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Bitcoin’s a race I was walking my dog my wife’s away so I’m just walking my dog watching Bitcoin videos listening to bitcoin videos listening and learning more about Bitcoin I’ve been in Bitcoin for years I have a large portion of my net worth in Bitcoin I’m still learning the future

Value of Bitcoin is literally Priceless you cannot put a price on on owning Bitcoin and what it will be worth in the future let me explain what that means what I realized today Bitcoin is a race people will tell you that everyone’s Financial journey is different everyone makes different amounts everyone has

Different goals different risks right or different risk profiles and that’s true but Bitcoin matters and it matters that you get enough Bitcoin people think think that you can make a lot of money in the stock market and in real estate and you can you can if you take concentrated bets but what a

Lot of people do is they buy the S&P 500 right it’s great over time it outperforms the US dollar but what they don’t realize is the S&P 500 goes up because liquidity goes up it’s not like you’re really outperforming long term if you buy the S&P 500 you need something

That will outperform the S&P 500 now people feel like they’re getting richer because either number goes up and they’re comparing versus the US dollar right they’re worth a little bit more year after year or because there are some fixed things that we buy like we buy a house okay you have a mortgage

Payment of $2,000 10 years later you probably have more money in your portfolio but you still have that $2,000 mortgage so it seems like you’re getting richer but if you go and try to get a new house you’re not going to be any richer anymore right like it’s just very

Difficult to actually outperform and some people do it in real estate but there’s a Time component to that you’re getting another job even if you offload it to someone else then that cuts into your profits of course you can get outliers you can get good properties because it’s more disjointed

But people don’t understand the value of Bitcoin people don’t understand that it’s a race it’s a Race Against Time It’s a race against everyone else in the world that’s starting to understand Bitcoin for example there are people that like Bitcoin that understand Bitcoin right they start buying Bitcoin

Maybe they put a percentage of their portfolio in it after they understand Bitcoin right they feel highly convicted but you know if you have a million dollars let’s say only 10,000’s liquid well you go buy $10,000 worth of bitcoin that’s great that’s better than nothing but is that really going to help

You keep up with Bitcoin over the long term if if you’re pricing your net worth in the scarcest asset in the world you’re going to become poorer with 1% Bitcoin Bitcoin is going to 2x or 3x over the next year or two your net worth is going to go down in Bitcoin unless

You have a significant amount in assets that are going to do more than a one uh 100% or 200% gain in the next couple years your netw worth is going to go down in Bitcoin so as you become convicted right you want to put more and

More into the market you want to put more and more in Bitcoin but lot of the time it runs away from you so you want to buy a full Bitcoin it’s really hard even for even for someone worth a million dollars right now a lot of it’s

Not liquid now 6 months ago it was much easier a year ago it was much easier but now it’s hard again so every couple years it becomes harder and harder for you to actually win this race to get enough Bitcoin now some people already realize that there’s a race going and I

Say that there’s a race there are only so many winners a lot of people just don’t even realize that this race has started they don’t realize that it’s a Race Against Time to get Bitcoin and to understand Bitcoin and to get a large enough allocation to bitcoin I’ll tell

You what Fidelity understands It Black Rock understands it they’re trying to get a million Bitcoin they’re trying to buy a lot and the thing is it’s not like everyone that’s buying through Fidelity and black rock really have to understand Bitcoin they can get millions of people to buy Bitcoin without them really fully

Understanding it they go put it in a retirement account or they sent out an email saying hey we think Bitcoin should be in your portfolio so one entity one person can understand Bitcoin and get hundreds of thousands millions tens of millions of people to buy it which means

They basically just push them down the Raceway they push them down the track so let’s say they’re let’s say they’re are 1 million mil uh 1 Million winners of this race but there are 8 billion people racing reason I say that they’re only going to be one two million people maybe

That get a full Bitcoin it’s kind of an arbitrary number right one Bitcoin but if you want to hit whole coin or status there’s only going to be 1 million or 2 million people that ever get that probably less than 2 million right now we have 1 million

Wallet addresses a lot of people have multiple wallet addresses so there are only so many people that will hit there that will get there but Black Rock infidelity can push people down the the track they can they can push people through the Finish Line without them even realizing the race is started

Because they can tell them to go buy it they can change retirement portfolio so that way people have to buy it right so you’re in this race there are people being pushed on the road pushed on the track by Fidelity by Black Rock the key is to get enough allocation that

You make it it makes a difference in your life whether that’s whole coin or status whether that’s 0.5 whether that’s two Bitcoin the key is to get convicted as soon as possible and a lot of people don’t realize that this race is started but they will realize it and they’ll realize

It too late they will never be able to get to a significant amount of Bitcoin it becomes harder and harder all the time to get there the the other amazing thing about Bitcoin is that you are buying and owning part of a fixed asset it’s a technology that’s being widely adopted

Across the world it’s the only truly scarce thing it’s its own technology right what if I told you you could own 1% of the internet this is back in the 90s I say you can own 1% of the internet anything that comes through it you own 1% of that

Value or that output right or what if I told you now anything that’s ever built on AI you can own a percent of that would be nuts right that would be Priceless to be able to own all the technology that comes through that all the output all the value that comes from

That that would be Priceless there’d be people that would pay their entire life’s worth of value to get a hold of not even not even 1% but just a fixed amount in some kind of Technology that’s ever expanded in ever growing in value they would put their entire net worth

Into that they would put their entire life’s value they would bet everything that that’s going to happen uh and that that would be valuable that’s where we’re at at Bitcoin right now there are entities like micro strategy that literally just a couple years ago decided that they are going to

Accumulate Bitcoin they own 1% of the supply I’m not telling you you can buy 1% of the supply but you can buy a fixed amount there’s only ever going to be 21 million Bitcoin if you get one Bitcoin you’re going to be one of the 1 million

People that own a value uh uh one Bitcoin out of 21 million Bitcoin so you own 12 millionth of this network no matter how big it grows how much is built on it how many nations buy it how many countries buy it uh how many sovereign wealth funds how many

Retirement accounts how many uh kids whose parents invest in their uh College accounts and they start buying Bitcoin 20 years from now 100 years from now when we start buying our kids Bitcoin right you own a percentage of that value or you own 0.001% of that value and it’s fixed but

The US dollar value of it continues to grow exponentially the the value of the network continues to grow exponentially just like AI or just like the Internet it’s going to be foundational and you’re going to own part of that I don’t think there’s any anything else like that you can’t go and buy

Nvidia and know that you are going to hold that percentage of the AI Market or the value of the AI Market that’s taking a bet but with Bitcoin you know exactly what you own of the underlying technology you can’t go by Google and understand where the internet’s going to

Be how much of that value you get in 50 years but you know exactly what you’re getting in Bitcoin in there’s only going to be a fixed amount of Bitcoin so you can go swallow up you can trade some of your ever depreciating US Dollars and you can buy a percentage of an

Exponential asset you’ll never lose any percentage of that asset and it will continue to grow in value versus probably every other asset in the world of course there will be some point where so many people are allocated to bitcoin that it might become a bit of a legacy

Asset it might become a bit of a boring asset maybe it appreciates 5% a year 10% a year but that’s a long ways for now this is an asset that’s been around for 15 years this is not an asset like real estate that’s been around for thousands

Of years this is not the stock market which official stock markets maybe been around 150 200 years but before that you could own portions of companies this is something completely new that barely anyone understands people have heard of it they don’t get it they’re not convicted enough they

Haven’t bought enough they will get convicted they will understand it later and you will be the person that hopefully bought enough to be a sizable owner of this new technology so I think there’s a huge opportunity here but if you wait too long you won’t get on the train right

You will get left behind because other people that don’t know as much as you just listen to Black Rock and they just put a small percentage of their net worth maybe someone that’s worth 50 million puts a percentage of their net worth in it and for them that’s not

Going to be enough 1% is not enough but they’re going to swallow a lot of that Bitcoin away from you that 1% of their net worth at $50 million that’s 500k they they just bought 10 Bitcoin that stops 10 other people from buying that one Bitcoin it

Pushes up the price right so there are people that are richer than you that are dumber than you that will not understand Bitcoin as much as you but you hopefully will get convicted enough you hopefully will be able to make enough to make a difference in your

Own life and be able to gain on those people that have more net worth than you now like right now let’s say you’re I’m not saying to do this but let’s say you’re 100% Bitcoin right now let’s say you’re worth a million dollars I realize a lot of people aren’t worth that but

Let’s say you’re 100% Bitcoin right now you’re worth a million dollar someone that’s 50 million dollar net worth has 1% Bitcoin they get a 10% return over the next year okay they’re worth 55 million you get a 100% return you’re worth 2 million okay so now instead of being worth one

50th of what they’re worth you’re now worth 127.5 of their worth so instead of 1 divid 50 it’s 2 ided 55 you’re swallowing up that difference so keep at it keep learning more keep trying to research keep trying to get convicted sometimes it’s not enough just to

Understand Bitcoin and to buy L Bitcoin sometimes you need to become more convicted you have to realize what happens in the Cycles more you have to get better at understanding Bitcoin at being convicted because when it comes down to it it’s not necessarily buying Bitcoin that makes you rich it’s being

Convicted enough to make sure that you buy enough Bitcoin you can buy at 16,000 you can time the bottom perfectly but what if you’re not convicted enough and you buy 1% of your portfolio at 16,000 and I come in at 24,000 and I buy 2% of my portfolio I’m

Going to win I’m going to win because I was more convicted I got in harder so keep that in mind I appreciate it a little bit of a different video here today but I think it’s important to think bigger think about what’s actually happening in Bitcoin think about the

Scarcity think about what it means to own part of a fixed asset a technology that’s taking over the world that’s provably fair and consistent thank you so much I appreciate there are links to Marx underneath the video in case you want to trade and there is a link underneath the

Video to hdgo in case you want help dollar cost averaging or trading thank you so much I’ll see you in the next one bye


  1. This is nonsense. Btc is digital gold. Are all wealthy people racing to get gold? Have they ever? No. Its a store of wealth. Its so valuable now because its pre saturation. Number go way up then after saturation it will plateau. Then narrative will switch to eth, sol, chainlink, and other bluechips. Nobodys "doomed" if they dont get 1 btc.

  2. Wow, just watched an eye-opening analysis of Bitcoin's latest price twists. It's amazing to see the impact of funding rates, media hype, and big players' actions on the market. This crypto journey is full of surprises, and insights like these are invaluable. It really highlights the power of technical analysis in navigating these waters. For anyone on the fence, now's a thrilling time to dive in and potentially ride the wave to success. The market's complexities are daunting, but also full of opportunities for the savvy investor… In the complex world of cryptocurrency investment, having a knowledgeable guide is essential. Kelvin Hurdle experience in this field has been crucial for many. With his advice, it's been possible to grow a nest egg of around 100k to over a million in a matter of months.

  3. cant wait for the BTC mico-transaction era to get here, just holding 0.1 or even 0.01 BTC will be a huge deal in the future. good things to come my fellow hodlers. drink 1 for us Sam!

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