still it still has a place in my portfolio that’s

Why I am now Diversified between old projects new projects because I think the old projects will still run because they have so they have such big communities I actually have a whole uh series on the channel about projects with big communities and they’ve done really well but the newer one which is

Casper in that portfolio has done better than all the rest but the big the big communities have done well so I do believe that when we go parabolic you know when we when you know that’s that’s a mode where everything essentially goes up so I think there’s room for it and uh

I think at these market caps where they haven’t like these bigger ones haven’t gone parabolic so less downside less upside but maybe a little bit more safety when it comes to you know having a little bit of diversification then sure just a reminder you can trade Caspa

With the link to marja underneath the video one of the only places that doesn’t have kyc where you can trade Caspa two last questions do you have an exit strategy and what’s it look like for these cryptos uh the exit strategy will change so it’s a very hard question to answer

For me especially I’m very risk on I think we we we’re different in that in in so much of a sense um I will I will base my trading on what’s happening in the market so I could tell you that when Bitcoin breaks 69k I believe that will

Be a blowoff top and we’ll go to 100K pretty quickly and in that region if that happens altcoins will go absolutely parabolic and that’s where I’ll be taking profits the amount of profits will depend on how parabolic we go I may take 10% a day for 10 days in a row that

May be the case if we go absolutely insane and I believe that this is an unsustainably fast move because we’ve seen that before if you look at the charts for the last ball run the second pop upwards was so quick if I see something like that happen again I will

Be uh uh dollar cost averaging out and I the speed in which I do that will solely depend on how quickly we move up for example the way we’ve moved up here has been a little bit quick but not like insane to the point where I’m like

There’s no way this can sustain do you know mean like we have reasons why we’re here we have the ETF that’s the reason why we’re here we have the ethereum ETF that may come we have these things we have the harving you know we have these things and these

Catalysts if we get a parabolic run we move really fast we see Elon Musk on SNL pushing Dogecoin those sorts of things I will be I will be dollar cost averaging out and I will be doing that at a faster Pace than I even did it in the last ball

I learn my lesson in the first ball run 2017 to take profits because I lost everything that one 20 21 I did take profits but not enough not quick enough so this time around the most likely scenario is I I cash out too fast too early I miss out on a little

Bit of The Upside but I always like to refer to when I got out of salana as the perfect it’s the perfect way in hindsight to look back it I got into it uh uh off my memory I think it was $30 because I think this time yeah $30 last

Time around because this time around I got in at $17 but last time around was about $30 I then got out at $180 it then went to $250 I was an idiot for the couple of weeks a couple of months where it went from $18 to 250 I was dumb for

Doing that I felt stupid I was like why have I done this but we all know what happened next so in my in my experience now it’s better for me to get out too early but not too early but too early you know that comparison with salana and

Then just sit and wait and during the period of salana going from 180 to 250 that’s a parabolic period and we can trade that market we can get into the meme coins that are going parabolic we can get into the new caps that are going parabolic we can get into early

Investments on launch pads that are going parabolic but we have let’s say 50% of our portfolio now in cash so if we go into a bare Market really quickly before anyone realizes boom I’m safe again now I diversify I buy more crypto I buy property I buy some businesses and

Then we just wait we rinse and repeat until we go into the next cycle yeah I feel like we could talk for hours on this because like every single time I ask you a question I have like follow-up questions to you which I I won’t go into

That but the the thought proc for me is like okay or my next question would be are you going to hold some Bitcoin because what if we have institutions continuously buy or they add it to a retirement uh Target date fund and then Bitcoin never goes down and then you

Never get another chance to buy it or um like when do you sell your altcoins versus your Bitcoin because typically we see altcoins pump after Bitcoin but with the ETFs maybe it doesn’t happen the same way uh so I I won’t subject you to all those questions but yeah sometime

When we meet in person we just need a film for like two two hours or something then post a mega video last question if someone comes up to you and says how much Bitcoin is enough for me and I’m just an average person right make an average income average net worth like

What is a significant amount of Bitcoin it’s I would say it’s hard now because I’ve been saying everyone should have one Bitcoin but I’ve been saying that to my friends for the last two years so we’ve only been parabolic like this for a month or two so like my

Opinion up until recent was try and get one Bitcoin you know it’s like 20 grand guys like you know it’s 20 grand it’s tons of money but if you put in everything that you have for just six months or or 10 months you put all of

That money in you know maybe you get half a Bitcoin maybe you get a quarter of a Bitcoin maybe you get a full Bitcoin depending on your salary whatever it is if you have this disposable income that’s just sitting there I have friends who have disposable

Income and all they do is save it just like I did for 10 years of working I just saved I didn’t invest enough and I kicked myself for that I would say one Bitcoin will be just an insane amount of money one day that’s my belief but I do believe that anyone should

Get just some Bitcoin and if that doesn’t like if 0.01% of or 0.01 Bitcoin doesn’t turn into a million dollars because it probably won’t maybe it does you know maybe there’s some crazy world that that happens but just having exposure to the market will just switch

You on to this whole new world that you know essentially we didn’t even know it existed you know before 2017 2020 whenever it was so just having exposure to the Market opens yourself up when you see your your portfolio change in price you know you have 0.001 Bitcoin you have

Uh 0.1 ethereum you have a little bit of this stuff you have a portfolio and you watch it you’re more inclined to learn about it and then when you’re learning you’re more inclined to come across an opportunity where you may very well turn 10 bucks into a thousand bucks that sort

Of thing can happen but that will only happen if you expose yourself to the market so let’s say at least 0.1 Bitcoin AR answer your question I would like to see as many people right now who are watching these videos at this time get one Bitcoin now it’s very it’s it’s it’s

A big ask now it wasn’t a big ask when I was saying it before so I need to think about that a little bit more but as much as you can without putting yourself in a place that if we go back down to 20K tomorrow it’s not going to put you in

Depression it’s not going to put you in financial ruin but enough that you can buy and just buy it once a week as much as you can afford to lose don’t go out for the next year give up drinking for a year do you know what I mean I’m trying

To I’m trying to cut back in my drinking just give up going out maybe you have a couple of beers at home with your friends you just don’t go out take that money 20 bucks 30 bucks 40 bucks 100 bucks however much you would spend on

That night out and on that Friday buy some Bitcoin and just do that for a year and see where you end up so I heard everything you said couple things I picked out start with 01 Bitcoin try to get up to 0.1 Bitcoin if possible so

Start with maybe 500 bucks I think a lot of people you know maybe get some birthday money 100 bucks from their grandma or something like that that can be a good start 0.1 ethereum which is about 300 bucks and uh you know maybe maybe a little bit of salana two in

There five salana something like that there you go there’s your starter portfolio about a thousand bucks 1,200 bucks just like we were talked about before really risk off but that’s a good place to start so that you’re interested in the market I think there’s something

To be said too you need to buy something because otherwise you just stay on the sidelines like after you start buying you want to buy more but you can like look at the market for months and years buying anything and it’s like really easy if you don’t take that first step

But yeah appreciate you giving those numbers too uh yeah I think that’s good place to start Connor thanks so much for coming on again your links are underneath the video go check out Connor’s Channel he gives a lot of good information out there uh


  1. It will take some time to understand how AWM99X is having the most impact in these times. After all the downswings and failures of last year it's about time that someone integrates assets into a useful scenario and that's exactly happening with this asset right now. It will be exciting to see how they develop this product in the future. What do you guys think? Would like to hear some opinions

  2. 2024 is really surprising me now that AWM99X hit the road. After all these years of barely reading anything good I was usually just shutting down any type of media influence as much as I can but this brings back good lights and it should give hope to some of you that no matter what is going on in the world at the end something good comes to surface

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